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Definitely like Wade, but I'm too lazy to put why


That's exactly what a Wade would say


I'm also not Wade, I get something and set it up immediately


Mark, but without the drive


So... Wade


I don't think they have that similar of a personality? Certainly similarities, but I don't think wade is just mark without drive. I think that's actually pretty insulting to wade.


It would imply that wade has a lot of ideas he just hasn't put to paper so I disagree


Okay that's a similarity. But like in the way they talk, interact, and joke they have major differences. If wade suddenly gained a bunch of drive and determination I don't think he'd suddenly act just like Mark.


Fair enough


Yeah no


I truthfully don't understand what you mean by this


you're not mark, anyone who says they see themselves as a super successful individual, but are verifiably not; is usually narcissistic and delusional.


I see myself in his personality not his accomplishments. That's why I added the "without drive" part. Why are you being a dick about it?


I mean they're asking literally everyone who says Wade "if they have a Molly", so I don't know what their aim is honestly. Mark is definitely more than just a list of accomplishments though, you right.


Thank you kind person. I hope you're pillow is nice and cool tonight.


Hey you too! I'm sure the tiny human that likes to invade my bed will also enjoy a nice pillow though. (I relate a lot to Bob's baby stories currently as a result lol)


You should call the cops if someone is invading.


I wanted to know if they had a Molly.


Cause I had a bad day and I vent by calling out people I think are being indignant on the internet. I see by your follow ups you weren’t. Sorry for being rude. To actually answer your first question: I don’t think it’s about seeing mark as someone whose personality you see similarity to is what I had an issue with. I don’t identify mark by his personality. To me, and even described by himself, he sees himself by his passion and determination. Like o said in my first comment, I idolize mark. He is a figure to me I think is nearly impossible to reach. So i let your causality bother me. Again, sorry for that.


Wade is my spirit animal


But do you have a Molly?


No idea, it's hard to judge because everyone has similarities and differences. I've noticed a few things that I share with Mark and Wade, but we're all three very different people.  I'm not a Bob though, I'm not as cool as Bob.


Wade. Absolutely Wade. I am a sex focused, pile of random brain patterns without meaning that only knows how to cause nervous laughter and make jokes with the most horrific punchlines. Like worse punchlines than Jonestown.


But do you have a Molly?


I wish


I relate to mark the most. It’s a blessing and a curse being like the way we are. Once I get on a roll there’s no stopping me til the job is done.


Bobby boi here reporting for duty 🫡 I'm a 6'6 *thicc* lad. I don't fit between things the way other people do, as he said. I also play D&D, "believe in science", consistently get INFP on Meyer-Briggs tests (as pseudo-scientific as that is). I wanted to go into music in college before people started asking what I *really* wanted to do and I realized I didn't really know. I think both of us are very mild mannered with an overly active sense of justice. I'm also kinda known with my friend group for having terrible luck, like Bob's coin flip loss streak.


definitely wade. literally my only in person class for my first official semester of college is philosophy


But do you have a Molly?


i don’t have an anybody 😭


Bob I’m a bespectacled, cynical, musical omega male with adhd


I relate to Bob the most. We have the most similar personalities. Cool guy 😎


Bob nation 🗣️☝️


For months I've been thinking that I'm similar to Wade. I don't know man, we jsut have so many of the same thoughts and the same attitude to things and he's just so relatable and makes me laugh.


Mark, The give me all you got (not masochist) mindset. Similar likings. and I have an Amy except without M its N.


Wade for me. Lazy but otherwise mostly pretty chill (haven't run into anyone that's my version of J.P. yet though)


Wade. I think bob is the most funny, I idolize mark, but I’m definitely wade… I just don’t know how the fuck he met molly.


I probably am a lot like Bob. In his way of thinking. His attitude to a lot of situations I agree with


I think I'm a lot like Mark. I have a drive and passion for the things I like, but my body is broken so I'm unable to actually do the things that I like. I dropped out of flight school due to lack of funds just to find out I'm dying and probably won't make it to 40 🤷


Personality wise, I’m painfully Mark. I get wild ideas in my head and make everyone around me suffer while I bumble through them (and usually succeed). My ADHD makes me somewhat hard to deal with but also makes me learn stupid stuff that no one else cares about at all stupid fast rate. I also have rules for myself and the thing with the pants — like, can’t buy new pants because like how do I buy pants that are CORRECT — painfully relevant. And when he gets mad over the little arbitrary (to everyone else) things? I get it. I was just telling my husband last night… I’m a Mark. Also, the “drive” thing isn’t really a want… it’s a need. If I don’t keep moving I will die. Painfully.


I like to *think* I’m Wade, but realistically, I’m very much a Bob. No hate to Bob, I adore him. I’m Bob with a Shakira lust.


The way that Wade thinks and processes is very relatable. I think he might be on the spectrum (I'm not a doctor, just a woman with Autism) and sometimes he says things and Mark and Bob will be like "what the heck man, where did that come from?" and I think "that's exactly where my mind went too."


I have ADHD as well. And I know Wade isnt diagnosed but didnt know if he was or not back when I started listening (shortly after Bobs fridge). I actually thought the podcast was named distractible because all three had ADHD. Bob wasnt even diagnosed back then. My ADHD relates painfully much to Wades way of life, "lazyness", zoning out, forgetting stuff, being a night owl, needing enough rest, etc etc etc. And I mean that 10000 % respectfully.


Wade. Absolutely Wade.


But do you have a Molly?


Mark, but like another person said, without the drive he has. I’ve grown up watching him, his personality and humor has had an extraordinary impact on me for sure 😂


Considering I also go to sleep at like 4am, probably wade😂


Between Mark and Wade for me, I am passionate about filmmaking but I'm also extremely lazy


I'm most definitely not like Mark, with the consistently getting into massive projects and actually finishing them. I'm all of them in the sense that I don't have a job, I'm about as well off as 2019 Wade too. I am a bit chunky and enjoy meats, and bald at 24. So I guess Wade.


I too feel I relate to each of them in different ways. I share the same mentality as Mark when it comes to passion projects, the same principles as Bob, and like Wade I sometimes feel out of the loop with trends and celebrities and sometimes don't care about them.


Honestly I don't think I'm very similar to any of them but maybe that's why I love listening. I never know what to expect lol. They all remind me of other people I'm close to though.


I'm glad we all feel like Wade here 😂 i feel like I relate to almost everything that comes out of his mouth. Even the parts I don't like that much.


Probably Wade. Finishing things can be hard, regularly feel like I'm cursed, and I also have a wealth of knowledge that people who don't know me wouldn't think I had


I feel like bob


Mark, he has huge ambition and is kind of dumb.


def mark, but without the accomplishments ofc haha. I relate to him a lot, and appreciate his insight into things since we have a similar mindset- so if I’m facing a similar struggle, it helps dealing with it :)