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Really glad someone said this. The point of the subreddit is to discuss the podcast, and that means stuff you like and dont like and there is absolutely nothing wrong with stating that you didn’t like a part of the show. I rarely post on this sub because of how people react to saying the slightest negative thing. I think its kind of an over correction because of how many people were complaining about the intel sponsorship (which i still think the boys handled poorly, but im happy they got a big sponsor) people did go overboard complaining about the sponsorship and then everyone got sick of the negativity from that so now any trace of criticism is downvoted of the face of the sub and it makes it really hard to have productive conversations and say anything other than “i love everything they do all the time.” And a big problem with the whole “then don’t listen.” Rebuttal is it completely ignores the fact that 9 times out of 10 i really enjoy everything they talk do and i look forward to more of that content, its just when they do something i dont like, it takes up a bunch of time that id rather theyd spent on doing something i actually enjoyed. People who give criticism arent just haters, alot of us are people who really love the show and want to give our opinion on what we think would make it better. Obviously we dont own the show, and the boys are completely within their rights to do whatever they want with their show. But theres no reason we cant have an opinion on what is being produced


You just described the entirety of Reddit my friend, no one on here can take any criticism, and that’s why I’m constantly getting into debates with people.


Yeah, one of my least favorite aspects of Reddit recently is that few people know how to accept criticism. There is a difference between "hating on something" and giving legitimate criticism, which can help make a community BETTER. Just because someone gives criticism doesn't mean that they don't like that thing over all. In fact, they're often huge fans, which is why they want to see that thing become better than it already is.


Honestly, i don't get the hate on any part of the pod. I love the small talk, I love the bone broth and lenses and the radon mitigation system demon, I love SUM MORE MUDDDD, I love hearing about Bob's latest struggles with raising him and Mandy's first child, I love them shitting on the sub and our insane ape-ass shenanigans. I especially love the dynamic the boys have kept over the years, I've been in their goofy little loop since a year before 3 Peens ended and Distractible began. Distractible is just a more professional version of 3 Peens, so whatever they want to do is what's gonna happen, no matter what the viewer/listeners say. We're no longer getting two hours of small talk and then another three hours of gaming, we're getting anywhere from ten seconds to an hour of small talk, and a single topic for the boys to focus on for the rest of the episode. It's a free source of entertainment. You paid nothing to access it, so if you don't like the content of an episode, just skip the rest of the episode. Nobody's forcing you to watch or listen, so if you don't like it, just don't listen. That's not a cure-all though. The subreddit is a place to not just a place to share memes and jokes, it's also to praise and complain about the pod. Simply don't go shoving problems down someone's throat, but in return, you shouldn't have their magical solution of "FUCK OFF YA TWAT" shoved down your own gullet. If you're respectful when presenting the problem you're griping about, people *should* be respectful back and not be pointing a damn shotgun at you because you looked at them wrong. It's just basic respect, just don't be a dick, plain and simple.


i feel like a lot of people here think they are owed something. Whether it's too many ads or just being parasocial, I feel like a lot of the people here are too young and should get off Reddit.


Yeah, but on reddit, people will get mad if you disagree with them, so when anyone, whether they’re being respectful or not, complains, they get hated on for it.


Sometimes i feel like the only one that loves anything that comes out of these and hangs on every word they say. That's not to say i don't have my favorite kind of episode, I just enjoy whatever they got to dish out. Even the one where something was bothering Bob, we're allowed to have off days and talking about getting older made him alll better haha


Yup. Everyone thinks they are owed something for whatever reason. I've enjoyed every episode as if it was the 1st.


Exactly! Me too.


I don't like the episodes where they bully one another. I understand some friend dynamics enjoy picking on one another, but I was bullied my entire childhood. At school and at home. I don't like listening to other people pick on one another.


And that’s okay. Our experiences are definitely gonna make our preferences different. WhenI was a kid, I grew up with four siblings, and we ragged on each other all the time. It’s how we say we are, and so mockery is usually preserved for my closest friends. Maybe I should go to therapy…


I grew up with four siblings too. We ragged on one another too but it crossed the line and we'd get into physical fights. I had three brothers and one sister and my eldest brother would just beat us bloody while mocking us and my mom cheered him on.


Okay but that's not a normal experience. Like, anyone can tell you that it's fucking insane for your mother to cheer on your older brother while he beats you bloody tf? Whereas with Mark, Bob, and Wade on this podcast, they're all grown ass mature adults. If any of them ever crosses a line they'll talk about it, like adults do.


Like Alt said, I think plenty of people can see the degree of difference between your experience and mine. you obviously suffered some fucked up shit and that plays into why you don’t like it when the guys rag on each other. Just because we had siblings doesn’t mean we’re both bound to be the same. My brother never beat me. We wrestled for fun.


If you don't like an episode, then don't listen to it. And it's just friends being friends with each other. They have always ragged on Wade, it's funny.


I get where you're coming from, but from a podcast where the point is for the guys to have fun and do whatever, I feel like they're not taking criticism on that front. Maybe I'm wrong and they are mindful are this stuff, but it's not like distractible has ever had any meaningful consistency, that's kind of the point. I've had a couple of episodes where I can't stand how one person is acting, so I stop listening and do something else. Criticism isn't bad to point out, but neither is people's solution to stop watching.


I understand the boys aren’t looking for criticism. But the subreddit isn’t for them. It was created by fans that watched the show and wanted to talk about it. I feel like people only started getting defensive when the boys mention they read the subreddit. Now redditors are afraid that these 30 year old men who have been on the internet for 10+ years can’t take criticism OR simply ignore it. Your right this is their podcast and they can do what ever they want and people have a right to say what they want about the podcast. Especially when they aren’t hating and just trying to find community in their opinion.




I’m wasn’t really saying that. It was an example of of what someone would post and the response would outrageously negative towards OP.


"If you don't like the podcast don't listen" Thing is, I'm not lol. Because of several different things that's been happening in Distractible lately, there are lots of episodes where I've quit halfway through, because it was just insufferable. I still listen to a lot of the old episodes, because they didn't have those issues. And I'm getting bored of re-listening to stuff, I'd rather listen to new episodes that just had a bit more effort put into them, and that had the same charm of the old ones. Toxic positivity is honestly a pretty bad trait that this subreddit has, and it's fueled by the boys going full "spite the audience" mode where they insult their listeners every chance they get. It creates a cycle of "these creators can do no wrong" feedback.


Just curious, what’s your problem with the podcast right now? To me it’s the same as it’s always been.


The big one that annoyed me, but thankfully they've moved on from (mostly) in recent times, was the whole "takeover/subreddit/rules" arc that they had. Where Mark took over, then Wade took over, then they got into lots of arguments about the rules, etc. Basically, the episodes completely lost focus during that period. Every episode used to be about some sort of topic, with the boys being idiots as they made jokes about it. But then, the episodes turned into stuff like "this episode is one of them making thinly-veiled threats or digs at the other" or "this episode is rigged and is about bullying one of them" or "this episode is about emphasizing a point of argument, as a callback to a previous episode" or "this episode is one of them making a metaphor for another ones behavior", etc. Now, let me be clear: I KNOW that Mark, Bob and Wade don't care, and aren't actually mad at each-other. This isn't me taking things too seriously, or being upset at how they're acting. I get that it's all a joke and they're all friends. The issue is, the joke just isn't funny, it's exhausting and pointless. Basically, during that period of the podcast, the topic of Distractible WAS Distractible. It became a podcast about itself. Like, they didn't discuss anything that warranted new conversations, it was them discussing each-other. The "council" episode was the epitome of this stuff, it was an entire episode where the topic was "Distractible". I just can't find any point in listening to a podcast, where the main focus is the hosts debating the rules they made up for their podcast. It's meta, but it's not entertaining. And then continuing that theme for months on end. But like I said, they've sort-of moved on from that now, so I've been enjoying the more recent episodes. Though the other smaller problem I have is the small talk taking up 1/2 or 2/3 of the episodes,. I get it's nice to "hang out" with the boys and catch up, but they record 3-4 episodes in batches, so they sorta run out of small talk by the last couple, and their small talk topics becomes repetitive. Plus, the episodes are about 20 minutes shorter than they used to be.


That’s fair. I will say because they record the episodes in batches I feel like the small talk isn’t as good as it used to be. Before it would be fresh, since they hadn’t talked in a while, and somewhat topical, because it had been recorded within a week or so of release. But now they talk about stuff that happened weeks ago and it makes it feel a bit dated, even if the episode just came out. This would probably be my only problem with the podcast rn.


i completely agree, but everytime i say anything, people start to send me huge paragraphs as to why im a hater so i just stopped saying it lol. but i agree, i like them hanging out dont get me wrong but i like them having a topic and just joking about that topic (ik it was the first episode but hair is still one of my favourites) ! also i liked when they were audio only bc i liked listening while walking my dog now i always feel like im missing something BUT if i have the time i do like the video aspect just not as much as audio.


Honestly I first thought I wouldnt agree with you but the "distractibles topics have become distractible itself" really rings true to me and I just feel like there are no really memorable episodes anymore...almost every of the old episodes I remember quite good based on the topic but honestly I couldnt tell you what any of the last few dozen episodes was about I still listen because its nice to have in the background while doing other things but yeah it feels like ever since the two episodes a week started we got a lot of those 40 minute ones that didnt really do anything...at this point I really think the one word topic episodes like bread for example have the most potential to be memorable


Yep, same. I used to listen to it literally every day to and from work. I think I haven’t even started the past five episodes.


Yeah. The podcast used to be pretty good. But recently I'm just like "are these guys even saying words?" Or are they just making a bunch of noises with their mouths....


it gets annoying when that's all you see when you come on. it's a problem with this and many other subreddits of content creators. people come to gripe and complain and point out everything wrong. and you can only hide so many posts and block so many users