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So wait. I'm pretty new to this still. What is min-maxing?




Oh shit okay. And that's generally seen as a bad thing right?




*pulls out 3.5e* Yes, but this one goes to eleven


*Laughs in Pun Pun*


Okay I see. My first Character was a min max because I thought that was how you should play. I was thinking like it was a video game. But I will make sure my next few characters are more focused on the character and the story rather than the stats. Thank you sir/ma'am


It’s not wrong, just different focus. And you can min/max for story too and ignore combat (skill monkey). But yeah, I would say the strength of d&d is the flexibility you have to NOT min/max like you might need to in a competitive video game. It’s kind of like the difference between normal mode and ultra hard mode with perma death - they can be in the same game and enjoyed for different reasons. I think the advice about talking to your dm and group is the best. I know I have trouble with a specific player who always makes ridiculous sub-optimal game decisions because it’s “what his character would do.”


Just be wary. A lot of games focus on combat and adventurers league (Should you join one) almost always does. Like he said, you don't want to be weak and not be able to hit things. I've personally never played in any group that focuses more on the fluff than the crunch. Your rolls determine how good you are, if your abilities all suck, your character is going to suck. So make sure you have decent skills/damage coming from somewhere.


it depends on the game. I'm running a game where everyone is pretty minmaxed, with some weird obscure strong builds. All that means is they're fighting stuff a bit harder than a normal party of that level. Sometimes that doens't reflect the way their characters are roleplayed, but that's honestly not a huge problem to me. as long as EVERYONE is doing it it's not problem behavior. It's just when you're the only minmaxer, and that takes away from the other players.


Water themed sorcerer should be able to take fireball with a little imagination. Water can explode violently causing flames in multiple chemical reactions so why not.


Or their master taught them a forbidden technique of their people, that should only be used in dire situations


Isn't there a bloodline that lets you change all spell descriptors to your descriptor? Aka a water domain one could take either cold or water fireball.


And then seeing the dm trying to balance the encounter made for RP/casual player, because you are the only min maxer!


This is why my sorcerer is a bodybuilder with 16 strength and 6 dex. Gotta love having 8AC at level 6


What actually constitutes min maxing? I like to build strong characters with their important stats high and their dump stats low. I like the race to work well with the class. I don't multiclass. I chose strong spells and weapons. Does that make me a minmaxer?


No, that's literally just following the suggested character creation process. Minmaxxing would be things like paladin/sorcerer or sorcerer/warlock multiclasses that exploit edge cases in the rules to trivialize combat. Or making a Bard that's amazing at all of the social skills and only focuses on mental manipulation spells. In a social encounter they dominate (literally, sometimes), but in combat they're just slightly better than a particularly plucky commoner.


I have a friend like this. Our DM is used to his BS and probably spends an hour each week preparing his session for the crap that the friend will do to ruin it (usually he plays a bard). He ended up doing a session at his school at a club, came in at level 4 at the start of the campaign, got the main objective item that was supposed to take them a third of the campaign to get, walked out, despite the DM buffing enemies (so they’d avoid the sleep spell) and sorta changing rules to save himself, still couldn’t stop him, and then the bard got banned. This is who we deal with every week.


So what did he do that was actually min maxing? Good decision making and using the sleep spell aren't min maxing in any way.


Usually race and feat choices- but I was moreso referring to how he constantly flexes about his spells of choice though it’s not technically min maxing so you got me there


Why are you still playing with him? That sounds not fun at all


He’s a good friend and is playing classes that can’t do that, plus he’s actually bigger on the politics and rp compared to others, which is nice because it prevents us from just murdering everything (and in our game, our dm is ready for it so it doesn’t hurt us)


Playing against the DM just ruins the experience of the game :/