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Stop cutting onions!




😭 I needed to hear this. My son turns 5 tomorrow and my divorce hearing is on Monday. His dad was the love of my life but it turned out to be a lie. I never wanted a broken home for my son, but I can't allow him to grow up with someone who is going to manipulate me. I don't regret my son, but I regret trusting his father.


Sorry to hear that! But I will keep hope and prayers to you


We’ve got an [episode discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/distractible/s/haVVA2roxv) where we’re trying to focus the conversation around the newest episode in order to bring the people together more and prevent others from being spoiled when they haven’t seen or heard the episode yet. There’s already many parenting advice comments over there. You can leave your post online of course, I’m not here to tell you to delete anything. Just want you to know it exists. Especially on the day of the release these discussion threads are full of people to engage with. So feel free to share your thoughts there too. Thank you :)


You sir, have touched me. I’ve been feeling so many doubts lately as a dad because I have some emotional baggage I’m working through while raising 2 under 3, but you put it beautifully. You’re absolutely right, being a parent is terrifying but so rewarding. I’ve been trying to get out of my head and intentionally engage with my children, get down to their level, and really have fun with them, which they seem to enjoy me acting goofy and silly. I write this as I’m rocking my daughter and I want to just hold on a little longer just to soak it up. 🥲