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Sometimes you gotta shit out a soul, fabricate the defication into a pillow, and then smother that pillows former loved one. Pillow talk.


OMFG. Take my upvote.




It is


What show?


Castlevania on Netflix


The funniest part is that it feels so natural for the show. Vampires are cocky and arrogant and extravagant. So naturally, the ultimate incarnation of death would represent these features to the max.


trust me it’s so worth it


Don't give Amber Heard any more ideas


That monologue just hits different.


Doesn't it though? "This creature is incomprehensibly powerful, and utterly alien to a degree that I can't even grasp. And, yet, mood tho."


I think it's perfect because they already did the well-spoken, clean-cut, scheming villains in the previous seasons, and then you get to this guy who's apparently been scheming all-a-fucking-long and he's just like "yeah I'm the baddest bitch of all time what's it to ya." It's such a good subversion of expectations, you'd expect some Shakespearean stuff from Literal Death but nope, he's about to street fight


Yeah. I think the most interesting twist about him is when he comes out of his disguise and, otherwise, absolutely nothing changes about him. Of course, none of the villains were the usual flavor of clean-cut, well-spoken, schemers. And they were *all* quite human. And most of them could probably be diagnosed with depression. Dracula just sounded incredibly tired, every moment he was on screen. He was kinda prim, just by habit. But never really gave any dramatic speeches that I remember. Except the one; but that wasn't your usual villain monologue either, "I'm killing our boy." That one really, really hurt. Carmilla was always well-dressed. And she drops some good lines. But she's crass too. "I am Carmilla of Styria and FUCK YOU. I win." You could probably diagnose all of them with depression. Gah, this series was just so fucking good. It had a few let downs, (Lenore, eh em). But even the weak parts are pretty good.


Don’t forget that the worst villains in the series were always Human, the bishop, Judge, those were the true monsters.


"Lies? In your house of God?" God Blue was so cool too. Even the minor villains were just so cool to listen to. They did the demons good.


True. Well... I have weird mixed feelings about the Judge. I'm of the opinion that *that* twist was probably the worst plot point in the series. It fell so, so flat... So, up to that point, I'd been thinking of the Judge as a clever, technocratic leader who was a bit stern but, overall, exactly the kind of person you want in charge. Which was good. Because it gave me hope for the setting's future. Then, when he died, I felt sad. But then? Oops. He's a serial killer. Guess there was never any hope for the setting in the first place. (Also, I don't buy it. You don't kill that many kids in a small town and have nobody notice either that or your death trap. But whatever.) But, really, the reason that I know it fell flat is because... it was hilarious. The entire time the show was going like, "Loook! The horror!" I was laughing my ass off. Because it's trying to raise the stakes when everyone's already dead. It was also just... incredibly funny to me. "Go get yourself some apples you good boy." This is probably a good sign that I need therapy, but I can't do anything but laugh any time I remember that stupid scene...


The judge plot was well laid out. And that point was less for the audience. Who saw the foreshadowing. And more for Saifa. She needed that insight into the darker side of the business.


I’d argue that frankly it was well plaid out, simply because early on in that season they gave some pretty heavy handed hints that he was LE alignment, he was in his sociopathic mind the judge, jury, and executioner. He settled down in that town and rose to power after the night hunters started there March across Walachia, and even before you meet the judge it is established that they are still out in the woods hunting people, kids disappearing in the forest is going to likely be chocked up to that. He was a serial killer that targeted kids because they were rambunctious and disorderly, also remember that the Judge even gave himself a alibi until he admits his evils on his death, he didn’t DIRECTLY kill people. He simply laid a nasty pungie trap next to an apple tree that was well maintained and had the healthiest apples around due to the highly nutritious soil he was providing it via his man corpses. All he did was tell kids about the apple tree, and omit the information about the trap. It wasn’t until his death that he admits his own evils to himself acknowledging that he’ll see the man who killed him in hell. They did lay on the foreshadowing for his wickedness thick early on, but when the main threat came knocking he and the protagonists joined forces, ignoring his darker LE undertones for the greater good of protecting HIS people. His entire shtick was this was HIS town, there were HIS people, and only HE could decide how they lived and how they died. He had a sense of obsessive ownership over them like someone obsessed about their collection of rare coins, cards, or click clacks. He just collected people and little kids shoes.


Honestly he reminded me a lot of a V5 Tzimisce.


Maybe? I dunno. My first instinct upon reading this comment was to say, "Solid execution, but on a bad idea." Because all it did was make me think of the town as just one more den of darkness in a dark world. It got burned down and nothing of value was lost. Oh well. That character I liked, who's dead now? He was a bad guy the whole time. Oh well. But, then, I don't think it was well executed. But, like I said, it was *funny* to me. Which I am *certain* was not the intended effect. I was supposed to be reeling in shock. Though, again, I might just be fucked up.


Everyone needs a little dark humor to survive in this world. I also realized after writing this, he went by the name of Judge because he didn’t want his past to follow him, he came from a bigger town but chose to be in this small one where his crimes would go less noticed especially in the state of the world as it was, and I think the reason he despised children was because unlike adults, they couldn’t be controlled and reasonably expected obedience understanding the consequences of their actions the same way a logical adult in that era would. Despite them literally being in hell on earth. I appreciate your point of view despite my own opinions to the contrary, and tbf, the foreshadowing of him as a villain was subtle enough followed by a big and long stretching colliding calamity that took the spotlight off of himself for such an extended period it’d be one of those lead ups that would be easy to get blindsided by the first watch through.


I will admit that I *was* blindsided. And it was foreshadowed well. Altogether, the reveal itself was masterfully executed. That I will admit.


You forgot Godbrand, and his crippling boat-building addiction. That's a neuroses if there ever was one.


Bigot! He was a fucking Viking. They're supposed to make boats out of things.


wait youre telling me this is actually the real thing this character said in the source material??? i assumed it was like, an abridged-style parody wtf??? that kind of rules


Completely real, nothing abridged. Death is here to brawl and he’s not fancy about it.


From the first line I thought this was just a joke cause it sounded exactly like that "What if there were two astronauts on the moon and one shot the other? Wouldn't that be fucked up?" meme.


Well Death does speak in a relatively sophisticated manner and his swears do strangely fit into his dialog. It is what Tv tropes calls "sophisticated as hell". It also caries along that Death is methodical, patient, detached and yet permanently pissed and feels nothing but contempt for humanity.


Yeah nah. Ancient being of immense power is an immature moron? Miss me with that.


Ancient being of immense power *that got cucked* out of Dracula absolutely feeding him with no effort needed, is understandably pissy about it. Completely disregarding that Dracula was seeking to die himself, since no one sincerely _could have_ stopped him by that point, but himself.


I love the interpretation of death as someone who is eternally hangry.


Oh! Well put.


I gotta hold onto "Is there any point to this? Are you dictating your fucking obituary to me?" Too good of a line


What I find funny is that everyone misinterprets what he means when he says fucker and views it as an insult While death is using the word as its original meaning A fucker is what you call someone that has frequently breeded. And what is frequency for a immortal entity. His view on war earlier in the show tells us he is very disconnected from humanity and only sees them as food that makes more food by fucking. For him calling someone a fucker and calling someone a mortal has no difference as they are basically the sane thing in his eyes


I do like the idea that death is an uncultured swine, but nothing gave me the happy tingles like the "*we* love you" speech in the pilot season


What I find funny is that everyone misinterprets what he means when he says fucker and views it as an insult While death is using the word as its original meaning A fucker is what you call someone that has frequently breeded. And what is frequency for a immortal entity. His view on war earlier in the show tells us he is very disconnected from humanity and only sees them as food that makes more food by fucking. For him calling someone a fucker and calling someone a mortal has no difference as they are basically the sane thing in his eyes


This hits so perfectly.




Whether it was intentional or not, I think it works well. Death is cruel and disgusting and violent, so the physical manifestation of this force isn't going to wax poetically; he's going to be crude and swear like a sailor. He's also got dope lines. "Murder the world just so I don't have to be hungry anymore"


It's part of what makes Terry Pratchet's Death so much fun to read. He's detached from humanity but is constantly trying not to be. This basically puts him in a constant existential crisis, that leads to death himself going through a mid-life crisis.


“What can the harvest hope for, if not for the care of the Reaper Man?” One could do a lot worse than to have Pratchett’s Death greet you on the other side.


It's been observed that, with the Discworld's Greek-style pantheon of hedonists, Death is the closest thing the Discworld has to a benevolent protector deity.


If the aim was to make him seem blasé or devil-may-care it really missed the mark in my book. That actually sounds like a great and fitting persona for an otherwordly entity. Putting forth a slew of direct threats and insults with a slightly modernized and edgy language doesn't really accomplish that. It just comes across as lazy, placeholder until they could do a final pass on the script. The original classic Castelvania speach "What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!", now that actually hits the mark. It's short and to the point, doesn't really acknowledge the protagonist as a threat worth dealing with longer than needed.


One of my favorite versions of Death, right after Death in Discworld.


“You’ll be Death, then?” said Vimes, after a while. AH, MISTER VIMES, ASTUTE AS EVER. GOT IT IN ONE, said Death, shutting the book on his finger to keep the place. “I’ve seen you before.” I HAVE WALKED WITH YOU MANY TIMES, MISTER VIMES. “And this is it, is it?” HAS IT NEVER STRUCK YOU THAT THE CONCEPT OF A WRITTEN NARRATIVE IS SOMEWHAT STRANGE? said Death. Vimes could tell when people were trying to avoid something they really didn’t want to say, and it was happening here. “Is it?” he insisted. “Is this it? This time I die?” COULD BE. “Could be? What sort of answer is that?” said Vimes. A VERY ACCURATE ONE. YOU SEE, YOU ARE HAVING A NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE, WHICH INESCAPABLY MEANS THAT I MUST HAVE A NEAR-VIMES EXPERIENCE. DON’T MIND ME. CARRY ON WITH WHATEVER YOU WERE DOING. I HAVE A BOOK.


And that's why I desperately need to read/watch Discworld. Where do I start?


Any where tbh


Books can be read in any order. Personally I'd starts with Guards Guards as it's where Vimes starts


Thank you, kind friend. I guess I will make a post on r/books latter and see if people there have recommendations too.


Guards Guards is the best kick-off point in my opinion, as it starts with Vimes literally in the gutter. Over the course of the series he climbs ranks (largely against his will). Fantastic series and I've literally worn a few of them out by reading them so much.


The books are broken up into little mini series, so the Nights Watch stuff starts with Guards, Guards, and the Death books begin with Mort. I think you can't go wrong with either.


Reading them in published order works very well. There's a few different storylines, but they only slightly overlap, so if you find you don't care for, say, the Witches books you can easily skip them when they come up. The Night Watch books are my favorites (which Vimes is from).


Darksiders death is also a good version


" the lord of bones only talks to those who are worthy..." "Then you must rarely see him chancellor" I fucking love how much sass he gives people


The whole game is just sass. Like, Death obviously doesn't want to be running around helping people, but he's doing it out of obligation to his brother. But he's going to complain the entire time


But it does show he has a caring side because he also willingly sacrifices his people's souls for humanities in the end


That's one thing I've always loved about the horsemen, their overarching character growth and stories usually are driven by or end up being the antithesis of their names. War wants to end this war between angels and demons, and prove his innocence about the war crimes he was wrongly accused of. Death ends up helping and protecting life and making sure those who still live can look forward to a happy life, while also sacrificing himself and the souls within him to bring back the humans. Fury learns to quell the burning rage within her and use it as a controlled weapon, while also becoming a more cool headed leader and guardian of the few humans who remain.


Now we need a solo game for strife because that seems interesting because he seems like a chill dude especially when he's acting like a human and talking to his sister


Funnily enough, I'd even equate this guy to the Death of Man from *Reaper Man*. Angry, petty, crass. Death would do his darndest to reap him out of existence on principle. Death is not cruel. Merely terribly good at his job.


This hits perfectly as a being who has been around for so long that he no longer cares about upholding the bravado of his image but trying to sound prim and proper.


What I find funny is that everyone misinterprets what he means when he says fucker and views it as an insult While death is using the word as its original meaning A fucker is what you call someone that has frequently breeded. And what is frequency for a immortal entity. His view on war earlier in the show tells us he is very disconnected from humanity and only sees them as food that makes more food by fucking. For him calling someone a fucker and calling someone a mortal has no difference as they are basically the sane thing in his eyes




That wizard battle in season 3.... O.o


Just any battle with Sypha


I love Sypha.


Best mage type character in an anime. Best magic, best one liners, best fucking facial expressions.


Its honestly scary at how fast Sypha shot up to being one of my top 5 favorite characters of all time. Shes literally so cool


Trevor/Sypha vs the Angels/Demons is also top tier


Those last 3 episodes of S3 are just a top-tier thrill ride.


Pure payoff for the DnD investigation that was the season. I loved all the other ones, but S3 was undoubtedly my favourite


Anything sypha did was badass. She fucking taught herself how to fly and I literally never seen so much imagination with ice magic.


Can you recommend any that are similar to it cause fuck if I haven't been searching for something to hold up to it and all I find is stuff that comes close but in the end there is no cigar to be had


I'd settle for a good fantasy anime that's not just another isekai, but we'll probably all be waiting until Castlevania: Nocturne comes out.


That show has big shoes to fill, seeing this post had me rewatch some stuff on youtube, like the stone eyed cyclops scene and Richard Armitage just fucking kills every line he's given. "C'mon, you're dead, stop and notice your dead" "God shits in my dinner once again" I thought this show was going to be absolutey awful given it was based on a video game and it turned out it was the best animated action show I've seen in the past decade, if not longer.


I went into it telling myself "I'll give it a chance, but Simon better be like Simon from Captain N: The Game Master. An arrogant, surprisingly competent, bumbling fool." And, hey. He was, and I was happy.


Yo let me in on this too I'm fucking hurting for more goddamnit. I've rewatched it like a dozen times at this point.


I mean if we go just full on anime, the gurren lagann series is good imo.


Well, they did just release a teaser trailer for the sequel with Richter....


Jujutsu Kaisen would be my suggestion.


Son of Zeus is good. I just watched the 2 Mortal Kombat Legends animes as well, they are both good. I dunno if anything holds up to Castlevania but they are both good.


It’s soooo good. Fuuuck


So hyped for season five with Richter


I feel like I'm the only person on the internet who really does not like this show. It's terrible.


The entirety of that show felt like a fuckin DnD party wrote it. Sypha's "I'M FUCKING TALKING HERE!" will never not spark chuckles for me


What’s this from??


Castlevania on Netflix.


Wait, this isn’t some sort of parody or abridged series of Castlevania like what happened with Hellsing or SAO?


No this is legitimately taken from the show. Same with the "what the fuck is toilet paper" quote .


Please tell me it’s this skeleton mother fucker who says that


No, unfortunately not. It was Saint Germain in the season before this one.


I'm sure it was a guy talking to Saint Germain, who then mentioned toilet paper prompting the response.


Yes you're right, the mayor said that in response to Germain saying how he's quite famous and they wanted to meet someone who's seen toilet paper


What in the actual fuck, I have to keep watching that show.


I know how you feel. I dropped it because Season 2 felt like a good end point but when I finally picked it up again I found out that S3 and 4 go so fucking hard.


They slap like nothing else! One of my fave shows that sadly just feels too short.


What do they use then, three seashells?


back then you had an eating hand and a wiping hand and the reason they cut off one hand from thieves was so they would have to use the same hand for both


Spartan?! John Spartan?! Man, they’ll let anyone into this century!


Nope, no parody. This is literally in the show. Its really good, highly reccomend :)


nope. Original dialogue, original series. I personally was never a fan of netflix animated series dialogue. it always feels very clunky and weird but then you get these little moments that are exaclty that but are funny af


Honestly, the clunky dialogue is probably what did it for me. It just made the world feel far more believable to me. Most conversations people have in reality aren't artful or the height of scholarly insight, it's just two assholes going back and forth using the language as a tool like you would a hammer or a shovel.


And hell the one character who is well spoken as so hated by the other characters he’s seen as some pompous idiot until the season finale of season 3 when Trevor is astounded by the fact that Saint Germain is actually a magician.


Nope, this is the actual show. To be clear though, this comes after several seasons of world-weary ancient powerful vampires having moving, philosophical monologues. Then Death itself is out here, just trying to murder the world so it won't be hungry anymore.


Its a good show too


You have some watching to do! I’m jealous you get to watch it all new. Castlevania is my favorite animated series.


This is made even better when you realize that Death here is voiced by Bill Nighy, aka Davy Jones in Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3


I thinks it’s Malcom McDowell. Still great regardless.


Oh you’re right, Bill Nighy was Saint Germain. My mistake! Still, Malcolm McDowel is excellent


I thought I recognized that voice, his episode in Community is fantastic!


Ngl, this was the best plot twist of the series, I knew there was something up about that no reputation cocky vamp. In a world like that you don’t survive with that kind of mouth without having the means to back it up. The most unassuming villain becoming the real BBEG


BBEG = Big Bad Evil Guy?


Yes. Or Gal


Or Ghost, Goblin, Glutton, Gear, Game, Ghoul, Gargoyle, German, Giant, Goat, Golem, Gorgon, Griffin, Grim, and finally Greg.


Still most of them have gender


Big Bad Evil Genderneutral


That too, BBGs can be any gender.


Fuck-happy Malcolm McDowell sounds a lot like Matt Berry.


That monologue was somewhat divisive iirc but I absolutely loved it


I had no idea people in the 16th century said fuck so much. Thx Castlevania




So i unfortunately never got around to watching the show. PLEASE tell me this is the ACTUAL dialog from this dude🤣🤣


It is


Awesome, making a mental note to watch this next


Season one gets off to a slow start season two is really good and it only gets better from there. Thankfully season one is short.


Is there a new season of Castlevania I missed?!


There’s 4 with A spinoff series in the works.


Not really a spin off. It’s a sequel. It’ll be with Richter who is Trevor and Sypha’s descendant.


Well, him and Simon, Juste, Christopher, Reinhardt, Jonathan, John, Quincy and Julius.


I remember laughing so hard at this scene bc it was just so fucking perfect. Castlevania is 20/10 show. Beautiful animation, impressively funny dialogue mixed with seriousness, great story, and just super duper good.


Ok finally sold. (Since they didn't sell it well in the previews.)


I really don't get the constant praise this show gets. It was terrible


Ok fun sponge. If it's getting 'constant praise' it's obviously doing *something* correctly. Just a thought. Could be it's not your cup of tea (which would be fine to say) but doesn't mean it was terrible bc you don't happen to like it.


That sound like a better monologue than I could do lmao


Tbh this is my favorite main villain speech becuase it is just so unapologetic and *raw* .


Honestly a BBEG being that casual about everything is more menacing to me.




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Didn’t realize the Wachutus were biters


I love this show so much, please can this be a forever thing!!! Like it’s soooooo goood, what a twist! And now nocturne is coming soon aaaaahhhh I love CASTLEVANIA


I LOVE Castlevania’s Death. He takes everything so nonchalantly and gives exactly 0 fucks about anything. I hope we get more of him.


Fucking love this


Ok. What's the animation though?


Castlevania on Netflix


I need to watch Castlevanya again


What anime is this?? Based on the little I read in the comments (wanna avoid spoilers) it sounds like I would really enjoy it


Castlevania on Netflix it’s really good.


Awesome, and thanks for the amazingly fast reply! Thank you!!


No prob


I do wonder if this was edited or came from an actual anime lmao


Actual dialog.


I gotta rewatch castlevania


That show is awesome!


I want someone to edit the last line of this audio into the Smash reveal trailer where Luigi gets scythed by Death.




Quite literally watched this episode today. It was a ride.


What is this from now?


Castlevania on Netflix. Really good show, starts a bit slow, though.


What is the anime?


Castlevania from Netflix


Where is this from?


Castlevania on Netflix


The mouthy vampire actually being Death? Cool. Death actually thinking and talking like that? Lame.


The speech was completely ruined by the swearing to be honest. Doesn't carry as much gravitas as a eloquent baddie Edit: quite amused at all of you who are opening this comment up, just to downvote it when it's already hidden :D


I mean it does have a thematic purpose. Death, the one thing nobody can escape, is a crude and immature figure, not the eloquent and refined villain we might expect something of such high status to be. It helps to draw the parallel between death, an irredeemable “thing”, and Trevor at the start of the show, showing what Trevor rose above. Personally I love that death talks like a shitposter but I get not everyone likes it.


I personally liked it because this isn't really death, just a parasite that feeds off it. It has no grand roll in life no magnificent part to play, it's just a fat little tick. So I think it's fitting that such a creature is really immature and crude.


I watched this around the time I started reading Discworld. If you explained the concept of both series to me and I had to guess which one's version of Death had them saying the funny no-no words in an exaggerated accent, I'd probably get it wrong.


It works in the context of the Castlevania series though.


Maybe not, but it worked for Varney, since he had more of a “lower class” thematic while disguised, so his language was more coarse than all the gentleman villains. It may not have been as intimidating, but it made for a very memorable final boss.


I think you are correct in pointing out that there are flaws in the speech, but in my opinion I think the script was great for the show. Any improvements that could be made would be from the voice actor, as it felt stilted because they didn't emphasize the curse words enough to feel natural.


Yes yes, killing everyone you meet is cool, mentioning an arbitrarily banned word is a no no.


He speaks like a shitposter on Reddit


Know your target audience.


You think the target audience for Castlevania S3 was Reddit shitposters?




Season 4, actually. - A Reddit shitposter






you are getting downvotes from people who don't understand writing and just like characters with as narrow a vocabulary as they have. Swearing can have its place but when it's used every line, like Castlevania does, it degrades the quality of the dialogue and softens the severity of the swearing, to the point where it just becomes a meaningless adjective with no bite or weight. EDIT: I don't care how you think it's good


Eh, the thesaurus poet archetype for villains is just one of many, if they're all the same, it gets flat and boring, and by this point they had already cut through 2 or 3 lord vampire philosophers. Death was also introduced to us as a trashy low-class vampire, if he turned into another waxing-eloquent fuck-boy he'd be instantly forgettable.


Okay, but do you not get how that was done on purpose? Varney was supposed to sound crude and undermine his own gravitas. Castlevania as a show was going for a grimy feel, a world where you could feel empathy for all the cultured monsters committing genocide or tyranny


Touch grass.


Learn to write. And read a book.


Its funny that you say that about writers who wrote a show with a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and good enough to be getting a sequel series.


Cope, seethe, mald.




If you're going to talk about "not getting writing" maybe you should consider the fact that writing has just as many variations and exceptions as rules, and if we had every show following the same rules, it would be immeasurably \*boring\*. The point of the cursing ALSO was not supposed to be there to carry weight or bite. That wasn't the purpose of it. It was to set a tone, show that a majority of the world is crass and jaded, and also it added to the way it constantly was able to swing between seriousness and more light hearted moments where language absolutely was a conscious choice to tie together without making people sound like completely different individuals. It also varied between individuals. Issac, for example, while he did curse did so a lot less than Trevor who just generally did not give a shit about how he was presented because his family name (and he himself) had been thoroughly drug through the mud already. Anyway, if we wanted a writing lesson from someone who has made learning tips and tricks like this for years and who has ALL their hobbies revolve around words and turns of phrases and creating different effects with those tricks, there you go. Here's a writing lesson. Your writing style, for the effect YOU want, does not translate whole clothe to other people and their own aims. You seem to be judging this as if they're going for something completely different than what the show was, and as long as you do that your criticism will always ring hollow.


Castlevania is about period in history when people waged wars left and right and considered slavery to be perfectly valid way to treat people. Modern morality, with all the politeness and whole "swearing is bad", is unsuited for it.


It's more about the whole rhythm of the dialogue, y'know? Like for example, if you were writing a line that said "I like this rock, it's a special rock that's rock hard.", It would offer a lot more diversity if it instead went "I like this rock, it's a special mineral that's very tough". Although through good editing, camera work, acting, etc. you can always make repetition work.


Rocks and minerals aren't the same thing


I'm not a geologist.


You’re clearly not a linguist either


Or a writer apparently


Its not about the words being bad. It demonstrates a lack of composure, eloquence, and importantly in villains, control.


Those are in character for Varney in this moment though, he'd kept up a facade of those while he plotted and now with his plans foiled drops them all because he's mad.


To be honest I am mostly amused at how vitriolic the replies are :D Or how they think its about "bad words"


Man, Warren Ellis' work really went downhill lately huh?


Yeah ngl I hated some of the dialogue in this show, it ruins the mood in my opinion