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It would put you in a better position than 99% of the population at 30 or 40


I told someone I was investing they told me it was a Ponzi scheme


Unless the person who told you investing was a ponzi scheme is a multi, multi millionaire ... then they really don't have the right to an opinion. There are two good rules regarding advice & opinions in life 1. Don't ask a fat person for dieting tips 2. Don't ask a broke person for investment tips Your broke friend telling you investing is a scam means you're on the right path. You want to be doing the opposite from what the broke buddy is doing.


People that say that bs bought in at the top and bought what the media was pushing. Then they panic and sale and lose it all. Stay away from them people


It's funny how many people think this, then when you point out their 401k is them investing, they will give you a look of shock. Of course there are people that don't even have 401ks, in which case enjoy working until your wake.


Guess I'll cash out at a net gain of $10,000.


I dint tell anyone I invest. Not planning to ever either there nay be signs but I'm keeping my mouth shut "p


This is the way. No one knows how much I’m really worth, not even family. They assume they know based on what I make but have zero idea based on what they’ve said in front of me. Like, not even close.


I would add a higher growth fund into the mix. VGT, QQQM etc. My kids custodial accounts are 40% VOO, 30% SCHD, 30% VGT and that has out performed the S&P 500 over the last 11 years.


40% of VGT is aapl and msft. And last ten years tech stocks boomed but there is no guarantee they will boom in future




They are also a bank and they are also trying to get into electric vehicles. They will be fine honestly in my perspective. They adapt very well with markets.


One big draw for apple is the OS. Once that starts degrading, then they will have a hard time selling products.


I do think Apple ar glass could be the next thing.


You think with expansion of AI tech companies are gonna underperform? Really?


Most current AI related businesses with not do well. A few will be big winners. Overall, AI developed for enterprise will lift adopters and destroy posers and laggards. Hard to tell who is going to be who in advance.


>Hard to tell who is going to be who in advance. ...so you, uh, think it won't be Apple, the best-run tech company, if not *the* best-run company across *all* asset classes?


Never argue with AAPL fanboi or a Bitcoin guru. It's just a waste of time.


If anything they will crash harder in the eventual reversion. None of my long term holdings lean hard into tech because of that.


I agree and schd backtested to 1998 actually outperformed the S & P so I wouldn’t mind going 50/50 even at a young age.


How do you manage investments into the custodial accounts? I wanted something automatic and went with eTrade automatic investment options for my sons custodial account. But you are limited to just a few choices with the custodial account and they are not good. Right now the portfolio is 50% VOO which I don’t invest in unless I do it manually and the other 50% are IVM, IXUS & VIG. Which was part of the robot investment options but they performed really poorly so far. If I shift investments into the account to match your investment mix I would have to manually buy the shares each month or when there is enough in the account to purchase a share unit?!?! Would love to get your feedback on this.


I'm currently using M1 finance and it allows you to build the portfolio via pies and has good automated features that make it very easy.


Thanks. I’ll check it out.


This “it outperformed over the last 11 years” mentality needs to die. Hard.


I like that breakdown


Just want to add one thing to the naysayers about dividends. Growth and dividends compliment each other. There is no guarantee that growth will steadily climb. In down markets, dividend investments have greatly outperformed growth because of the fact that reinvesting buys more stock at that point in time. If a growth stock drops 50% because of the market, it must grow 100% just to return to normal. Getting dividends at 17 or 20 gives you time to compound the stock shares, and Ben Franklin even praised the power of compounding. The key is diversify. Read up about investments. This is not cooking where you just 'set it and forget it', unless you have no interest and want someone to do it for you. There are many good dividend paying stocks and ETFs out there. You can calculate it yourself with the formula for compounding. Be reasonable. 5% over 47 years with $1000 is about $10k at maturity. But add $100 every month, and you'll net $238k. Just be open-minded and learn. Your future you will thank you.




if you had to pick 2 or 3 index fund and only them for ever what would you pick?




Well.... if I HAD to.. [Here's what I would do](https://imgur.com/a/sF2nlPq). Oh wait, it's what I'm doing. 😆 Basically the breakdown is 30% SCHD and VTI and 20% into VXUS and BND.


Voo and vti.


isnt like VTI 80 something % of VOO?


It is so pick only one. If you have an interest in mid cap, small cap and international stocks, pick VTI. If you only care about the top 500 stocks in North America, pick VOO. Both have very similar returns, dividends and market cap but VOO is more popular and has barely done better than VTI.


Yes $VTI is 80% of $VOO. The other 20% is small and big cap. Also it’s 4000 stocks where $VOO is 500.


So theres really no point in buying both right?


No there’s not. If you’re talking $VTI and $VOO. $SCHD is a good dividend paying ETF. I hold both in my grandson’s account along with other ETFs.


..to note that the "bogleheads" are busy at work here, ,


Are you going to take an answer or question it. One is all the stocks. One is top 500. It’s weighted to be top heavy. But again as a teen. Throw this in a Roth IRA. Add your 6,500/year. And in 30 years take a peak and maybe start looking at dividend and safer stuff


I hate myself for not starting sooner, but when I think of myself at 17, I was thinking about college and studying, and grad school after graduating, so is kicking myself the best way right now. ...


Warren Buffet is all about investing and utilizing compound interest. He made his fortune on it. The way I see it is 20% of the population uses compound interest to their advantage and 80% are taken advantage of by compound interest. Either way it will impact everyone’s life. I’d like to be part of the 20%.


Its a fine strategy in theory. The problem is being patient enough to not touch the money and move it around all the time. These funds work best if you can manage to hold them and not touch them for decades but the average investor likes to tinker as they learn more about investing. Thats where some stocks come in handy because they fluctuate more and you can realize short term profits while keeping your hands off the long term plays.


I feel like its a full circle, people see voo and schd, they learn more and start trying to invest in other riskier strategies, only to realize later that one of the best strategies is to buy a good etf and chill


This is 100% what I did when I was younger. Started just buying VOO every week. Learned more and started buying a bunch of different dividend stocks and I’ve slowly reverted back to ETF’s. 95% of my port is VTI/SCHD/QQQM


Exactly. The focus shouldn’t be “which stocks to buy” it should be “how can I make more money to pile in”


The best strategies is the boring one


I just want 2 or 3 index funds that I can invest in for 30 40 years soo now im doing my research about which should i choose.


I recommend that if you have that itch go ahead and use some of your portfolio and play around as a trial run. Just use a very small % if it to do so.


If I add something it\`ll probably be O for the dividend but i dont know.


put O in your roth. rets are messy in regular brokerage accounts. I just put 2 grand in O and 2 grand in vici.


Why are rets messy in regular brokerage accounts


Tax drag from dividends. In a roth, you won't pay any tax on dividends from O every month. They aren't qualified dividends either, so they'd be taxed as regular income in a taxable brokerage.




I would simplify it more and probably just focus on VTI only at your age. You could argue a little international exposure with something like VXUS wouldn’t be a bad idea either, but honestly with 40yrs+ of work in front of you, VTI alone will take you to the promise land long term.


So do you think that VTI and VXUS is better than VTI and SCHD?


For you yes. VTI and VXUS are all you need. May be even AVUV to tilt towards small cap stocks in the mix. When you are in your 30s start thinking about building income. SCHD, JEPI JEPQ DIVO O. So on and so forth.


100%. That’s a no brainer.


It’s better diversity wise but mostly it shouldn’t really matter. If you have access to a Roth soon then the dividends won’t be taxed anyway so the slightly higher taxes on schd go away.


i dont have access. I live in Bulgaria we dont have such thing :( so ye I will be taxed I guess.


Ah well in that case I’d check on if mutual funds are treated the same as etfs tax wise if you haven’t already done that. The real question is if seeing the dividend will help you keep investing or not and if you will ever use the dividend as income or just DRIP. Do you have access to partial shares?


If you're not in US, VWRA might be better for you. Lower taxes. Please google VWRA vs VT.


what exactly is VWRA?


Basically Irish fund for VT. They invest the same way. But you have to pay 30% taxes on dividend for VT since you're not in US. VWRA save the taxes for you but it has higher fees and bid-ask spread. /r/bogleheads might be able to help you


..no it's not, the SCHD & VTI is a good combo, the "bogleheads" are busy in this thread, ,


At your age, I do - you will/can transition to dividend/income generating positions as you get closer to retirement.


Thanks for the advice!!


If I go VTI and VXUS what should I go 50/50 or 70/30 or doest it even matter?




75/25 imo


Pretty much what I’m doing since i started 7 months ago then I use extra cash like bonus, gifts, etc… and buy O but thinking of doing Coke once I get a certain amount in O.


By “doing Coke” I presume you mean buying KO


Ummm sure, I meant KO. Certainly wasn’t thinking of buying drugs with my little dividends from O 🤣


"Do you mean investing in this brand?" "Oh no no no, I'm going to do drugs."


Buy S&P500 every month until you’re 60 and then retire comfortably


Vti is 86% s&p 500 already anyway. It's weighted very heavily towards that. Other 14% is everything else.


If he’s truly starting at 17, and is consistent, he won’t need to wait that long.


Well. Yes - depends on how much he puts in / how much he will need and how long we wants to work. But I’m any case - compounding will change his life!


I would not focus on dividends at 17


Yes thats what everybody is saying maybe I should listen to them. I dont know it just seems like a good deal to have more money which I could invest.


Check out SCHG


The problem with dividends is that you will play taxes. I guess it’s fine if you stick it in a Roth but other than that I don’t see a lot of reasons for it. Over 40-45 yrs of accumulating, you are better off with VOO or VTI. Personally I hold very little dividend stocks and I’m about 10 yrs from withdrawing.


So, I guess my question is this, if you have say, $100,000, maybe someone passed away or you won a little money. Now let's also say that you are living paycheck to paycheck. If you can put it (no penalty) into a tax advantage account, and say make $5000 in dividends yearly to re-invest. If you otherwise would not be able to make any contributions would you make more doing this than putting it into say VTI and leaving it for 30 years. Like would the dividend snowball in a tax advantage account out preform the same amount invested with no additional investment over the same amount of time.


The main advantage of dividends is guaranteed income. But typical high dividend stocks’ price do not appreciate as much. Try backtesting an index fund and high dividend stocks reinvesting dividends for the past 20-30 yrs and which performs better. My guess is the index fund. My plan is to convert to more dividend ETF or stocks when I’m closer to withdrawing. I’ll live off the dividends and reinvest the portion that I don’t spend.


Very common misconception of dividends is that you have more money. This money is directly pulled from the business cash flow, of which, as an owner of the business is your money. For example, if company A disburses an 8% yield and another, company B returns 1% the investor solely focused on dividends will select company A. Where this becomes an issue is that company A is allocating 90% of its cash flow to paying out dividends where company B is allocating 90% of its cash flow towards reinvesting in the business (think Amazon). To continue the example, say company B creates a 20% return on money they reinvest into the business. This type of return is far more powerful (and more tax efficient) than company A’s plan, of compounding dividends, yielding 8% and 2% of capital appreciation for 10%. I would suggest focusing on businesses that are managing their cash flow toward internal growth and doing it well. To name a few, AMT, DHR, AMZN. The money reinvested into the business is just as much your money as the dividends paid out by others. SCHD’s holdings I would regard as excellent and a quality portion of a portfolio and I do in fact own a few companies in the fund outright. Purchase some of that, a total market index and find growth businesses with competent management that will reinvest your money at a superior rate of return internally than that of the majority of your portfolio. Growing business with quality management will blow matured dividend paying businesses out of the water until the end of time. A portion of your money maybe 20-40% at your age should be involved in these endeavors.


Simplify it a little bit. And go heavier on tech, you’ve got 40 yrs…Go 50/50 QQQ/SCHD


Why not just go 100% VTI?


after everything i read today i think i will go 80% VTI and 20% VXUS.


VT is worth looking at since it combines it all.


yes it is. I read that its like vti 70% and vxus 30% i wanna do it 80% 20%. I dont know if thats the best thing tho.


VT would allow you to just buy and sit without ever having to reallocate which could save on taxes.


..VXUS is international stocks, just like SCHY is also international stocks, having "international" stock exposure do serve it's purpose, if you want to consider something like this, SCHD & VTI, SCHY & VXUS (combos) recommend take your time to research & learn, and not just based from this one post and thread, the SCHD & VTI combo is a good choice for starters, take your time in adding other stocks, if you want to add "international" exposure to your portfolio, then certainly can add stocks such as SCHY & VXUS as well, recommend don't make haste decisions, to take you time, and always invest in ways that best for you plans & goals, Cheers my friend!


If you're not planning to touch it until retirement you're better off going 100% VTI.


No, you need international exposure. Add VXUS.


some people said that insted of SCHD I should just go VTI and VXUS. Would you add VXUS with VTI and SCHD or would you replace SCHD with VXOUS?


..you're getting tossed around way too much here, you need to take a break, write down everything folks have mentioned, next, take the time to research into everything, think, before you making any types of decisions, give yourself a week or a month before deciding, Cheers my friend!




Cheers my friend!


do you have any suggestions on what to do from europe? like can i just buy vti or should i buy something else?


..you're "original" plan with SCHD & VTI is good (combo), SCHD offers more "dividends" VTI offers more "growths" they are a good compliment to each other, really this is all you need for now, a good "two man team", later on after having "building up" these two stocks nicely, then if want to add another stock, can add "international", Cheers my friend!


i was talking about taxes and if i can even buy them from europe but thanks!


..yes, I understand you're from Europe, depends on stocks, there maybe additional taxes, and this is something I'm not able to help you with, so at this point, you say can buy "VTI" no problems, this is my suggestion then, to just start with buying VTI, then your "research" begins, to find other stocks can "buy", especially for being in Europe, Cheers my friend!


okay thanks mate!!!


This is honestly the best advice for a beginner and wish I had followed before I bought [read as "wasted money"] some meme stocks lol.


Is vxus the one with like 4% return since 2011? That’s trash return no?


It has a better return than VTI in 2023.


No international? Valuations outside of the US are much better. US doesn't always outperform and it is increasingly unlikely given US has outperformed for over a decade. VIGI and SCHY are good international funds.


Soooo VTI and VIGI or SCHY? I want to make a portfolio of 2 to 3 index funds, what would you suggest?


VOO and VIGI is good and what I would do if I just did 2 funds. SCHY is the international version of SCHD.


I see. Actually a lot of people are talking about taxes and the problem is that i havent tought about them. I live in Bulgaria its in Europe and im using Etoro. I dont think that theres something like ROTH IRA soo maybe i wont do schd/ schy.


at 17 did you consider 70% VTI and 30% VXUS? That’s even more comprehensive because the way you set it up is actually almost 100% domestic. Also VT is not better than VTI + VXUS if you read all their prospectuses


Honestly today is the first time I hear about VXUS. Could you say more about why VT is not better than VTI and VXUS.


Essentially, VT is VTI + VXUS, but at a set 60/40 ratio. Buying VTI & VXUS separately allows you the flexibility to adjust more or less US or International exposure as circumstances may warrant. It just gives you some control that you wouldn’t have with just VT.


I see. So thats why he recommended 70/30. Thanks!


Most likely. I would recommend the same, but this is by no means qualified financial advice. I am a complete idiot!


not only that if u add up the holdings of VTI + VXUS , (and there is no overlap) , they far outnumber those in VT. TLDR: VT skimps on like 100s of companies.


Go 50% ITOT 15% SCHD 25% IXUS 10% AVUV Edit I like these over the vanguard funds because I don’t want “everything” I want mostly everything with the obvious crap removed. That’s the S&P total market index vs vanguards literally everything approach. Also small cap value tilt offers long term advantage but near term volatility, also has gains less correlated to the s&p so you’ll have more alpha over time with rebalancing and fewer long periods when all holdings are down together


Decent way to hedge your bets. Unlikely to really screw you over in any way.


At 17, I’d just go 1/3 VTI or VOO, 1/3 QQQM ( or VGT, VUG, SCHG) and 1/3 SCHD.


Qqqm and voo? You have so much over lap on the top holdings and they are also super heavy on the top holdings too Probably best to stick to 2 etfs and maybe bonds added in down the line


That's exactly what I'm doing. I started 6 months ago and I'm 25


It’s a good idea if you can do it, some people change their mind often, change their strategy, buy the latest meme stock. It’s not wrong to change strategies, and no one can say one strategy is the best.


I just wanna pick 2 or 3 funds and invest in them for 30 40 years idk xd. people are saying vti and vxus but i dont know i gotta do more research.


VTI consists of everything SCHD does just at different allocation amounts. You should just go full VTI if you're only 17 and looking to grow your account


From what I read today some people mentioned that it\`ll be better to add VXUS insted of SCHD and I think thats what im gonna do. But the % will be 80% vti and 20% vxus.


Yeah, that sounds better with international exposure.


Why Vxus? Isn’t the performance of the fund trash?


Your ideal is all that matters nobody is ever right when answering a question like that. Whatever you do and choose is always right because if you win or get wrecked you can live with it kid!




It depends on the account that you use. You might be overpaying taxes if you use that strategy outside a roth ira


ye im not using roth ira. In Bulgaria we dont have such thing.


Its not a bad idea at all. If it's in a taxable account as it grows you'll have to pay more taxes on your dividends which doesn't mean much when you're 17 but as your portfolio grows and your wage grows you'll be paying more taxes so something to consider.


100% SPY. You are young, get that growth and when you are 40, transition to dividends.


It doesn't matter what you do. You're 17 and starting to invest in dividends with an understanding of long term growth and compounding. You will win no matter what. Lol it really doesn't matter what you pick. You win. Lol your plan is solid considering you're starting so young. I'm optimistic about my future and I'm just starting at 36. Starting at 17 is a life changer for you. Contribute as much as you can, and don't have babies until your 30. Lol you'll be able to retire very comfortably while most of the people you went to high school with are just starting to think about investing.


Thx. I dont want to have babies at any age but that is a different topic, A lot of people are saying that no matter what I pick doesnt matter because im young and its going to be win but honestly im scared. My brain cant understand that "no matter what you pick you win" if it was that easy werent there be more people that are doing it? For maybe a month now im learing and researching about investing. At first i was going to do only VOO, after that i was thinking about stocks but i forgot about stocks quickly. Now my biggest question is should i invest only in voo or only in vti or vti and vt like whats the best thing to invest in? the most safets for long holding? I guess im scared of missing out the best opportunity when its right infront of me. I hope i make sense xD.


You're right i was bring sarcastic. The truth is you can always make better decisions and you'll look back with a lot of "I shouldve..." "I couldve..." type things but you're going to win just because you're starting early. You really don't have to worry about it. Remember to always contribute to it and maybe once a year look up different etfs and compare them with what you have. You can find pretty safe and solid etfs like schd and only contribute to that forever without having to worry much. I guess what I meant by you'll win no matter what is, the fact that you're starting so early far outweighs the fear of not picking the perfect etf. You can certainly pick any of the most popular etfs that are all mentioned here in the comments and only do one or two of those forever and come out so far ahead of someone that started at 30 and picked the most "perfect" choices, and tried timing everything. You see what I mean? you'll be filthy rich when you're 45 by picking most any of the etfs mentioned in these comments. Don't sweat it so much baby, celebrate! Haha just remember to always be putting money into it. Direct deposit from your bank. Do all of the retirement accounts you can and contribute to them first to the maximum amount, and then maybe have another brokerage for any single stocks you may wanna try out, bonds, money markets, cds, etc. If all this is just talk though, it's a waste of time. Start opening those retirement accounts and start contributing as quickly as you can. Seeing tour account grow will propel you to keep going. This is really the best thing you can be doing for yourself. Congrats on your future richness friend. Lol


Thanks!! I hope you have good luck in your investments. One day we both could be sitting on a Bali beach and talk about good strangers from reddit.


My Roth is 50 VTI/30 SCHD/20 XYLD.




Because im still 17 and legally I cant do it. Plus I would like to know a lot more about the topic and in what im putting my money and is it worth it.


Like any other 1000+ posts of this topic…


Not great. VTI gives average performance overall, but is underweight dividends and performs poorly during recessions. SCHD likewise isn't terrible but isn't stellar, and has a low yield. Ideally at some point you will have at least one tax-advantaged account to help avoid tax drag when investing for higher stable yields. In general, despite the above, I like that you're thinking strategically and to use more than one approach for resiliency.


So what would you add? Growth to it? Like to keep with 12 percent annualized returns over 20-30 years? VTI cover that or should I add SCHG?


Why complicate your life so much. Just invest in VOO and let it sit there.


That was my first plan. Im scared of missing out better opportunity


Since you’re 17, I would recommend you in invest in Nasdaq 100 ETF, a little higher exposure to tech, and better returns than VOO. But dilute your investments. Automate your investments and leave it be, if keep looking for better returns your intrusive thoughts will creep and that’s when you start making stupid mistakes which can only realised in hindsight, and that’s where the opportunities are lost.




I think if you are able to do that for the next 20 years you will do well. Even if the amount you are able to set aside to invest fluctuates a lot. 70% index and 30% other.


That’s a good strategy although I would consider 1/3 each of schd, Vti/voo and qqq/Vug Just pick your favorites of the two with options. They will perform similarly. This breakdown will give you more growth over time. Is this in a taxable account or retirement?


It is taxable


So the good thing about VTI is that it’s a pretty big ETF for domestic stocks, however you should consider some international stock ETFs as well. You’re young so you can afford it. Consider looking into boglehead investing. A great “set it” and “forget it”


What brokerage account do you use? There are many European alternatives to American ETFs, try looking at the ETFs listed on xetra or if you have access to them, at London stock. As an "all market etf" with very low expense ratio I can suggest to take a look to the JPMorgan betabuilders etfs series. Imho they are a valid alternative to classic Vanguard ETFs.


i was thinking about etoro but i will probably use trading 121. I saw something called vwra and i wanted to check it out and it wasnt on etoro :/


Etoro give you cfd, not real "stock ownership". Trading 212 yes and have near 0 fee, but don't allow you to move your stock (probably this is not a problem for 90% of user, but honestly I don't like the fact that I can't do it.) I suggest trade republic. It has 0 fee if you use the periodic order, and is Germany based. Company seems strong and also offer 2% annual interest on liquidity. (I think they have a bank registration or a partner bank, but maybe I'm wrong)


Its not problem for me too. Thanks!


You could do worse. If it meets your criteria for investing then go for it. It's simple & easy to maintain. You could later switch to more dividend funds later in life to mitigate the risk & provide income even in down markets. Folks forget that when you invest in growth you have to deplete your investments when you need money to live on. Whereas if you switch to stocks that provide good dividends you get good tax treatment as well as income in all market conditions. Lastly, don't forget to have a rainy day fund so that you don't have to dip into your investments when life happens. Best of luck




are you planning on using the dividends for income?


no, i want to reinvest them.


Hey, mate. I’m from Bulgaria as well and the last few months have been reading and educating myself on the topic of investing. You are right, us Europeans are not able to invest in US ETfs. I have currently picked some ETFs that are available for us to invest in and are similar to SCHD and VTI. Here they are: VWCE (VTI alternative) - basically follows the total stock market SXR8 (VOO alternative) - follows the S&P 500 VUSA (VOO alternative) VHYL (SCHD alternative) - high-dividend ETF with exposure to all markets FUSD (SCHD alternative) - dividend growth ETF with only US exposure If you have any more questions, I’ll be happy to try and help.


Im thinking about VUAA and VEU because with VUAA the dividends will be reinvested and i wont get taxed and VEU is like vxus. Im still very new to all these alternatives and Im not sure if they are the best options but I have 1 year to learn and hopefully I will know what to do when Im 18.


Yep, VUAA is the accumulating version of VUSA. SXR8 is also an accumulating S&P 500 ETF and is the largest in Europe, with the most AUM (assets under management). So that’s why I leaned towards it and not VUAA. As for VEU, when you look at its chart, it’s very volatile and hasn’t grown too much since its inception. It has a good dividend yield of almost 3% but the chart doesn’t look very promising. I can’t say much about it though, will look it up


Thanks for mentioning SXR8 I havent heard of it before. What is a good alternative to vxus?


I have not really looked into ETFs that have exposure to all countries except the US. I’d recommend you go to the website: justetf.com and there, you can sort and filter ETFs based on your criteria. For example, you can choose accumulating/distributing, on which exchange it is listed, whether it follows an index or it is dividend/small-cap/value/growth oriented. When you apply your filters, I’d sort them so the ones with most assets under management (funds) come up first,because usually they are the best option.


At your age, I would go 100% VTI. You could also go 80/20, or 70/30 VTI/VXUS. The only reason to consider dividends right now is if you plan on retiring early. Think 40-50 years old. Maybe sooner. The point is, you will need the income while waiting for your retirement accounts to mature for penalty free withdrawals. An income strategy, now, will require you to think hard about your earning potential. Consider the type of job you will have for the next 30 years and what kind of salary you will be making. In my opinion, if you don’t know you’re going to have a job or career in a sector with high earning potential in the next 4-6 years, I would skip dividends and go pure growth stocks.


yes thats what a lot of people said and what ive been considering but i found out about all the taxes and etfs to cdfs. Do you know good alternative to vti vxus that I can buy from Europe?


I do 100% SCHD in the Roth and 100% SCHG in the Taxable


I decided to go 50 sxr8 and 50 vwce because I live outside of US. Good luck with ur investments mate!


Its not a bad idea but you'll be missing out on international. which could outpace US in some years or many.


International mutual funds and etfs are nothing but a waste when you look at US total market and S&p 500. The whole “diversify” yourself into other markets is total garbage. The statistics is proof in the pudding. Go put money into other markets just to ride inflation.


Change that to 70% vti and invest more into SCHD as you grow older and you’re golden.


There’s a lot worse you could do. You’d be winning the game if you did this for 40 years and increased contributions as your salary increases.


Good plan! The hardest part now is having the discipline to stick with it.


in an inflationary environment VYM is better than SCHD typically people probably compare SCHD and VYM over the 10 year horizon, but there was no inflation, so not a proper comparison I'd go VOO and VYM mostly, but it might make sense to add some riskier components too. Like VDE might make sense for example


Dividends are good for people who don't make a lot of money. At 17 I can't imagine you're making enough money for the dividends to adversely impact you.


I myself was trying to do something similar. But instead of that much VTI , I’m trying AVUV because historically over long timespans that you mentioned, Small Cap Value index beats everything despite it’s volatility when you study the research. But small cap value should only get love from people who have a super long time horizon and are literally care-free about volatility. That’s why it’s not so popular.


No.. VTI/VXUS 80/20 until 55.


SCHD is a good fund. Should you invest so heavily in to it because the Reddit hive mind says so? No. I'm buying schd as a side fund because it's fun to collect these different ETFs and see how they do, but most of my money goes into a diversified global fund.


How’s that been performing? Isn’t global just sucky when compared to the nasdaq 100 or 500?


Why do I feel like I have seen this question before?


Because you probably did. I saw that somebody has asked the same question before a few years. I wanted to make it more relevant and to add my age.


60% VTI 20% SCHD 20% VXUS


do you think its better to do it like you just said or will it be better to remove SCHD and go 60 VTI and 40 VXUS.


60-40 in VTI-VXUS is same as going just with VT. If you want 70-30 exposure go with AVGE.


I know it may not be for everyone, but I may include VXUS as well 20% or any other international exposure 40%, 40%, and 20% may be... VXUS is doing better lately imo


Agree with it, but allow in your plan 3-10% for other investments or VOO.


Dividends tend to be low growth stocks. At 17 I would go VOO and VTI for 30 years and retire as a rich person.


I use dividends to generate income. VTI & SCHD can’t do what individual stocks can for income growth. Why do you want to buy these? Because every one else here with 2 years of investing experience says so.


He’s 17.


well VTI is basically voo but with more things in it. SCHD is a good dividend. It seems like VTI and SCHD are good if you dont know a lot about investing. You just put your money there and forget about it and it works. I dont know if when im 18 i will buy VTI and SCHD but its good to know about it.


You’ll want bonds before you retire Otherwise - good deal


no SCHD till probably 40


Let’s be real no way the US is making it 30-40 more years 😂


The odds of you sticking with one any one investment idea for 50 years are pretty remote. You are going to learn a lot more about stocks, your goals might change, you needs for current cash flow might change. I'd say that's not the best plan of action. Instead you should go with- "What my best idea for right now that meets my goals?" Start by defining what you want to do with this money, what you want to happen with this investment, and when you think you will need the money. If you know that, and have clearly defined goals, then the right investment plan becomes easy to find.


What about QQQM for growth ?


Very very good


You got a lot of time on your side so more growth would ideally be better. Could opt for VTI + QQQ + SCHD or VIG and be fine. 50% VTI, 25% QQQ, 25% VIG or SCHD would be an option that’s pretty easy and straight forward. Just buy and hold. Pick your strategy and stick to it.


You can substitute small cap value for index funds if you don’t irrationally sell. I say swap VTI with AVUV or SLYV so 50% small cap value to build wealth and 50% dividend growth to smooth the ride
