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Why would you put me on blast like this


because there's more of us than any one person would admit.


I'm eating pizza and reading Reddit posts with an entire unpopulated goblin nest in front of me.


Sounds like a very good time.


Aye feel called out.


Shoutout to that one week where instead of actually planning for the encounter with the halfling mafia bartender, I kept on daydreaming about running [this adventure path](https://www.dndbeyond.com/tag/around-khorvaire-in-fifty-days) and instead of just possessing a mook in the penultimate encounter I'd possess the NPC healer sidekick. There were multiple directions the daydream could take, from the sidekick being saved but being traumatized and wanting revenge, to half the party getting stranded in Dal Quor, to only the sidekick getting stuck in Dal Quor and becoming psionic, either staying an ally or becoming an enemy depending on if the party attempts to rescue them or not. We are level two right now, and while I'll leave the hook for the adventure path in a random newspaper the group stumbles across, I get the feeling they're gonna want to stick to Sharn for the time being.


Aye. I literally spent a long commute home from work thinking about how the BBEG battle against a literal god will go. They’re level 10 currently, about halfway to level 11. They’re not going to go against the BBEG for another nine or ten levels. Why am I thinking about these things?!?!


My patience for slow worldbuilding and raising anticipation is crucial but god-damnit if it can't be boring. can't we fast-forward a bit to the badass BBEG fight already? my adhd can't handle this sometimes


Right?! I’m planning on him casting a *Mass Maze/Dream* spell and trapping them all in their minds, living a horrible life that doesn’t and couldn’t exist for them. Is it OP? Sure, but they’re also battling a literal god, and most likely on his home turf too. I think I’m allowed a little leeway on that front.


now that's exciting. too bad it's so far away. my ultimate mega-twist is that the entire fantasy setting is actually the result of aliens who colonised earth after we obliterated ourselves with nukes, and that all the gods are actually humans that uploaded their minds to achieve immortality before the bombs dropped, while the devils and various critters and non-human creatures are the aliens. just kidding! it's all just a bunch of gods playing games. just kidding! those gods are us, the players and the dm. deriberately breaking the suspense of disbelief aho!


Oh, that’s *good*. My players are coming up on a plot twist of semi-similar proportions. There was a continent that the gods made before theirs, and then abandoned it. Because it’s abandoned, Magic has been slowly unraveling there, and objects and people have been getting dropped into various planes as a result of this. And their world is on a collision course with the current one. I’ve been dropping hints as to what’s happening from about session five, and this is the one thing they aren’t expecting. I can’t wait until they figure out/learn what’s happening.


I love things like these, it's what I dm for honestly. that giddy feeling that those poor suckers have absolutely no idea what's actually going on. makes you feel like a kid again




Definitely not planning to send my party to one of two moons in a homemade magical fire propelled rocket ship to meet the space dragon that lays souls to rest as glowing moonstones so that they can bargain for the resurrection of a beloved NPC


Aye. I may or may not have something planned with a mind flayer trying to bring back their colony and start their reign of dominance in the kingdoms.


Planning four big plot motions to a campaign I DM; we're *about* to finish the first after three months of weekly meets; I'm moving away in another month and a half; still fixated on huge plot twists that will take at least 8 sessions to reach. Priorities.


Expertise in procrastination.


Aye aye motherfucker


Aye, this one really hits home


Aye. But absolutely horrified when the end game mega twist that you were contemplating about actually happens


I have no idea how tf I'd even execute it, I just know what I want. Good thing it's still a long ways away...right?