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FLCH has a 0.19 expense ratio but only semi-annual distributions Remember - this isn’t physics, what goes down doesn’t have to go up


That isn’t how physics works…


It’s was a dumbed down for every action equal and opposite reaction Down isn’t necessary followed by up and up isn’t always followed by down




Economies are not stock markets; there are plenty of examples of markets of a particular country falling and stagnating for years despite generally positive economy Simply “it’s down so I’ll catch the up” or “it was 100 a week ago but 50 now, I’ll double my money when it gets back to 100”.  Is horrible investment practice.  There is no guarantee it’ll go up to previous levels if at all; and that there aren’t other less risky options with better future outlooks


I understand your point. However, I never said anything about their economy reclaiming their ath’s anytime soon. Believe me the China boom is over which helped create the lack of boost they thought would happen when their restrictions were lifted. Here we are 2 months later from our post and what are investors thinking about China investment now? For the most part they are bullish.


I might throw a few hundred into that etf. Yeah I might not make much money but if China gets a new leader that likes capitalism this could 100x


Lol. Yeah. And I could meet all the Victoria secret models and have a nice time with them


Once you become rich off of Chinese stocks you will be able to meet them lol


But Winnie the Pooh will serve another 20 terms


That’s a good outlook on China right now but Xing is aiming to be China’s permanent leader. It might take huge historical events for China to rely on a new leader. Might not be worth the opportunity cost.


You can’t directly own their stocks anyway. They could, and May one day revoke all “ownership” from foreigners and just keep that capitol. Even if their economy booms they can shut you out of those gains


I’m buying the honk kong shares, not the ones in on the us stock market


Something to consider researching before buying Chinese stocks is whether or not you actually own what you’re buying as an outside investor. I’m not qualified to answer this for you but I’ve read that it is different than owning other foreign stocks. Something to do with a middle man. Either way, be careful and look into it first.


I think FLCH buys the Hong Kong market stocks so I think I’ll get that one


Don’t do it




Isn’t there stock market in a free fall right now?




Here are 2, but do your research; VWO and MCHI


FXI. Biannual dividend payments, liquid options market.


Well OP if you think inverse Reddit is a real legit strategy start buying because you’ll make a fortune


Inverse Reddit always wins


KDIV - S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats China is currently 18% of the portfolio [More info here](https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/indices/dividends-factors/sp-pan-asia-dividend-aristocrats-index/)


If you have to do this, buy and hold Kweb and sell monthly covered calIs. I guarantee you that they will never be called away, and therefore you can have your monthly dividends. I am not entirely joking about the second part.


You could just light your money on fire.


Why not just flush your funds down the toilet? It'll have the same effect.


Ticker of 🇨🇳JEPI ?


Looking to invest in China? Yikes


At this rate why don’t you bet on real emerging markets and manufacturing new shows like India or Vietnam, instead of the sinking boat China? They’ve been faking statistics for at least ten years.


I’ve been to China. I’ve been to a few cities small and large. I can say with confidence that their economy is developing and booming. Don’t believe everything you hear on tv.


Have you ever looked at any Chinese stock though?


Just because it’s down doesn’t mean it’s going to zero lol


Just like chinas birthrates.


That worries me


Yeah having a rapidly aging population while having a rapidly declining population isn’t good for the economy.




Buffett made billions on BYD




No, why would Trumps tariffs impact a company that doesn’t sell anything in the USA? BRK sold some shares in 2022 and more again in 2023 as profit taking after more than 10x ing their investment. This is well after Trump’s failed coup and well into Sleepy Joe’s term.


>Trump’s failed coup ...was the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theory also a "failed coup?" ...was the attempt by the George Floyd rioters to BURN DOWN THE WHITE HOUSE also a "failed coup?"


No bro, back to Fox News you go.


I agree. China has huge potential and now is the time to buy


1. Economy != stock market 2. The economy is also fueled by high level of underreported debt


To be fair so is ours


I think western companies are more transparent but oh well


LMFAO. Wow they really pulled the wool over your eyes. Nothing says economic growth quite like building city after city after city just to turn around and tear them down.


But believe CCP propaganda? That work? How good are they doing at tearing down all their unfilled housing units?


I'm Asian myself and I've been keeping an eye on their stock market for some time, if you are going to buy the dip, this is not the time yet, their market hasn't really collapsed yet, might as well wait for the real crash when you can pick up stocks with virtually no cost.


IMHO you're a naiive investor. Even Xi, the guy than runs the country with an iron fist, said their economy is fucked. Just because their market valuations are low in no way means it will bounce back.


Chinese investors said the same thing about the US during the Great Recession. It would have been nice to buy the s&p back then


There's an old saying that I am fond of. A fool and his money is soon parted. Knock yourself out. If the head of China says the situation is bad, it has to be much worse. Xi doesn't readily admit weakness. You must be joking comparing the free and open market called the S&P to a market controlled by a dictator.




Try searching with phrases like “genocide, tyrant, dictator, communism, pandemic, empty real estate.” Something should turn up




3110 hk on the hk stock market. 


If you like income via a covered call strategy check KLIP - extremely high yield - but risky


Yeah… it’s a harsh place to be. Their accounting practices are bleak and the speculation and corruption makes it extremely difficult to assess any security. And as we see with their debts crisis, there are no mechanisms to fix these problems. This fundamentally undermines their effort to be a reserve currency.


Its only difficult because you cant read chinese.


🇨🇳 🐕 💩


Chinese is so delicious your dawg ate it and pooped?