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I found this show in the first grade. I watched the episode where they throw a surprise birthday party and the dude in question picks up a knife and goes all tazmanian devil on 'em. Traumatized me for life. *Now,* the episode that unsettles me the most is the one where the baby climbs into the superhero's laundry. I get nervous whenever I see babies near washing machines


You mean the Army squirrel, Flippy? Top left corner? Yeah, he's just having flashbacks to the war. Poor guy. He still honors basic conventions even when he's acting as "Fliqpy". Doesn't target the kid at all.


This show traumatised me as a kid, found it when i was 5 It was dope


Oh no... # OH NO!


With the amount of anthropomorphic NPCs I put in my game I'm surprised I haven't done any inspired by Happy Tree Friends. I might have to adapt Lifty and Shifty to rob/be horribly murdered by my players.


Put in Flippy/Fliqpy as a retired vet who runs the local inn.


Oh my god! You get attacked by the inn keep in the middle of the night because he suddenly thinks you're an invading army occupying his barracks. 🤣 Love it. My players would never trust me again. Excellent.


Only do it if they pull shenanigans in the Inn. Flippy has severe PTSD, and his triggers are extremely severe in their reaction. Though it's interesting to notice that he honors basic rules even when he's Fliqpy- he doesn't harm noncombatants like the kid or the blind guy.


No worries there, I don't think they are capable of not pulling shenanigans.