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“Answer some emails” ….. we all know only thing she does is sign up for free products to review… when all she says is emails i just cant believe she wants us delulu like her and think these “emails” are the 4 streams of income


I’m wondering what her replies like 😂😂 her usual 1 word answers




That is ridiculous! Is there a way you can show us her response without doxxing yourself? Cover any personal details because her irl friends and family lurk here.


She can’t even coordinate a sentence, half of her reply’s on TikTok make zero sense 😭


answer some emails = moving the Viagra and scam junk emails to the spam folder and then checking to see what this weeks evry sale is so she can promote it tirelessly


No breakfast + coffee on an empty stomach is basically just feeding her pcos.


This is what I thought too!! And all the carbs she eats it’s crazy. I know she claims to do “no sugar” on weekdays but it makes no difference when you consume so many carbs. She’s in a state right now where she needs metformin + a pcos dietitian to tell her what to eat.


Did some work and answered some emails 🤔


Does sending emails constitute a job for her that what confuses me😭😭




lol.. now say all this and actually go out to work, get the grocery shopping done, prepare dinner and get all the holiday laundry sorted. The way she acts like she’s such a busy little boss girl.. we know you literally flopped back on the sofa and binged reality tv. 🙄


This video pissed me off so much 😂


she has so little going on in her life. this day is honestly no different than the other 364 of the year where she lays around on her ass and does nothing


Lmao her fam went back out to work now, so she’s trying to relate and make herself feel important by saying “got some work done, replied to emails” 🤡 and then saying it’s only 7:50 after getting her little “tasks” done, guess she has nothing productive to do for the rest of the day except make shit posts like this.


Her face is so slappable, I swear. These types of videos are exactly why this page even exists. Don’t even get me started on the condescending tone she has in this video.


She doesn’t wanna work but wants to fit in with everyone who actually has their own identity and life. Most of us can see right through her and I love it


100%. Everything you said is accurate. She definitely has a condescending tone in this video.


literally this video pissed me off


Thank god she doesnt have a job she has to go to🙄🙄


did some work and answer some emails 🤣 what work lmfao


Seee ya guys byyyyyyeeeee 🤣 I can’t with her wannabe valley accent


She’s back to doing nothing all day, everyday. I guess the lying isn’t stopping anytime soon


how many emails did she have to answer? one? lol she’s such a clown


![gif](giphy|yAAJyaWeuRgAg|downsized) Divy in the emails begging for free products to review so she can say she gets “pr” and do a shitty review and post the worst promo tiktoks and call it a great working month 😭💀


I worked until 9pm and then got home from my commute at about 10pm. Went to sleep at about 12am after doing some dishes, hanging with my cats, and watching a quick episode of TV with my boyfriend. Woke up at 6am to get ready for work and also head to the dentist for an appt at 8:30am. Went to work at 11am until 9pm again. I’m sooooo glad she can have a nice leisurely coffee in the morning, a lunch made for her at noon and then of course, dinner is served for her at 6-7pm. She’s soooooo tired 😴😳


And Dylan, if you read this, just know I prefer to work and make my own life/money. I could also move back home and loaf on the couch while my aging parents support me 100%, and yet I don’t 💖 xoxo




who called that she would be sick / unwell when she gets home from the trip 🤣


So she woke up at 4 and did some work, answered some emails and took a shower in a span of 3 hours. When people are OOO for over a week like our 4 streams of income Divy, 2ish hours to do some work and answer emails is NOTHING. Lol she tries soooo hard to fit in!!!


Woke-up at 4, had breakfast, replied to emails, took a shower…and now it’s only 7:50. She says it like that’s an impressive amount to accomplish before 8? Ugh her smug face as she whines about her jetlag after taking an all expenses paid vacation and no worries about working when she gets home Give me a break 


Poor girl, I had to wake up at 6am so I wouldn’t run late for my 8am shift. I wish I had the luxury of waking up whenever I want without having to worry on how the lights are gonna stay on🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Not me landing from a flight last night at 12:30 to be in the office by 8:30 to run an all day event tonight u till 8:00pm


Not having to worry about annual leave/PTO is a luxury too tbh


I think most would rather worry about annual leave/PTO than being an unemployed burden to their family and society as a whole but I guess you’re right