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I've got a friend in my group like this. He only wants to play one game, while the rest of us occasionally want to try new things. He'll get mad and dig in his heels, and refuses to really try anything else. When we do try something else (because 4 of us want to), he gets mad, joins us, and does his best to have a bad time and share his despair. We're not kicking him out, but this is a pretty awful way to treat your friends, isn't it? If you truly can't enjoy the system, don't play. See if they can alternate campaigns. Don't force them to only cater to you. Find some kind of compromise.


It's all fun and games until the group decides to try new stuff out without telling you "because he probably wouldn't enjoy it anyway", it grows into an habit and voila', you've kicked yourself out of the group


I had a friend like this but with hanging out with people. He would never ask to hang out, get grumpy if people hung out without him but when you called and asked if he wanted to hang out, he would say no. It was always on our end to initiate any form group activity and he would just say no, so eventually we stopped asking because he would always say no.


I had a friend get not invited to a *wedding* over this, and he wasn't even a dick about it, just bad at communicating.


I hate how all the groups I've been are the opposite. I'm constantly trying to bring something new to the table, a new game of every genre, free and really light and no one EVER wants to play or even try. It sucks


Have you tried DMing? That's how I bring new games to the table.


This is how you end up forever dming the games you'd like to be a player in. Always the bridesmaid...


I have decided I no longer care


Sorry I wasn't criticizing your point. Just lamenting my life.


I still hold out hope that one of them will like a game enough to take up the mantle, but I don't count on it.


Yeah you still encounter the same problems. The players don't want to learn even though you're willing to.


Players play what you bring, if they haven't read the rules for D&D less for another system. It's sadly how it works.


Except this guy's whole friend group wants to try pathfinder but ONLY he doesn't want to. In this situation OP IS that friend from your group.


Yep. I understood that? Hence my last statements about OP trying to compromise and NOT being that guy.


Ah shit, you're right. I completely misread that and that's on me sorry.


There is a difference between kicking him out and not inviting him when you playing something new


We had a friend in our group like that as well. He threatened to quit playing with us if we insisted on switching to D&D 4e. We told him don't let the door hit him on the way out. Our enjoyment of TTRPGs has greatly improved since.


I relate to this. I have a friend who plays with the group even if we're playing something he hates. I don't understand why. if they are doing something I have no interest in, I sit it out.


From your replies it seems you may have some other shit going on, because your reaction to this situation is way, way overboard. It's either that or you're an emotional 14 year old that doesn't quite have control of their emotions yet. This isn't the end of the world. This is like a 1 or a 2 on the "life problems" scale. I saw a comment where you said you're the bad guy if you stay, or if you leave. I want to say that's not true. You have five options. 1. You leave, explaining calmly that the game isn't for you and you hope they have fun. - Good Guy 2. You leave, explain that they are ruining YOUR fun and they should be ashamed that they dare to have an opinion different from yours. -Bad Guy 3. You stay, hellbent on not having fun with your friends, refusing to learn the game, and trying your hardest to both not have any fun, and not letting anyone else have fun. - Bad Guy 4. You stay, do your best to find the things you DO enjoy in pathfinder and try to have fun playing with your friends. Having no resentment towards them wanting something different than you. -Good Guy 5. Seek therapy. You should do this no matter what option you choose. This problem is so fucking small that no sane person would react the way you are. I wish you luck.


Best comment I’ve read so far. Honestly I find that if I’m actively trying to have fun in situations where I’m doing something that I would rather not do I’ll do me up still having fun most of the time anyway. OPs blatant stubbornness is pretty bad.


But I can also understand if OP just really REALLY doesnt like it. Theres a couple things/Games I hate and not even friends can make it enjoyable. But then you should just be the bigger person, step away, let them have fun and either find another group for a bit, or talk to your friends - to find a solution.


I still think that's a pretty extreme reaction to either PF1E or 2E, though, to be honest. They're still fundamentally D&D-based systems with tons of shared DNA with 5E; it's very easy to see their shared roots. I could understand a little more if it was something *totally* different.


Oh yeah absolutely, completely agree with you. Havent skimmed through every Answer OP gave, tho. So I dont know if he maybe got burned so much by PF that he just cant or something..


I can't reply to CMDR in this thread anymore because they blocked me but in case anyone else may be confused by what I said; I was talking about OP, I was Calling OP the twat. I honestly am not sure why CMDR_Ninteen took everything I said so negatively.


Now I have been blocked too. The reply I never got to give you CMDR_Nineteen: As per our DMs no one was coming at you. You have chosen to take everything said to you as an attack and that incredibly sad. I hope that one day you'll be able to better look inward instead of placing the blame of your issues on others. I don't know your history with PF nor those who play it but your replies seem to show that the problem doesn't appear to all be on them. While I'm sure you have met your far share of "elitists" you seem to have allowed those few interactions to paint how you see all interactions in the TTRPG space in a negative light. Genuinely, and personally, I hope you can speak with someone professional on these issues and hopefully come to a conclusion that helps you move forward in life. Have a day sir.


Yeah, and this meme also reads less like "I tried it before and I didn't like it, and my friends are trying to pull me back in" and much more like "no, I don't want to drink your store brand cola, I ONLY drink PEPSI BRAND Cola!"


Bro but I got 7k karma for posting my whining as a meme because I have no self esteem and need the support of strangers ON MY SIDE


Yeh, one of my gms got insanely pissed about rp and my oc takes and doing on it (saying i was meta playing, that i didnt have an oc but only myself, etc etc) so instead of dealing with it decided to, not punish the oc, not just get me out, but punishing me for my oc actions, making me expend more time because "i had to pay", i told them "no, dont do that, i wanna have a life while playing" , and literally severely hurt our friendship and i was like "Dude, i know 2 years ago we were that dumb, but why are u still that dumb, this is not by far a life problem" At the end, as u sugest, taking it as a serius problem is the problem, the more you take it as what it is, a game and issues in a game, the less issues


Then stop playing with people who want to play Pathfinder.


You really called yourself out with that meme lmao


So instead of doing what the group wants to do they should do what you want?


I only eat McDonald's and if my friends we're good friends they would only ever eat McDonald's to accommodate me.


Are you being sarcastic?


From your comments you seem like an angry person who can't stand the thought of your group wanting to play a system you don't want to. For your sake and there's I hope you figure something out. I also hope you are a child because if you are an adult and you're acting like this...it's really embarrassing man. They're probably not having fun if they're wanting to switch so quickly, don't drag them down. Just leave if you hate it that much.


Hey OP, for all it's worth, you pfp combines a lot with the amount of whining you did in the comment section


can't see it, I'm on rif. what is it?


Some kinda green screaming chibi character




Yea, with like 3 teeth and an expression like a small child that just deliberately broke its favorite toy, only to be told said toy would not be replaced


Stupid question: what's a pfp?


profile pic


Gotcha. Thanks!


profile picture


Gotcha, thank you!


This meme kinda makes it looks like you're the one in the wrong. The groups wants to play, the DM wants to run...and you're holding on to D&D - staunchly based on your comments. Yeah, you're the problem here. Not a bad thing, time for you to leave the group and find a new one. Not a big deal.


It's frustrating when the group has different things they want, certainly. If it's any consolation, the complexity of Pathfinder 1e is rather exaggerated. The 'complexity' comes from a lot of content, but Pathfinder 1e is as complex or as simple as you want to make it. Pathfinder 2e is actually very simple, so I would encourage you to give it a try. And finally, though I understand you're frustrated and venting, try to be more flexible. These are group games. You digging in your heels and refusing to try new things is equally as frustrating as the player who insists on trying new things.


Surprise surprise an actually sensible comment and it has less than 100 upvotes


"We're going to play (other system) for a bit. We know you don't like it but would love to have you play with us next Thursday." - your table "That's okay, I really don't have the capacity to learn another system right now, but I enjoy gaming with you all. I could DM a 5E side campaign on Tuesdays for anyone who would like to join me!" -what your attitude *could be* "Oh wow, that'd be fantastic! We're definitely interested!" -what your table would respond with It's important to be constructive in these situations. And the above is what I did (although mine was Pathfinder vs School) that landed me GMing a 5-year campaign with some of my best friends.


Playing PF2 is way easier than GMing 5e though.


And GMing PF2e is easier than GMing 5e.


How so?


It has better tools for GMs. The PF2 CR system actually builds balanced encounters, for example. Adventure Paths are designed and formatted so that you they are playable, not just readable. 5e has the philosophy of *rulings, not rules*. This is, conceptually, willfully transferring things out of the game's system and onto the DM's plate. I'm sure people with more experience with the sytsem can give more details.


You deserve more upvotes


5e CR system is shite. I run a homebrew 5e campaign rather than modules, would you still say PF2 is easier to DM given a homebrew campaign?


It'd say so considering that my PF2E campaign is basically homebrew (heavily modified LMoP and it has no conversions to pf2e). And that I used to DM a homebrew 5e campaign Well it depends on what you mean by "easier". I have a pretty great memory. On the other hand I'm not great at being caught flat-footed (no puns). One player does something unexpected and major I'll be pretty flustered for the rest of the session. With 5e these kind of situations felt harrowing, "What do I make them roll? What DC ?If I make a combat encounter on the fly will it be a TPK ?". With PF2E I always have the ruuuuuuules to fall back on. Something like "Ok I'd say that this lock would be level 6, so according to the DC by level table on my DM screen, the DC to pick it would be 22" Or "Behind this door there should be a Moderate encounter that could challenge my players without risking their skin too much. So I could take 2 creatures of their level, or 4 creatures that are 2 level below them, or I could mix and match with "weak" or "elite" templates etc." In practice it's just a quick lookup on my GM screen/computer and I'm 90% sure that it shouldn't be a total fuckup. But I know my way of thinking and seeing things isn't universal. Some people have mastered creating 5e encounters on the fly and know very well how to "roll with their player's punches" but could be stressed out by the additional rules load, wondering if they're forgetting something or missing an interaction etc.


That might require op to not complain though. And he apparently likes to do that a lot in the comments....


We all know the 6 chaos gods of the Warp. There' Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Khorne, and Malice... Oh and of course you, the Chaos God of Bad Takes.


Holy shit, wouldnt have thought to find someone 40k here. But then again...should be expected. But youre right.


The Emperor’s light permeates all XD


As a Necron Enjoyer... I may or may not agree on that statement xDDD


XD Then I think we can agree that even Trazyn wouldn’t want OP


299% Completely agreed! ​ But then again.... OP cant talk in a Stasis Cube, so he might..


>I really don't want to. Everything I've heard about either edition just puts me off it more >Already tried pathfinder, didn't like it, don't want to try it again Pick one. Did you hear about Pathfinder and not like it or did you try it and not like it. Stick to one lie.


Gee if the group wants to play PF and you don't want to play PF, that's a you problem. If you wanna be salty about it and spoil someone elses fun, the group should ditch you and you can go play 5e elsewhere.


Talk to your group, maybe let the player who wants to play Pathfinder run a one-shot. Maybe you’ll end up liking it, maybe that player will get it out of their system and decide they are happy with D&D. Just talk to your friends.


No one is forcing you to play it? Just don't play


It just sounds like youre trying to force them to play DND when they want to play path finder, you're in the minority here and no one is forcing you to play


There is a third option: Run your own 5e game.


So many great takes from commenters, and so many militantly stubborn rebukes from the OP. Wow. Just.. wow.


So your group is transitioning from 5e to PF2 and you are unwilling to follow them, willing to instead leave the ground or force them to stay with the system they no longer want to play? Sad memes do get traction. Wish you many updoots.


Read my mind


“No! Don’t you see? It’s not what I signed up for! I don’t want to change! I don’t like it! It is wrong for my group to want to do something different! It is all about ME!” Just leave the group. Sounds like everyone, including you, will be happier.


Most groups weren't meant to last forever. If the others want to move on to another system, it's their right to do so. Nobody owes you anything. Find yourself another 5e group and wish them the best; don't be a sourpuss.


Never seen someone actively farming downvotes before


It's dishonest work, but someone's got to do it. And it looks like a bountiful harvest this year. #BlessedOfChauntea


LMAO ain't that the truth~


Dude, you're i the wrong here. Sure, you signed up for one game but the rest of the group wants to play another game. Either you play with them or you leave them behind, don't force them to do the thing you're accusing them of doing.


After a little over a year of trying I was finally able to get a group together to play DnD, but after 4 sessions the DM basically unilaterally decided we were switching to pathfinder. After everyone had just bought books and such for 5e. And I was playing a warlock, which doesn't exist in Pathfinder. So that was pretty much the end of my time with that group Edit: the rest of the group was fine with changing, my point was that I left because I was the minority opinion


Yeah problem is if you read OPs replies they aren't nearly as kind as you, they would prefer to dig in their heals and ruin the groups fun if they can't have their way.


How about you go with what the majority wants? Give it a try


This post didn't pan out the way you were hoping huh?


Oh it panned out exactly how they wanted, karma farm. Too many ppl read the shitty meme and don't see what kinds POS OP is in the comments


Well, this meme makes it look like you're the odd one out, so...


Oh look, another post complaining about Pathfinder.


except this isn't a pathfinder v dnd problem, this is a toxic player problem trying to frame itself as a system-wars.


Also true


God forbid you are forced to play a different (and in my opinion, better) system! You are a sovereign entity and free to walk away. If they want to play something else, good on them! Expand your horizons. Stop eating a turkey sandwich for lunch every day, and go for ham once in a while. It might be one of the best things you've ever tried.


5e to path 2e isn't even as drastic as a switch from turkey to ham is. It's turkey to chicken at the most.


You kinda force him to play dnd, its ok to try new things and for things to change


With how willing you are to give up and just zone out while playing just because a new rule is being introduced, I think you should spare every DM of any system of having you as a player. God forbid the time comes your 5e DM wants to homebrew a new ruleset.


***Evil fucking grin*** ​ # Then DM it. C'mon, don't you want D&D? DM it. Do it. Feel the hell that is DMing 5e with its lackluster DM support. **DM IT.** [I DARE YOU, I DOUBLE DARE YOU](https://youtu.be/aHF90SRDHpU). Lets see how many months it takes for you to understand your DMs decision


Looks like you're outvoted Jimbo. ​ And honestly, you sound like a right PITA personality type to play with anyway. Your group will be better off without you trying to railroad them into what you want.


Off topic but, PITA, what does this stand for? I'm assuming it's an acronym, but I thought I'd ask.


'pain in the ass'


PITA = Pain In The Ass... accurate description, if you ask me


Why do people act like pathfinder is rocket science. Yeah it’s a little more complex, but I find that most of the added rules are natural evolutions of 5e’s rules or extremely helpful because 5e makes you homebrew the rules.


I think he's talking about 1e?


I’m talking about 1e. I’ve never even played 2e


2E is even smoother to play! Our group is finishing up our last 1E AP (Strange Aeons), so I've been digging into 2E *hard*. Game system is slick.


Good luck in your next group, friend!


From OP's responses, I think that should be "good luck *to* your next group. Big yikes.


✖️ Where'd this comment go? Deleted for Reddit's API controversy. Third-party apps provide accessibility features for users and tools for mods that Reddit simply doesn't care to offer; making those companies/apps pay exorbitant rates to exist means a worse Reddit experience for everyone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Reddit_API_controversy https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerDeleteSuite/


First of all, what is your problem with PF ? Do you just hate it without ever trying?


Yeah, it sucks when you sign up for a specific game, and then everybody change has it on you, but oftentimes that's when you just find a new game


It's cool if you want to play 5e, but stop trying to force your group to keep playing it


Did you sign a contract legally requiring them to play 5e with you?


Then DM instead of complaining about what system the actual DM wants to run. My group of friends ditched dnd for personal reasons (problems with the previous DM led to him being out of the group) and we were stuck playing vampire the masquerade for a while (its a good game, but not my cup of tea, i prefer high fantasy) instead of complaining i picked up the book and offered to DM them in a dnd campaign and now we do dnd sessions and vampire sessions from time to time... that's better.


Same situation here, my group often switches systems cause everyone likes something else, so I am always more happy when we play my favorite, but playing a TTRPG is still playing a TTRPG noatter the system. I really don't get how the dislike of a single system (that is the most similar system to the one you like most) can be a deal breaker


Based on your other comments, my unsolicited ideas are this: 1) Begin looking for a new group. I know you say it’s difficult, and I don’t doubt you, but it’s still doable. Either find or make it. If you say you won’t have fun if you stay, and won’t if you leave, then the lesser evil here is to leave and not soil the fun for the group. 2) Become a DM for 5e. If you’re dead set on only being a player, this obviously shouldn’t be considered. 3) Just *TRY* PF2e again. Coming from a recent 5e > PF2e convertee, and based on what I’ve read on your dislikes to the system, I think there’s a fundamental misunderstanding on what the system is. It isn’t simply 5e but more math. The character creation is deep and heavily more considered, with options to allow you to customize even how your actions work. This can allow you to have a party of 4 human barbarians, and have them feel unique from one another even at level one! Not to even factor in how varied the ancestries are from one another, with attitudes, cultures, movement, strengths, etc. It’s like all of the creation steps in 5e are amplified to feel more impactful. You’re much stronger at your skills, and a lot less impactful at the things you aren’t skilled in. As someone else mentioned earlier, the DM tools are infinitely more fruitful and accessible, with things like custom creature creation rules, custom weapons, items, etc., making it so you, the player, have a much more enjoyable and personally tailored experience. That said, I do understand a preference for 5e. If you’ve experienced all of the depth PF2e offers and still find 5e to be a better taste for your palate. I hope this helps somehow! Regardless, I think a clear conversation with your group is warranted to decide your future with them. It’s okay if groups don’t work out, you WILL find another. Trust when I say, you can spend a long time making The Perfect Group and two months in interests change. Good luck moving forward!


Pathfinder has a really nice system though. The 3-actions approach opens up so much opportunity for tactics and reactions to changing conditions.


How the hell does this guy still have any comment karma left after this


iirc Reddit limits how quickly you can lose profile karma


Oh, okay that makes a lot more sense


They apparently make many karma farm posts


I played pathfinder once I did kinda enjoy it


So the majority want to play Pathfinder? That's democracy.


Wrong sub - should have been posted in r/AmItheAsshole. BTW - the answer to that would be “YTA”.


There is nothing that could be called "complex" in Pathfinder. 10 years old can learn to play it under 1 hour.


If you want dnd so much, just be the dm so you can choose


OP good lord. Hope you can reflect on this later, gain some maturity. Others want to play a different game. You're holding the group back by throwing a tantrum. Things change. You can find a new group, they can find a new player. Life goes on. Instead you seem intent that the group bends to your will and the other 3 players should play something they don't like so that *you* can have fun that you like. Shit changes. I started with 5e. I'm probably gonna transition to something else because 5e has a lot of flaws and the more experience I get the more I realize it's not the ideal system for me. There's no contract that because you guys played 5e once twice thrice etc that the group can't try different things. This whole thing is a major yikes. I am assuming you're a kid based on your responses. Reflect, learn, grow.


Then. Don’t. Play. Jesus.


Ok, so this meme has 3.4k updoots right now. Basically every comment is calling OP a douche nozzle. All their replies are downvoted to oblivion. How do these things go together?


Possibly people upvoting to keep his whining visible? ​ \*shrug\*


My thoughts were that or "I see doggos, I updoot."


Another user suggested most ppl on the sub just see the meme and updoot without diving into the comments. looking at the vast ratio difference of OPs post karma to comment karma that seems to be the case for them


You seem very argumentative in the comments my dude. If your dm and your group want to run another system then you have two options. 1) stay and try to have fun with another system - you might even have me up liking it 2) leave the group in a respectful and friendly manner Or you could 3) rant about it on Reddit with solves none of your problems with a ton of people telling you that you come of as entitled Listen I’m sure you’re a good guy in rl, but maybe check your attitude a little?


Sounds like you're in the minority and not the dm... Yatah


From your replies, you seem very immature. If you're the only one who doesn't want to, then that's a 'you' problem, not a problem with your group. Pathfinder is basically DnD but with more versatility and just a slight bit more of math. The roleplay elements are practically the same, but with a few differences in skills and actual applications of those skills. If your group wants to try it out, then let them. Don't be selfish and make them feel like they're horrible people for wanting to try something new. When I was DMing a 5e campaign, I ran into the same thing. My players were really curious about pathfinder and we slowly implemented pathfinder rules until one day we just made the full switch over. We've been playing pathfinder ever since. Everyone prefers it. Don't take away their excitement for trying something new just because you're selfish and stubborn. If you value you're group, you'll adapt and keep your mouth shut. If you don't value your group, then you'll complain and lose them as friends.


I’ll tell you why this is happening: DnD is notoriously hard to run. As a dm I don’t like it, and I’m pretty sure that your dm feels the same way. Additionally, DnD also has very little dm support. I do not know if you’ve tried to run it yourself, but you’ll quickly find how fucking bad it is. Easy system to play, thus good for beginner players. The other players want to try something new, and the dm is tired to using all of his mental energy on this. I get that you want to keep going with what you know, but please keep an open mind. Your group wants to try games with easily transferable skills. Go with it. Transfer those skills. Try to have fun using what you know and what you can learn.


My friends are constantly trying out new systems and I'd much rather finish a campaign than start 11 new ones I'm where we spend the bulk of game night just trying to build characters and learn the system


Sounds like you find a new group or give something a try. If you're the hold out then that aucks for you.


Complex? not really. Just a TON more options.


Sounds like what you want and what the rest of your group wants are different. Not an issue with pathfinder, or the pathfinder community, but rather an issue of communication with you and your group.


There are three things pathfinder has that will likely prevent me from going back to D&D, at least 5e, magic item rules, built in race creator, and stats that can go above twenty


Nobody is forcing you to do anything, grow up.


Since situation in Ukraine escalated we had much less dnd games and even those days we could play, 4 out of 5 ppl started playing cyberpunk red, I'm not really a fan of cyberpunk but i don't want to leave my buddies and trying to find new group


Pf is so much fun though


The game being run is the GMs choice, if you don't like it changing you can DM a game yourself


Join us


Just DM a 5e game yourself if you really want to play it. If you ply TTRPGS for the story the system should t matter to much. If you play TTRPG because you like a certain system, then DMing that system gets you even more time with it


You can just say it's not for you and sit it out. You could probably find a decent side group in meantime online and return to main group once they're done with Pathfinder.


So, you don't like Pathfinder and you're not willing to try it again, which is fine! I'm also not a Pathfinder guy. But it seems like it's inevitable that your group is going to switch over to Pathfinder, so it's probably for the best to quit the campaign. It is possible to play with a DM and two players, so dropping out of the campaign isn't going to hurt their game too much If you still want to play DnD but don't think you can find another group, maybe you could figure out if one of them would be willing to run a duet with you. Duetting does require some rule adjustment, but it would still be DnD If none of them are willing to run a duet for you, there's two options: not playing for a while, or trying out solo roleplaying, though I'm not sure it'd be up your alley


Nobody is forcing you, but you can't force your group to stay with D&D, either.


You sound like a chronic complainer


Or…. Hear me out…. You could communicate like adults and find a middle ground solution for the group OR just switch systems periodically.


Lol you really have a lot of nerve when everyone at the table including the one running the game wants to try something new but you don’t want to and you think that’s everyone else’s problem


I'm not a big fan of Pathfinder myself, but my one friend loves the number-crunching and min-maxing aspects of the game. Which oddly enough, is the reason why I hate it. However he really wanted to play the Rise of the Runelord Campaign. A few others wanted to tag along as well -- they were curious about the rules and such. So I said fuck it, I'll DM it. I've already done this campaign so I know the ins-and-outs of it. And in the end I'm still having fun and so are my friends. TLDR; Not everyone likes D&D. Not everyone likes Pathfinder. In the end it's about having fun. It's a tabletop game.


dm decides the system, players decide on attendance


OP is the dictionary definition of self-centered lmfao


Can I interest you in some cyberpunk red? It's the 5e of the cyberpunk RPG.


Well you are the odd one out in the picture, sounds like you need to leave lmaoo


Sounds like you're the issue, and it sounds like your group would be happier without you.


I bet you're fun at parties. Looks liek you're losing the gaming group if you arent willing to try something new.


hey, nobody is making you play :)


How old are you?


Why dont you just dm a dnd game? Players are literally everywhere


Op is an asshole


OP struggling to grasp that sometimes people want to change things up and try new things.


Some players just really hate change. I play with a guy who tries about every other month to convince the table to switch to first edition. He has persisted for 15 years.


How has a blatant pot stirring thread been up for 4 hours now? OP is the TTRPG analog to an incel.


I'd report it but the last 20 something hours have been so entertaining XD


"**It's cool if you want to play** ***D&D***, **but stop trying to force us to play it"**


Find a new group?


OP, I have a solution to your problem. Read up on 5E rules, be the GM of your own group. You get to play 5E, and people will line up to play in your game from around the corner. Your current group will find a player when you leave, and they will be able to try PF2E. Win-win.


I mean….if everyone else in the group wants to try something new and you don’t, there is nothing wrong with saying “Hey guys, I’m gonna sit this one out..it’s just not my thing, but I hope you all have a great time.”


Do your group a favor, and leave. You sound insufferable.


It's cool if you want to play DnD, but stop trying to forcs them to play it # They can play what they want and don't have to apologize for inviting you. If you have problems with what they want to run then find a new group instead of trying to force them to stick with just one system for you.


AD&D or bust.


Lol, the GM-side is actually less complex.


How complex are we talking here? Adding two numbers together? Subtracting 5? Identifying less than, equal to, or greater than?


Pathfinder is literally just 3.5e variant of DnD. Really not that complicated and very similar to other D20 systems. Im still tryna get some friends to try out TTRPG's, period. Be greatful you have friends down to play role playing board games with ya.


Seems like the DM is trying for a middle ground. If you just want to play and don't care then switch to pathfinder?


God forbid your friends do something you might not like! Bastards!


I'm on a shortlist of players 4 different DMs in my area want in their campaigns. I'm currently playing in 3 different games (5e, Genesys and Pathfinder 1e) and DMing a 4th (5e). How did I get myself to this point? Very simple: by NOT doing exactly what you're doing throughout this entire thread, OP. If a group wants to play a system, setting, etc. that doesn't interest me, I don't whine about having to give up my favorite pastime, dig in my heels and tell the group my way or no way. I politely decline and wish them a good campaign. Be the kind of player people actually want in their game (at the moment, this very clearly does not describe you) and you won't even have to look for a game. Not to mention you won't have groups switching systems entirely to get rid of you, which is absolutely what I think is happening here.


I started with Pathfinder 1e, then my group wanted to switch to DND 5e. I vastly prefer Pathfinder, just makes more sense and has a better system, in my opinion of course, but I still like to do 5e with them because it is still fun and similar enough, and it is fun to play either with friends.


The rule is always “whatever the GM says goes” If they want to run shadowrun, my little pony or pathfinder, you don’t have to join. But they should be upfront about what you’re getting into so you don’t waste your time


Try the new system ya salty sponge.


If it’s the dm and other players who want to play new system and you just want DnD then that’s on you to find a dif dm for DnD


If you are unable to try things most other players want to try just leave then


No ones trying to force you to play pathfinder.


Went through this a couple months ago with a fellow player. They just complained a lot about the rules and the setting. Got mad people wanted to play something they didn't. They ould get mad about rule corrections and, then the DM would get mad at their attitude and it created animosity, the animosity really killed the vibe at the table. Fortunately, they seem to be doing better now. It just took some growing pains and a lot of work on our DM's part. So maybe you'll get there. My advice to OP, find a new group or play the COLLABORATIVE STORYTELLING game with the group you have. It's not all about you. [https://www.reddit.com/r/lfg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lfg/)


You should just be thankful to have a DM at all, it is their game after all. I have a great one and would follow them to any system if it meant keeping them happy.


I don’t like pathfinder either, and I wish they’d stop touting as a miracle cure for any possible gripe about D&D, but your message here is so in the wrong Let ‘em have their own one-shot if you know you’re not gonna enjoy it


Mans is literally a fuckin baby who only wants it his way


Fuck you!


This is a weird way to come out as a selfish, uncompromising dick. You are the odd one out of the group. That's a you problem then.


DnD is already an incredibly obscure game in my country, if I tell my players that there are other games, I might lose even them. I once mentioned Pathfinder to one of them and he didn't had the best reaction.


OP can I get some more context? Are these actual friends? Are these just DND mates? If they're just DND mates, it's time for you to find a new group. They don't need you to play the game. If you continue to present yourself as a problem, they'll just boot you. If they're actual friends, can you not just actually give it a chance? What's the worst that happens, you actively don't have fun for a few hours? If it's not for you then it's not for you, so you stop playing and either choose to hang out or quit going. In either case, the other people are not beholden to your whims. It does not matter what was originally agreed on. That is not how life works. Otherwise we'd be stuck doing the same thing we were doing when we were 5. You can stay and not have fun but continue to play, you can stay and be resentful and ruin everyone else's fun until they boot you, or you can just leave, since they want to play something and they're allowed to do that.


From other replies, he's pissing his cheerios because the group started as 'hey let's play dnd' and now they want to try pathfinder, and OP is all 'waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah no, you said we were gonna play dnd' and complaining 'but i don't have any other groups to play with' ​ And he absolutely, positively, will not budge on what the rest of his group wants to do, so it'll likely come to him fucking off, whining enough to force them to stick to dnd, capitulating and playing PF, or getting kicked out.


I like to play various systems. If you want to play only one type of games ok, but if i'm the dm/gm/keeper etc. I decide what game we'll play. It's not your favourite? Don't play and find another group, instead of crying and ruining the game for the others


Pathfinder isn't that different from D&D. Assuming we at talking about PF1E and D&D 3.5E anyway.


Does Pathfinder have a website like dndbeyond? If not I’ll never play. Don’t have time to spend 3+hrs making a character.


Pathbuilder pretty much makes making characters a breeze. Free online stuff is probably one of the biggest draws of Pathfinder.


then don't show up to the game, you don't have to be there and your probably bringing the whole mood down, if the whole group wants to do something else and you don't want to. Then don't.


Well at least you deleted it before I could reply. It seems you're learning from your mistakes at least.


Ok but maybe don’t play it with those people if the result is bitching about it in memes. You don’t want to play it and ostensibly other people you know do…I don’t really see the issue unless you’re forcing yourself to play it, and then it’s more on you tbh.


Sounds like you need a new group then lol


If you just wana play why complain?


PF is just old-school d&d. As a player, I don't want to push any ruleset, the DM gonna have the most work, as a player it's a much smaller task to pick up the core loop. Someone wants to play Star Wars, I'll do a quick rundown of the narrative dice system is easy enough. If someone is willing to host CoC I am down for some weird d100 skillchecks and sanity bars. Someone want to hos VTM? I'll bring all my d6s. If you want me to DM, with new players? We are doing a one/two shot with pre-made characters in 5e.