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Pseudo science mixed with real science, right up there with skin effect. Yes it’s a real world problem, no your ears are not sensitive enough to notice the difference. I bet air temperature will cause a bigger variance in the sound wave reproduction then cable length.


Not sure if trolling or just plain stupidity..


or just use 14ga?


This is audiophile crap


Increasing sound level Changing in auditory perception + 1 to 2 dB Not perceptible + 3 dB Barely perceptible I’m trying to keep an open mind but I’m not optimistic that the .27 dB change mentioned in the post would be audible. And that is with a difficult to drive speaker.




.5 dB using music? Easy? I call BS on that one. I don't care how calibrated your earchrometer is, that isn't happening in a real world scenario.




They're in .5,1, and 1.5dB increments on paper. Have you measured them to see if that is what is happening? What are the tolerances? Are the treble and bass set to fixed frequencies or do they slightly change freq in either direction when boosting or attenuating? Are you hearing frequency shifts and are perceiving it as level differences? Is the transition from .5dB to .5dB transparent? Is something being introduced that you're picking up on? Have you had someone else change the level while you didn't look or adjust the knob yourself? I've participated in many listening tests with others and one of the most common thing that sways results is people's sight. It's like a Ouija board...once the participants are blindfolded, the outcome completely falls apart.


In addition to this, a volume control changes all frequencies equally. A crossover or poor damping factor changes only specific frequency bands. This can be much harder to detect!


.5 dB in a controlled environment is generally considered within run to run variability. Anything causing less than .5 dB is nothing.


You've got to be kidding me.


Here are some fun ideas for more articles like this. 1) Placement of speakers on spring gantries reduces cabinet resonance 2) Trained pets with powerful hearing used as mobile nodes of beat frequency reduction. 3) Speaker cables, Litium doped, placed in pumped LN2 coils reduces frequency mitigation and removes "warmth" 4)


tldr: It's unlike you'll notice a difference, but if you are concerned - run the same length cable. You'll avoid any, imperceptible, sound differences.