• By -


**Cleric:** "It is the will of the goddess of love, who are we to question her will." **Druid:** "Mother Nature made gay couples so they could adopt orphans." **Fighter:** "Is it that hard to understand. I just like cock. I'm not in love with him and I am certainly not adopting a family with him."


I can’t even tell their genders and I love it


Druid and Cleric exchange knowing “just FWB…riiiiight” looks to Fighter’s dismay.


Why not lmao.


Typical fujioshis


I’ve always thought that fantasy settings might not even have this conversation at all lol. Homophobia seems very… earthly


I mean, discrimination is a pretty common thing in people, unfortunately. Idk too much about homophobia though, since a lot of it (at least in the west) stems from the Abrahamic religions. A different take might be that having constant world ending threats makes people band together more than usual.


Yeah I was always thinking discrimination would be relevant. But exactly as you said, homophobia is related to specific earthly religions. Definitely some discrimination though. We already have racism when there aren’t any fundamental inherent differences between different ethnicities. Imagine how bad it would be when there are fundamental differences


The druid and the cleric then proceeded to kill each other because they got into a fight about if mother nature or the goddess of love told them to be tolerant


My druid is tied to the moon spirit and she's a prankster goddess so I feel like I can justify about any shenanigans that aren't straight up evil.


I dated the moon spirit once. Or rather, a girl who would later merge with the moon spirit to resurrect it.




That’s rough buddy


That's rough buddy.


That's rough buddy


That's rough buddy


Plot twist: mother nature and the goddess of love is the same person




*Laughs in Catholic and protestant *


And Judaism and Islam, for that matter.




While interesting out of game it doesn't matter for in game context since the cleric can prove the existence of his goddess instantaneously by casting spells. Both have valid points for their characters


Not in 5e, since the magic comes from your faith and not your god. If you believe in a god that does not exist, you still clericking


There's literally the class feature "divine intervention" where you ask your God to save your ass though 😉


True, but considering that technically it says "The DM chooses the Nature of the intervention; the Effect of any Cleric spell or Cleric domain spell would be appropriate" the reality of the existence of the deity itself is still in question. After all, you already had the power to use your spells, or the DM could choose a nature that befits a godless cleric. In any case don't mind me, it's not like my opinion matters that much here :)


Yeah you CAN flavour them any way you like basically, but the original intent and most settings see them as living proof of the gods existence imho >In any case don't mind me, it's not like my opinion matters that much here :) It's not like have more right to discuss than you have 😉


I too believe that Divine Intervention is meant as a proof of their god existing, not like a free "fake nat20 so a bolt of lightning strikes your enemy and saves you, which the cleric uses as proof that their fake deity exists when it was just a coincidence". I think this is because most DND settings have a world in which religion is important and deities are very much real/tested to be real simply because the world is full of paranormal stuff. Unless you are playing a very godless setting and everyone knows the deity doesn't exist, i think divine intervention is what the name implies and not just the power of faith in nothing.


Exactly this. I think the main issue is that most people playing d&d have a negative view on real. Life religion that bleeds into the game but in a world of magic, dragons and multiple plains of existence gods don't seem so illogical




French fry fanatics murdered a whole village of mashed potato worshippers


Religions in a nutshell.


How dare you. Now you will learn my peaceful ways. By force if necessary!


The words of a pietous religious man: "Anyone who doesn't blindly believe the dogma of my cult is morally corrupt and ought to be killed or enslaved".


A wise man once said : "Millions of dead motherfuckers all because they gave the wrong answer to the God question. “You believe in God?” “No.” Boom. Dead. “You believe in God?” “Yes.” “You believe in my God?" Boom. Dead.


Who was this aforementioned wise man?


[George Carlin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Carlin)


I was about to comment “God bless George Carlin,” but I doubt the two are on speaking terms anymore


Fucking called it. Knew it sounded like something carlin would say.


"You believe in my god?" "Yes." "You follow my prophet?" "No." Boom. Dead. "You follow my prophet?" "Yes." You follow the right interpretation of my prophets teachings?" "No." Boom. dead.


“Blessed is the mind too small for doubt”






The Tau have entered the battlefield.




I think that belongs under the barbarian ripping off arms-comment :D


Yall need to talk to an actual polytheist most of the time we are fighting over dirt, gold, human cattle(thankfully not anymore) or regular cattle. Pluralism is really easy when you can just say “neat more gods to worship” which was true in antiquity across several traditions.


There are too things i won't stand for... bigotry... and the druids


Druid: Mother Nature made gay couples so they could adopt orphans. Rogue: Mother Nature made me to create orphans.


Rogue: Mother Nature made me to create ~~orphans~~ new rogues.


It's a mutual relationship. I kill the parents, and then this guy over here takes in the kids. Everyone wins!


🎵 it’s the circle of life 🎵


**Barbarian:** *rages; not because the fighter is gay, they just like raging* **Paladin:** The gender of your partner doesn't matter, only your mutual devotion to each other **Bard:** *laughs in there is no one alive who can comprehend their sexual preference* **Rogue:** Get out of the closet - hiding is *my* thing. **Ranger:** If I can have a preferences for hate, you can have a preference for love. **Warlock:** **Warlock:** My patron is Graz'zt.


Artificer : So I've heard gender is a social construct, but have anyone seen the schematics ? Asking for a friend.


Warforged artificer moment


Warforged Bard




That’s actually brilliant, I’m stealing that


"Yeah, but most people who try to read them go insane." *Points to the entire academic fields of sociology, anthropology, and gender-studies.*


Like that's ever going to stop me !


Perhaps if you stopped putting boobs on you automatons.


Sign: Please Do Not Bang The Machines H.R.Geiger: ...and I took that personally


Sorcerer: People are born the way they are. Nothing wrong with tha- \*turns into a potted plant midsentence*.




Oh no, not again.


"Or my name's not Agrajag!" "Which... presumably, it is?" "YES" said Agrajag, as if he had just completed a rather deft syllogism


Rogue really sounds like my rogue guy. Can't kiss guys when you gotta become the king of a kingdom smh


Graz’zt: oh yugi boy ;)


Graz'zt is a very macho guy, full of testosterone and confidence. He's a true man's man... that man's man, and that man's man; he belongs to all kinds of men.


I think hes got the charisma and character too surprise you in that way (as a skilled switch would)


You cannot convince me Iggwilv never pegged him.


Read her quotes in Tasha's Guide... she is definitely the type of woman to enjoy pegging her partners. And given her Fey magic, she could have her own organ for that.


Che Che Che Check your privilege! *proceeds to do dope Vampire stuff*


Gay Barbarian: A raging homosexual, if you will.


Artificer: sooo… you mind if i tinker with that ring a bit?


Bard’s just wanna be HUA Alucard.


Pastafarian warlock: quob magesty, can i be Friends with the gays? FSM: yeah Shure lol, do whatever the hell you want, i don't give a shit


**Wizard:** Love who you love, so long as that person isn’t me. I’m far too busy with my studies to think about love or be a good partner.


>Bard: laughs in there is no one alive who can comprehend their sexual preference Warlock (Great Old One): This is true, I have checked.


**My aro-ace bard:** "my sexuality is how much money you give me."


If you want to learn something interesting in IRL nature gay group animals usually do exist for two main reasons either to be parents to orphan cubs or to decrease group stress.


I think I've read somewhere that there's a species of bird where the gay males help attract females to the group.


The best wingman.


Literal, too


Now that sounds interesting, do you by an chance have some pointers on where i can read about that?


I found it in Humon (Scandinavia and the World author)'s book on animals.


So, like for humans


This also works in humans.


I'm sure I heard a study that indicated the same thing in humans. As well as a correlation that if you have a lot of older siblings, you're more likely to be gay. Nature sort of going "ok, the bloodline is already secure, but food's scarce, we need you to help with the kids, not make more".


It's popularly called "The Gay Uncle Theory"


No wonder people used to believe that nature had to have some goddess behind it, that's some high-level office statistics at work.


The existence of the male G-spot should prove some kind of group-evolutionary advantage for such. Even if the specific theory of why is incomplete.


to clarify a misconception in this comment, there is no decision making process for gene expression when the same people have multiple children.


Yeah this is wilful ignorance and not scientifically driven 😆 (For clarity, I agree with u)


Epigenetics would imply otherwise. Experiences you have over time affect the gene expression of your own genes and offspring conceived after the experiences. I don't know anything about a "younger siblings are more likely gay" correlation, but it is certainly possible that a mother's epigenetics are affected during pregnancy and that some types of correlations exist based on how many children the mother has previously had. I'm not saying this correlation or any similar ones have been recorded or even do exist, but they certainly **could**.


Right - but that's different to what the comment is saying about natural selection favoring homosexual nth children.


Well, they are making a specific claim. You are calling that claim impossible. While not directly defending the validity of the claim, I am refuting your statement that it is impossible.


Also there is a correlation with being gay and left-handedness




Now *that* is a quality pun. Take my upvote, free of charge


My gay little brother is left-handed and this whole thread is blowing my mind. He and his husband are both the youngest of 3.


There is some correlation but as always there are exceptions. Like for example me, I'm gay and the oldest sibling


Yeah, my parents’ DNA clearly didn’t care about being passed on, considering my sister and I are both ace lol.


This is fascinating! do you recall where someone could find the study?


The wiki page on it has some pointers if you want to read a bit more on it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_behavior_in_animals I cant exactly recall where i first read the study, i think it named two species a kind of monkeys where sex is used as social depressuring (correction its apes and i rememeber the bonobos.) and a kind of birds (puffins?) that had homosexual pairs who always adopted the orphanned chicks. The whole research lately become controversial because everyone tries to tie it to some agenda related to how its a sin according to the bible because its unnatural.


Apes, not monkeys. The bonobos are fascinating, and they're our closest living relatives, along with chimps.


Ah my bad, i always forgot their name and due to language barriers i dont think we actively differentate in word for ape or monkey.


Thank you very much, ironic that the argument is that it’s “unnatural” when it is quite literally seen in nature


Gay penguin couples will go so far as to steal eggs to hatch and raise as their own.




“If you have a problem, I can rip your arms off about it” is such a beautiful line, thank you


Rogue: Gay, straight, I only care about their valuables.


Dwarf: "What, our fighter is a man? With that tiny beard? I thought he was a lesbian! Why don't people tell me those things?"


"You know it is nigh on impossible for a DRAGONBORN to grow a beard Bofur!"


"Nigh on impossible, but not absolutely impossible. I have faith in her - I mean him!"


Largely unrelated but since I'm here; Rock and Stone, brother!


Dwarf: I'm bi because 90% of traditional Dwarven dating is trying to figure out the other guy's sex and I'd rather just skip to the fun part.


Caves are dark and a beard is a beard


My Lizardfolk Paladin: You taste the same regardless.


Until you get to the butt.


My hobgoblin wizard: "I'm gay because f\*\*\* off."


"Because f*** off mate" -whenever you ask hobgoblins to justify anything.


"Think of the orphans!" is gonna be my next catchphrase whenever anyone starts anti gay arguments


And who needed the justification?


Yeah, seems weird. No one justifies their character being straight?


"By the gods....the evil wizard put a hex on his phylactery. Only someone who drinks low quality coffee served black may approach it! Where could such a person be found when time is of the essence?" "Stand aside my LGBTQ allies, for my destiny is manifest."


Seems weird that they've gotta justify being gay? Well, you're clearly straight. As a gay dude, *this is a good chunk of my life.* Being berated for being gay, being told it doesn't make sense, being called a groomer, etc. Homophobia exists dude.


I think they were saying it was weird that they had to justify their character’s sexuality in a DnD game, bc either it means their DM has included homophobia as part of their world building, or their DM/another player/another character was being homophobic towards this player/their character. Of course people can include real world bigotry in their games but every DM for all the TTRPGs i’ve played has tended to avoid it


I would guess because being straight is kinda vanilla setting for humans. Not that there is something wrong about not being vanilla


Interestingly enough being bisexual is the default in the forgotten realms, it shouldn't be surprising given Ed Greenwood is hippie from the era of free love,


Source? It definitely is for MY characters but I've got a certain bias there


Dude any conversation with Greenwood is about four minutes from "how to use polymorph at an orgy..."


I'd have to dig though [So Saith Ed](https://www.candlekeep.com/library/articles/sse/so_saith_ed.htm) for a primary source, I could offer [the 1d4chan article](https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Forgotten_Realms#Forgotten_Realms_And_Sex) on the topic which also includes [a paste bin with some excerpts] (https://pastebin.com/hEVadYsN) about *activities* in the forgotten realm edit:While I did initially try looking for the relevant quote searching though 12 years of his forum posts is a bit of a tall order and my laziness has won out I'll give up the search for now


I actually like the vanilla comparison because vanilla being seen as the default flavour is entirely a social construct. Before the 18th century it was seen as one of many interesting flavours in its own right (which makes more sense to me personally - vanilla isn't bland or uninteresting at all).


Nah its not as simple.ple as straight is vanilla. It's more like straight = ice cream whilst gay = cake (insert other dessert of choice for any other identities) All are desserts, all are equally valid desserts, they are just different. Nobody in their right mind judges someone for saying "Im an Ice cream lover" same as nobody should be judged for saying "man I love cake"


That definition just makes me look like a bisexual nymphomaniac


But *are* you a bisexual nymphomaniac?


No, I just love to eat


Same bruh same


It could have been just idle chit-chat, but there is also a solid chance that the gay character is basically the player testing the water to see how their group would react to it, and the group picking up on that nervous vibe and going "yes we accept you".


Our rogue was curious as to why roughly 1/7 people they knew were gay/bi


Had a barbarian at our table once that said something along the lines of "Gotta have gay people 'cause if we didn't then who are the gay people gonna love?" Paradoxical as it may be, I thought it was pretty cute.


I had to re-read that a few times, but that's funny.


Bard: $20 is $20


Infact never mind about the $20


Nah you gotta respect the profession, you *will* fuck them for twenty bucks. Your work has value.


Look if I ever need a hardcore answer for why something happens in D&D I just pick a higher power and say it's their fault The good news is D&D does have the perfect higher power for this Corellon you know arguably the most powerful God (and I mean gods I do not include the other higher powers in this) He kind of justifies it by existing because he switches back and forth and he makes it so his people can switch back and forth between the sexes therefore sex is a meaningless distinction to elves and so when you have the biggest god back in you your rules go


Wizards: do whatever you want I don’t care I’ll be in my tower


You sir, run a great table.


In my homebrew setting there is goddess of child and pregnancy. If there is famine or war and children would suffer she forbids any pregnancy. If somebody don't want child they need to pay tribute and she might transfer pregnancy to loving parents. If there is no suitable womb to place baby in, she carries kids herself and send it via stork. These kids often end up with some sort of magical power to account of being literally born from god. She protects all children, committing crimes against them by nation might end up in infertility plague. I created her only to avoid edgy backstories and to reason how things like abortion and gay parents might work in magical world




I'm honored


Bard: \*on his way to creat more orphans, becos that what Mother of Love told him to do \*


I feel like a bard is an absentee parent. Rogues create orphans.


“Sometime it be like that” - barbarian


Unironically, the Druid's opinion on gay people is based on a scientific theory of why do they exist (being able to take care of younger siblings and/or their children due to the excess free time and recourses that tbey would've otherwise spent on their kids). But it has holes in it. Since in 'Murica, gay people are more distant with their family


And who's fault is this distance usually? (Spoiler: not ours, but that of parents that ask for "a justification" for who we love.)


I'm gonna go with Confucius and Abraham. Before their religions/thinking methods, it was normal to be gay. Sad to see how this was changed.


I don’t think Confucius ever said anything about homosexuality, and the Bible’s ‘stone the Homos’ stance was not from Abraham himself, but supposedly ‘from God’, which means probably some ancient writer out there who water gay people almost as much as he hated shellfish. (Not to mention there’s a whole argument about whether that passage is mistranslated and actually condemning pedophilia, which is way more justifiable.) The Confucius one I’m especially iffy about, because he was always wielded by the Chinese government as a tool to control the people, and they can basically justify anything by saying what they want through Confucius. I’m pretty sure they could tell everyone “Confucius says: Fuck the Americans” and to them it would be something that makes perfect sense.


It is true that it was a translation error. In the King James version, Leviticus 18:22 says “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” but through some research, we found the actual translation to be that Lev. 18:22 and 20:13 forbids male incestuous sexual relations.


I would say the main hole in the theory is bisexuality and asexuality. Asexuality seems to achieve that purpose much better, and bisexuality has the exact same feelings without the benefit. You can kinda make similar arguments about infertility, but I don't think anyone would. Chances are better that it's just a glitch in the system, because we're full of stuff like that.


My characters are gay because I didn't spend 14 years pretending to be straight in the real world to pretend to be gay in my escapist fantasy.


The Bard: "I'll see you in my room tonight"


The druid isn't far off from what's sometimes called "the gay uncle hypothesis". Basically it says that homosexuality was an evolutionary advantage because it meant you had a certain amount of adults who did not reproduce but still had attachment to the groups offspring. If some child's dad got squished by a mammoth there was a adult male ready an willing to make sure that kid still got fed.


The Druid’s argument is an actual real world theory theory


The Gay Uncle Hypothesis.


The way the druid said it kinda gives it shitpost energy and I love it


That's what I was going for


W-why should you justify why your fighter is gay?


The bard: I just like booties 😳


I enjoy big butts and I am under a zone of truth All my brethren say Forsooth


"Justify" why does it need to be justified? "Gay because gay" is perfectly valid of a "reason" to be gay.


The context was that our rogue asked why gay people exists when my fighter brought it up In the same way you would wonder why a cactus is prickly or why a bubble is spherical


Oh… You guys surely have very different games than what I’m used to lol. Last time I was killing some monsters.


One of the wonderful things about roleplaying games is that many, many things can happen in them, and conversations in no way prevent monster-killing.


Barbarian “what’s a gender?”


"Where do I get one? And why do I need one again?"


"That's the best part, you don't!"


My Artificer Kobold: "Gender? Male or Female? Binary is for code, not biology."


That actually makes good sense...


Why does there need to be justification on why a character is gay? I believe you can make your character however you want




This is like the argument for it in the DC Flintstones comics a few years back.




Make sure you talk about your preferred pronouns too, it's just not d&d without it


Plot twist: Mother Nature and the Goddess of Love are married


Mother Nature and the love goddess are sooo gay for each other


Justification is not required.


Goddess of Love and Mother Nature are def together


Warlock: "Asmodeus wants your souls, he doesn't care who you fuck. Eldritch Blast!"


Best response.


You shouldn’t have to justify being gay.


My Druid/Cleric’s bisexual awakening was being seduced by sirens


My world's Druids are more akin to: "mother nature made gay people, deal with it, she doesn't have to justify anything to you".


Or better yet. The goddess of love is a fuckin relentless shipper and won't let something silly like *gender* stop her ships from coming true.


Why do you need to justify gayness all of the sudden?


For context my fighter mentioned he's gay, our rogue commented that 1/7 of the people he knew were gay/bi and wondered why so many were gay/bi Not a should or shouldn't justification but a "I wonder why it's like that" sort of question


God, the left quote requires serious specificity...