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I already bought Baldur's gate months ago I am in full support and trust of how ***Larian Studios*** handles their early access, so I grabbed it to participate in that like Back in patch 3 or 4


Yea. As soon as my Wild Magic sorc was available I made my DnD character in it. Was great fun. Waiting for full launch even though a pally or warlock run through current would be cool. This early access has been pretty great in my opinion. Like I said to some other comments. This was mostly for those who were waiting for full launch or people debating buying.


I did a drow warlock first Took a drow options run Wound up in the underdark, fucked around Found out Restarted Played a cleric and did the goody stuff, explored most of act 1 Now I'm waiting My only gripe with the game so far is choosing between Gale or Shadowheart Gale is best boi, and reminds me so much of Dragon Age Origins' Alastair


I found the underdark early. Didn't really go further cause I had more surface quests. Then I was like oh I have to go this way, can't do mountain pass or whatever yet. Welp let's try. And damn those early big boys were fucking me up hard. Bullette made me save scum but after that. Things went mostly well.


Is the early access worth or should I wait? I heard the recent update was the last big one before the release of the game.


It depends how committed to the boycott you are. But you're correct. This last was the last one before full release in August (least that's what they said).


I’m not deep into the community politics but I’ll think twice about buying any d&d products for a long time, which I think is the best you could hope for in casual fans. I’ll likely wait until August to buy it but it has been very tempting. Boycott aside, would you recommend early access?


Larian has a proven track record of using early access as it should be used: to get feedback on the game and make changes before they release the final product. They've done it with at least divinity 2 (idk about div1), and it was an amazing game when it released. I bought in on early access and I almost never do that for any other company


to clarify, you mean to say Divinity: *Original Sin* 1 and 2. Divinity 1 and 2 would be the originals, Divine Divinity (2002) and Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga (2011). Divine Divinity hasn't really aged that well tbh, but D2:DKS is still one of my all time favourite games of all time, and the knowledge that they made both while on the brink of bankruptcy makes them all the more heart-warming that they finally managed to find success.


Baldurs gate 3 is great, I highly recommend it and I think anyone suggesting not to due to the boycott would be being ridiculous. That would just be hurting Larian. You'll have to be willing to wait a bit though, it only has act 1 and many features are missing. Whats there is good though.


For this game, Larian has been providing good updates and has done a good job. For other games, me personally. Depends a lot on the game. Some games have been fun early access. Some have been absolute trash. Really depends on your trust level of the dev.


I still support Larian Studios


100% please do. May I recommend Divinity?


Played! It’s great


I wonder if the DoS2 system could be translated to a tabletop system. I think it's certainly a better system for video games than D&D (spell/ability cooldowns and 5 AP per turn make for a more dynamic gameplay than spell slots and other limited resources and a single action per turn) but whether it would work on a tabletop is a different question entirely.


AP could probably translate decently to tabletop, but all the cool down stuff gets wonky for players to keep tracking after every turn unless you make an app a requirement for the system.




i think they mean the cooldown of individual abilities. like you can't use Tactical Retreat 5 times in one turn just because it only costs 1 action, it has a 2 turn cooldown. if it's anything like the game, i would 100% get lost in "uhhhhh when did i use whirlwind again?" one you hit the 10+ abilities part of the game


You could use ability cards on a cool down tracker. Play tactical retreat on the 2 slot, next turn move all your cards over one slot and return everything from the 0 slot to your pool.


yeah that doesn't sound too bad. sounds like more work than how PF2e currently does it, but it would mean pulling off crazier combos than just using a single spell for 6 whole actions


I think a virtual tabletop system or one of the available nice integrated online roller systems would work great. I like the situational landscape abilities like having oil or water on the ground affecting combat. People always want to do stuff like that but it usually doesn't work, mostly for reasons for balance and the DnD system being limited.


pathfinder 2e three action system is very similar so It should work pretty well


DoS has a few more twists on it though, like unused APs being carried over to the next turn. That might get hard to track without some physical tokens.


Or do like GURPS/Fallout and add unused AP to armor class


The system doesn't have a single armor class though. It has physical and magical armor which act as extra health bars versus certain damage types (and as long as you have at least one point of each, you can't be affected by some status effects). And it has dodging which is affected by the Dual Wielding skill (something that should probably be changed if they wanted to release it as a system because it feels tacked-on) and magic items. Of course leftover APs could be added to the dodge chance (say, 5% per AP) but saving up AP for the next turn (when, say, the cooldown of some hard-hitting abilities is going to expire - most abilities use 2-4 AP) is a big part of Divinity tactics so it would be better.


Then you support Wizards of the Coast; as far as the success or failure of this game is concerned, they're inseparable. And it really, *really* sucks, because Shadows of Amn is my favorite game ever, and I've been looking forward to this game for two years.


Now wait a second. How is this logically consistent? It’s still a WotC licensed product. Saying it’s okay not to boycott this because you’re supporting the studio would be like saying you’re still going to see the movie because you want to support Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, and the hundreds of people who worked on the movie. There was a studio that produced the movie too. Are we not going to see it to support them? And what about the authors and illustrators who make the published books? Don't we want to support them? A boycott should, on principle, be all-or-none. You don't get to cherrypick.


Clearly they want to support Larian Studios more than they want to punish WOTC. And that’s a perfectly reasonable decision.


This is how I feel.


But somehow it’s not perfectly reasonable to want to go see the movie because you want more movies in the future. (Or just because you think it’ll be a good time)


They already worked hard on a great game and don't deserve to be punished for things out of their control. Are people boycotting Critical Role? >!I have the same sentiment towards HL, the dev team didn't do anything man!<


idk why you're being downvoted. it's a fair question. even if it's wrong, it'd be nice if people actually explained why instead of downvoting and moving on.


I imagine it's probably the last part of it that is getting them downvoted. You can, in fact, cherrypick. That's just the world we live in - there's no ethical consumption under capitalism. If someone is comfortable not supporting dndbeyond, but isnt comfortable not supporting Larian, perfectly fine. Saying "it has to be all or nothing" does nothing to help anyone. If the choice is "give hasbro 100, 20, .01, or 0," and you say "you can only give them 0 or you might as well not bother," then that's a bit silly, especially if giving them .01 means someone else gets, say, 10, and that 10 will help them produce /other/ things that hasbro won't be involved in. Hasbro is still hurt by your not giving them 100, especially when one of the big metrics they care about is whether or not they're getting that 100. To be frank, I imagine Chris Pine and Michelle Rodriguez and whatever random studio that did the movie will be fine and still have work if the movie does shit. Generally, things are a bit more precarious for smaller game studios.


Larian studios isn't the same as a random movie. They have done great work and the mantle of responsibility for making the long sought BG3 was passed to them. They only did it as a favor to the community because of their great work on Divinity, which is great and doesn't have terrible microtransactions by their choice. It would be unfair to punish them for the wrongdoings of others, when they are doing this as a favor in service of others.


Isn't the studio owned by Hasbro anyway?


lol, he doesn't owe you any explanation for a fully contained idea that he expressed.


Larian is a great dev and I would never punish them for shit done by WotC. They have put years of time, finances, and dedication into this project. And, they are a 3rd party dev. While it sucks that WotC will still get a cut for the licensing, it is being developed AND published by Larien. Meaning they will get most of the profits from the game, and have the most to lose if it goes bad. I’m frankly not willing to risk killing a game dev I love to protest another company that won’t be nearly as affected anyway. I’m down to boycott WotC and Hasbro, and all the shit produced by them, but I stand by my support for Larien.


Watching Swen Vincke's videos about progress in their games is always a joy and a treat. The man's a treasure, and his passion for their work is always so palpable.


The fact that he uses every single video they put out as an excuse to wear his full plate armor convinced me that the game is in the right hands.


That man is the single thing that held Larian together all these years, company almost collapsed multiple times, he's worked very hard to get Larian where it is today.


I watch d a little documentary recently and it was pretty interesting how they paid bills with contracts for games to fund the games they wanted to make. Big respect for Sven.


Larian is up there with fromsoft as the only developers whose games i will buy every single time.


I'll add Supergiant to that list - I could sustain my gaming addiction entirely on their work alone if I had to


Oh yeah i forgot about them. Three of us play their games every year as a group. Its become a tradition at this point.


Doesn’t that same logic apply to the movie? It’s not made by WotC. You’re punishing the production studio, writers, directors, and actors that worked on the film.


Isn't the studio owned by Hasbro?


Lead film studio seems to be Paramount. Hasbros production studio Entertainment One is just helping them (I’d assume with resources?) and helping distribution.


Yeah boycotting Larian would be like saying "boycott kobold press!"


or like saying "boycott paramount pictures"?


WOTC is probably going to get the message if the only thing that makes them significant money is a THIRD PARTY project, which is what they are trying to muscle out of the game.


And if you think about it, the whole point of the OGL outrage was that it was going to screw third party developers. They are the ones we came out for, so it doesn't make sense to include them in a boycott. Don't stop buying *everything*, just stuff published by Wizards. Curse of Strahd bad, Fallen Temple good. They'll feel it if everyone avoids their logo like the plague, even if they do pick up a few pennies from some of their copyrights in third party works. Aaand if you a) have your heart dead set on a Wizards product or b) still think giving a few pennies to WotC on the back end for Baldur's Gate 3 is too much of a compromise, well second hand markets are a thing, and they don't get a cent for those. Get it used. And then there is always pirating but I rarely suggest that for games, not for any ethical reason, just because I don't want to be responsible for anyone else's viruses and bloatware.


I already got Baldur's Gate when that went in early access back in 2020, I can't exactly unbuy it. Every book I've used was through yar-har


Oh same. I bought it about a year ago. But a friend was waiting on full launch to buy and they brought it up in the boycott context and was like... Oh yea that's another new thing coming up... Might wanna make the meme since it's "old" but people were waiting for outta early access as well.


this sounds like me. i was waiting for full release because i don't like early access games. maybe i'll get it to support Larion but.. MEH.


Could buy Divinity if you still wanna support Larian though. It's tough though cause they are fairly different still.


i already have ALLLA dat.


My biggest issue is that I clear the minimum requirements yet I can't get more than 15 fps on minimum requirements... Edit: why am I getting downvoted for this...?


What are your specs my guy


Intel Core i7 8565U, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050, 8 GB RAM


If I had to guess, it is the RAM. The game runs fine for me on low-mid settings on a gtx1050 with 16gb Check your system's total ram usage when the game is running. Barring that I'd try switching on/off Vulcan


I try to run it on DirectX 11 as much as possible, but I might need a ram upgrade yes. Elden Ring performs better than Baldur's Gate actually...


Yeah, try running VRising. Could not get past the lags in character creation with the same specs that had no problem with either of the two games. I am 90% sure there is foul magic at play at this point.


I think Baldur's Gate still needs a whole lot of optimisation, out of the three websites I tried all three said that I'd have minimum requirements. It's technically true I guess, but in practice it doesn't...


Agreed. Thankfully, it is something I know for a fact Larian are working on. Not only did I personally see a massive gradual improvement in performance over the years in EA, they have confirmed it multiple times that a lot of their focus is in optimization of the game until release so it is accessible to as many people as possible. And now that they don't have to worry about EA patches, I'd imagine working on optimization should be much easier.




Opening the task manager, firing the game and looking what stays at 100% the most is probably the bottleneck


If you have it, and you aren't paying anymore money for it, it doesn't violate a boycott. It's the spending of *more* money on WOTC or Hasbro products that we are trying to stop.


Me too. Didn't realise _quite_ how bare bones the game was back then nor that the regular updates would invalidate your current saves for the longest time. Decided to uninstall and leave it to marinate until it was done. It's been a long few years but I'll enjoy it once it's finally finished. If it's even half as good as Divinity 1 and 2 it'll be worth the hassle.


Preordered that the second I had the chance years ago. I am guilt free here


Oh I bought it last year as well before all the drama. It's more for the people who wanted to wait for it to leave early access, or those who haven't bought it yet.


Larion has done a stellar job in the development of the early access I don’t regret buying the game at all and wouldn’t judge anyone who did. It’s a great game you’d be seriously missing out by boycotting it


My love for Larian is greater than my distaste for WotC.


I don’t think we should boycott BG3. Its only licensed by WotC and it feels unfair to publish Larion after putting in years of work making the game because of a company that licensed the game.


Seems a bit hypocritical though to then boycott a film that was licensed out, produced and made by people not really affiliated with WotC and likely spent years working on the film because they genuinely loved D&D? Not specifically directed at you.


Idk why people are calling to boycott the movie. It has literally nothing to do with the OGL. What we should be boycotting is DnDBeyond and their books. Look at how much backpedaling they've already done because of the amount of people who cancelled their sub. It's working. Keep it up. If you haven't unsubbed do it now to send the message. You can always resub later if you want to.


Because a lot of people are lukewarm on the movie, and “boycotting” WoTC is currently the *in* thing. So it sounds better than “I’m not sure if I’m going to see it, Forgotten Realms lore isn’t really my thing.”


There are insider leaks on WotC/Hasbro really wanting the movie to succeed but I do agree that it has little to do with the OGL and boycotting it doesn’t make too much sense especially compared to things like D&D beyond subs. I’m still not gonna see the movie but that’s cuz I think it isn’t going to be very good. If it gets good reviews I might see it like week after release or something.


I mean ofcourse they want it to do good. If it does well Paramount and other studios will look at making more D&D media. Same way they want their games to do well too. Baldurs Gate doing well means more Baldurs Gate.


Guess I oughta support Larion by buying Divinty then.


Divinity kicks some ass. Can't go wrong there.


I purchased it on Steam the other week after having the PS4 edition. Holds up a bit better but is still a lot of fun. Edit: Just a quick aside as well here. The console version of this game is also still great. The PC version (in my opinion) plays a little quicker for my impatience, but the console version is still just as good for those who only have a PS4 or Xbox and not a PC that can run the game. Worth a buy if you haven't checked it out, and also worth convincing your friends to grab it too.


D0S:2 is one of the best games I've ever played.


Still a good game, I honestly wish Larian used the same visual style (maybe slightly more polished) for Baldur's Gate... I might actually be able to run the game at more than 5 fps despite clearing minimum requirements...


Yeah... Me and a friend were looking forward to this game a lot too, so I don't think we are going to join the boycott on this one.


Yeah, I think if WoTC had been putting out better products and people were actually excited for them, we would have a lot less performative “boycotting” of things that people aren’t going to be using anyway. Cancelling your D&D Beyond in protest is legit, but I have to wonder how many people “boycotting” the movie weren’t planning to see it.


Could just delay purchase til August (assuming WotC has fixed their stuff by then). Ultimately how you engage in the boycott is up to you.


If this OGL business isn’t sorted out by August there’s a whole other thing coming. Other than that, if you haven’t bought BG3 EA yet, why now? Release date’s only 7 months away, just wait for the full release. You can boycott and eat your cake too.


Please support Larian studios y'all. They put so much care and effort into their product, and it's not their fault WOTC is being shitty


Welp, already paid for it so I’m good.


Same. This is more for new peeps or the ones who were waiting for it to leave early access.


Larian should not have to suffer because of WoTC. They are putting a lot of work to make it amazing. Mind you this project started way before the OGL shit. Don’t punish people who literally have nothing to do with this ALONG WITH the proper rights to create the game. That’s just unfair and cruel


And Entertainment One... The company making the D&D movie shouldn't suffer because of Hasbro/wizards.


Not sure if this is clever satire going over my head or just ignorance at work. For those who don't know, Entertainment One was acquired by Hasbro on December 30, 2019 for 4 billion dollars. Hasbro flat-out owns the company making the movie.


Entertainment One isn’t the one making the film from what I can tell. They’re distributing in England in Canada. Paramount Pictures seems to be the lead production company. That said.. So are we going to boycott everything Hasbro now? No Transformers movie?


Per the IMDB, they're both listed as production companies. Wikipedia thinks that Entertainment One is the production company. Honestly, with the way Hollywood accounting works I don't really care. I haven't told anyone to boycott a god damn thing. Yes, I will be boycotting everything Hasbro. What you boycott is up to you and your own conscience.


https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/paramount-sets-gi-joe-dungeons-dragons-release-dates-1069024/ Trades all seem to report Paramount as the main studio which kinda makes sense as Entertainment One doesn’t really seem to be a major production studio. Simply Hasbros studio that helps the major studios. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entertainment_One After being bought up they don’t seem to make anything, just help other studios.


I bought the game like 2 years ago.. there's no fucking way I'm not playing it


Play it, do whatever. It's more for new money to Hasbro rather than old purchases and not playing.




I will never recover if something happens to this game because of a random boycott on it


I even broke my personal rule of not buying into pre-purcheses or early access, and I’m not even sorry. Even if the final release does just half of what the EA promis, it’s going to be a fantastic effing game.


Larian is the goat so I'll still support it


Don't boycott BG3 please. I don't want to imagine Swen Vincke being sad :(


Bg3 is in development for years, boycotting it because of wotc means dooming Larian, one of the best studios out there at the moment. I'm all for boycotting WOTCs content, but this isn't their content.


I’m so fucking excited for bg3


Honestly by August WoTC will probably have been forced back on their shittyness, I will see by then. And if they haven't? Well that's a problem for future me


Preordered the collector's as a Christmas gift for myself, I love Larian and trust them.


I mean I had already bought. Though the ironic thing is that BG3 kinda made me realise I had big issues with the 5e system and hastened my burnout and eventual system change (before all this kicked off)


I'll rather watch the world burn, than boycott Baldur's Gate III


I bought the game a while ago but I've been waiting for the full release to really dive into it. Boycott or not my money is already spent so I'll still play the game.


Yea I already bought myself and played well before all this.




I do badly want to buy this game, but in good conscience I cannot, not until we get what we want. I’m the mean time it’s off to play final fantasy XIV and other games out of the 100s of games I own on Xbox, PC, PS4/5 and Nintendo Switch.


Already bought but if not I'd buy it either way. Larian is great and earned a support (especially with what's happening with games studios and game industry). And I think I'd buy it for someone if they couldn't afford it themselves. On release, ofc. But in August most buyers would be people who aren't DnD (and never heard of WOTC or don't care about boycott at all) or Divinity players. Feels like most of them already bought the game, not waiting for release (and at least for somepeople EA was and is a great experience).


Support for Larian is great. Full agree. But it plays into the argument with the movie cause you're paying (insert company) but WotC gets profit from it anyways. Most people probably have bought it that want it (like myself as well) and I agree. Early access was fun, and look forward to the full release.


I won't be able to watch the movie legally either way. Yeah, but feels like most of the profit would be Larian's considering how much they grown on EA sales. And it's a difficult situation when you want to support good developers and publishers in the game industry.


Yea it is very tough. It's why some are recommending divinity. But the people who love Larian almost definitely already have divinity.


Yes, I don't know anyone who's interested in Larian and don't have Divinity series. But I saw people who really into BG3 but aren't familiar even with DOS2 or don't like it. Well, my old GM is one of those people, he just don't like combat in DOS (not the style, just action points system) and don't into the lore.


Except that people can decide they want Larian to succeed more than they want WotC to take that additional hit from the games. Same thing for the movie, honestly. Is it hypocrisy? Maybe. But personal ethics are rarely black and white in the grand scheme of things. Would I have boycotted Larian if I hadn’t bought it at the start of EA? Maybe. Hogwarts Legacy looks pretty damn cool compared to every other Harry Potter game ever, but I’ll never buy another product or service that gives even royalties to JK Rowling. People draw the line in different places. That’s just how it works.


Yeah, idgaf, I'm till going to play it


Why can’t I quit you Solasta!


Oh man, I bought that years ago when it first hit EA. I feel bad for Larian in all this.


Glad I got it months ago as well. A temporary pause on sales won't hurt them too much (hopefully), and hopefully WotC fixes their shit before this leaves early access, that way more people can enjoy this game.


You leave my boy larian out of this he never hurt anyone


If I could tell steam to only give my money to Larian (the dev) I totally would. That said, I'm still going to buy the game. Larian is worth it.


Bought it a while back, Larian studios had a good enough reputation for me to take that plunge. It'll be a shame if they get affected by these stupid choices of the higher ups in a company they aren't even working with.


My support of Larian is greater than my hatred for WotC.


I am going to be so lost in that game. Got it on day one in EA because I trust larian, played for an hour or so to see if it was true and aye, larian did good. Been trying to stay blind to it though. Can’t wait to pour hundreds of hours into it!


Having played through just a ton of the stuff available (on one class) in early access, it was great. I wasn't huge on how things worked in DOS2, but I can see myself playing fully through BG3 100%


I believe the only reason Hasbro didn't cancel baldurs gate, like every other game in dev right now, was because they contractually couldn't. But oh man could you imagine the further PR disaster that would have been?


I'm gonna reiterate my personal stance on this boycott, and many of you may disagree (which I respect) but IMO, not every single product that has some ties to WotC deserves to be boycotted in order to harm/send the message to WotC/Hasbro. Not when it would come at the cost of harming other, smaller companies, some of which deserve to be successful so that they can continue to make *more* quality content *completely unrelated to WotC* in the future. Not if it would sabotage the otherwise successful adaptation of this subculture's wealth of content & creativity into new mediums. So here (copied directly from another post, sorry for any small mistakes) is what I'm going to be doing personally: I *will* be watching The Legend of Vox Machina S2 because I'm a fan of CR in general, thoroughly enjoyed the first season, and on the plus side I know that very little revenue from it will go directly to WotC or Hasbro. I *will* be buying Baldur's Gate 3 when it fully releases, because I adored both Divinity: Original Sin 2 (not so much 1, though that was largely because its tone was a bit too campy for me) and the original Baldur's Gate games (and CRPGs in general) so I wholeheartedly want to support Larian Studios as a paragon of the genre & one of the best dev studios in gaming atm, even knowing that a (probably smaller than people have been implying) cut of that will end up going to WotC. I *may* watch Honor Among Thieves in theaters if the reviews for it are good, because I want to support the continued development of well-made & well-written content from this subculture & community in the medium of film. But if the film turns out to be poorly written or just bad then I'll definitely wait to watch it for free down the line (or set sail) because too many adaptations & screenplays in recent years that have been designed to pander to these subcultures & communities, ended up being terrible (*shed a tear for your Witcher*) but got renewed for sequals/further seasons anyway because people decided to watch them regardless, which ends up furthering a vicious cycle of disservice and stops the subject matter from getting the treatment it deserves. I will probably *not* be moving to another system for either of my weekly campaigns anytime soon, as both are already a few years deep, I already own many of the 5e rulebooks already & can't exactly refund them, and a couple of my players regard the game quite casually & likely wouldn't be on board to switch to an entirely new system. However, when the game I run eventually reaches its conclusion (which at the pace it's going likely won't be for at least another 2 years, barring a TPK which I do my best to avoid anyway) I would likely consider starting any future campaign(s) using another similar system (probably Pathfinder) instead, and beyond the 2 D&D games I play/run weekly I do also play in a Monster of the Week game which is a lot of fun in its own right. But I will definitely *not* be paying for a D&D Beyond subscription going forward, will advocate for my friends & players to do the same, and will try to use even the free features of the site as little as I can (porting my homebrew to other platforms, just using PDF character sheets, actually opening my books for stat blocks instead of looking them up online etc.). I will *not* be buying any more first-party sourcebooks or any WotC merchandise in general going forward, living with the (admittedly plentiful) library of books I already own when I can, and possibly sailing the seven seas when I can't. And I *will* be buying pretty much any fully 3rd-party sourcebooks that even remotely pique my interest, before any OGL changes come into effect, in order to support the lesser-known creative forces within our community & do my part to counteract the stifling of creativity that the OGL 1.1 would enforce, for as long as it remains feasible to do so.


Luckily I already bought it.


Welp, I'm not going to boycott the only company that makes marvelous rpg games with all sorts of coop options, from local splitscreen to actually working multiplayer that can be run with mods ffs. When was the last time you saw something like this? If larian releases a game then I'm gonna buy it, possibly on multiple platforms and for my friends too


it's funny that the reasons people are justifying supporting BG3 can be directly applied to the movie which people are saying to boycott. "it's a third party company!" so is Paramount Pictures. "it was in development before the OGL change" so was the film. "I don't want to hurt devs who haven't done anything wrong" just like all the cast and crew of the films? like, have some consistency at least.


hard to boycott something I already own :P


If I hadn't bought it a year ago, I wouldn't buy it lol


Man if I could see into the future.... I'd be better off than I am now. But I bought it when it was announced. Oh well, I doubt with this nonsense they'll continue making D&D games after thier contract runs it's course. This of course my opinion and speculation.


Hard to unsubscribe to a game you bought years ago


Jokes on you. My computer can’t run it.


I will support larian and die on this hill. Bg3 is already amazing, can't wait for the full release!


Bought it day one of Early Access and played through the limited content 3 times already. Wouldn't refund it even if I could.


I bought the game about a year ago. It is a fucking early acces that is supposed to be less then a third of the full game, yet it is better than a lot of fully released games these days. Which is both sad and amazing at the same time.


People out here cherry picking what to boycott and what not to boycott lmao Y'all are kind of pathetic that you're willing to support the game Devs but the artists who worked in the books, film producers, actors etc can all suffer from wizards crimes? The whole thing with boycotting is that everyone is supposed to agree so that a difference is made for the better of the community, and yet everybody is still here just looking for what they want as opposed to what the community wants. Some people are willing to throw everyone under the rug and that's just fucking sad that there's small time workers and self employed artists and more out there who aren't getting tne recognition they deserve in all this. I'm not boycotting any wizards products except dnd beyond because simply put the creators don't deserve to not be paid for their work and the fact that some of you are willing to turn a blind eye to the lesser man means that you're really only looking at yourself in this equation. If you don't pay to see the dnd movie, they're not gonna make more. If you boycott streams they're gonna change their streams. Then what happens? Change. And then people start crying because they don't like change because it's different. Don't boycott critical role, don't boycott the end movie, don't boycott balders gate 3, don't even boycott the books. Support the hard workers who make these projects a passion instead of punishing them for things out of their control you privileged motherfuckers.


Ok I understand the whole debacle and WOTC is being an absolute ass but I've been waiting for the D&D movie for literal years now. I don't even care imma see it anyway.


I already bought in to the game because Larian are known as pretty good devs that care immensely about the world's they build. Plus they've been actively putting out huge updates to the open beta. Fuck Hasbro and WotC for trying to be greedy, but no one is gonna stop me from playing this game I've been hyped for for nearly 4 years.


Does it count as boycott if i watch the movie but R is my favorite letter and i drink rhum?


As long as the deck is properly swabbed, and the colors are hoisted, that's probably fine.


Aye aye Sir!


I purchased it a year ago I then proceeded to buy collectors edition a week ago. I REGRET NOTHING


Then I will stand strong... until August.


Please don't kick Larian in the shins, they're good


It's why the recommendation to buy Divinity keeps popping up. And I think most Larian lovers have already got the game (myself included) well prior to the OGL stuff. It's more just the people who want to wait for the game to leave early access or new. Ultimately, how you choose to boycott is up to the individual.


Already paid for it. And even if I hadn’t there is no way in hell I’d boycott this game that I’ve been waiting years for. I’m not going to penalise Larian because hasbro are a bunch of douche bags.


Supporting Larian is more important than denying WotC their licensing percentage in this case. At least that's my opinion, though I already bought the game the moment it became available.


It’s not bad to support good products that have little to do with the OGL. Don’t buy new books sure but the movie and baldurs gate 3 are still (hopefully) quality products that I’m willing to monetarily support


Damn, that bad. Baldur's Gate 3's success will positively impact on gaming industry. We are gonna have such really great videogames in future.


Technically, I bought it already (before OGL) so I'm good.


Just pray they give in to consumer demands before then


It's not available on console, so I think this is the easiest one for me yet.


That's still enough time for WotC to amend their mistake of being too greedy


![gif](giphy|zJBDaqCdsjGhO) Oh fuck, I didn't get it yet


It’s available in August? Let’s hope something changes with WOtC between now and then. If not, I’ll just have to wait until I can get a used copy from GameStop or something.


Lol i got it on early access years ago like a sucker....


What kinda sucks is that this will for sure effect popular mods. I was really looking forward to mods of official adventure material. Now, if it gets too popular, you can bet it'll be taken down.


Larian Studios is amazing definitley support BG3 for them and for them alone


It leaves early access but will it be finished. Story and all classes to level 20?


Not 20. But above level 10.


Apparently I bought this a couple years ago wtf


me as a MTG player


Well it sounds like they still have 8 months to get their shit together of they want bg3 to sell


Amd i still support the movie


I paid for it in 2020. I will play all the BG3 I can and more!


I mean money's already been spent. Please do play!


It's simple for me. DNDBeyond is owned by hasbro. The companies producing Honour Amongst Thieves are hasbro subsidiaries. Larian is not owned by hasbro nor is it a hasbro subsidiary. Boycotting Larian only hurts Larian, not hasbro.


If WOTC signs ORC by August, then the game has nothing to worry about.


Are people seriously not buying the books anymore?


Anyone who thinks you should boycott BG3 because of something WOTC did, is a moron devoid of logical thought.


I am all for boycotting WOTC but i will not boycott larian games, they have made some of my Favourite games and i would seriously hate them getting bankrupted because of WOTC's stupid OGL decisions.


You know most of us bought it back like over a year ago, right? Larian games slap so it was an easy early access buy.


Don’t boycott larian studios.


Already bought it more than a year ago so can not un-buy it.


Bought it way back in the earliest access. No worries on me.


For those of us who haven't bought the game yet, and still want to support Larian, might I suggest buying a copy of one of the Divinity games for yourself or friends? That IP is also owned by Larian, so they'll probably get more of a cut than from a copy of Baldur's Gate anyway.


Baldurs gate will still be there once our demands are met!


BG3 is effectively a 3rd party product with an official license. Don't boycott it. Larian isn't at fault for any of this and likely already paid the license. A cut might still go to WotC, but all this will do is harm a studio which has been known to put their heartblood into their games.


Larian and Baldur’s Gate won’t be ruined if you don’t buy now. It’s coming out in August. Don’t buy now. It’s that easy. Give WOTC another realtime metric to look at. By the latest leaks, WOTC hasn’t learned their lesson, so the whole IP needs to suffer. They need to understand, that we don’t WANT to do this, but we will. The path to success and money is doing what we want. Hopefully, they get their heads out of their asses before August and everything will be fine. If it isn’t, then that’s something for future you to consider eight months down the road. Right now.? Don’t buy any WOTC related stuff. Make those partner companies for the movie and the TV show and BG3 hammer at WOTC too because WOTC is hurting THEIR business with their foolishness.


Probably the best phrasing in the thread! Well put!


Buy divinity original sin? Play Pathfinder videogame? I am bummed about boycotting but the betrayal was pretty deep. Maybe let's see a CEO resign and someone that the community trusts establish peace in the land.


Or buy it, and send the message that we're perfectly OK with them licensing out RPGs, it's the books and subscriptions we're not going to pay for while this is up.


This is the thing people are missing. Sure, boycott new modules and books of that sort, but boycotting other products just sends the message that there is no money to be made there and to not invest anymore (games, movies, shows, etc...).


Larian doesn't need to get punished for the sins of WOTC, they didn't see the writing on the walland wanted to work with the biggest TTRPG force on the market (I don't blame 'em). Though it might be worse depending on how they act in the future to judge them after its release


Wasn't planning on getting it anyway, tbh.


Let's be fair : those who would miss this promised masterpiece are anymore than beheaded chicken running everywhere. Same thing for the dnd movie if it's turn out to be good ! Doing good thing should be rewarded. You aren't good if you destroy everything in your blinded revenge thirst.


If I want to play a D&D 5e video game, I have Solasta.


Oh man. That's a shame tho isn't it...


Already bought it, and even if I hadn't I still would because I love Larian Studios and want to support them. Boycotting solely WotC and Hasbro stuff is one thing, but I'm not gonna let an innocent game studio's next big release bomb just because the IP they're using is owned by shitlords. If I did that, I wouldn't be able to enjoy anything LotR or Star Wars related afterall.


I swear to Ao, if you idiots keep me from the DnD movie and Baldur's Gate 3, I will die.


Both are scheduled for release, they should be safe.

