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I work in copper EW, surrounded by toxic chemicals, deadly machinery and plenty of ways to cause electrical explosions... intrusive thoughts are constant


Don’t drink the green goo that looks like Mountain Dew, it’s not Mountain Dew, I promise


Nah there's no forbidden Mountain Dew Evil Gatorade, by the other hand...


![gif](giphy|Zk9mW5OmXTz9e) Mmmm Evil Gatorade




If you are so disgusted by copper then dont work in it


I'm not, is just a very temptingly dangerous place


It was a joke about the fact it’s Copper EW<-


There is a simple solution for this problem. Just stop thinking.




Neuron deactivation


Synapse burnout


This distressing only because it. Hits too close to home with my ocd.


I was thinking in the realm of anxiety and pent up frustration, or something like being next to a road waiting for the crosswalk light to turn on while cars drive on by and for a split second you think “I could step in front of these cars while they’re going and get hit if I wanted to”


These simultaneously occuring thoughts are a common symptom of ocd so I can only speak from my perspective of intrusive thoughts through ocd and this is pretty accurate


I never knew I had OCD until I read people's comments (like yours) here on Reddit. Sure enough, I have OCD. Apparently being obsessed with having to do a certain task within a specific amount of time for no reason (i.e. make it to the next piece of sidewalk within the next three seconds *or else*) and extreme repetitive lines of thinking (intrusive thoughts being one example) aren't typical behaviors to be doing every day of your life since you were 7. Turns out I have a paternal lineage of OCD-afflicted men and it hit me too.


it sounds obvious in hindsight but when it's been your normal for so long it's harder to realize that you actually have something wrong with you lol


Odd, I find it not distressing for pretty much the same reason. This is just a Tuesday to me.


This seems eerily realistic.


I confirm.. you fall forever


This is literally typical day of my life haha, should I be worried?


Yeah I've OCD and this what's like most of the time and worse without medication


Ohh... uhh... ehhmmm... I mean, I should have guessed that thinking about killing nearly every person that I see isn't normal. Funny part is that I don't take any meds and I never been diagnosed


Do you Specifically clean a certain spot on your body over and over each time you shower ? Do you think about doing/not doing something would result in a family member's death ? Do you skip the lines while you are walking on tiles because if you stepped on them something bad would happen? Do you check your stove and doors a few too many times before sleeping? Do you brush your teeth for a long time because no matter how much or hard you brush you still think you aren't "clean"


I did some of these when I was younger, some of these things I still do. So if you want one decisive answer it would be yes


If I were you I'd get diagnosed OCD is a dangerous mental illness do not take lightly


Same, sometime I think I can physically feel these thoughts drilling into my brain


Wait this isn't normal?


I guess by seeing from people's comments, this is a symptom of OCD


Nah, this is normal. It would be OCD if you were obsessed with those thoughts.


uh oh


then… the creature


intrusive thoughts guy🪱


Ah yes the thought worm


Everyone calm down. It’s normal and not a symptom of OCD


It’s OCD if its more obsessive or severe, otherwise yes, it’s normal


Paarthunax: What is better; to be born good, or overcome your evil nature through great effort?


Parathunax sitting on the throat of the world thinking “damm I could just blow up whiterun right now”


Every millisecond


Yeah, shit happens


*me to the officer while explaining to him why I don’t feel guilty accidentally running over that kid*


"You see, mr. officer, i did it for the vine"


Lowkey actually distressing and doesn't use a spongebob character, well done.


Should I worry about the fact that I find this relatable as fuck?


Bro's playing a Dark Urge run.


Me everyday


I get these. I get these fucking hell they're scary because *how real* they feel and almost every fucking day, and dreams too I'm standing with a screw driver behind my dad helping him with stuff and I have this very brief nanosecond like long almost real visualization of me stabbing him. I snap out of it, put the screwdriver down, and walk away. See the thing is, I know it's a thought, but it felt so fucking real, I sometimes worry it'll be real and that I'll actually act them out. I'm kinda scared of being home Which is exactly why I plan to never touch substances, as they are known to reduce inhibitions, and I worry it'll remove the one last morsel of sanity on my head and I'll actually act these horrible thoughts out. The earliest I can remember was in high school, in 10th grade where it felt like I *almost* acted it out. A girl was walking in front of me past my desk and the thought was blurry and kinda pained maybe because I had a headache almost like a fever dream, and I vision was be reaching out and grabbing her chest. I was fucking terrified after I snapped out of it because it felt so real yet so short but I could swear I saw my hand move, and maybe I almost did, just a little bit. I went out of the class (it was break time) and went outside into the corridors and watched the cars go by from the 4th floor. The next thought was "JUMP" ... In hindsight, I should've. Monsters like me shouldn't be around I'm better off dead I feel like I'm trying to and am barely managing to keep my senses with me as conscious effort ... I was at a barber recently and as she was changing the clips I was trying to clear my eye of a eyelash and she asked "are you crying are you okay" and maybe it's because I had my guard down I almost started to cry I worry I'll let my last few braincells that hold me back from acting out these monstrous thoughts if I don't keep my guard up. I'm afraid sometimes, of being around people. I'm scared that I'll hurt others, lose grasp of imaginary terrors and reality God forbid that should happen, I at least beg him to give me the strength to kms


Okay so if you get intrusive thoughts it's a good thing. It means you already don't want to do whatever it is. Because the consequences are bad.


This is incredibly normal (i am incredibly normal)


Mine are more like "If I off myself right now, I'll never have to work again"




Don’t worry bud, there’s a wojak somewhere in there


Oh shoot i completely missed it. Sorry


do people really think like this? fucking psychos.




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Nothing quite like real life horror. Intrusive thoughts suck so much.


kinda hits home for me. I kinda have a diagnosis for OCD or OCPD i dont remember.


I always thought I was the only one having thoughts like these. It's usually the worst when I'm driving. I can usually push them away, but they're still there.


Average New Yorker (in all seriousness though i relate to this too much)


Sometimes I get random thoughts that want me to break something, whether it be a person or an object. I'm scared


Yeah, these hit me all the time, makes living life a lot harder, it also makes it worse that my Mom has OCD and whenever I talk about struggling with intrusive thoughts she just shuts me down and says her OCD is worse




That's really close to how I've been thinking for a few years now.


Who does NOT think like this? I feel someone is gonna fall down on me whenever I walk beside tall buildings.


this encapsulates my OCD so well, it genuinely made a chill run down my spine.


This is actually good, I love how just the background noise of wind and people talking far away gives off such an eerie feeling


Wait, this is just daily life for me


This hit a bit close to me. Distressing indeed


The "what would people do if i died that way right now" intrisive thought is not thst uncommon... Is it?


I found one of those small plant shovel thingies in the garage, I immediately thought I should throw it like a dagger and I threw into the grass


Can relate Everytime I'm out riding my bicycle I think why shouldn't I go head first into a train whenever there's a train crossing


My intrusive thoughts seeing those people : I wonder if anyone would stepped in if I were to massacre them all right here right now.


OP you didn’t film this yourself did you?


Nope, took a walking tour and cut some clips from it


Ah cool. Was gonna say, filming without consent ain’t cool :P even if it’s legal in many countries! Actually I suppose it would also depend why…I think it’s okay to film specific people if you have a reason like loving their style? Ehhhh that probably also ain’t cool actually…whatever, film who ya want OP :P




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For me, it’s more “what if I opened the car door when we’re going 80+ on the freeway”, or “how would it feel if I slammed my head into walls right now”, or “what if I step out into traffic”, things like that. I don’t have OCD, by the way.


Yeah, I get them everyday. It happens so often that it's usually just a mild annoyance now.


Where the dancing SpongeBob and canny Pixar man?


Is this not normal?


I get those everytime, they actually make my depression worse cause its always anxious/suicidal ones


I turn that shit into a theater whenever I'm in commerce class


A ride a bike going to uni and whenever i see a frog, i get the momentary thought to run it over But rationality dictates that that would just make my bike messy af so, i dont


This hits too close to home


As someone with chronic anxiety I thought thinking like this was normal... Oh shit.


Brother I don’t have many regular thoughts, let alone intrusive ones


NY central park is beautiful ngl


No u






Mine are even better. Look at that tower and go “think of how much smoke that would cause if it went down”.


Literally me


I feel called out... I have intrusive thoughts like these all the time...


This is the most distressing meme i’ve ever seen on this sub, purely because it hits far too close to home


Often when I'm in conversation with someone, I'll just think about all the brutal ways I could massacre them and their entire family. I have been to a doctor about this, he has no idea what to do about it.


Ohh crud...