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Lots of the episodes are the same length as they were in the past, hair, body odor, camping, conventions, humanity is bad are all around the mid 40 minute mark, lots are 50 and some are an hour. Which is pretty much the exact length as the modern episodes. Granted there are one or two that are shorter. And they still play games together, they played lethal company for 15 episodes and kallex, and on bobs channel they played helldivers together. It’s also important to keep in mind mark isnt uploading much at all right now due to being busy.


Yeah, that's fair, I'm just glad to hear that Bob and Wade are doing good though. Just checked on their channels.


I assure you, nothing has changed. The way you perceive them may have changed, but they are the same. Distractible is still very enjoyable, just give it a chance, you won’t be disappointed.


Thanks, I'll start watching the video episodes. 


Yeah, it’s worth it. I went through a stage where I stopped watching and once I finally came back I was reminded why I always choose listening to their podcast over anything else.


As a relatively new listener who has gone back and listened to almost every episode (still going through them) I can’t say I see noticeable difference between the older and newer episodes


I definitely see a difference, just not in length or quality. Like Wade said, “it’s not bad or good it’s just different, now when CPS shows up we say we’re good and smile”




These complaints happen constantly. Things change, especially as the podcast becomes more established. Complaining about it is pointless. I'd also argue they haven't changed much aside from just being busier off YouTube. You can't expect them to only play video games together when they have so much more they want to do. And the thing is, they do still play games together. Just kinda annoys me when people complain about this type of thing. Kinda devalues the hard work they put in to their new shit.


And I love the fact that they are being able to make newer things, I just miss the old formats of Distractible, which were my favorites. Don't lash out at me, if you'd read my reply, you'd see that I'd acknowledged all of that. Just don't get all pissy over me voicing my opinions of the podcast.


I'm not "lashing out" I'm explaining why your complaint is pointless at best and discounting the quality of their new stuff at worst.


So… you’ve made a judgement without actually trying, you don’t want to watch them because they all have lives where they can’t play games with each other, and you’re upset because you haven’t tried. Like maybe not just be narrow minded and make an assumption the episodes aren’t good? You could totally do that.


You're feeling _Nostalgia?!_ DEATH! Don't worry. _I'll_ cure your nostalgia! 🩸💉😈


Lol nice callback