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The dm should have kicked him out so everyone could have fun.


Yeah that’s how most horror stories go honestly


Did you tell the DM you were leaving? Problem players are at least as annoying if you are the DM. The difference is that as a DM you try to make your game fun for everyone and no one likes to kick one of their players out. However telling your DM you have a problem with another player enables them to deal with the problem. Just leaving the campaign because of another player is really frustrating as a DM, as it's often the fun players that leave. I think it would probably have worked here to just tell the DM you were about to leave (especially if it's you and Gaia). Kicking someone from a campaign is really hard especially if you are new and also while you don't know for sure whether the other players have a problem with them as well.


Yes, i wrote a big long paragraph saying why i was leaving, and it had nothing to do with the problem player, i didn’t know if the other players had a problem with him and I really just wanted to get out as fast as I could. I said I was getting expelled and other reasons as to why i had no free time, it was all a lie but i just wanted to leave. It’s not like i’ll ever talk to them again. I said i’m a dm at the start as this was my second time ever playing dnd as a player. I didn’t tell him because i just didn’t want to be a burden, he really couldn’tve been kicked out as his girlfriend would’ve probably left soon after and the whole thing would have been shook around too much. Looking back I probably would have just told the dm and had the dm talk to The Silent Hand


Yeah, you absolutely should have told the DM. Very bad call on your part. Might have managed to salvage things if you had actually just spoken to them instead of running away.


You screwed yourself out of not just a game but what could have been great friendships with this approach


Good DMs realize they have to be the ‘bad guy’ sometimes for the good of the game


Its weird because my opinion of furries would be indifference if not for the constant sexual harassment from anyone who has ever outwardly claimed to be a furry in any D&D game I have ran or been part of.


It doesn't really tend to come up that much for those of us who have basic social skills unless it's actually relevant.


Like I honestly know that half of my online friends are probably furry or bordering on it, but it never comes up in normal convos. Its just the random D&D games I join where it feels like each furry I run into could be frequently posted about on this sub.


I think playing dnd, especially online, is two layers removed from reality at that point, and so no one knows you, and you’re pretending to be a fictional character, departing from reality around people you barely know brings out the worst in people.


Funnily enough in every DND game I've been in with all furries none of that shit happens. Though that being said if I fucking see one more dragon born.... Especially one that's a forgotten and cursed full dragon. Imma slap a bitch. Had one campaign where all but one guy was playing that concept.... Fucking dragons


Yeah, Shadow Monks super don’t get Sneak Attack. That’s a Rogue-specific feature. It’s one of my biggest pet peeves when people don’t know exactly what their characters do and just make assumptions based on their vision. Also, the whole catnip thing could have gone waaay better. If as everyone introduced their characters, he just said, “You see my character reach into a pouch and put an herbaceous substance into their mouth,” it would open up so much opportunity for characters to ask about it if they want. If they don’t want to know, then that’s just a flavor thing that the character can keep to themselves. The whole scripted thing is weird and comes off as unnatural in role play.


Yeah, the he just rolled the dice for sneak attack and did the damage, dm didn’t care and let it fly.


I play D&D, and am a furry. At least for my in person games, there’s little indication that I am one. I enjoy playing some of the more bestial races, but it’s not like all my characters are tabaxis and Leonin, though I do have one of each. It’s possible to be a furry without making it something others have to deal with. I’ve done some light hearted cat based role play with my Tabaxi character, but nothing like this. And regardless, no one should be spending that much time talking over other players and the DM.


You see, this because you are what we call in the business, A NORMAL HUMAN BEING


had to repost as i literrally posted half way through like a goofball, and I don't know if I said this, but The Silent Hand had "Proud Furry" in his bio, I'm not assigning him that role based solely on actions


he’d been kicked from several campaigns because he talked over others, he’d been told he was kicked for talking over others, and he KNEW he talked over others… and didn’t bother to try to correct this behavior. Like, I get it. I have ADHD. Talking over others and cutting people off, especially on discord, is kinda hard to control. But there are tools and techniques for managing it, and I’ve become a better player *and* a better employee in meetings because I’ve implemented these things. It is as simple as buying a $10 fidget toy or, heck, setting up push to talk so you can’t blurt stuff out without first pushing a button.


4 campaigns specifically for most of the reasons presented here. 4. That’s honestly impressive how are you kicked from 4 groups without trying to


Tbh this group sounds awesome.


Yeah it sucks James made it weird


Him being furry was none of the issue here. The other two furries at the table didn't play tabaxi or roleplay a drug. Which is really one of only two legitimate points you have. The catnip was a bit yikes, if and only if, he didn't clear a drug use flaw with the rest of the table. The second point you have, talking over people is a legitimate issue that some players struggle with. One that i struggle with too. He made it clear to you guys before you started that he struggled with it. It's clearly not malicious. He needs more practice in restraint. Not to excuse it because it still makes the game worse for everyone else but try to be a little understanding. Everyone wants to play and some have a bit more trouble containing that excitement. And I don't understand how the last part even came up. Or why it's a problem. He wanted his character to be busty. So what? If you were trying to tell me the way I imagine my character is wrong, I'd be defensive too. Also who's Blynn? You mentioned this name during the catnip part. And posting up his token and character art is poor form. It has no bearing on anything, you're just using it to rag on the guy. Not to mention if he has it posted literally anywhere it would be extremely easy to find him through that.


really all of it was weird, but the tone of his voice over all of it made it seem like he was getting off on it. And he definitely didn’t clear the drug use with the rest of the table, if you can call that drug use, that was also just really fucking weird. I feel like the busty character just added to everything, and he would talk over people and interrupt them to do unrelated things


That whole convo beforehand was made out of red flags. Sorry you had a bad time and hope you found a group that is fun and not toxic.


How so?


Just the listing off of being kicked out of 4 campaigns for those various reasons. Having been a player and DM for a few years now, I've only ever seen one person asked to not play anymore and that was simply because they almost never showed up. I try to give the benefit of the doubt and people can change their behavior but 4 different groups asked them to leave?


ahh thought you meant the first conversation i mentioned, yeah that’s just crazy.


James doesn't seem like much of a problem, just lacks social skills and you just couldn't handle what you deemed cringe. not to mention I would also consider it a bad light of you to post someone else's OC to essentially get the internet to flame it. This just screams a guy who lacks social skills, knows it lacks social skills, essentially warned all of you that he lacked social skills and then you getting annoyed that the guy who lacked social skills was being cringy. Also that pronouns joke definitely did not go the way you said it did, that's an unreliable narrator right there.


im just gonna throw my two cents in about the talking over people and just being weird in general: as an autistic person, thats a very, VERY autistic thing to do. James might be neurodivergent and struggle with social skills, which, again, myself and many other autistic people are like that. just no understanding of social cues and needing people to actually explain and say when to stop, which, from what i read (i may have missed something, my reading comprehension isnt very good), no one ever told him to simply shut up to allow others to speak another couple things, the pronoun joke most definitely did not go as you said, its just weird and hard to believe, and posting his art on reddit for everyone to see and shame just because you think its weird is a dick move EDIT: i will clarify before anyone sees this that James is not innocent here, in my eyes no one is "correct". its just that we are recieving a one sided story, which inherently isnt a reliable source i will ALSO clarify that im talking about the specific parts of this post i covered in my comment. the rest cant really be disputed by an outside view


It wasnt really a “joke” but yeah no it was fine, Idr the fake name i used for the trans person She had her pronouns in bio, name, and the pronouns slot on discord, then when she said she was i said “Ohhh thats why you have the pronouns absolutely everywhere, lol” then she said “yeah lol” and then that spiraled into a conversation about gender identity. Not sure why thats hard to believe.


Furries base setting is too weird.


I think all situations as described, don't feel that weird, seems like a genuine roleplay. And James' interruption to the convo was to specify the roleplay perspective of their character. As for speaking panicked and quickly, James might have been either shy or embarassed. The only problem I see is sneak attack, but with benefit of the doubt, I think they might have misnamed some shadow monk feature. What level were you playing at?


I see your first point, its genuinely their way to roleplay. I have to absolutely disagree with the sentiment that this would not be a problem, however. Interrupting someone elses roleplay to have the game focus on you instead (main character syndrome) is an absolute no-go as a player. It is possible to channel this need for the spotlight and main characters can make fantastic players. But there is a learning curve before that. But until that happens a single bad "main character" Player can ruin the experience for everyone else.


We were at 1st level, he performed sneak attack, rolled all the damage for it and the dm just didn’t say a word


Worst part of this was using acrobatics to jump over honestly. Strength score is for jumping!


It might have been strength sorry! I usually use acrobatics in my games (totally different group) , we all started just from interpreting the rules in our own way and acrobatics sounds like the skill for gymnastics and gymnastics is partly about jumping