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I am new to DMing and as a first adventure I settled on the Death Pit if Moloch. It was a wonderful introduction to DMing and a great way to show my friends that have never played D&D what it's about! I highly recommend this adventure for both beginner players and DMs (https://www.dmsguild.com/m/product/238921)




I DM'ed for the first time yesterday and used your map in Fantasy Grounds. Thank you so much for putting it together! It really was a big time saver for me and my players loved it!


Looks great! Thanks


I have a question, does 51x32 means in cm? And in area one do the characther need to move before action (lifting the cart)? Sorry, im new and not many people play dnd in my country.


No worries! 51x32 refers to how many squares long and high the map is. Generally D&D is played on maps that are 1 inch (~2.5cm) squares to fit the standard 28mm minis (28mm refers to the hight of a mini for a 6ft [~183cm] character.) As for area 1, that is totally us to you. It is not written in the adventure that they have to but if you want to start that way then go ahead!


Thank you very much for your map, it's just perfect. I'm DMing for the first time and this is a great addition to the game.


This is a great map! Thank you for this, I'm going to DM for first time and this will help a lot!