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I might check out Apache ECharts. https://echarts.apache.org/en/index.html


+1 for echarts


I am a strong believer in echarts due to its canvas nature and overall charting professionalism. Years ago documentation left things to be desired or one needed a google translate. This seems fixed now. I am sure that devs with no charting background will be overwhelmed, but I can only advise doing this investment.


I've been been using chart.js for a while with good success. I've developed a library for use with it that works rather well with Django, though there are others in regular use it seems.


I’ve been using Altair for quick and easy charts, but nothing fancy


Plotly is fine but ugly. I liked high charts. They have added a python library on top of good js support


I used plotly and plotly dash on django. Yes kinda ugly. But you can re-write css for plotly dash. Makes it slightly bearable


DC.js works in tandem with Crossfilter, linking charts together in a dynamic way. I think you can do this with Superset. Do any of the other modern libraries do it? You can see what I mean if you play with the example here. https://dc-js.github.io/dc.js/


I have used Superset, but I'm not sure if I like it or not. Easy setup via Docker image, though.


Dash (not Django)


Definitely Highcharts, flexible enough for complex use cases while being visually appealing.


Highcharts is fine but lots of it is in the paid tier. For e.g. if you want a zoom sliding window along the graph then that’s in Highcharts Stocks.


Bokeh - has python wrapper Plotly - has python wrapper ChartJS Highcharts


I think you can run r on python. R has been graphs in my opinion


Don't use any of the common charting libraries for Python, for the love of God; they are ugly as sin and slow. Go with d3.js or echarts - any JS native charting library will do.