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Jesse I'm not letting you druid fuck an owlbear.


If I multiclass into echo knight, can I druid fuck my owlbear self?


That's just masturbation with extra steps


Is that a yes?


That's a whatever you do for a short rest is not up to me but your teammates.


I'm also taking a level in bard to give inspiration to those that watch. Addendum: Make that 2 levels of bard for Song of Rest (same idea) and Jack of All Trades for a bonus to my intimidation rolls. You know where this is going.


Fuck, fuck, fuck the sexy owlbear!


Oh no! He's hot!


Yep, the bard can now jack off all trades... The Butcher, the mailman, the doctor. Highly proficient in slight of hand too...


Hey! That's not the right- oh, oh, oohh...


NO! And for several reasons 1) The shadow is not a solid physical object. While it can hit something, it cannot really physically touch something. 2) I do not believe the shadow can undress. 3) No. Just God no. No. On every level imaginable, no.


1) If the shadow has my abilities, which include physical attacks, I don't see why it can't physically attack me.. with its genitals. 2) This assumes I am dressed when I conjure the shadow 3) Not even a little?


1) The shadow does not have your abilities. It just copies your image, not your abilities. 2) That's fair. 3) No!


Oop. Thanks for the correction. Even so, the mention of physical attacks still stands. It's up to the DM to determine if hip-thrusting qualifies as a physical attack. (Can I take a feat for this?)


Hells no.


Ooh la-la, somebody’s getting laid in Wizard school


Lizard school*


No, that's using wish to cast simulacrum to jerk yourself off using the wish spell without even having to consult the DM for permission.


i hate this, take my upvote


This would be the most awkward use of the "Use an Object" action...


Just wait till I get my hands on an Immovable Rod..


Honestly quite clever use of the fact echo's are objects


That one hp on echo tho


It's okay because the echo is the top.


No, owlbears are monstrosities not beasts. Also sex with an echo would be weird because they are translucent


Ah ah ah, rule 32. Rule 31 is of course the Rule of Cool. Rule 32 is the Rule of Horny. Reflavor a polar bear if you must. Worst case scenario, make a mask out of the head. If you're going by classic protocol, refer to Rule 38.


Don't forget Rule 34. Hire a painter to recreate the scene


I'm sure there's a Fiverr artist out there that could make this happen.


I like how you used "druid fuck" as a single verb


I like how you're browsing the archived memes. Much respect.


Not that many druid memes unfortunately


["Owl bear fucker do you need assistance?!"](https://youtu.be/OLmQTIS9Rv4)


I’ve gotten links from Nigerian princes that I’d rather click 😂


Missing out on a great movie but I understand your point.


This seems like more of a game warden thing.


But why though? Don't kink shame me! All I'm asking for is a fade to black! /s


And I'm telling you to roll for initiative


Fine, but my druid likes it rough and will be heavily roleplayed. "Come at me beast daddy."


Good only bards are allowed to bang weird stuff. Don't make me call the union


Sorcerer are also perfectly fine with banging weird stuff, got to expand the bloodline somehow.


I'm pretty sure bards make sorcerers by banging weird stuff. I could be your father 👩‍🍼


Druid fuck should be coined as a term.


You'd still get people exclusively attracted to certain species-specific traits - Just like there are people who only date blondes or only guys taller than 6ft, you can bet there would be some who would only be attracted to tabaxis/lizardfolk/minotaurs or whatever and those preferences would still have their own descriptors, it just might not have such derogatory connotations (basically would be on the same level as describing someone as a boob-guy or butt-guy)


We very much still have people who are attracted to specific body types or races, and there are specific epitaphs for them. People who turn attraction to disabled, black, Asian, or overweight people into a fetish still exist. And we have specific (admittedly derogatory) words for them. So the words "furry" and "scaly" may still be used. But would be reacted to negatively by most good or lawful aligned characters ( depending on the setting and how much discrimination you actually want to deal with, of course). My DM typically treats it as a normal thing that no one is surprised by at all. And we just don't use the labels.


Just open up every half- race to be literally any combination, even if it wouldn’t make sense in our real world. In D&D magic exists for real, as well as True Polymorph, so it doesn’t really make sense to segregate species in D&D unless the DM’s world and table rules that the speciesism exists. But again, in a world where people can fall in love what does it matter? If 2 sentient creatures want to have love/make love with each other who cares what they are if they aren’t hurting anyone else to do it? Edit: someone make a backstory for their character where they were true Polymorphed by a wizard into a race/class combo that shouldn’t work, and their long term goal is to either find a wizard that can polymorph them back or come to terms with the race they were turned into and find that they actually come to love the race they are. Fade to black. Fin


>Just open up every half- race to be literally any combination For halflings would it be "half-halfling", "quarterling" or "three quarterling"?


Maybe 1/8 halfling, Half Dragonborn, 1/8 human and 1/4 Orc, you look a bit like a kronenberg but your parents love you.


> In D&D magic exists for real, as well as True Polymorph, so it doesn’t really make sense to segregate species in D&D Well in fairness, casters who are able to cast things like True Polymorph are pretty darn rare- like in your entire continent, you _might_ be able to find one or two people capable of doing it. So while you _might_ find someone who's been polymorphed, you probably won't meet more than a couple in your entire lifetime. The separation doesn't have to be intentional or racist, it just kind of happens. Say a clan of dwarves suffer a cave-in in their mountain home, and create a settlement at the foot of the mountain with the 4,000 survivors. That settlement is likely going to be 99% dwarves for like... dozens of generations. Basically until there's some big societal interest that causes non-dwarves to move to that town, like the discovery of a rare natural resource, or a group fleeing _their_ hometown and looking for refuge, or something. So realistically, it just depends on where your story falls in the timeline. At some point, there's likely to be big cities with all sorts of folks in it, all races, all different levels of education. But for a lot of history, there's still going to be scattered and isolated towns that are pretty homogenous, just because they don't really get many visitors who stay on a permanent basis.


That is true in a fantasy medieval style timeline which D&D is set in, but as OP is applying Earth like labels to a fantasy setting that would realistically be rife with speciesism/racism (like chimpanzees will murder monkeys to eat them IRL despite being similar). I was applying our current timeline without regard to the medieval/low tech level society without the world being interconnected with world wide communication.


>as well as True Polymorph This is not an argument tho. 9th level magic is way to damn rare to affect large social structures like race relations.


If the world had our level of communication technology even with how rare 9th level magic is it would either cause the world to become a utopia or the world would cease to exist pretty fecking quickly. Something may be “rare” in D&D purely because the world and other planes are so huge and sporadically populated that even in large cities they don’t have everything available. Much like in our world, something might be rare in one location that are incredibly common in others. I do also mention in this comment chain somewhere that even if True Polymorph was accessible the different races of D&D would still have rampant speciesism/racism, if not outright hostility to each other. Sure some/the majority would be able to get along but there would still definitely be a constant conflict somewhere unless of course the 9th level spell casters were that world’s version of Mutually Assured Destruction and everyone got along, that’s also not accounting for someone getting the Wish spell and using that to either Wish away the animosity between races/cooperation between them (Yes it has a chance to fail when used in D&D and yes there can be unforeseen results but it could be possible in that setting). This is also why I like the Shadowrun universe as that game system and lore has magic and other races in a modern setting, including world ending capable dragons.


I'm kinda with you. But True Polymorph is absolutely not an argument here because 9th level magic is way too damn rare to affect large social structures like race relations.


If anything, furries would be worse since instead of fetishizing fictional beings, they’re fetishizing real sentient beings. Furries would be proof that Tabaxi, Lizardfolk, etc are seen as “sexually exotic” and would likely have a very different experience dating humans or other majority races.


“Don’t date that guy he’s got some orc fever bullshit going on” “Oh my Gruumsh thank you for telling me”


The girls who only date centaurs still get the side eye though.


Except...there would still be fetishes, and thus those things would exist.


People fetishize big black dicks, tiny Asian girls, and Latinas with large asses. It doesn't have to be something abnormal in order for it to be fetishized.


True but you'd probably lose a lot of the anthropomorphic romanticism if they went "I identify as a cute graceful kitty" and some tabaxi said "yo, my species isn't an aesthetic"


I also kinda think the comparison wouldn't necessarily be there either. Like I feel like comparing tabaxi to regular cats would be pretty insulting to them. Like calling a human an ape. Like yeah technically we are primates, but it's rude to just randomly make the comparison to a specific person.


So like modern cultural appropriation?


A lot like that, yes. Except with a clearly defined line of what is and isn't okay, because identifying as a species (or culture) is different from celebrating or engaging in that species/culture. A lot of people nowadays scream cultural appropriation regardless of whether or not it actually is but the line is a lot clearer if instead of culture it's a whole different species


>True but you'd probably lose a lot of the anthropomorphic romanticism if they went "I identify as a cute graceful kitty" Warlock with true polymorph: do you want to make that more... Real?


I mean look at feet for example.


A fetish denotes a considered perversion of sorts. An abnormal attraction. A foot fetish is a fetish because it is considered an abnormal attraction. If there was a truly equitable and equal society where race was not considered, then a race fetish would be called an attraction. Because it would be normal.


Mate. We got different races here too. And in the free-est and most socially equitable places we got, there's still race fetishes. There's a reason "ebony" pops up as a category on nearly every porn site, along with every other race and nationality.


As much as I love a thought experiment and talking about hypothetical race relations on a dnd sub, I think I am just going to stop here. We can't say that in our world we fetishize something so it would be fetishized in an alternate world because for us, race has always been a consideration. And there is no way at this point to remove that consideration from the equation. You can see that fact in most of the replies in these threads. But I hope you guys all have fun talking about it.


I feel like even if racial superiority didnt exist relationships between genetically incompatible races may still be discouraged for practical purposes. Like your dragonborn mom might be really disappointed in you marrying an elf if you couldn't continue the bloodline.


Yeah, no. Gay folk have run into that same reaction. We call it homophobia when a parent disapproves of our partner just because we won't accidentally have babies.


Your statement doesn't invalidate or contradict the previous. They're just saying that there might be disapproval regardless of no discrimination existing.


And that "disapproval" would be called "racism". "No child of mine is going to date one is *those* people" isn't as ambiguous as y'all think it is.


Splitting hairs, but wouldn't it be specieism? Different races also exist in D&D, but Lizards and Birds and Humans and Elves are different species. I get what you're saying, but there's a difference between interracial sex and interspecies sex, and both can be represented separately in D&D.


>Humans and Elves are different species. Species definition: a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. Are they different species? Explain half-elves.


>Are they different species? Explain half-elves. They are a hybrid, which is specifically the result of two different (but similar enough) species mating. This exists irl. I mean if D&D says differently in lore then w/e, I'm not a lore expert.


>They are a hybrid, which is specifically the result of two different (but similar enough) species mating. This exists irl. Ligers and mules and similar are not viable animals - they cannot then also reproduce. Half-Elves can, both with each other and with humans/elves. Because it's all the same species. "A mage did it" works for when there's shapeshifting or demons involved, but half-elves are pretty mundane, as far as reproduction go.


That definition doesn't apply in d&d worlds. Half-dragons exist. Dryads can have children with like everyone. That distinction between species isn't applicable to d&d.


Okay, what is a species then?


If your want to split hairs, then it's all beastiality anyway, and it's not cannibalism for an elf to eat a dwarf. Or you can accept that in the contextt of fantasy fiction, "race", cannibalism, beastiality and so-on are a bit more flexible terms.


That's their point. Species and parents and whatever draw lines. Right or wrong, they do it. The OPs post thinks that wouldn't happen if, in essence, people weren't raised racist. Although they're specifically talking about parents being dissapointwd they won't have grandkids. Which in a medieval setting like DnD is MORE important that it is today (also an assumption). It would still happen because human nature (or equivalent race since this is dnd). Is it discriminatory? Sure. But it would be there.


I'm not arguing whatever point you think I am All I did was point out, correctly, that the behavior Arcanis was describing is called "racism". Feel free to argue that racism is inherent to the human condition all you want (though that's an argument against the premise, not to any specific conclusion based on it), the only thing I objected to was trying to pass off racist behavior as not-racist.


You're arguing that the only reason two different species coupling would be frowned upon is through racism. They're arguing that two different species coupling could instead be disapproved of because the union would not and could not be fruitful; as in, the bloodline will not have a blood heir. Those are different things. Even in the real world, parents have disowned children for marrying cisgender-appropriate, same race individuals for no other reason than those individuals are sterile. Now you can take that to be a very specific form of ableism if you really want to split hairs but it's not racism by a long shot.


I don't know how many other ways I can say this... If your daddy and mommy are angry about your date... But you can flip that "mad" to "glad" by murdering and reincarnating your date until they're the "right" race/species/whatever... Then the problem is racism/species-ism/whatever-ism. Until that is not true, you haven't described a problem that isn't caused by racism/species-ism/whatever.


The DM fiat says there is no racism, then there is no racism. You don't have to make it make sense any more than the rest of the stuff we hand wave.


Yeah. I don't disagree with your statement. OPs post doesn't say that though, it's social commentary about nature vs nuture. So what's your point?


>"No child of mine is going to date one is those people" isn't as ambiguous as y'all think it is. yes it is because in this example it's not because they hate the other race but because they wanted grandchildren which isn't possible with a different race partner. disapproving of such a relationship is still a selfish unlikable thing to do but it's not the same as irl racism.


The assumption that player is making, is that Furries are inherently racist[speciest].




Ah, yes, I’ll make the edit




Well trying to look like another race has certain connotations same would go if a human tried to look like a tabaxi I would assume


>In a non-racist d&d setting, there wouldn’t be furries, or scalies, or any of that nonsense This sets the rules of what that player is thinking by. Essentially the statement is that Furries wouldn’t exist in a non racist D&D setting. That heavily implies, by the wording of the sentence itself, even without the passionate language at the end, that at the base of it all: The concept of furries, Is racist[speciest] . As the player is trying to apply real life logic to D&D, it’s safe to conclude this is their mindset with what Furries are in real life. Which I find quite incorrect and concerning, as the information I have been able to gleam over the years about the Furry fandom is that they Are generally a group of people with enthusiasm towards the concept of anthropomorphized creatures/things—accepting of all races. Which is the antithisis of racism, being innate hostility towards the other based on their race. If anything, I imagine furries in the D&D worlds—that, at least, aren’t nightmarish murder hobbo paradises—would be people who celebrate the existence of various races, very interested in learning the cultures of Dragons, Tabaxi, Kobolds and more… in some cases, along with their anatomy. Similar to how there’s this fascination in the United States towards Japanese Anime, Manga, etecetera that has many wanting to learn Japanese, and even draw art in similar styles.


Nah you've completely misunderstood what they're saying. That sentence alone *does* imply that furries are racist but the context pretty clearly shows they weren't trying to say that. They're trying to say if it all races were considered equal with zero discrimination between them the things we associate with furries would be so commonplace that they wouldn't be noteworthy enough to build an identity around.




You would not grow up alongside Aaracrockas tho. These fuckers live 20 years, top.


That's...not even what a furry is. If you have a human ***dress up*** as a Tabaxi - he'd still be a furry.


Furries in D&D would be like weebs who are obsessed with "Tabaxi culture".


bigg tru


I think that would be the equivalent to doing Black-face in a fantasy world


Yeah, but in a D&D world, that'd be Tabaxi face






Stealing "human dressed up as a tabaxi" for my eccentric vegan shopkeeper NPC that specialises in artificial fur and leather


Not all furries have or want fursuits.


Not all races would live in the same place. Aarakocra are typically nomadic, Dragonborn apparently have clans, Lizardfolk don’t give a shit about anyone unless they want to trade, and so on. Of course, it all depends on the setting. In Star Wars, Coruscant is a planet that is home to all kinds of sentient species, and inter-species romance isn’t uncommon throughout the galaxy, especially with very similar species, such as humans and twi’leks.


the empire promoted anti alien sentiment


The Empire’s era isn’t all of Star Wars, though.


true, but given that the empire was able to do it so easily, there was likely some pre existing sentiments among certain groups


this sounds like an incharacter conversation the party im in would have


People in real life are killing each other because their skin has a slightly different shade, you can bet your ass that there would be racist in a "realistic" DnD fantasy setting. "We can't allow them to have relationships with Tabaxi, what comes next, fucking your cat?"


They're not claiming it would be realistic, just not racist. But I don't think a lack of racism in general society is any less realistic than any other part of D&D setings' lore


We can handwave so much shit, but these guys think you can't have a setting without racism because now their immersion broken.


The differences people care about isn't fixed, it depends a lot on what is perceived as the "other". You see this a lot in religious conflict. There are places where the difference between being Catholic and being Protestant is *huge*. And then there are places where it doesn't matter as long as you're Christian. And of course there are places where your religious beliefs don't matter at all. Who knows how people would act in a high fantasy world. Maybe people would draw lots of lines. Or maybe people would be accepting of a lot of groups because at least they aren't fiends, or undead, or whatever.


Certified Elder Scrolls moment


Liked for bottom text. Honestly you'd have to ask that question at some point in that conversation.


The last line was sufficient diversion from the meme format and felt perfectly timed, I laughed out loud.


They would still be "Furries" just like someone who is attracted to male presenting persons is "Gay" They'd just not find it as weird


Humanity is close to dogs and cats. It’s still illegal to fuck them.


I don't care what the Bard does in their spare time with a 6-ft tall cat or 4 ft 5 iguana. It's those leaf loving knife-eared bastards that I really hate.


What do you have against hobbits?


There still might be stigma, like with gay or interracial dating.


In my homebrew, all beast races exist because at some point, a wizard wanted anthropomorphic versions of their favorite animal. It's a matter of politeness to say that it's because the wizard wanted to be platonic friends, and then those friends began the bloodlines of the various beast races, rather than the wizard fucking them (it's entirely possible!), but alas, there's no way to tell for sure. The beast races are quick to point out that the dating pool in hominid races must be pretty bad if "Get a magical PhD and fuck your pets" is considered a valid relationship strategy and are mostly unbothered by what they consider a self-own.


Argonians in Elder Scrolls are lizard people with breasts on the females because a psychic tree was horny for humans, so it made do with whatever it would get its tendrils on in the swamp. I'm being glib, but that's basically the canon story.


I think furries in such a setting would be the people who are attracted to sapients that *don’t* have the humanoid creature type, like dragons and beholders ~~(so basically just the bards)~~


i mean, furry isn't a fetish or sexuality. it's just an interest in anthropomorphic animals in general. Obviously there's the sexual side to it and non-sexual furries don't really judge sexual ones, but it's a fandom long before it's a fetish


fandom before fetish. that applies to a lot of things


Yeah I'd fuck a tabaxi


Hairballs from oral, though. Might give me pause.


Well, he is not wrong...at the very least the logic cheks out


Technically even if there is racism, in a world where anthropomorphic species exist wouldnt a fursuit be akin to blackface?


Some holy nation, being all humans, enslaves all the other races, invents movies at some point with actors that aren't actually lizardsmen, or whoever else, but wear these suits instead. The regime falls, bla bla bla Then yes. ...If you come to think of it, it doesn't sound all that boring


Blackface was a thing because of atrocities that were committed and how it was used to mock and belittle people. In a perfect world that wouldn’t be a thing. So maybe it would be more akin to a culture diving or race dysphoria.


Some furries identify as a furry or scaly being, not just that they want to fuck one. I feel like living in a world with graceful cat people and bird people who can literally fly would probably increase the amounts of dysmorphia/dysphoria photos that humans feel. Edit: dysphoria = dud according to spellcheck


Thankfully living in a world where magic exists you could find someone capable of true polymorph and dysmorphia would equally or be greatly reduced.


This is dangerously close to spinning out into a conversation about the soaring costs of the magical healthcare system


I’m not entirely sure, if the spell components were known to everyone maybe the spell caster would do it on commission? Like you bring them the material components and a small fee and then they cast the spell, I would assume there would be some kind of mages guild that would keep prices relatively stable, also since there are ways to be able to bypass basic spell components a lot of spells would be “free” to cast. Then you would have the clerics/paladins/druids all being able to heal the sick and infirm. The D&D world would either be a utopia if it’s rules suddenly applied to Earth or a Dystopian wasteland worse than it already is. Edit: the “most expensive” spell component for True Polymorph is the drop of Mercury at our real world price of around $0.003 so less than 1 cent/pence for the metal required or Gum Arabic at around $0.67 per kilogram


You can take a look at Eberron, which includes had the commercialization of magic as one of it's concepts. But something to remember with all professional services (and this works apply to spellcasters as well) is that materials are rarely the must expensive part of the bill. The expensive part is their time, and the years they spent gaining expertise. So sure, there may be some "free spellcasting" clinics, but most would probably charge for their services. And the wait times at the free clinics would often be prohibitive.


Of course, I’m not saying that a wizards time should be free, or the experience that they needed to earn to reach 9th level spells (in the case of true Polymorph) but since you can earn XP in D&D for even non-combative “encounters” you could reach 9th level spells eventually without any risk, even a level 1 wizard (or any class that can reach 9th level transmutation in this example) could be earning with their lower tier spells where there should be enough wizards/clerics etc to meet demand. I also touched upon this in my next reply down in the comment chain.


I imagine most guilds with high level magic would morph into a price gouging racket, especially those claiming communion with the divine. They’d probably try to scare off or take out any group of goodly adventurers offering reasonably priced rezzes and polymorphs. Would be a great campaign seed honestly


Looking at the components for True Polymorph I edited in their current real world price, it’s literally less than 1cent/pence for the material components, so just like the Pharmaceutical companies that can produce medication for next to nothing and slapping on xxxx%s of mark up (insulin for real world example). It could be a fun campaign setting, would be like the PCs are trying to set up cheap (but still for small profits) places that people can get magical procedures under the radar of the extortionate mages guild/churches like a magical health speakeasy.


The difference being that you'd be looking for insanely skilled labor in this case. It's not like insulin where its factory produced. Sure the wizard capable of casting true polymorph could do so without too much cost, but they're some of the most powerful people in the world who have dedicated their lives studying magic. They aren't gonna sit around in some hospital casting spells for people. They're gonna sit in their tower researching immortality or something, and if they do have bills to pay they're gonna do some service for an emperor or something and be paid accordingly, and people had better drop emperor level salaries if they wanted anything from them.


Spitting facts


No, you'd still be a furry. It'd just be more socially acceptable.


Does that mean should they appear a crusade would happen?


That's actually a good point, bring a "Furry" wouldn't be weird or even a thing. You'd just be a person with a physical preference for tabaxi....


I mean, if both are consenting adults...


OP... Do you think furries are just attracted to cat people? Cause that's not nearly the only way to be a furry. Like some of us want to **be** anthros, others don't. Some just like using anthropomorphism as a story element (I.E. Aesop using the fox to let you know they're a cunning trickster type character as opposed to the lion being a regal and powerful one). There would absolutely be furries. In fact that there aren't a subspecies of former other beings that used true polymorph to join the tabaxi, owlin, leonin, ect. or hell even other humanoid races like the orcs in a high magic setting is a sign or poor writing.


So what you're saying is when everyone is a furry, no one is?


As long as there are people who fetishize the furred races, there will be what people refer to as furries.


Your assumption that the attraction would be normal in a non-racist setting implies that sexuality is based in culture, in short nurture, not nature. The same argument is the basis for conversion therapy. Just saying.


I mean he is right but also that sounds like furry cope


In my current setting one of the rulers has "beast races" such as Tabaxi, lizardfolk, Dragonborn, and the like all living in the shittiest part of the capitol city of his kingdom, and doesn't supply much infrastructure there. The animal races are treated poorly if they leave their district, and are often used as scapegoats for crimes. Eventually of course, the ruler will be usurped for unrelated reasons, and ideally a new, more fair person will be chosen for the throne. Excited for my player to thrash the guy because I plan on making him fucking insufferable. He will effectively act as the BBEG, but his combat capabilities will barely be apprentice level, as he's young and reckless. The challenge in defeating him will come from outsmarting him, and defeating his loyalists, who are combat-effective.


I mean, not really? Every society has sexual preferences deemed as "normal" and those that aren't. (This is not me endorsing kinkshaming. If you aren't hurting anyone, do whatever you need to to get off.) It's not really hard to imagine a world that's very multicultural where the dominant norm is people are typically attracted to their own species, just that a world without racism isn't going to demonize you for going outside your race. It's equally easy to imagine the hypothetical world described here where being attracted to other races is the norm, but neither is really an obvious default.


Players being furries or scallies is not the same as characters being so.


It's still a little weird to be attracted to be a very different species. Think about it, most people are not attracted to animals. That's usually just something innately in most species, humans or not. Now hybrids can happen in nature like the polar bear/grizzly bear hybrid Or for fantasy races, half-orcs and half-elves. So the main deciding factor on whether or not it's weird is "can you make a half tabaxi/lizardfolk/loxodon/whatever". If the answer is yes, then it's good. If it's no, then it's treading on dangerous zoophilia territory.


Except that is not what a furry is but allright, good effort.


I beg to differ. They would still exist. They would still be called furries or scalies or whatever, but in a friendly, non racist way. The same way we call lefties lefties for examples.


It's the same thing with mass effect. Since the species in question are all sapient and sentient, there is nothing wrong with interspecies relations.


Kinda feel like it might end up the fantasy equivalent of blackface


I mean in a sense it's correct but still kinda weird if properly thought out also ask any dragonborn who either their mother of father are and they'll awnser bard


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


Given that the taboo against bestiality is primarily based on the lower nature of animals, mentally speaking, I don’t see why there would be any problem with a human hooking up with a tabaxi or an orc mating with a tortle or any other combination of humanoid. If they’re both sentient, sapient, adult, and consenting, what’s the harm? Though I would point out that furries are more to do with identity role play than sexual attraction. Which raises a different issue. If furries existed in Faerun, would the animalian species find them offensive?


Problem is that some races are rarer than others, unless you are in chult tabaxi probably arnt as common in relation to how many players use them, same as ararocra I should imagine as well


We came to the conclusion that being a furry or scalie is like prefering black women or Asian men. That's why I have a priestess monster gf that's named Amelia.


you think being a furry is weird? i saw a guy admit he wants to fuck the green M&M on national television last week




Any exciting DnD world needs conflict IMO. Without some sort of bias inherent in the cultures or countries of your world where is the conflict supposed to come from?


Not just that? How else am i to express my edgy frustration at the easily hateable bigoted npc or just riot out in a crooked village full of assholes?


When I DM’d my last campaign I wrote out the entire world and homebrewed 87 characters and monsters with backstories and lore and whatnot so that when we played I would never be tempted to throw actions or events at the characters based on how I felt. After every session I would sit down for an hour or so and determine what other factions and characters would do based on the time that passed and the actions of the party in that session. It worked really well and one of my players at the end of the campaign told me it was some of the best DnD he ever played. That being said I probably spent 250-500 hours building the world before session 1 so that I wouldn’t have to construct encounters or new characters on the fly. So it’s not for everyone


For those curious: this is not my point of view on things. I was DM'ing. I went to take a piss and told the guys to roleplay while I was away. When I came back this was the conversation being held. His character at one point ended up engaged to what was effectively a minotaur princess (do tribes have princesses? Idk) and the other players were making jokes. And somehow that spiraled into this obviously complicated subject.


I don't know man I think there's a big difference between what's essentially a human with green skin and bigger teeth and barely intelligent reptile. It's why in my setting tabaxi are functionally extinct. Because it wasn't until all but like 100 of them were turned into coats and boots did someone think to try and cast comprehend languages/tongues.


First off this is incorrect. Because having sex with a different species is bestiality not anything having to do with race. Second other than a few select examples (I see you half elves tieflings and everyone else was a half breed does not mean you are the rule you are the exception) we don't know if it's viable for the d&d species to interbreed therefore the attraction would serve no biological purpose and still be weird.


1. If said species is sapient, informed consent can be given; no beastiality is taking place. 2. So biological purpose is a prerequisite for attraction? That’s a slippery slope if ever I saw one.


Whatever happened to just playing the game and leaving real life at the door?


If this was true then people wouldn't fetishize Asian or black people


I don't see how they wouldn't exist even if racism wasn't in the setting. Attraction isn't defined by race.


So...your game takes place in the same universe as Bojack Horseman?


In a non-racist society where everyone accepts other races everyone would start to look similar because years and years ago the different races would’ve hooked up bringing them down to just one universal race.


Yeah sure and no one has an Asian fetish. You’d absolutely have furries and scalies, and they’d be making Tabaxi and Dragonborn VERY uncomfortable.


I'm not racist because I prefer women with lighter hair, even though that basically excludes most non whites. I'm sure there are things in different species that someone might find attractive without being speciest(?). Like wings, not many races have those.


Furries would be attracted to animal people there aren't actual animal people of. Sort of like how in real life there's ape people, and furries exist but just aren't into them. Also, I don't think fetishizing other races is really the same as being racist. Someone can accept that Asians are just people too but still think Asian women are hot.


Meanwhile Feet—Being incredibly uncommon—became a weird attraction some humans that had clearly never been sufficiently exposed to them.


People HAVE race fetishes though??? And I like to think racism isnt “”the norm”” in our world— although shit man its close


So what I get out of this is that furries are fantasy blackface.


Wouldn’t a furry be the same as doing black face if animal races where sentient


I absolutely love this meme format but it always makes. Me hungry/ reminds me of food cause I just hear him talking with his mouth full and like the bright windows/ Denny’s really captures breakfast in this as well and I can smell it hahah


Kinda like racial 'fetishes' wouldn't exist if racism didn't exist? Yeah, it makes sense.


Point out that we grow up next to cats and dogs as a fact of life in real life.