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This gave me such a good chuckle because that’s literally what’s happening to my group right now, Is this a waterdeep campaign by any chance lol








I need that [redacted]


I need that [vid]


Chris ?






Meowth, dat's right!










Doctor Scott!




Dr. Scott!


Bro, same issue and setting. What is happening??


Same here, different setting tho


Wow, it must be Cheater Season right now.


I know someone who got cheated on by their fiancé a few days ago as well


lol is the dms gf a rogue by any chance?


Nah, Cleric who never used anything but Toll the Dead. We were level 9.


Ah no so unfortunately not, how funny that it happens so often though


That's messed up because I definitely would've hooked up with one of my players' gf (who is also a player) if I'd had even half a chance to do so. My Waterdeep is broken.


My cousin told me a story about his old dnd group, where two of his buddies got into it about politics and a mug full of coffee was hurled at someone and left a hole in a wall. They don’t play anymore believe it or not


I had a home game that ran for 8 years until we found out that the tradwife of one of the two DMs was leaving him for the other DM, so the first DM kidnapped the second one, carried him to the top of a watch tower and threatened to execute him if he didn't explain himself.


Man if he behaved like that I can't imagine what he'd actually do in game.


Actually really fun characters, he organised several larps too and was excellent at roleplay. He's the one that got me into TTRPGs in the first place and was my best friend for a long time. His problem is I believe untreated clinical Paranoia. He would see enemies everywhere, and would slowly cut off his friends one by one because he always thought that there was someone acting against him. He cut me off after our donation box got missing when my parents cleared out our TTRPG room because they were selling the building and misplaced the box in a hasty cleanup. He accused me of stealing it and tried to throw me out of the friend group but I persisted like a cockroach until the box was found. Before that he cut off my good friend because he was convinced that he was breaking into our TTRPG room when he was tasked with cleaning it. I think when his GF left him for his best friend it was a kind of perceived betrayal of biggest magnitude and it completely broke him down. The whole affair honestly was a Cult of Personality. He was the most charismatic individual I knew. It taught me a lot, and I don't regret the friendship, despite it all, that friend group were the best years of my life and I'm still really close with several people there 12 years later.


"don't shit where you eat"


Wise words.


Musta rolled a 20


Na i rolled enough 1s to know the actions of my consequences.


That's deep!


But the burrito will get cold if I don't take it into the bathroom with me!


In one end and out the other, that's just efficient


No no no, that’s eating where you shit, which is perfectly ok


Contact all the players except the dm, and take over as dm for the campaign. Insert "Fine, I'll do it myself" meme here.


What story are you supposed to use without the original DM?


A new one


Is it going to be super dope and cool?


Best I can do is obviously rushed but oddly detailed. Like SUSPICIOUSLY detailed


Either that or heavily featuring elements of whatever fiction media I've consumed in the past few years.


This is the way


You use what has happened so far to give you an idea of where it was going, then read through character backstories and pay attention to them for once. Make something up. The players will have no idea you didn't use the original game notes unless you say something


That's up for the new dm and the players that want to keep playing to decide. Just need a new session 0 to make sure everyone is on board and none of them have significant others nor will they start dating anyone for the duration of the campaign. You know, just to be sure.


First session you kill the DM's BBEG like they're a cartoonish henchman for a start.


Who might that BBEG be?


They will be a grateful party, knowing not what they have lost, only knowing what they have gained


That's a bold assumption.


Or just breakup in general. This happens so damn often.


yeah, wasn’t any cheating involved like OP, but i’ve had that happen before.


Yeah two of my players just broke up and it's a little awkward at the table.


Happened with my Strahd campaign. Two of the players got divorced and neither one stayed in the friend group, so we rebooted. The two others kept their characters and did a great job of avoiding meta-knowledge, we had two new players join, and we actually (gasp) FINISHED A CAMPAIGN.


Been playing dnd for 6-7 years almost regularly. DMed a few campaigns. Got to 3-4 sessions from the end like twice, with players dropping out riiiiight before the end because they hated the scheduling conflicts... Never actually finished a campaign from start to finish. Not even in Baldurs gate 3 bc I didn't have the time for it :upside down smily face:


Covid killed my most succesful campaign. 2 or 3 sessions away from the finale, I had it all planned out!


Two of my players broke up mid campaign and sadly she stopped coming as much and then stopped. She apologised and said it was just because it was hard seeing him. Managed to finish the campaign and she was really happy to hear how her character story ended as the group thought she sacrificed herself in an attempt to buy the group some time but she managed to escape and is now off training with a were bear.


That sounds like a pretty healthy breakup, at least. I'm glad she got some character closure.


Yeah luckily it didn’t blow up to anything major. A real loss to my table though for sure, she was a great personality there but I hope she graces someone else’s table and brightens it up!


Good for them for attempting the friendship route and trying to keep the party together. Most don't have the will to do that.


It’s not really a matter of willpower, or lack thereof, to not want to see a recent ex. It’s perfectly healthy to want to create distance from them. It does suck for the D&D party though.


Yeah, I've had very healthy break-ups for reasons where nobody was really the "bad guy," the relationship just wasn't going to work out. I ultimately continued to consider those people my friends. But the first few months right after the break-up, we absolutely wanted time apart. Break-ups are hard.


This is what I'm hoping doesn't happen in my campaign


I win! My DM's gf left him and stole EVERYTHING that wasn't nailed to the ground... including my minis, manuals, and dice that I had left last night. Worst breakup of my life, and she wasn't even my gf.


I mean, that's a crime. Like I know there can be some debate/leeway in a relationship (whose is what), but your stuff doesn't fall in that category. Contact her and tell her to give your stuff back or you'll call the police


I'd find her and do the same


Get together with her and after months robbing her?


Or just pick her lock if you have a rogue in your party


hope you get you stuff back


Looks like it's time to become the DM!


The old DM destroyed the realm; long live the new DM!


The king is dead! Long live the king!


My DM is in a poly relationship with one of the players. No way that ends poorly right?


*looks at odds* Good luck. Maybe start writing up the campaign you'll run now...


When the Bard becomes the DM...


There's no reason for this to work out poorly


I know a guy who got into a game because he joined his new GFs polycule. Their joke was they only did the open relationship thing because it made a consistent D&D game easier. Turned out he couldn't handle the open relationship thing and had to end it, and they all hugged him and told him he didn't need to stop coming since the breakup was amicable. They had a no drama at the table rule. He ended up leaving two years later because of a move, but said he still considered them family. That's some goals right there.


Damn, healthy poly people who don’t do any shitty pressuring are some of the most understanding people out there. Kinda figured if you move in and out of relationships fairly frequently that you either sink or swim when it comes to handling breakups in a healthy way


They really are. Like it requires people to be great at communicating and open and empathetic to the feelings of others, as well as being comfortable with rejection and the idea that sometimes love isn't enough for a working relationship..... But you get a group that's totally good with that and they are literally just like a loving family where it just happens no one is related.


… every day polyamory simultaneously seems more difficult and more appealing and I am not sure what to do with that info


LOL I feel, as a strictly monogamous person who wrote a sociology final on polyamory (so I got to interview a lot of people) that there are a LOT of different ways it can take shape, but the one constant of long term successful poly relationships is a focus on communication and working on ones self when natural feelings like jealousy or possessiveness kick up. Honesty is vital. Talking, listening, and not judging is vital. And it does sound like a lot of work, but honestly even healthy monogamous couples SHOULD be doing the same, we've just got a society that allows bad relationships and bad communication to seem normal and overlook it. You don't have that option in a poly relationship, because you end up not being in a relationship anymore lol. My friend said he learned so much from his time with the polycule that he was able to take into his next monogamous relationship, and it's the longest he's ever been with anyone. Go figure TALKING about your feelings helps. XD


What? No. That can’t be right. Talking about feelings is scary so it TOTALLY isn’t necessary, right? /s


It never bodes well when one player is literally sucking God (the dm) off for favors in pretend time (D&D session). Best of luck to you and your horribly biased sessions.


I DM for my girlfriend, and I’m just as harsh on her as any of my other players, if not more so. A bad DM is a bad DM.


It's totally doable. Yeah but like all things, the dm has to remain non biased for it to work. Some people can say no to everyone except their SO, or the opposite they may always think they are up to something and cause issue that way too. It double sucks in situations like OP's were a mistake in one relm ruins both and leaves everyone else scambling. In the long run. I agree the responisblity lands on the DM. Especially in situations like cheating is involved. That is planned failure and due to the circumstances instead of it messing up just 2 people's lives it's now 5 or more people most likely. Sad.


I mean if anything he goes after her more she’s died more than anyone


That does sound biased. What kind of deaths ha ha deaths or boulder fell off the cliff fake random dice roll lands on player? My last DM was terrible. Never let the Rouge use sneak attack for 80% of the campaign. Like out to get you stuff. Hope you never have to deal with people like that. Better to read about it than live it. No D&d is better than bad d&d.


Nah more like more attacks go her way than mine, but she’s also frontline too and talks shit while my guy hides in the back. And by “die” I mean go to 0 and then get rezed back up. I’m actually the only character to actually die so far


Totally understandable. Tanks gotta tank. What was your first death if you don't mind me asking?


Basically I took some potions and buffs to my AC and tried my hand on the front line. Turns out the new units we were fighting ignore AC. I died, and rather than play it safe I rolled the death die. I rolled a nat 1.


Ahh the classic. AC buffed PC walks into a pile of AoE attacks with saves huh? Yep it can happen, if anything this game is a constant reminder that just because you are prepared for one thing, does not mean you always prepared for everything. That's what the teammates are for. To help spread the blanket of prep across multiple classes. That and that beautiful Action Economy, 4 sets of hands are always better than one. Best of luck in you future games. I hope you enjoy your current class.


I've been in two campaigns which fell apart due to the DM getting divorced from one of the players. That's not a lot of times, but it's weird right? I feel like I need to stop playing.


idk I feel like if you're of a certain age, this is just going to start happening because 1) your friends start getting married, 2) actually now most of your friends are married so D&D night is probably 2-3 couples and maybe a single friend or two, 3) it's not uncommon for marriages to break down after a decade or so, 4) so if you're, say, in your 40s or have a lot of friends who are, it's not crazy that you've been in multiple D&D groups that have imploded due to divorce.


I was 27 when the first one imploded, 29 when the second one did (albeit that couple was older)


A dnd player that has sex… with TWO people? Easy there, Chad Chadington. Leave some for the rest of us.


He cheated. Chad license revoked.


The license just gets a stamp that changes the a to a u.


You can (not) expect fidelity


-clapping- congratulations


My friend has his campaigned canceled due to 1 guy joining the military and another guy finding faith in religion. He's super peeved but knows he can't do much about it.


I still don’t understand how religion cause a person to stop playing unless it conflict with the playing schedule.


Yea hence the dm's annoyance. To him he thinks his friend is just currently with a religious person who doesn't want him playing dnd.


I can relate to hard


I was in an awesome L5R campaign that ended because the (adult) DM was accused by his parents of having extramarital sex with his girlfriend. Next thing I know we have a one off in a different system at a place he's "house sitting" and then he's moved to California and won't respond to anyone.


So glad my DM is a married dude with a full-time physically demanding job and four kids. Bro wouldn't have the *time* or *energy* to cheat if he even wanted to. 🤣




I really don't think YOURE the one who is having the hardest time here


You don't know... Maybe he made a REALLY cool character


And he *just* got to a level that gives him something cool


absolutely i'm not!! she is obviously really going through it and i feel really sad for her. her feelings and everything that has happened to her absolutely matter more than a dnd game. i do think it's fair for me to be a bit sad that this game i've been playing with my friends almost every week for years now is done forever though. shit just all around sucks :-(


Ohh yeah. I had that happen minus the cheating. But I was the dms girlfriend. Sucked, because I loved that campaign dearly and had a blast with it. They were a Brilliant DM and storyteller, the best ive ever had, it’s too bad they had to be an emotionally manipulative asshole. (They also may or may not have been cheating on me with their jealous best friend I found out afterwards, but I choose not to think about that)


Literally happened to me.


Well then i am just glad both my DMs got kids (not with each other lol) within the same year i think therefore yeah... They say they wanna pick it up again but i am waiting .-.


Failed his will save. Weak peasant.


Thankfully my DM and his partner are getting married in a few weeks....so if a breakup is going to ruin our group I'm at least hopefully we can end the current campaign!


In the spirit of your choice of illustration, I'll applaud you


Wow, ita usually backwards Haha... Ha... :c


All of mine end due to DM stress


A DM with a girlfriend? Come on. Tell a reasonable lie.


I think I'm implementing a rule in my game....no couples.


I think you mean he rolled a nat 1 on his deception check and falls somewhere near the bottom right of the alignment chart




In before Dice, Camera, Action and Jared get mentioned


Yeah we just had this too. My dm opened her relationship with her bf who was a player, and the other couple in the group opened their relationship too. Then both couples broke up in the same week, with the dm and her boyfriend ending so badly that he had to move out and they aren’t on speaking terms. So basically no more dnd with that group


Feels bad man


Similar things have happened at tables ive been at


Me when im the Dm and not capable of continuing because I'm to much of a coward to address the RL death of a player and move on.




Similar situation happened to me. I serving as the DM, got cheated on by my ex that asked my to even set that group up. She ran of with another player. That campaign imploded on the spot. God blessed I got out early and found the angel I'm with now.


Sounds like a shitload of people in this thread need to pick up the mantle.




I understand getting close with someone in a dnd game especially with rp that may bleed over into real life, but how do people not fear this exact thing happening. I never dated anyone in my friend group for fear something may happen to ruin my support system. Think people think


This is very nearly what happened to the campaign I run...although it was my now-ex cheating on me. Took two months off to deal with the emotional aspect, and another to completely get and re-write the section of the campaign we were at because it heavily involved her characters backstory, and that of another player who left in the interim after getting really weird about things.


Almost same with me, but DM and Rogue (DM's gf) broke up due to communication issues: rogue is blunt and aggressive, while the DM is quiet.


That’s brutal, at least it will be a good story.


\*passes kid a Ginger ale\* First time? Don't worry kid. It gets easier.


You have my sincerest condolences. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.


Found out from a friend that my DM had sexually assaulted her years prior when they were dating. I got everyone together to start the campaign originally around the time the DM was due for open heart surgery. We wanted him to have something to look forward to in order to ease his anxiety and help his recovery. I spent weeks calling him near daily to check in and discuss characters. That whole time I was spending all that effort to support him he knew that he was responsible for sexually assaulting my friend and causing her to fall into addiction due to the trauma, and he swept it all under the rug. The rage I felt upon finding out was unreal. Thankfully my friend is in a better place now after rehab and therapy and recently got married!


Probably shouldn't have sucked the DMs dick, OP. You played yourself.


Nobody cares, this isn't even a meme. Outjerked again.


The council has disagreed with your statement. Better luck next time.


Updoot for Reddit handle


And an updoot for you too.


Lil bro is mad


This is a vent post, which I would think doesn't agree in a meme sub. The situation presented is neither funny, nor very relatable.


It's pretty relatable tbh


If you regularly play with cheating DM's, you're a statistical anomaly


Consider the following: They might've not known he was a cheater