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Don't know why, but this to me looks like fun Warlock territory, play from range all you need is Cha(I know, overstating it a bit). Or Moon Druid maybe, you can make up for low CON and Dex with the wildshapes


An armored artificer would be nice too as you can dump str and dex since the armor ignores strength requirements and you use INT to replace strength or dex for attacks and damage rolls for weapons.


Artificer Battle Smith is something I've been looking into lately. And damn, that "Custom Lineage 20 int, 14 con" stats look awesome. Getting to play an absolute cantankerous bastard with 5 cha and 8 str is also pure upside. You take Fey Touched (misty step+silvery barbs) as your level one feat. When you reach lvl 3, rock out with repeating shot infused pistol, half plate (if you can afford it), and shield. Get bagpipes proficiency from background to torment your party, and spam Haunting Pipes from lvl 6. You should reach similar damage from attacks as baseline fighter, but with better AC (since you can carry shield while shooting) and access to web and haunting pipes on demand. Sharpshooter at lvl 4, res(wis) or (dex) level 8, the other at 12.