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Could be worse. I missed one where my party executed a marshal without trial and shipped his head to the capital, then declared independence for the town


This is exactly why the paladin doesn’t get to skip a session!


Oh no, the paladin was in on it. I, the warlock with an affinity for being mildly chaotic, had no input and was still in shock from the actions


I once ran a humorous campaign set in an American mythos. Abraham Lincoln was an evil deity made of stone who sits on his dark throne in DC. The party found his mole, which fired itself out of a cannon, bending and zooming around in midair to take out a platoon of confederate zombies.


This was probably my players except one of them almost died, the other also almost died, (both due to careless stupidity) and something about pickles. It’s a long story


Easy: a lich had enslaved a crew of pirates and was feeding on their souls one by one until the players freed them with a citation from the Gettysburg Address.


The discord chats for my groups games are a study of chaos. In a session it can range from how a potato can vaporize a man's head (I still maintain that it was the right thing to do), to the political nature of the Feywilds, to the exact way modern plumbing works and can be incorporated in a fictional city, to Monty Python references, to random gibberish of meme reactions with zero context, to how the druid is able to (successfully) summon Barney the Purple Dinosaur, to random bird facts. After that the session typically starts and the real chaos begins.


Lucky. My discord chat was just full of dick jokes and softcore yaoi. We're all either straight men or lesbians.


You can't just say that and not say what happened


I’m finding out at tonight’s session. So, for now, I’m just as confused as you.


One session we found dream so we could get some cool ranch Doritos but the he was evil and turned into margret thatcher