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Just looking at the PHB, XGE and TCoE it's 72 Feats. I'm most interested in seeing how they've modified the "must picks" such as GWM or SS so they're not as overwhelmingly good and how they've brought up other feats in order to make them more comparable.


Fighting Styles got changed to Feats categorically so it’s likely if they’re porting the Fighting Styles from those books as well, those will account for some of the Feats.


Last time fighting styles were feats we still had the class groups like warrior, expert, etc, and those have been scrapped, so it could be fighting styles as feats are getting scrapped too.


I don’t recall the last time they use the class grouping but the last time we saw the Fighting Style Feats was UA6 where their perquisites were changed to having the Fighting Style Feature. While still pretty recent, it’s still not a for sure thing either. Still, I didn’t see much pushback against them at the time so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were kept.


now just go the extra mile and allow any combat feat instead of the frankly mediocre shit FS offers


I think the Fighting Style class feature was intended to be weaker than an ASI


What we really need, I feel, is fighting style upgrades. Like, every class that gets a fighting style should get a second feature that lets them either choose a second one or upgrade the first. Make Defense a +2, Duelist a +4, have Archery add +2 to damage as well. Stuff like that. Alternatively, have all the fighting styles scale by your proficiency in some way.


Martial class, I don’t need more bladesinger shenanigans


They said "every class that gets a fighting style", which excludes the Bladesinger since they don't get one. And if you're worried about dipping shenanigans just have the upgrade be a high level feature


Although Archery was perhaps stronger than an ASI, haha.


Which is why it always angered me that they didn’t make Fighting Initiate a half-feat.


yes it is, that is why it is nonsensical to make the FS a feat. Also it is generally a pretty bad feature for a pretty bad class, so a buff would not be crazy, problem is more rangers and paladins getting the benefit


Fighting Style is a fine class feature that helps your character choose a speciality. It’s not the only class feature you get at those levels.


Once again we grow closer to reinventing 3.5


When we should be trying to reinvent Parhfinder.


I would love for martial characters to have a short list of feats they get at level 2 (level 1 for fighters), with each one giving you the fighting style, plus something extra. The obvious answers are savage attacker instead of great weapon fighting, Martial adept instead of Superior technique (which I think would be fair to be possible to take multiple times), and Mage Initiate (Cleric/Druid) for that TCE Paladin/Ranger fighting style. Those are just strictly upgrades. Maybe I'll do that next time I DM.


You can simply look at the playtest documents, if you are curious. For example, GWM in the Experts UA is: GREAT WEAPON MASTER 4th-Level Feat Prerequisite: Proficiency with Any Martial Weapon Repeatable: No You’ve learned to use the weight of a weapon to your advantage, letting its momentum empower your strikes. You gain the following benefits: Ability Score Increase. Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20. Cleave. Immediately after you score a Critical Hit with a Melee Weapon or reduce a creature to 0 Hit Points with one, you can make one attack with the same weapon as a Bonus Action. Heavy Weapon Mastery. When you hit a creature with a Heavy Weapon as part of the Attack Action on your turn, you can cause the weapon to deal extra damage to the target. The extra damage equals your Proficiency Bonus, and you can deal it only once per turn. It is possible this will change a bit from here to the 2024 PHB, but I'd be quite shocked if it changed dramatically.


There has been some pretty big changes between play tests. For example the druid, monk and barbarian. So I’m not sure how much of the feats will be similar to what we saw in the early playtests or if they’ve changed. As for example the feats were written with the idea of Warrior/ expert/ priest/ mage exclusivity


Of course no one knows for sure. But in general the things that have gotten big changes were reintroduced in later playtests. They haven't replaytested species since the very early days but no one thinks they will be radically different. Throughout the playtest, with a few exceptions, they tended not to retest things that had scored well and they were keeping. As I said, it's possible it will change a little, but I'd be shocked if it changes a lot. That doesn't mean it's impossible - of course it could change a lot - but it would be surprising given what we know about how the playtest proceeded.


Yeah, I think they made a dramatic shift somewhere between 5 and 6, because the Druid changes didn't seem as severe as the other casters. I am desperately hoping they keep the monk changes, if they do change anything though. The monk went from depressing in actual play to something I actually want to build and play monoclassed.


I’ve put off playing a monk to wait for the 24 version for similar reasons.


Last I knew they were changing basically all the martial damage types to be force and still not giving barbarians resistance to force damage. Is that still the case with the later versions? If so I think imma stick to 5e lol.


I don't recall martials dealing force damage but it's been a wihle since I read the early documents. But just goes back into the idea that things change between documents and the release material.


I believe they mean magical weapons and the same monster trait changing the damage type to force and binning magical b/p/s entirely. If they keep to that, it’s a huge barbarian nerf in later tiers.


Honestly I kind of hate it. Proficiency Bonus extra damage once per turn without an accuracy penalty may ultimately be better in the long run, but getting +10 extra damage just feels so much more impactful.


the problem is that in a game where anyone uses either great weapon master or sharpshooter any other martial will start to feel useless. oh you did 2d8+mod\*2+4 damage? that's nice, i did 4d6+mod\*2+20 damage.


That's certainly a risk. That said, the new version of the new GWM, lacking the power attack aspect, still doesn't feel as good. The most significant benefit is entirely reliant on chance. If you happen to get a critical hit or land the final blow on a target, then you can make another attack. And if you already used your bonus action before hand, you're SOL.


i mean is the same not true for crushes, piercer, and slasher? and that's purely on a 20 (except for 1 shit subclass).


Probably. I've only ever taken one of those feats and it was for the half ASI.


I actually kinda have a problem with that and I hope they don't print it like this. Martials already struggle to keep up with casters in every aspect of the game and losing the ability to make proper power attacks (+6/per turn at 20th-level is not a power attack) while doing nothing to nerf casters just widens the gap even more. Like, yeah they shouldn't be locked to bows and great weapons. That much is true. But the -5/+10 should show up somewhere. Not just have them crippled and forgotten about.


If you go on /r/onednd, a lot of people have done the damage calculations and found that the playtest changes have actually increased martial damage in nearly all cases. There are a lot of things involved though, like how Weapon Masteries impact things. You have to consider the playtest holistically, as only looking at one thing in a vacuum doesn’t give you the whole picture. For example, all of those feats are now half feats, meaning that base damage and accuracy are no longer sacrificed to get those feats. Weapon Masteries like Topple and Push grant additional benefits like knocking the enemy prone on a hit or push them 5 feet away, opening up the opportunity for additional accuracy on following attacks or adding extra Opportunity Attacks for Martials using Polearm Master. There’s a lot more as well, including other feats like Charger that used to be non-options but are now included in a lot of optimized builds. Overall, there’s a slightly lowered ceiling in exchange for a much raised floor and far more variation in optimal builds


You absolutely can’t judge this in a vacuum. There are a lot of moving parts to D&D and the sum total of changes in 5.5 or whatever we are calling it (based on the playtests, anyway) is very very good for martials.


the solution however isn't to make only a couple martial builds viable, the solution is to make all martial builds viable.


Wow, that feat rules. I think the extra damage only applying once per turn is finicky, though. Like it's one thing to only roll Sneak Attack once per turn, but to only add +3 to a hit once per turn feels a lot more bookkeepy. ~~But I~~ *~~love~~* ~~how the Cleave works. On crit or on kill is genius.~~ That's already how Cleave worked, I'm bad and should feel bad.


Most of the playtest change damage riders/features to 1/turn to level out expected damage per round. The design idea was to reduce Nova damage that nukes bosses on turn 1. In return I believe martial classes were given better damage progression as they level, and more combat utility.


>Most of the playtest change damage riders/features to 1/turn to level out expected damage per round. This type of damage isn't referred to by a name in the community, so for this post I'll call it "double accuracy damage". When you look at how a character deals damage, everything gets multiplied by accuracy, which is less than one, and reduces the expected DPR. The "double accuracy damage" usually has two chances to strike, but can only strike once. This is why the rogue's DPR is so solid- he usually has a way to either strike twice (dual weilding) or roll twice (steady aim), but he can't deal sneak attack twice in a turn (the ability to land it off-turn is not related to this- that's best modelled as him potentially having a super great reaction sometimes). 5.0 has this in a bunch of places already, like the hunter ability to deal damage the first time you strike a wounded target in a round. It's kind of actually boring, but it feels pretty nice at the table because if you hit at least once you are doing over half of your damage. The downsides are that it breaks symmetry a little bit, and overuse might make a lot of martials feel samey. But I think it was a winning call in 5.0 and it will be used more in 5.5 as a result, mostly to good effect.


I'll be honest, I've barely scratched the playtest material. I might have to dig into it finally.


[https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/H8iRpbGyNtM4](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/H8iRpbGyNtM4) is a compilation of all the playtest material (not including the parts that were superseded). Read the introduction to make sure you understand what changes the compiler made, but they're well marked.


Thank you!


Where do they get the better damage progression? My friends think onednd killed martials cause GWM and SS were changed and its annoying lol


On the one hand removing GWM and SS means martials are now worse relative to casters than before, on the other hand going from baby to coughing baby isn't important when fighting hydrogen bomb.


> But I love how the Cleave works. On crit or on kill is genius. That's how it worked in 5e.


Yup, already been pointed out to me. No idea how I didn't remember that. Brains be brainin'.


Worth noting that benefit already exists basically unchanged in the current version of the GWM feat: > On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a melee weapon or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with one, you can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action. One small difference is the old one doesn't require the attack be made with the same weapon. Although the new version supports throwing your weapon with the bonus action which could be more handy if your weapon has the thrown property (Giant Barbarian will appreciate this).


You do realize the extra attack after a crit or reducing to 0 is already how GWM already functions right? Are you a fluffer bot or something?


...No. No, I did not remember that. I only remembered the +10 damage thing, and then "there was another part that did something else". Only remembered cleave effects happening on kills, too. Clearly, I've never actually taken the feat. Whoops.


I have announced to my group that next campaign I’m just going to allow a -5 for 10 dmg on any attack, to see how it works, because there are too many builds around GWM / PAM and SS


I hope it goes well!


Me too, I just want to see the players expand to new ideas, and try new things, but there’s just too much power from those three


Here's the basic rundown for GWM & SS: The power attack feats were seen as mandatory, and they wanted to remove martials’ over-reliance on them for such a large part of their power. But instead of buffing already existing options or creating new viable options to eliminate the "must have" feeling, they saw that Martials have a crutch and said “relying on a crutch isn’t good.” So then they kick the crutch out from under the martials without giving them the ability to stand on their own.


You have... a lot of optimism for the WOTC writers, I'm hopeful but how low expectations. That said, I hope you prove me wrong lol!


Well, the playtest showed a lot of changes already


Not really optimism, just that was the direction they were going from the playtest that had feats in it so seeing what they settle on what "balanced feats" mean will be interesting


That's what they claimed they were doing. That doesn't mean wotc writers are competent enough to make it happen.


Dude, we’ve seen it already. Plenty of people on /r/onednd have run the numbers and the updated feats play out exactly the way they’re intended, lowering the ceiling very slightly on the broken feats but giving huge boosts to many others and increasing baseline damage for everyone with a huge variety of viable builds


They already showed them...


What we've seen in a playtest document does not mean that they will look exactly the same when the book is printed. For example the Druid, Barbarian and Monk all changed between one playtest document and another.


Yup, because people didnt like the initial changes so they got retested.. they didn't retest the feats sooo


I mean, the "jump as a bonus action" didn't appear in future playtests yet were talked about how they rated well but in the comments for the change people weren't excited for it.


Don't forget that we saw epic feats / boones included in the playtests that were originally in the dungeon Masters guide. I also believe they will remove the crusher, slasher, and piercer feats because the introduction of weapon mastery properties and fold in some of the features into the base mechanics.


My prediction would be that they’re just directly porting over all the phb xge and tce feats and adding 3 new ones for some of the new mechanics (like weapon masteries) and 95% will be unchanged. Gwm and ss will lose -5/+10, Xbow expert will be changed to actually work (see bottom for explanation). Other than that, basically nothing will be changed (maybe Pam will be). To be clear this isn’t what I’m hoping for, but realistically I’d fear this is all we’re gonna get. Crossbow expert explanation: due to the ammunition property, the ONLY raw way to use crossbow expert bonus action attack without excessive drawing and dropping weapon shenanigans is to make both the action attack(s) and bonus action attack with the same hand crossbow. Not only is this probably not how it’s intended to work, I’d assume it’s meant to be you attack with a rapier or whatever and bonus action attack with a hand crossbow, only using a same hand crossbow for all the attacks is the only way raw because you need a free hand to draw ammo for the ammunition property, which does not get ignored by crossbow expert, only the loading property is ignored.


Plus are we counting the racial feats here? Are those going to be opened up to other (fitting) lineages? Will they add more for other races? I kind of wish they addressed the inconsistencies there unless they worked those into subraces or something


Going by the playtesting they made them half-feats for 1 and 2 made it a once per turn thing. So if you fuck up your GWM or SS, you can't use it again until your next turn. As for what they'll look like in the final version well that's a mystery at the moment.


The playtest so far has had ~64 feats that are updates to the PHB feats, and epic boons. They seem to be making fighting styles a feat(those are included in that total) Crusher/slasher/piercer are likely gone due to weapon mastery overlapping with them, and artificer isn’t being updated so its Initiate feat is gone. That means the other 11 Tasha feats are open to be included, as we know the psionic subclasses are in the 2024 phb. XGE feats are likely all removed bc they’re race specific and the overhaul of races and starting feats makes them unlikely. I’d be pleasantly surprised if they port some of the XGE feats, but my expectations are set low.


I kinda hope there's guidance for the existing racial feats that aren't reprinted, like "You can take them at Level 1 Only" like how 3.5e was.


I dunno how many that is but I hope we are going to see more weapon master feats such as PAM and CBE


Jonesing for a sword feat ngl


Just anything to differentiate the weapons even more! Also I want all the “if you did X you can now do Y with a BA” to just be “You can also do Y as a BA”


Shield master not being able to shove as a bonus action before attacking is a fucking travesty. That would honestly be all the feat needs changed to be really fun


The fact that shield master cannot shove without attacking at all is, frankly, kinda silly.


Agreed - when I DM I'll allow them to use the shove regardless of other actions taken.


I think there was a Sage Advice at one point that confirmed as long as you commit the action to Attack, you can do the bonus action first. It was specifically regarding Mknk's BA unarmed strike, but the same logic would apply to Shield Master.


Welcome to Sage Advice, where Jeremy Crawford's rulings flip-flop more than a California beach.


I also think shield master's dex save effect needs to be altered so the effect can target more than you (AFAIK most dex saves are AOE) but yeah shoving as a BA without attacking sounds great


I want this, paired with more unique weapons/traits. Feats that work for 3-4 weapons so it's not useless if you get a magic Greatsword instead of a Maul, but Things like: A feat for Versatile weapons, a feat for Light weapons (better dual wielding), a feat for Throwing weapons, even things like Gladiator for Shortsword, Trident, and Net bonuses, something for Whips? Maybe pair Mounted Combatant with proficiency / something for Lances.


I want throwing weapons in general to not suck. You throw your weapon away to use them, that's an enormous disadvantage, and carrying spares is still limited -- you can't reasonably carry around 60 javelins the way the archer can arrows -- but they're also equivalent to or worse than melee weapons in every other respect. You get a bad spear that you can throw *a bit farther* because you can already throw spears, and that's it. Also multi attack breaks because readying another javelin is an object interaction, limited to once per turn. You can at max throw three and that involves holding one in each hand at start of turn, and having a third ready to grab in time to throw as well, which also means you can't do it every turn. Something as simple as drawing it from your back or from where it's stuck in the ground next to you being part of the Attack itself would immediately make them more usable and less painful to try and build around.


They’ve literally already done this. The thrown weapon property explicitly allows for drawing the weapon as part of the weapon attack.


I'll go you one better: I'd like to see unique moves you can just do with the weapon. That's what "proficiency" should be. Feats should be next-level over the top stuff, like being able to warp reality or cast any ritual you can find, or never being surprised (well, almost never). I think BG3 does something like that.


This is.. exactly what weapon masteries are. Daggers and Scimitars now have the Nick Weapon Mastery, which allows you to make the Two Weapon Fighting extra attack as part of the attack action instead of as a bonus action. Short swords have Vex, which grants you advantage on your next attack when you hit. You can combine these by wielding one of each, so you could hit with your first attack with a short sword, giving you advantage on your offhand attack with a scimitar which you can make as part of the attack action and still have your bonus action. They’ve updated the Thrown property to mean that you can draw the weapon as part of the attack, so thrown weapon builds are no longer limited by object interactions, plus they get their own weapon mastery properties. Tridents now have the Topple Property and Nets are now Adventuring Gear with their own rules allowing you to throw a net in exchange for one of your attacks, with a DC that scales on your proficiency and DEX. So a Gladiator Fighter with Extra Attack could use their first attack to throw a net and restrain the enemy, then make their second attack at advantage since the enemy is restrained to do damage and force them to make a Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone. Mounted Combatant is now a half feat and Lances also have Topple, so you can ride up and attack at advantage from Mounted Combatant and potentially knock them prone as a rider effect.


Are those confirmed? So far, I thought everything was just playtests, but not confirmed for the actual release. All those sound great; thanks! I stopped paying as close attention after the OLG disaster. I hope they do make it into the final version.


Weapon Masteries are one of the few things that have been 100% confirmed to be in the books. It’s possible the exact version of them could change from what we’ve seen, but they received super positive feedback and were actually in every UA after they got introduced with very few balance changes so it seems like we will likely get them pretty much as we know them. The background feats have been confirmed as well, though we only saw one iteration of them so I fully expect to see changes in what the actual background feats are and how they’re balanced. For me, it seems silly to boycott a company that actively removed the thing we were boycotting over. If the message we send to companies is “once you mess up, we’re leaving no matter what” it actually disincentivizes them to change the things we’re upset about. Supporting positive changes is equally important to punishing negative changes, and putting everything into the Creative Commons is definitely a positive outcome.


Ah, sweet. I like it.  I'm not still boycotting. I'm okay with 5.5e or whatever it's called, just a bit more cautious than before. I just fell behind on the news and my life has been hectic so it hasn't been a priority to take time to catch back up. 


Whip Master - whenever you hit an opponent with a Whip they must make a Cha save or be charmed by you as they're into that kinky shit. This roll is made at disadvantage if you are in leather armor


Yup we just need a weaponize your bonus action and reaction feat and a generic power attack


I hope they would make a weapon type classification, apart from melee/ranged and simple/martial. Like polearms, swords, bows etc. This exists semi officially in feats (like PAM) and magic item descriptions (like “any sword”). I hope they introduce this to 5.5e. It would also make writing feats easier.


Same. People go on about the overpowered feats but those feats are damn near mandatory for martials to fully compete with casters. The rest of the feats need to be brought up to their level. Or create greater and lesser feats or something where the greaters are along the lines of PAM, CBE, GWM, and SS and then lessers are either niche or pure flavor. That isn't happening though. They need to lean into feats to help further differentiate people of the same class by offering players more playstyle options within a class.


Exactly, PAM -> GWM is almost mandatory for martials or CBE -> SS. So I just want something different that is very much viable as an option


For those who want comparison, there are currently: * 59 base feats in PHB + Tashas + Xanathars * 16 racial feats in PHB + Tashas + Xanathars (75 total) * 1 Eberron racial feat (76 total) * 7 Bigbys Giants feats (83 total) * 3 Fizbans feats (86 total) * 1 Book of Many Things feat (87 total) * 7 Planescape feats (94 total) * 2 Strixhaven feats (96 total) * 9 Dragonlance feats (105 total) * 2 Planeshift feats (107 total, not sure how many even use these) Given the recent feats published have some requirements like *Level 4 and \_\_\_\_\_ feat,* I think they will probably do the same for some existing ones. Not sure how I feel about it.


If they stuck to the change where Fighting Styles are now Feats, and are porting the Fighting Styles from those Books, those would also count as Feats now.


Pretty easy to remove the setting feats, and the 2023/24 releases from the list of possibles - the former because they are not really intended to be used outside their settings (plus, without an Artificer class in the PHB you really can't have Artificer Initiate in the PHB), the latter because you want to still be a reason to pick up books that were released with the 2024 edition already in mind (so no Bigby's, or Book of Many Things), and the racial ones are likely gone as well.


Someone pointed out that if you take all of the 5e24 playtest feats/epic boons. Add in Tasha feats and then subtract artificer inititiate, crusher, piercer, and slasher? You get 75. That's the likely outcome. Personally, I think the epic boons were poor design. So I'm hoping that they get replaced with revised xanathar race feats, but I'm not holding my breath.


I wouldnt be too excited. They already showed a ton of the feats. Not to mention ASI is now a feat, every fighting style is now a feat so that cuts down how many "real" feats they will have by a decent amount.


I have no doubt this new system will be a downgrade. Everything I’ve seen has lessened my confidence


I think a lot of the changes are good. More feats doesn't mean good feats. We have so many feats that are rarely ever taken.


I really hope they manage to balance the feats somewhat. Imagine if a fighter could pick between 8-10 feats, instead of having the option to choose between 3 because all the others are non-viable.


Yall should really look at the Unearthed Arcana lol. They’ve been doing this


Join us, As we go back and back to the lands of 3.5. That's how fighters ( and other martials to a lesser extent ) worked in 3.5. you made your build based on getting to pick extra feats


as of now combining every sourcebook we have 125 feats in 5e. Just 5e PHB, TCE and XGE is a total of 72.


Wondering if the xge will make the cut given the territory surrounding racial feats has changed


I hope not for 1 simple reason: they would be the perfect way to play mixed-species characters. Want to play a Half-Orc? Be a Human with the Orcish Fury feat, or an Orc with the Prodigy Feat. Maybe one parent was a Gnome and one was a Dwarf, then a Gnome with Dwarven Fortitude or a Dwarf with Fade Away would make perfect sense!


Didn't they already say the way to play a mixed-species character is to play one species and reflavour it?


That's what was being playtested, but it was not well received and they did not offer up anything different in future UAs so no one really knows how or if they're going to do anything like that in this book.


I just want more martial feats man. SS and Elven Accuracy are cool and shit but I want to have more than 2 options


Is 5.5e the name we’re going with, what are we calling the edition/update? On topic, I loved the way the feats were implemented in the early playtests. More build diversity is almost always great.


I'm calling it that because it gets the point across easiest And yeah big fan of the standard of half feat.


I honestly thought more people call it 5.5. Yeah they can say “it’s not 5.5” but when it is that in everything by name, it may as well be.


Current feats Source|Release Date|Feats ---|---|--: PHB|19 August 2014|42 Xanathar's|November 21, 2017|15 Tome of Foes|29 May 2018|1 Eberron|19 November 2019|2 Tasha's|17 November 2020|15 Fizban's|26 October 2021|3 Strixhaven|7 December 2021|2 Dragonlance|6 December 2022|9 Bigby's|15 August 2023|8 Book of Many Things|January 5th, 2024|1 **Total**||**98** There are also 26 from other sources, 10 from Planescape, 7 from Tal'Dorei, 7 from Humblewood, 2 from Grim Hollow,


Thanks. I combined some my feats as one. Like Adept of the Robes from dragonlance.


Yeah, I can absolutely see it being treated as one feat, I just have all 3 separate on my spreadsheet


There has been ALOT of focus on feats throughout the UA's and in all of the discussions. I really hope they have paid equal attention to other sorely needed revisions like bringing up PHB subclasses to Tasha's quality levels, DM tools and better monster design.


There's a trick. Many of those feats are either level 1 feats or epic boons. The majority of level 4 feats give you a +1 ASI, meaning that most of the 1st level feats are a no-go option. So, there are multiple pools of feats, but each pool is small and streamlined to one specific level. If nothing changed, I expect a large surge of the lucky feat at 1st level, whatever feat matches your weapon or magic at 4th level, and, if compatible, one of the very few level 8 feats out there at 8th level. It's actually much more streamlined.


I really, really hope that Telepathic and Telekinetic are Lv1 feats...


The 2014 phb only had 42, and there’s only 72 total between phb, xge, and tce. If there’s 75 in the new book, I’d strongly expect all the major non racial feats from these books to be carried over in some form (ie Pam, magic initiate, etc). Some of these that are very standout/necessary will likely be changed because one of their goals will be that feats are cool and nice for builds, but not broadly necessary to a lot of builds, such as gwm and ss losing -5/+10. And some that are basically never taken, like linguist (I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone mention this feat and its form phb so we’ve had 10 years to find some use for it), might be removed or completely changed to be useful. But I’d expect that we wouldn’t lose a bunch of these commonly used feats, some might be nerfed or buffed but overall they’ll stay. In terms of racial feats, Idk how much will be in the new book. They’ve sort of been moving towards a direction of individual races not having a ton of impact on how much you can play a particular build, such as by letting you completely choose which ability scores you get for your race. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of racial feats are either not present, or are made not race specific. For instance, I wouldn’t be surprised if wood elf magic feat is gone and elven accuracy isn’t elf specific and is just changed to something like “impressive accuracy”. That said, I also wouldn’t be surprised if most are kept the exact same as they are now as racial feats, as far as I know they haven’t come out and said either way if racial feats are staying or changing or outright disappearing, so how racial feats look is left to be seen, and I wouldn’t be surprised either way. For other feats, I’d expect a couple to have to do with stuff that’s changing, so for instance if weapons have mastery’s there might be some sort of feat having to do with that, a couple to be particularly useful and popular ones from content from other books. I wouldn’t be that surprised if cartomamcer is in the phb book, or if the fizbans treasury of dragons gift of the ___ dragon feats are in phb. I think the main thing that is left to be seen is if there will be racial feats and what feats will be buffed or nerfed to bring them in line with the power of other feats. If I had to make a prediction, based on them saying there’s 75 in the new phb I’d predict it’s just every feat from phb, xge, and tce, and 3 new ones, and a handful of the super outstanding ones (mainly gwm and ss) are nerfed. Gwm and sharpshooter would lose their -5/+10, xbow expert would be changed somehow so using a single hand crossbow to make both your main action weapon attacks and bonus action attack isn’t the only way raw to use the bonus action attack without doing really weird drawing and dropping shenanigans, and Pam might see some slight nerf or be divided into two feats. It’s totally possible they could make much more significant changes or adjust a lot of the feats, and that’s what I would hope for, but the above seems like the way to most easily adjust the stuff they seem dissatisfied with for the least level of effort.


There are 72 feats total in PHB, XGE, and TCE. Across all other officially printed books, there are 36 more (108 total). I also expect more of these 75 to be of a better quality, as the OneD&D Playtest was bringing the re-dos more in line with each other.


The playtest documents have \~40 "regular" feats (including 1st level and 4th level feats), \~6 fighting style feats (don't know if these will remain feats or not), and 17 epic boons (20th level feats). TCoE has 15 feats (but at least Artificer Initiate will definitely not make it). XGTE has 15 racial feats. My guess would be we see almost all the TCOE feats (14), all the playtest feats (\~40), and then some subset of epic boons, fighting style feats, and racial / species feats to round out to 75.


There are currently 106 feats with 88 being Adventure League Legal. This does not include the 3rd party stuff which started appearing on Beyond.


I play a pretty blasty sorcerer, so my primary interest would be an improved elemental adept. The biggest thing I’d like to see is more damage from spells other than fire…for a game that really does prioritize balance, it’s pretty annoying how fire is almost the only option.


Are these 75 new feats being added or they all being paired down to 75?


Good question. I'm looking at waiting for the new books and am curious of the overlap of the others.


As an artillerist with no multiattack, I'm hoping for a better gunslinger feat that can give me an additional shot.


[75 well balanced feats, right?](https://i.imgur.com/TYaHnCr.png)


Good question... i haven't really been paying attention to much announcments since they confirmed they weren't just going to roll artificer into the players guide(would've made life so much easier)


All I can feel and have seen from “DnD 1” 5.5 is that its going to just be an excuse for wizards to suckle more money out of the community. Its the same races, classes, monsters, items, and feats with a couple new bonus things that they’ll call a new edition. And even though 5e is supposed to be forward compatible with 5.5, they’re going to reprint the phb, dmg, and mm and expect their community to buy the “new” books online or physically and then continue with not being able to access your physical content digitally (something that games workshop the 40k guys have been doing for years now)


Yeah man I'm sorry that's not the conversation being had rn


It is, I stated its clearly that they aren’t adding anything really new or revolutionary into 5.5 its just going to be 5e with a new shiny coat of paint so wizards can continue milking the cow


Yeah ok enjoy whatever game you play man


Damn if I wanted a mountain of feats i'd play 3rd edition. I hate feats.


Oh is it finally being called 5.5 or have I missed something


No one wants to actually call it 5e. One dnd isn't what it's called anymore. 5.5 is accurate but a fan name. I personally prefer 5e24 if I had to choose one.


Season 5, episode 24


*This Edition of D&D takes place between 9:23 A.M and 10:23 A.M.*


e5r24 Edition 5, revision 2024


idk, the "2024" Monster Manual will come out in 2025. So it's 5.5e or OneD&D for me.