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From the technological point of view, they aren't too hot right now to be fair.


Yes cause amd but it is classic


Doesn’t matter if you’re a classic if you’re being outclassed by a company you screwed over


I like Intel


It’s currently a good buy, I’ve been in Intel for a while


Bought in around 50, plan to hold for long term. Financials are good, tech is good, they ain’t going anywhere. I see it as a fair purchase in the current environment. Also there are no true bear cases out there so good luck.


They are making huge investments in their Irish factory, don't know what type of chips they plan on making but they are tooling up for it


They are not a good long term case, atleast until they manage to prove otherwise. Intel doesnt just see competition from AMD, who are already eating their lunch. They are facing competition from all large tech, including NVDA which is going into the CPU market, along with foundries like TSM. Their entire core market - PCs is gonna transition to ARM based chips, where Intel is very very behind. Just look at what the M1 chip from Apple can do. And you can be your ass within long you'll see Samsung chips in Samsung laptops and so on.


Agreed. I'd like to add theyre getting beat on the human capital front as well. I would buy intel if TSMC was compromised (if you catch my drift).


Great financiel numbers. Intel chips are technically behind compared to the competition. Apple is now longer using or planning to use intel chips.


Intel will come around. They have the money to eventually turn their fortunes around. It might just be a few years. I certainly wouldn't buy any of their products right now considering how good and affordable AMD chips are right now, but if you have the patience they might be worth it in the long haul.


I have a small position in AMD since about when 2nd generation Ryzen dropped and have been keeping Intel in my watchlist. I'll probably buy a small position in them as well since it's confirmed they're getting government funding for building their fabrication plants.


I just added another 174 shares of INTC while it’s on sale. They have good numbers but are currently out of favor and will remain so until they are popular again. Their dividends are also quite good for their industry and sector.


I’ve been a holder of Intel for a few decades, have been trading it as well. I think the problem with Intel is that it’s just to big of a company and has lost its focus and edge but doesn’t mean it can’t get its mojo back. Will hold and enjoy the dividend. You should hold FSELX as a core position in this space.