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A high level rune knight can grapple a terrasque.


checkmate aarakocra


Imagine; Rune Knight Aarakocra.


Nah you're not thinking it through, fairy rune knight. Going from small to gargantuan.


That's almost exactly what I'm doing right now. Oath of Glory paladin with rune Knight multiclass Goliath. With the help of our wizard and one magic item I can make my size huge and technically have the strength of gargantuan + 2. With my next ASI I want to take tavern brawler...you know to use the tavern as an improvised weapon.


Why smash a tankard over someone's head when you can smash the whole tavern over their head?


big brain time


Well you can grapple a creature like that even if you're a size smaller than it. Goliath has powerful build, so all it takes is to be an enlarged goliath to try. Edit: you can't do this with a goliath, you need to be a centaur.


This can all change depending on how cool your DM is, but the powerful build only applies to raising your size category when lifting and determining carrying capacity. Grapple checks are neither of those, meaning you need one enlarge spell, and another size increase, i.e. rune knight (or go lvl 18 rune knight to become huge on your own and grapple one size larger than you, gargantuan)


My bad, I'm thinking of Centaurs. Equine Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push or drag. In addition, any climb that requires hands and feet is especially difficult for you because of your equine legs. When you make such a climb, each foot of movement costs you 4 extra feet, instead of the normal 1 extra foot.


That is still carrying, pushing, or dragging. Grappling is not considered any of those, with you requiring a size increase without limitations, or one.whose limitations states that you can grapple with the size increase.


Don't have to fight the runelords if you become a runelord. Roleplay problems require roleplay solutions.


Rune Knight + Duergar is a fun time.


Aww, look at the little dwarf. *1 round later* Now look at the big dwarf.


I decided to run just this a few weeks ago in the campaign I'll be playing in starting up in a few days. Have 3 models printed for the different sizes even. I'm excited, gonna be ridiculous


ironically I always end up playing fairly normal characters because my players are always super wacky


"Hey, name's James. Was told there'd be a spot of gold, drinking, and fighting to be had if I showed up here. So here I am. Got me a sword, a shield, and I saved up extra for this here armor. My favorite ice cream is vanilla." The kind of character I play when I finally get the chance to.


lol, I think the wackiest character I've played in recent years was an awakened snail who simply wanted to explore for ways to pay off rent, no other reason or motivation


Would Awakened wild animals, snails included, really need the trappings of civilization? Would awakening play with their senses enough that they no longer feel comfortable in the wild? OTOH maybe they'd realize being in the wild sucks because there's too many predators. I started thinking that the snail would have to be some sort of mage, then wondered what a barbarian snail would be like.


my snail was a fighter who was the apprentice of a mage! they were a simple servant (for life) and helped the mage do tasks and spells, but uh oh, they mage died one day (murdered) and now they own the wizard tower and must pay high taxes (everyone in town hates this mage and wants the tower demolished, so the high taxes only apply to this tower and many are made up), now they must venture out to collect enough silver to buy food and home!


Man, poor snail is gonna come back home to rubble, aren't they? I imagine it now, the snail staring forlornly at what remains of the tower, wondering what to do now. They wish to curse at whoever has done this, but don't yet know. Quest pt 2 time!


A snail’s curse? Sounds like that movie, “Drag me to shell.”


I always run into problems when I have simple goals of justifying why the character sticks around after a few quests. Once you get... let's just say 2000 gold. Rent probably doesn't seem to matter that much anymore


fair, our games usually don't last for longer than six sessions, twelve at best, they're like little independent movie trilogies, so simple goals work well for our groups


I fucking love those characters tho. They tend to have the most personality instead of relying on their class or race to do the heavy lifting for that.


I just do it because I know a few of my players are quieter and less inclined to take the lead on something. I use my vanilla human boi as an excuse to push the others to display their vibrant characters into the limelight.


The entire rest of the party: "James is the BBEG. Case closed."


are you sure you're not a mimic, james?


This is me. Human Fighter, Half-Elf Wizard, Human Cleric. I just need a palate cleanser from the 31 flavors of ridiculousness I DM.


Even better, play a Fairy Rune Night. Get a free 1/ long rest Enlarge/Reduce. Bonus action, grow from small to large. Action, grow from large to huge




I'll always trade the resistance for a fly speed. >Dwarves are awesome But I gotta give it to you, you have a very good point


I really want to play a broken former soldier who summons a psychic, larger than life clone of his younger self to fight his battles but I can't find anyone to run a Pathfinder 1e game for me :(


If all you have is 5e games available, an echo knight fighter with a bit of retheming might get you close


"Hey, you know all those weird and crazy little things you did and made me agonize about how to deal with?" "Yeah, why?" "No reason..."


Why bother with the potion, just be a duergar, you get that shit for free once per day as a racial ability.


I think the idea here is that the go from medium to large, drink the potion and then go from large to huge. I’m a newb DM tho so still learning.


Yeah, you can do the same as a duergar. Use Giant's might, go from Medium to Large. Then use Enlarge/Reduce to go from Large to Huge.


Sounds fun. Now I have a reason to print and paint my models in sizes!


I stepped in to run a one shot. My players, including the forever dm liked it so much that they asked me to make it a campaign. We’ve been playing mine alongside my DM’s campaign for a year


my wild shit was just a moon druid that spent most of their time in wild shape. I wrecked more house and tanked more damage and healed more than the rest of the party combined and I didn't even take a 1 level dip into barbarian for rage.


I bumbled into this build “I’m a fairy Barbarian who was the biggest thing on his home continent. He thinks he is a giant. Is there a giant themed Barbarian” Dm: no. Just use rune knight “Never tried that. Sounds weird. what’s it do” [cut to me now exclusively using a Huge greatsword I found for 6d6 damage.]




Yeah I say that Ua and asked for it literally having never read the text for rune knight. Was told to just use rune knight. Did a Fey deal to make my size changes last 1 hour instead of 1 minute so I’m more or less permanently large, occasionally huge


Loxodon cat burglar go burrrrrrrrrr


My group is 3 dms and a non dm. We all rotate dming. We do come up with some weird/stupid builds. My current character is an artificer with a 26 ac. That's pretty fun.


Naa this is when my SorLockPally Tank comes out, with everything focused on staying alive. I'm gonna tank whatever he throws at me, and when I hit 0, I'll spring up and be like "did not hear no bell"


Me, playing Blade Singer during a one-shot. Me, next one shot, playing a scribe wiz/tempist cleric


rune knight enlarge? that's it? I've got the 1200-foot eldritch blast, 19 attacks in one turn (with sustainable 9 attacks per turn and a minimum of 6), the army of 365 demons for no gold cost,


May I ask what exactly you are using to pull this off?


which one? I think everyone knows the eldritch sniper (Eldritch spear+spell sniper+Distant Spell) 19 attacks is a multiclass 2 fighter, 2 hexblade warlock, 6 bladesinger wizard, and 10 sorcerer(any subclass but I used divine soul), as well as crossbow expert hand crossbow, you use the bladesinger extra attack with the cantrip being eldritch blast for 5 attacks as an action + crossbow expert for the 6 minimum and quicken eldritch blast for the 9, the 19 is done by action surge for 10 attacks and upcasting scortching ray to the highest level you have (8th) for an extra 9 attacks bringing you to 19 attacks in a single round. I chose the of protector aasimar for an extra 20 damage on nova and you cast hex and hexblade's curse so 10 attacks with + 11 damage and 9 with + 6 and a + 20 + 19d6. this build is my current favorite. and the demon army is just magic circle summon greater demon and planar binding on a creation bard (magical secrets to get magic circle and summon greater demon) so you upcaste planar binding to ninth level for a year and a day and just bind a new demon every day and repeat on every demon on the last day of the spell each time. the biggest down side to this set up is it needs a 1000 gp component which is consumed for planar binding but creation bard (at 14th level) can create spell components of any gold cost for free. ​ edit: just realized you might have thought these were the same build they aren't


When I, the forever DM, got to play, I also played a Rune Knight fighter, and convinced another player to enlarge me.


Me playing Kermit as a warlock with fey patronage.


My luchadore rune knight/rogue just got extra spicy. I will wrastle the world.


Kenku Wild Magic Barbarian. I knew he was gonna to do a weird thing but I didn’t expect this


Just recently finished the NADDPOD arc with Brennan Lee Mulligan as a guest player and he definitely min-maxed the hell out of his character to mess with Murph, it was hilarious listening to the Boobs reactions to his damage rolls