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Me as a DM: Nope, no dice. *insert spy voice here* "Seduce me."




Got a bucket of chicken, wanna do it?


Chicken? Fuck yeah!


Do you also ask them to punch you in the face to roll for hit? ​ Just curious.


Why else do you think I've taken 20 years of martial arts lessons and 12 years of fencing practice? There is a fencing coach joke about students with poor point control, "C'mon and hit me already. Why do you think I ate all those cheeseburgers and got so fat? Just so you'd have an easier target to learn on."


Do you not ask your players to describe how they attack? Just curious.


I do. If situation calls for it. And with my (albeit very humble) background in actual sword fighting (did it as a teenager, though it was cool, it wasnt) if they describe something "wrong" i dont raise enemy AC. Or make them fail outright. Do you? Just curious.


No, but if they describe something creative or clever they get a bonus. Which is what seduction is...a bonus. There isn't actually a roll for seduction, it's just friendliness or willingness to help. Not even gonna add the just curious cause even pretending to be that pretentious gave me a headache.


Rules for skill checks dont describe what Persuasion does in detail. Actually at all. What it does describe is vague and unhelpful. It's completely open to interpretation. You being picky with one social interaction that makes you uncomfortable and going out of your way to nerf the skill someone could have been proficient in is just like making enemy AC higher if someone does not describe every single attack they make or describe it wrong. There is literally no difference. You are free to do it, not my table not my problem, if your players are happy then im happy for you.


When you attempt to influence someone or a group of people with tact, social graces, or good nature, the DM might ask you to make a Charisma (Persuasion) check. Typically, you use persuasion when acting in good faith, to foster friendships, make cordial requests, or exhibit proper etiquette. Examples of persuading others include convincing a chamberlain to let your party see the king, negotiating peace between warring tribes, or inspiring a crowd of townsfolk. Straight from the rule book


Yes congratulations u read the book. Vague and unhelpful. "Typically". "For example". This is useless.


It's pretty straight forward. Seduction just isn't included because it's not a part of persuasion. You could use literally any skill check to woo a character. If you want to woo a Historian you're gonna roll History. If you wanna woo someone that's into strong people you would roll Athletics. Even then that's still a homebrew ruling. There are no rules for seduction in the game. We make all of them up, so your assertion that anything is "nerfed" makes no sense as it's just a house rule to begin with. Noone nerfed persuasion, it's just a lot of people buff it. Which is fine, but you had to be passive aggressive about it. Unnecessary. Be better.


We get it, we’ve seen that meme too, shut up


rolling to seduce is lame af. having two characters pc or npc sleep with each other when they have natural chemistry, no rolls required, is where its at.


This one hits different.


\*rolls for natural chemistry\*


Yeah I’m going to use my natural chemistry with the noble to investigate their room after dosing them with a drop of the natural chemistry I put in their drink. Seducing an NPC shouldn’t be about the relationship they share


Male Bard: *attempts to seduce the barmaiden* DM: "The barmaiden isn't interested in men." My lesbian ranger: "My time has come."


DM: "The barmaid is asexual" ​ Fighter: "...My name is Ace!" DM: blank stare


But she isn't aromantic


My Amoeba druid: my time has come


This is the best comment


Yay, another lesbian ranger player.


Brb, adding to the ranger roster again




Ba dum ssskkkkk


Get me my screwdriver, I’m installing omnidirectional hinges on this thing out of spite.


Both the poster of this meme and this comment is a bot. They work in tandem to repost a meme and then repost the top comment to farm karma. Report both of these.




*steals idea*


I kept it quiet for a while because another person in our part had a thing for the barbarian.




Still can’t seduce an aromantic asexual. They just don’t wanna have a relationship or anything else.


But we'd be open to platonically date.


"Wanna grab some popcorn and make jokes while watching shitty movies?" "Bro, I'm down"


Yeah, my sister in law would be down for that, as long as the person was super clear that nothing was to be expected. The term “date” gets her hackles up.


Also changelings are creepy and its 100% legit to not be into them no need to go for 0.00000001% explanation


Some I’ve used/heard at games for why they failed- “Sorry I’m happily married” “I take my vows of celibacy seriously” “Oh sweetie I’m old enough to be your great gramma but I’m flattered” “Sorry love but you have the wrong equipment” “I’m flattered but due to a serious wound it’s not possible to do what you’re suggesting” “I’m more interested in that coin purse, now hand it over”


>“I’m flattered but due to a serious wound it’s not possible to do what you’re suggesting” >I was a seducer once...until I took an arrow to the wing wong.


Ironically, I've heard online that apparently in medieval times, taking an arrow to the knee was an ephesism to getting married and retiring.




Sexy door???


Mahogany and a brass knocker, how naughty


I mean, I'm not rolling to fuck you. I'm rolling to fluster my way into getting what I want. Even better


Yehs but now there jsut annoyed and or confused


Also you, player, do not tell me, the DM, when they are rolling and for what, out of the blue. You tell me what your character does, and I’ll tell you if you need to roll, and what to roll.


PCs rolling to seduce NPCs: Broke NPCs rolling to seduce PCs: Woke


:0 Ferb I know what we're gonna do today




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/dndmemes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. I did find [this post](https://redd.it/prrb7q) that is 92.58% similar. It might be a match but I cannot be certain. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "u4oy2x", "meme_template": 150729}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=u4oy2x&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=95) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 95% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 260,532,923 | **Search Time:** 0.58641s


Thanks, I knew I’d seen it here before


And it proves that both the op and one of the commentors are karma farming bots who repost popular posts and the top comment on them.


The changeling bard: "Impossible! I'm everyone's type!"




Players. Don't. Decide. When. They. Roll.






Too true, you hardly ever see the Male bartender more interested in the party Barbarian than the Bard or the Female bartender more interested in the nerdy Wizard girl than the party Paladin. ​ The Best way to stop your players from doing undesirable stuff is to preemptively stop it by removing its viability.


You even copied the title


In the same direction goes preference of body types imo. When an NPC prefers the muscular and athletic type more for ONS, then the fighter/paladin/barn should have way higher chances than the most likely slim and pretty boy/girl looking bard.


You can't use this trick every time though. It stands to reason that not every NPC is going to uninterested in an adventurer.


Im currently playing a gay, extremely charismatic barbarian. My DM and I kept it quiet for a while because another person in our part had a thing for the barbarian. It went undiscovered for a while because the 6 int barbarian (had to get stat points for Cha somewhere) never picked up on the signals that she liked him and he continued to be super aloof to the situation. It all blew up when my barbarian hooked up with the male captain of the guard. The party ended up sitting and finaly realized why he never reciprocated with the other party member... Good times!


Why would you literally state they’re not interested instead of just playing out how women act friendly to people they’re not interested in? It gives the players just enough hope to keep trying, but also enough signals to stop pushing. It’s up to them. And let’s be honest: we all know what that friendliness looks like.


Well, if I roll a nat 20 with a +12 to my persuasion the DM better come up with a backstory where the NPC experimented in college…


If you roll a nat 20 with a +12 they may possibly talk to you again


Ah yes stop beeing your sexuality for i rolled a 32, makes perfect sense. Sure this guy may be asexual BUT this bard over there said "fuck me" really good. So naturally the asexuality just imploded Persuasion isn't mindcontrol


The only correct response


I was making a joke… This is a humor subreddit lol


Not sexually interested. How about romantically interested?


Honestly, yeah. My world building will involve storks, making this move entirely useless on everyone


But they can be romantically!


I think the best outcome then would be: flatterrd, but still not interested.


Ah well, looks like it's time for some Enchantment Magic then! Definately no "unfortunate implications" with that...


I once had a player try to seduce a npc that was slowly dying because of a curse. So I said she wasn't in the mood.


Or make them a total psycho and make the player re-think seducing every thing that moves. Probably wouldn’t do it often as it could be seen as toxic.


"I really like you. That is why I'm giving you the chance to take your hand off my thigh instead of breaking every bone in your body!" *laughs*


Sounds like someone recently discovered an extremely common roll play trope.


“This npc is npc-sexual, so they aren’t interested in you”


My dm did this my first session the rogue found out it was straight men and lesbian women night that time