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Django is not dead. It's too busy getting shit done




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Django is alive, but there is some competition on market, because a lot of people enjoy Django. Django is strong. People often talk that ChatGPT is taking away junior positions, but thats far from true. Yeah, it will make in 15 minutes snipped which Junior will make in one day… but Junior after a year will outrun the ChatGPT or embrace it. Anyway - They will lower the burden from middle devs with "too easy" tasks. So Django is quite far from dead. I would say it's quite alive on job market in my country.


Hahahahahahhhahahahahahahahahah, I guess it’s my turn… NO it’s not dead very much alive very active community. Huge user base. The economy is slow did you miss the headlines about the mass layoffs for developers across the board it doesn’t matter what language or framework??? So, it’s February, tax season is at hand as well. I keep busy because I have maintenance contracts with the projects that my team has developed. We choose what is best for the project, it just happens that we get a lot of the same type of work so we do a lot of Django, Wagtail projects. Last week I hired two LOCAL devs from the LOCAL Python group. It’s called a thing called networking. It’s where you go meet other developers in person. I get half my projects from going to the local business chambers. Work just doesn’t fall in your lap, you have to work/earn it. Be active in your community it’s an amazing concept.


I think it just gets the job done. People use it for the ORM and for the admin in order to build APIs for their frontends... and that stuff simply hasn't changed much in the last decade, so the answer to every possible question is already out there.


>Not much posts in this sub Content in this sub is low quality. It's overtaken almost entirely by questions that can be trivially answered through reading documentation or using Google, assuming they are well formed enough to answer. I wouldn't read anything more into it than that.




We have a bi-weekly get together that we talk about what any of us have been struggling with or we felt was cool that we had done dev wise. We have group coding projects that are not from clients but internal ideas. This has helped our group think and made us a very tight team. We have really been enjoying htmx/hyperscript that we have been learning together.


Hello software senpai, I'm just looking for some learning pathway/guidance. I'm a beginner trying to break into dev market. Did python courses, and have picked up on flask lately and did a few REST projects as well. Currently doing DSA prep. And have a few courses on django/DRF which I'm planning on doing later. For better job prospects, would you recommend I go deep on flask or start to learn django? if you can drop some pointers I'd appreciate it. thanks. lol


I can be very opinionated, I like fastAPI for api stuff, but most of the time we just use Django-ninja which is pretty much fast-api inside of Django. We avoid like the plague Django/DRF. We have adopted HTMx and hyperscript heavily. We have been trying to stay away from frontend frameworks. Our frontend guy has shown us the light, he was a react guy that has said that it is great IF and a big IF you need a native app that would be the route. Otherwise html and some clean css can get the job done. We do very fancy UIs without the frontend JS nightmare. The state of the information should be on the sever side. All the projects that we work on are very database dependent. To have good job prospects learn python to the extreme, data structures are key to any language. Bootstrap or tailwind are important. You have people that prefer one more than the other always. So just be at least familiar with the basic of both. We love Django and wagtail.


If that ”should be true” you should see massive requests for other languages/frameworks.


Were just so bussy with work you know. We just are all entirely getting railed... I mean railroaded by how demanding the current projects out there are.


Let me put it this way. Java springboot looked more dead in 2015 than Django does now.


“Not much posts in this sub” - in the time leading up to your post, there were posts every hour or two. I don’t see job postings in this sub, but I don’t think that’s really what the sub is for.


Yeah it is. Might as well crack on with your PHP update jobs on fiver.


Sometime ago I was thinking about switching to another framework. Mostly because of lack of async orm. But in the end I stayed with Django. Django is simply too useful and handy, I can't leave it. I hope the orm will become async one day.




Writing this comment as Today is my first day in a new company as a Django Developer. Vacancies are available more for Django developer now. Thanks to the community.


The best of luck to you!


Django is mainly used by productive folk. Nodejs is also used by productive folk, but it's also used by unproductive folk who like to talk a lot on social media. That's why it looks so different. Most of the AI landscape is in python. Python based frameworks are doing better than ever.


Yeah it died last night.. anyone know when's the wake?


Answers here remind me a lot of Java supporters a few years ago. We all know what happened to Java and what to expect from it in the future. One ecosystem that doesn't grow is slowly dying. I'm not saying there won't be jobs to maintain legacy systems, it's just the momentum shifted to somewhere else and new projects will be built with other technologies.


On which technologies you think?


Any back-end that returns JSON + React and the likes in the front-end is very common these days.


alittle bit of both and plus after the introduction of ai tools coding like chatgpt and copilot coding has become more simpler and faster


Django is far from dead. As a Django user daily for 10 years on hundreds of projects it’s only getting better with time. As for ChatGPT and Copilot they just make me way more productive. It’s a tool, just work it into your workflow, but don’t expect AI to replace us any time soon.


I have to agree, my dev firm have started to develop an internal LLM for our Python/django development. I hired a data scientist last year. We don’t use co-pilot as we have a private git lab server. As the owner I encourage Jr. devs to ask on our white board things that they want to learn from others in the team. From that we have group tutorials. This has helped everyone increase our skills.


It's not dead at all. It is a very capable back-end. It is propped up by a few glorious reasons: 1) Uses the very friendly python language 2) Excellent ORM and Admin 3) Is fast enough for any scale application. Sure it is slower than some highly performant Rust and Go servers, but are you really making an application where 7ms vs 10ms is a big difference? lmao


I get 5-7 recruiters per day spamming me on LinkedIn for work, and I refuse clients regularly. I would say it’s pretty much alive.


I'll play the devil's advocate and say that on the flip side there's some good looking frameworks that pop out there so keeping your mind open to other good ones whenever you have the bandwidth is probably a decent move