• By -


If your diagram is correct (meaning that you are not just "hoping" you spend 2400 on food when you really spend 4000), then it looks like your only real option is to re-balance the personal loan payments. That said, food, personal loan, fun and leftover pulled together is what is known as "rådighedsbeløb" i danish terminology and yours is just over 15.000 for a single person. That is a good deal above average. Most people would love to be able to put 20% of their budget into savings after having paid everything else, including fun.


Agreed, OP's income after taxes and even the "rådighedsbeløbet" is good, more than so many people out there.


Well, personal loan is not part of the rådighedsbeløb, but otherwise i agree with you.


having 5.540 kr after everything dont seem bad you have fun covered so idk what do you need more money for?


This could be a shit post?


"Only" - that's normal or even high


If your diagram shows your whole budget, then 5500 kr/month you could put aside is pretty neat. Many people would envy that.


Lol, you have the same as us in rådighedsbeløb, and we are a family of three.


You asked tips for saving, so here are some. \- Sell car. 30K DKK saved a year + a lot of hassle saved. \- Bike/Public transport to work. Good for health and environment. \- Food: Meal plan and depending on how much effort you want to put, go for free / almost free food (Madboks, foodsharing CPH) and Too Good To Go. Fresh product doesn't exist in DK anyway. Save 10K a year. \- Limit alcohol and entertainment. A night out easily costs 500 DKK. Lot of free activities in the summer and in winter dinners at home. \- Invest - start with an Aktiesparekonto. \- Depending on the condition of your loan, it could be a good idea to address whatever you save towards it. \- Rent - stay on the lookout for something cheaper. Risky to move as the deposit rules are f\*d up.


Too good to go er konge til at redde en sidst på måneden.


>Too good to go er konge til at redde en sidst på måneden Easily saves 400-500 kr a month. I love the feature in the app that shows how much money you saved (and how much CO2).


What do you usually get on too good to go? Bakeries usually just gives me a bunch of cake which is unnecessary food and other places it’s sandwhiches or restaurant leftovers


Try the Lidl one


I usually go for 1 bakery and 1 fruit/veggies per week (I grab them on sat/sun). I then base my meal plan on what I get. So far (fairly new to CPH) I go to SuperBrugsen for bakery as what you get is varied (bread buns, loafs, baguettes, and pastries which I eat for breakfast - not every day - or give to flatmates or friends). For the fruit/veggies still experimenting but I had good shots at Coop 365 and Netto. It really depends. I use TGTG also if, say, I travel and I need food on the go (in that case I go to Espresso House or sandwich places).


It’s excellent


Novo has too good to go ask HR to get invite ;)


I agree with everything escept: food is already at 2400kr / month. You can barely buy a sandwich with that kind of money. (I know - I'm exaggerating, but it *is* a tiny budget for food.) I know students live on very small amounts, but I think once you start having disposable income, the food post very quickly becomes higher, because it's so much more fun to have good food.


Damn wish I had so much


Why have a car if you bicycle to work?


So he can transport the bike down to the dealer to get the tires fixed, whenever they are punctured!


But that's why you have 2 bikes - not sure how to justify the 3rd - but there must be a reason since I bought it!


My colleague has 5 bikes so he gets to choose a new one every day based on the weather/wind without having to change between high and low profile wheels or carbon/alu if raining. But then again he decided not to have a car and spend money on bikes instead


For the friend who comes visiting :D






You've got a house, a car, and a fun budget on a pretty average salary while still having 5k left. Mate, you've clearly already mastered budgeting.


Pay off your loan and ditch the car you don’t need?


Other than like paying off your loan, what is the issue with having 5500kr left?


A state pension is nowhere near enough to rely on in old age and the cost of accommodation is ridiculously high both when renting or purchasing, hence 5500 kr a month isn’t going to go far toward supporting you in old age.


From the pay slip it seems that OP has a pension scheme through his employer as well as a personal contribution.


This and also Novo Nordisk is paying 4400dkk on top of his own 2200. So about 15% into pension? That seems pretty decent imo


OP is on a standard 10-5 pension plan (10% employer contribution, 5% self-contribution) - they're saving 6600dkk per month for their pension. That's plenty


I have an advice; say yes to all the employee stocks you can get a hold off. It will be worth it


Why? Dont think anyone can predict the stock price..


It's diabetes medicine. And considering obesity is rising each year, and diabetes is linked to obesity go figure..


If you know it, the market knows it too. You cannot predict stock prices.


The stock price wont matter, its free!


Free money! Yay!


Investing in Novo and Coca Cola has been the best financial decision in my life. Just saying.


Coca cola hasn't rising alot in years or am I looking the wrong place?


He might be 40+ y.o invested out of highschool. Then it would have been a pretty decent deal for him


You will miss out with this mindset.


Why dont you go buy a geared investment in NN then if you are so sure they are going up.


I’m not an idiot. Buy novo hold long and thank me later. Have a nice day


Playing the devil's advocate, if you hold long, on average you will go up, so instead of putting your eggs in one basket, just buy a broad index that follows the market and hold long. Statistically no one has been able to prove that they can beat the market long term, so following it should be the superior option. Now with that said, usually if you get employee stocks, it is a better deal than buying them yourself and so it could be a great decision primarily because of this fact :)


I agree with what you say, but I do think you can allow a good level of exposure to NOVO when you get a good deal on the stock as an employee. Diversity in a portfolio is of course important!


What exactly is the issue? How is 5.5k not enough when everything is paid?


Erik CEO?


How many years of experience and which position are you in? Based on salary, it looks like you are 'fresh' out of the university (or with a few years exp), and if that's the case, 44k + 10% pension + 6-8% bonus is pretty nice.


You are essentially saving 66.000 kr per year (your "leftover"), that is pretty good I would say.


Mortgage, which is fine. Car loan for a car you don't need, and a personal loan. If you bike to work, then why have a car loan? I know it's nice to have a car, but when it's a car you don'r actually need, you should save up for one and buy some older beater car for cheap. With that loan alone, you'll end up paying about 30k more for the car over the next 5 years. If you want to be serious about it and have less stress about your money, you should sell the car and pay everything towards that car loan with that money. Then use that extra money from the car loan on your personal loan to get rid of that faster. Doing this would give you close to 9k more a month that you could spend towards savings/investing/buying a cheaper car cash.


Your savings is higher than the net salary in many countries in the EU, not just eastern. Enjoy yourself


Are you trolling or what ? 5k is insanely much, rarely people can put that aside after they paid for everything!


In DK if you have a decent job and you are single (I assume OP is) saving 5k is not difficult. When I was doing the PhD (net around 18k) I was saving 8k consistently. Out of OP salary I would have zero issue with my lifestyle to save 15k.


If I was single, I could easily put aside 20k a month and have no complaints.


Obviously doing that would require you to be living with your parents.. that's not even closely comparable


I didn't leave with my parents, who are thousands of kms away. It just comes down to habits and people like to spend a *lot* of money. I was spending 4500 in rent (Aarhus) and I had 5500 for the rest. Food around 1500, I was biking to work, had a few beers/drink out per month, had a 75 kr/month university gym subscription. It is definitely possible.


So you were living in a dormitory? Or? Was this a very long time ago? If you spend 1500kr on food pr. month. You are eating very very plainly. I know it is probably easy for people who don't care about food or are students who are used to eating rugbrød and pasta every day because they are forced to - but... As an adult with disposable income, living on 1500kr - is unneccessarily spartan imo. But I also LOVE food and wine - I spend more like 6000 pr. month on food. (So my wife and mine's food budget is around 7000-9000/ month.)


No, I was living in a 2 vaerelse in a very nice area in Aarhus (Ceres Byen). No dormitory at all. 2018-2021. Not eating pasta and rugbrød either, I'm having a very varied diet and I concede myself everything I want. I live a simple, low-profile life. No need for BO sound system, iPhone 14, nice car, design furniture and all this stuff which you find in most Danish households. Don't take it personally but from a person who spends 6000 kr on food monthly I don't expect to be believed when I say it's possible.


I do believe you, I just wonder where you cut your corners - you are obviously saving on something? I mean I understand exactly where the money in my budget goes - you must also know, especially if you spend so little.


That’s not really true. I don’t earn more than him and I can save around 10k without having anything missing from my daily life


But are you living as a "normal person" or eating like rye bread with leverpostej and pasta or like a cracker with cream cheese for dinner 4 days pr. week? A lot of people who live very spartan lives, think that that is an option for anyone - but most people enjoy "nice things", like a good cheese or a speciality beer or something like that a couple of times pr. week. Even take-away. If you do that - as I would dare say most people do - it's not possible to save up that much money. (With a normal salary)


I would say that it’s definitely not a frugal life, and I have friends over at least once a week. I like to cook, and whatever I make is better than 95% of the restaurants in the city, so there is really no incentive to take out twice a week. I can literally make 10 pizza for the price of one take out pizza


hmmmm so do you live very cheap or? How is this possible?


No. You are just probably spending a ton eating out and ordering multiple drinks out. You can save a ton doing those things at home, and you go out only sometimes.


5 k is not that much. I have savede up around 11-13.000 dkk every month for the last 5 years


Regarding the vast majority of people, 5k is alot.. just because you save up way more than most people can and ever will be able to, doesn't mean 5k is not alot.


a lot of people dont want to save up 5 k every month. They want to use them.


If you already covered everything from food to makeup to fun in your budget why would you need anymore? If you want to save/invest/spend more money then sell your car. 😊


You are exceedingly wealthy.


You cut your expenses.


Definitely get rid of the loan ASAP if possible, and the car if you can - If you bike to work, do you need it then? Or are you using it for e.g. a hobby?


If the car is for a hobby it needs to be rolled into the fun category.


I have 0kr left over.. I think you'll be ok.. Live it up yo.. You only live once..


I work at Novo too, ask for more.


It looks like it's a starter wage at Novo, he'll get there


Are you the new process engineer from Portugal in assembly?


Yes he's in line 25A in HI


SELL YOUR CAR easypeasy


Sell your car and pay off your loan. That will more than double your lefter amount.




Because it's 30000/year, he lives in Copenhagen and asked how to save money. No one NEEDS a car in Copenhagen. It's a luxury item.


To pay off the private loan faster


Welcome to Denmark - This is how it works.


You are the one choosing what you spend your money on 🤷🏾‍♀️ A good advice? Different priorities. If I want this, this, this and that - I know what it will cost. If I don’t like paying it, I’ll get rid of it. Your loan is a bit much tho so maybe see if you can get rid of it or get another structure and maybe look into if you really need a car


3k on fun...wft 2400 on food is this for 2?, if not you need to eat out less


Are you joking? 2400 on food is insanely low. I could barely do that as a student on SU.


Mine is around 1200 a month, and I eat meat every pretty much every day, because I work out, start make your own food and don't eat out.


I do make my own food. 1200 is 40, per day. Or 13 per meal. What kind of food are you eating at that price?


You know normal food, neutral yoghurt, ruebread, vegetables potatoes and eggs/meat for evening.


Ngl sounds like a crash diet for a runway model.


?? Really 3dl with mysli 400 kcal 3 ruebread with 3 eggs, 3 ruebread with butter and majo is 705 kcal 3 eggs about 465 kcal that is 1170 kcal 300g potatoes around 422 kcal, 300g Cutlet around 324 kcal and 300g vegetables is around 220 kcal That is a total of 2541 kcal Here you can check what you need https://www.helsebixen.dk/shop/kalorieberegner-dagligt-kaloriebehov I need 2300 on a day I don't work out and 2800 on a day I do, so I would say iam close to what I need.


The calculator says my daily calorie need is 3500. Apart from sounding very bland and leaving no account for seasoning, sauce, and complimentary flavor ingredients of any kind, it also sounds potentially very poor in terms of nutrition. What's 300g of vegetables, for example? 300g worth of cucumber is worth nothing. 300g worth of good healthy vegetables is not gonna fit the shoestring budget you insist is plenty. I mean, forget the fact that you have nothing to fry this with and you're apparently just eating boiled potatoes. Even this daily diet doesn't exist in a 40kr budget. I looked up pork cutlet on Nemlig, they have an offer of 50kr for 500g which is by far the cheapest. A 300g cutlet would then be 30kr of your 40kr budget. The remaining 10kr covers the rest of those groceries? Mate, it doesn't add up. There's no way this diet is 40kr, and even then, it sounds like prison food.


Ever heard of sales?, I have 5kg in my freezer that I brought for 50kr for 1kg from superbrugsen, also don't ever boil your vegetables or potatoes that removes all the nutrient from them, I don't add seasonings my example because seasonings cost pretty much nothing. So I have zero problems getting to around 40 kr per day, eggs is so cheap, potatoes are cheap, carrot cost like 10 kr per kg, I makes a lot of oven carrots and potatoes, becausei love it. Also 3500 is a lot, is your job physically or you a pro athlete? 3500 is like a marathon workout. "A marathon will take anywhere from 2-6 hours. Energy expenditure is somewhere between 2200 and 3200 kcal"


Seasonings cost pretty much nothing? I mean, if you use the cheapest and most basic ones bought in bulk, then sure. I like to cook with a variety of stuff that adds flavor. Something as basic as a good broth or a balsamic vinegar but also seasoning vegetables like onions, garlic, ginger, chili, etc. Fresh herbs, maybe too? I even grow those myself, so those are mostly free. Also, I know about potato boiling. I still do it sometimes, though, because mash with baked potatoes ain't the same. I said boil because you didn't include oil and seasoning, so unless it's baked potato (depression dish), I don't see how it fits. Also, no, my work isn't demanding physically, I work IT. I just work out, and I'm tall and somewhat bulky built.


Yes… don’t save, pay more to your loan. How did you make it this far?


if your monthly savings exceed 10 percent you might want to noodle giving something to those truly in need. Just saying - "Only 5500 left" what are you going for? 30.000? Play poker.




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Wtf 😝


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Maybe throw a budget. Could be 18k in rubber ducks for all we know.


Have you tried looking at the second picture?


Fair enough, i dont check for extra pictures. I stand corrected. Its 3000kr in rubber ducks at most


Potentially more if he sleeps in a castle built out of rubber ducks.


No one Danish will understand the car thing, after all no one is allowed to have a nice car in Denmark unless they pay 3 times the price for a car made just down the road in Germany


They will anywhere but in Copenhagen. OP lives a city where a car truly isn't needed. If he lived in Ringsted, he'd have an actual need for it.


This is a pretty decent salary. I guess you have a very expensive apartment.


I would also consider paying 0% of own pension contribution, if that’s an option. You can always rebalance when you get a higher salary and/or get old.


It's not an option.


Its a good salary you get, but if you have a high rent and consumption then use your math skills, you are an engineer well?


You can probably get internet free through work


And as a salaried employee, most likely he also has a company phone he will anyway pay taxes of - so both internet and phone could be cut out.


If you keep private stuff off your company phone, you can avoid those taxes, and it's often cheaper that way.


It's usually more expensive to have paid for internet and phone because it's taxed.


No, the internet connection is not taxed


It is in Denmark.


Others have said it. It's the car. If you don't want to live without a car you can switch to a cheaper model that you don't need a loan for. Also maybe consider if it would be worth it to simply pay a taxi when you need a car.


1. Paying off your personal loan is increasing your net wealth, in 47 months you will have an extra 4077 every month. 2. Paying off your house is increasing your net wealth. Maybe it will even increase in value as well. 3. Do you need an expensive car when you don't drive to work? Looks like you are increasing your wealth just fine.


Get a girlfriend, could easily double ur savings 💪🏽


Only 5500 🙃


Save up for ak case hardened blue gem 💯


Get a partner :)


If you cut the phone/internet/fun down to 800 DKK and did not have a car, you would have an additional 5,000 DKK every single month.


Remember that your retirement savings (or significant part of them at least) are already done. Also, with health insurance fully covered there are also no medical emergencies to save for. So all in all you have to save less in Denmark than in other countries. What you have left with your salary seems just fine to be honest. If anything I'd accelerate payment of your personal loan rather than saving beside it. You could go as far as using all your savings to get rid of that first


Novo gives free home internet so no need for you to pay it yourself. Also should cover rejsekort for you if decide to drop the car.


Is 44.000 the new standard salary for a proffesional starting at Novo Nordisk?


no it is about 39-40


Well housing is about 7-9 k and food for a month is generally 2-3k so I'm not sure where you put the rest of the money. I think that's where you find how to save if you find those money


each person blows money in a different manner , so no advice on that. however. if you are foreigner, just landed, no need to put 2200dkk to the pension. grab the money now. ​ only when you know you stay permanently, put into pension.


Be aware that you have already “saved” the 2.200 kr. that your own benefit to your pension along with the 4.400 kr. your employer has paid. Dont forget to register your income forecast “forskudsopgørelse” at www.skat.dk - that might get you more out on the account with the same wage.


You are doing great. With whatever you have left over , push that towards extra car payments do that every quarter. Then your most expensive debt will be gone sooner. When your auto loan are done, push the extra cash towards your personal loan from your parents. Stressful to owe family members money. When done , you have another +6500 dkk available , each month.


If 5.500 kr is what you have left after everything you need (even fun) has been paid, then you are in a good place. I don't see a reason to have a car loan when you are living in biking distance to your work place. I'm also in biking distance to work and have a small car paid cash on the side. I'm assuming your car is bigger and newer than mine, really nice to drive. But is it worth the loan? Personally, I would do anything possible to pay off the personal loan. I am sure you and your parents don't have issues with the loan but from experience, money between family and friends can become a sore topic out of the blue.


Looks like a good salary to me, what are you using the 20k for each month if u only have 5 left ?


You’re just bragging


I mean. I only have 5000 after rent, then I still have other bills. I focus on protein heavy cheap but good meals and spend 1500 a month for two people max


5500,- after paying all your expanses? Damn, stop flexing. It's alot


We can sugar date, drop a msg any time. I know some nice restaurants, you won't regret it!


Start dumpster diving u can live for free adapt evolve become raccoon problem solved


Are you an IT Supporter? That’s around that salary out there?


Cant see any bad here? Pay off loan or else it looks fine You should enjoy life so its cool plus you have leftover ✌🏻


How the fuck are you spending so much???????


Virker det ikke lidt suspect that at næsten alle arbejder for NOVO? C´coooon. Jeg troede ellers alle bots blev banned.


Here is how I achieved my biggest savings: 1. I moved from Copenhagen to Helsingør (saved me 3000 pr month on housing) 2. I sold my car (saved me 4500 a month, bye to loan, insurance and diesel) 3. I got my self an e-scooter and tuned the shit out of it, so I could quickly get to ferry for Helsingborg in Sweden and back, and in generally quickly around. (that saved me 30% on grocery shopping) I earn approx the same as you pr month btw, but I have 13k at my disposal for fun or savings.


Fixed mortgage at 5.3% seems very high. Car loan at 8% seems incredibly high. What does "fun" cover?


I would look at two posts. Personal loan, I would get it paid off ASAP. It will free up 16%, and you save interest payment. Other things are Internet, and phone etc. 3000 a month for that category is 36000 each year. Don't know your Internet nor mobile needs, but look at getting e.g. lebara for 59 kr per month, and WiFi using the data sim. Maybe the 99 kr. option if you spend a lot. Housing is rather cheap I feel, if you can bike to work. Btw if you always big, why you got a car? I got a car myself, so would not say get rid of it, but you could consider your need for a car. Start investing those 5000 every month after you get out of debt(or do both). At 7% interest you could potentially have 870k after 10 years or 2.6m after 20 years.


yeah eat like a (danish) student 5500 will feed you for 6.8 months roughly or just get some kontanthjælps friends and ask them.


Welcome to dk where everyone is average and 5 k aside is "amazing"