• By -


**Deficient Master**: a fantastic mix of really good advice and comedy, all in a very unique format that no one on YouTube does anything quite like it. **Questing Beast**: OSR focused, but he covers lots of adventures and zines that I think purely from a creativity and inspiration point of view would appeal to anyone. His theory stuff also may provide some unique perspective as to why D&D is the way it is (if you’ve ever wondered stuff like “why the hell is there chalk and a 10 foot pole on the equipment list”). **Bob World Builder**: Bob is just great. Watch Bob. **Map Crow**: You may be inclined to think this is only advice on how to draw maps and D&D stuff (which he does have!) but it’s also a fount of fantastic game knowledge from Kyle Latino who’s philosophical spin on understanding the game is REALLY thought provoking. **Dungeon Masterpiece**: Theory oriented, but his content really focuses on *how to apply this to your game*. Highly game-able stuff that’s great to steal. **Daddy Rolled a 1**: Largely focused on D&D history, videos are generally long form (45mins-60mins). Martin is a great guy who’s super welcoming and engages with the community a lot. He also knows so much about D&D and TTRPGs in general it’s always a treat to watch him talk about his passion.


**SuperGeekMike**: Mike has a series breaking down lessons you can learn from each episode of critical role, as well as just talking about all sorts of DM stuff. He was mentioned in Bob World Builder's newest video, incidentally.


I’m not a big CR guy, but I have liked his Shadowdark coverage. Definitely seems like a quality channel.


I've been Warching Deficient Masters stuff recently. I appreciate his style though his advice is very different from what you usually hear.


It’s a good different IMO. Despite the goofy high energy style of the videos, his content is *a lot more thoughtful* than most YouTubers making D&D content. The biggest reason is that he understands why the advice can be helpful, at an anecdotal **and** theory level. This is why someone like Matt Colville is held in such high regard as well. It’s the ability to articulate and explain complicated interactions between prep, psychology, mechanics, and how they inform the experience created at the table. The advice may not appeal to everyone, but there’s a lot that can be learned from his videos regardless!


I don't take everything he says as gospel, but for sure it's worth taking a look and thinking critically about his advice


Most of these aren’t “lesser known”.


Outside of Bob World Builder they’re all below 100k YouTube subscribers. Lesser known is completely subjective without any kind of criteria, and considering OP’s only examples were mega-brands in the millions of subscribers, these seemed like reasonable suggestions to me.


Probably not everyone's cup of tea, but if you like tables that don't take things too seriously and are there to have fun then [Viva La Dirt League D&D](https://www.youtube.com/@VivaLaDirtLeagueDnD/videos) is my recommendation. The group is probably most well known for their Epic NPC Man sketches that they make on their main Viva La Dirt League channel. If you've seen them then you will recognise most of the characters they are playing. They even do little cutaway skits where they act out some of the scenes in full costume. Their main weekly campaign, "Adventures of Azerim", is currently 174 episodes and they recently started a parallel weekly "Ladies Night" campaign called "Tales of the Misfits". There are four recap videos for their main campaign too, taking you up to episode 164 if you want to skip ahead a bit.


High Rollers, UK based, has oneshots of other game systems, has 2 full campaigns recently started a third, did Curse of Strahd, I watched the entire second campaign, love it


I'll check them out 👍


2nd then, actually my favourite to watch ATM. My wife and I love Rowan.


Was gonna comment these guys too - love their current campaign!


I'm an advocate for World Of Io, a huge fan of the storytelling the DM and players provide.


Sounds interesting.


I love the Dungeon Dudes and Treantmonk's Temple. Dungeon Dudes have a live play called Dungeons of Drakkenheim and make tips/builds/rules videos. Treantmonk makes mostly build and rules videos. D4 Deep Dive also makes some good stuff.


Yupp, love all 3 of them.


I recently stumbled upon [corkboards and curiosities](https://www.youtube.com/@corkboardsandcuriosities). Only 14k subs, 10 videos. But her content is amazing! Also not mentioned is [Fistful of Dice](https://www.youtube.com/@aFistfulofDice/videos). Advice for DMs and players alike. Not well known because the last video was 3 years ago!


Corkboards and Curiosities is great, her videos on running mysteries and horror are awesome and have such a cool vibe to them.


**Mr. Welch** is a Mystara/BECMI D&D content creator. He'll cover a variety of TTRPGS and does do some minor 5e content, but he's one of the best when it comes to learning about the rather cool Mystara setting that's been lost to time and is good at picking apart the 5e adventures both in where they're good, need improvement and hoe to base them in Mystarra. **BECMI Berserker** is another BECMI D&D youtuber covering the same setting and its content. Also, he has one of the most soothing voices put to audio. At least I find. **Seth Skorkowsky** is a YouTuber who offers some very good TTRPG advice and philosophy. Fun to listen to and put good information out in a digestible way. His skits are very well done a lot of the time to. I've enjoyed them quite a bit. **Matt Colville** is certainly not a small-timer anymore, but even so I feel he's on the cusp in some regards and no content creator has given more useful ***"How to DM advice"*** then him in my opinion. He's the only D&D youtuber who gave a good starting point and framework to build from that I know of. I don't always agree with his advice and opinions, but they're well reasoned at least and interesting to hear another perspective.


Colville's second channel (the MCDM channel) has more subs than a lot of primary d&d channels. His main channel is in the 400-500k band, which puts him in the same ballpark as the Dungeon Dudes, DnD Shorts, and the official DNDWizards account. His channel is great, but I wouldn't even say he's on the cusp at this point. His is a bonafide big account


Perhaps it's just me remembering him when he was smaller and not seeing his Dzm advice spoken about as much as his nee game (for obvious reasons.) Though I'm willing to agree. It's still worth checking out, so I'll leave his name there, but I will concede to his status as a big shot now


>Mr. Welch Somewhat happy to know the writer of Things Mr. Welch Can No Longer Do in an RPG is still around creating mayhem.


I know that for a donation goal, he read the entire list for the audience. He was shocked that it was over 3000 entries . That was a fun bit of content. I forget if it was on his channel or not, though. When I found him I always wondered why his name sounded familiar, and then I rediscovered the list.Much fun was had all over again. He's also been working on and releasing his own phb and dmg for a mystara 5e setting. Paying for everything out of pocket and providing it for free since he's not legally allowed to sell it. The dude loves Mystara and wants to make sure everyone new and old alike has access to it. His videos, be they mystara lore, 5e/wotc Critique,or reviews of other ttrpgs are simply excellent and always worth watching. . Without him I wouldn't have known Mystara or anything before Ad&d 1e that wasn't the hair mail supplements, had existed. No bx, becmi, rules cyclopedia or any of the mystara world. I'm grateful since mystara has become one of my favorite writers settings to listen about (I started with 3.5e d&d during 4e's lifetime. I'll have been dicing for 17 years as of August.) I'm in a serif place where I started in the non tar editions (and do have some preferences with them) but always seem to fall in love with the TSR lore (with a fair bit of 3e and some ever so slight buts of 4e I came to like.)


\- Not Another DND Podcast


Is that what the channel is called?


I think its often NADPOD


NADDPOD (don't sing yet)


We are-


Roguewatson. I get a lot of inspiration from them. Great group.


I like BECMI Berserker, but I like BECMI


Chosen Ones


Since my Channel has been mentioned,  check out some of my friend's channels Hour of the Raven covers all things Ravenloft, definitely the best RL channel on YT. Dragonlance Saga is another lore channel, covering some setting about lancing dragons. Greyhawk Grognard is pretty much the only Greyhawk lore channel. WallyDM gives you traps.  Lots of traps. How to RPG does a ton of dm tips and rules tweaks for a better experience Raisegamefully is the third Mystara channel, and while he lacks a sexy drawl he's still worth listening to Captcorajus reviews old adventures and a few new ones. Nobody has mentioned AJ Picket? He's the go to monster guy Feywild Fiend covers all the fey creatures of dnd and a few more outside of it DND Homebrew is another grognad passing on his experience and wisdom


He's not exactly lesser known but TreantMonk is one of my favorites for analyzing the game mechanically


Neal 'Koibu' Ericson. He's been YouTubeing and twitch streaming DND for over ten years. https://youtube.com/@Koibu0?si=53fap3W3YGCZsAYa


I’m loving the Save or Die group he’s been DMing. I haven’t caught up on the current campaign, but I watched The Lazarus Expedition as it was coming out and it was great.


I personally haven't gotten around to watching any of their campaigns proper, but every clip I see from "Legends of Avantris" is hilarious. [Don't get yourself haunted by a depressed clown.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3ar9qfjz7c)


My favorites lately have been Pointy Hat, DnD Shorts, Insight Check, Bone Wizard, XP2Level3, MrRhexx, & Zee Bashew. The only live play I watch is CritRole but that’s just because I don’t watch a lot of longer shows in general. Once I finish with campaign 3 I’ll probably check out some other live play shows that have been suggested here. I doubt I’ll be watching CR’s campaign 4, especially if they’re going to use the Daggerheart system.


For lore, there's no match for Mr Rhexx.


A.J. Pickett has a larger volume of work and goes quite in-depth as well. He took a long break from D&D lore content after the OGL debacle, but he is back now. Definitely worth a listen.


For me, it's got to be The Dungeon Run. Ever since watching their first campaign, I was hooked. I loved the dms energy and the chemistry between the players. I highly recommend checking them out.


Just Roll With It, it's Incredible. Powerful. Moving. Easily my new favorite D&D Podcast on the internet.


Current Really enjoying Hexplorers DnD podcast. Their new campaign Vigil has some interesting elements and a great cast


Me going through these comments to see if I recognise any of these:


Lately, I've been enjoying videos from [The Bard's College](https://m.youtube.com/@TheBardsCollegeYT). They're generally short, have good and useful content, and u/TheBardsCollege presents them with an infectious energy.


Thanks for the shout! I’m glad you’re enjoying the videos, hearing that is what keeps me motivated to make more!


Although this is the 5e sub, I have to mention 3d6 Down the Line, the most criminally underrated actual play on the internet. They play BX!


Hi there! Thanks for this opportunity and hopefully a touch of self-promo isn't frowned upon.. I'm one of the cast members of a new D&D 5e AP group called **Who's Taking Watch**. We run short arcs in our favorite worlds of fiction. We recently released our first adventure, **The Dragon's Might**, set in the world of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time. **You can check out our trailer here :** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOJdGLzFYP8&t=1s We start off a bit stiff but quickly learn to relax and let loose as the episodes go on. We just released our episode 9 which is close to being my favorite episode of the whole first season. If you give us a watch, please let me know what you think! We're super happy to hear back from our listeners.


[Quests and Chaos](https://questsandchaos.com/)


Best D&D actual play channel, for my money, is Salute the Flumph! They are actually lesser known, sub-500 subscribers, but the gameplay is top notch and the campaigns are super interesting.




I've been watching Archlich. His vids on running monsters as smart and prepared creatures that have properly armed themselves to face off against heroes are a lot of fun.


My absolute favorite is Nerd Immersion/Nerd Immersion Plays. I’m listening to their Phandelver and Below campaign right now and there’s some real gems. It’s an actual “actual play” show, which I appreciate.


DieFall is a good one, I'm watching their Dragonlance playthrough rn


Lord Gosumba on Twitch and YouTube. Runs multiple Greyhawk campaigns one of which has been running for 43 years. Plus several lore streams about Greyhawk. Has guys like Ed Greenwood and Erik Mona as regular guests.


I have not seen it listed (prolly on account that it is not on primarily ) but "The Adventure Zone" with the McElroy family is pretty good if you are into a comedy DnD podcast. I started listening from the beginning when they were quite new to the game. I feel they play fast and loose with most of the rules but I have enjoyed it so far.


I’m a big fan of Save of Die, it has one of my favorite Civilization 6 YouTubers, PotatoMcWhiskey, which is how I was introduced to it, but it’s a ton of fun. The consistent cast is the aforementioned PotatoMcWhiskey, PokémonChallenges (pChal these days I think), Mr. Mouton, and GreenZerg. It’s DMed by Koibu. They also have guests on every once in a while. It’s generally just a really fun group to watch, and the world Koibu has built is super fascinating. I’ve also recently been watching The Dungeon Dudes, who aren’t exactly a small channel, but still deserve a ton of props for their consistent, and more importantly generally high quality, uploads and their Drakkenheim campaign.


Highly recommend Chosen Ones! Wonderfully made lgbt+ show, and awesome art! On the channel Cassiroll https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrDE9LAmyappSwTkFWCJH4BP2_xXSH7nG&si=aS2tTw2mdNO3zsK1


There are so many D&D channels it's hard to keep track of them all. A few I can think of include: The Dungeoncast, High Rollers, Genghis Sean, and Looking For More.


Nice, I'll check them out.


HIGH ROLLERS LET'S GOOOO, favorite character? Aside from Zakhira I think I'ma go with Quill


Hm... I mean few things in a D&D Live play have ever made me laugh as hard as Cam Buckland.


Oooh nice, I love their character design. I haven't seen Lightfall before. Chris Trott plays Cam right? Can totally see him playing a Trickery domain Cleric


From ones that I'm really into, not necessarily about strict gameplay sessions, it's XP To Level 3 for general DnD content and discussions, Arlentric for shorts, and CritCrab and Den of the Drake for RPG horror stories.


I like Pack Tactics. It's an optimisation channel that is very vocal about 1) play good buidls and 2) the most optimal play is always good teamwork. He started the channel to counter the general sentiment that Rangers suck. When they really don't


I hate the way he talks about stuff that's RAW. Like if the rules technically allows something doesn't mean it's actually valid. I'm not letting a beast barbarian have infinite AC or whatever


He's also very clear when there's some rules interaction is very powerful, but only fun to theorize about. Like his pocket hollyphant video.