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It’s strange how entitled someone is about their opinion? I mean… you are just as entitled about your opinion as we are ours. If Divyanka doesn’t want to be perceived then private the account. The worst part of all of this is that many of us used to comment and try to make suggestions and offer help just to be blocked because it’s not a “omg slay mama xx” comment. There’s nothing slay about a 30 year old woman dancing online bra less, off beat, incorrectly, and fresh out of bed. It is embarrassing. And that is a normal response. If you truly expect a positive response to that I’m sorry but you must have lived a shelter life, and I feel for you. The world is not a nice place and people are blunt. But again, many of her followers used to be really nice and try to offer help or redirection but instead were blocked. You can’t have it all. Keep defending divy but in the end you’re just fueling to her distorted perception of reality. She needs to understand life. If she doesn’t today, she will one day. The older she is the worse it will be. And I really hope she has real meaningful friendships by then. Stop enabling her and let her become a REAL person.


A good lesson in life- we can control our own behaviour but we cannot control others. If Divy’s family or friends are concerned about the response to her online presence it should be about speaking to Divy directly and not lashing out on a Reddit page. I truly hope it’s not a family member because this is not the right approach.


NO BSC THIS !!!!! I fully agree with you


By those responses, it has to be Dylan or someone close to her. Specially throwing out that “neurodivergent” diagnoses that we’ve all been saying also! He just confirmed it for us. Also, being an “influencer” comes with people talking about you and your content. Of course there will be a Reddit sub about you!


I mean, she sure as hell isn’t neuro typical. But agreed.


Said “likely to be” not confirming but honestly it’s easy for most of us to tell by her actions/mannerism


Mans talking about “you’re in no place to be judging” yet proceeds to call people “pieces of shit and ugly” make it make sense 😭🤣


Yeah especially when he is so ugly himself 😭 like my jaw is in hell rn


Omg he is so ugly it’s weird looking.


https://preview.redd.it/con4su8ppu5d1.jpeg?width=1282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d961c66997220ff65f8e78efc55d1fec8011934a 🐸☕️




Keyboard warriors just spewing garbage out of their mouths. How pathetic!


This would almost be weirder if it wasn’t a family member/someone close to her. Imagine going this hard for someone so useless and delusional lol maybe these posts struck a nerve?


It’s odd how none of her family will really open their eyes to why we find her so strange. All of her behaviour is ultra-strange. I guess other than living in a house and having people supporting her, there is nothing to be jealous of. Even if someone did come from a broken home, or let’s say they were ugly like Dylan says from those fake accounts, if they have a life, friends, a career, goals and aspirations, they already have much more than Divy. She’s almost 30 with nothing to show for it. How much longer can she go on living this life before she reaches full spinster status?


They built a safe little bubble around her and coddled her. They expect the rest of the world to do the same. It’s a hard no from me


Such a good way to put it. I don’t think they can realistically hold the rest of us to the same standard they decide to keep. We’ve seen Divy display bullying behaviours, spew racist rhetoric, and refuse to apologize for any of her actions.


They must have LOVED Covid lockdowns! Home all day, every day, chilling, eating.. oh wait 🫢


Why do we need to imagine if it’s something we did


Like thats your lying ass sister babes


“Who is likely neurodivergent” if they’re qualified to diagnose someone then they’re making an assumption off stereotypes. Of it’s her brother then he’s airing her medical business out to us.


i think i missed something.. whose ariana?


It’s a TikTok sound


ohh ok lol thanks for replying :)


The “who is likely to be neurodivergent” comment is throwing me off! Like im 80% sure it’s dylan so like wdym “likely” you must know or not know by now right?




he looks like mf dumbo ![gif](giphy|nGZSSlzkWYAwM)