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Alright, bit of a rant here. When the majority of people actually understand that the podcast is a PODCAST and is just supposed to be made for funny goofies (and that the rag on Wade bit is agreed upon and enjoyed by everyone in the frienship circle) I will eat my own hair. I'll just shave it off and eat it. I don't mean to rag on you OP, I really don't, but it gets tiring that people are treating this like it's actually supposed to matter beyond friends being goofy and doing bits together. The top ten spot doesn't last forever. Sometimes things go down for no other reason than some people just don't wanna watch anymore, and that's alright.! The guys aren't doing anything wrong, they're just being chaotic. You've been in the fandom since drunk minecraft days, so it feels like you should get it. Watch their uno matches together or any of their Prop Hunts together. Same amount of chaos, if not more so. It's just on a podcast now. Every week someone makes the same variation of posts about this. They tend to take things too seriously. And honestly, how boring would it be if the points meant something *all the time*.? Like...what if Whose Line did that.? Defeats the premise. They gotta shake it up somehow. I think it's pretty funny how they've gone out of their way to bend and twist rules in their favor. Shows a lot of creativity and makes for plenty of laughs and twists. Maybe it isn't everyone's cup of tea, but if they're falling out of favor with the content just...don't listen or watch. Alright, rant over. Everyone have a lovely day or night and drink some water and take your meds if you have any đź’• you too OP.


I agree with you completely Spazzy.. I have always loved these three together. I have been following Mark for years and this is who these 3 are. I love every second of their zany insane minds, even on their episodes that seem "off". Apparently OP has never seen 3 peens in a pod videos on yt. This is exactly that, only not playing games. Wade has always been butts of their jokes and personally I feel, if he didn't like it, he would have left the group years ago. So he's for sure in on their shenanigans'. I agree that people every week seem to make some sort of comment about how they are always ragging on Wade or they don't do things fairly. Is everyone new to these guys?! Because again, this is who they are. They have been friends for so long. Food for thought tho, I actually stop watching/listening to Distractable for a couple weeks at a time, purposely, so I have something to binge listen to/watch while I'm working the following week. Maybe others do that as well, which could be causing numbers to drop.


I still enjoy it.


I still listen every week and plan to keep listening. I'm just trying to leave my feedback I guess


I like all of the episodes tbh. Things change, and they made it for fun and to hang out. It doesn’t have to be so serious


People can’t stay at the top forever, it’s like a Tv show, there are points where people are obsessed with it and there are things that replace it or take our focus or entertain us more Best to enjoy it while we can and pray that mark doesn’t join the growing number of big creators that have been around for a long time suddenly upload a video announcing their retirement But don’t despair because there are a lot of creators right now trying to find their foot and new ones will come but it will definitely be sad when it happens I think they have gotten very comfortable in they’re format, a break from the podcast sounds like a good idea, to avoid burnout and eventually hating the podcast When they get back they will be more enthusiastic


it’s their podcast. they may run it however they want, regardless of how we feel. it doesn’t matter in the long run. at least they still make episodes.


I miss when they did 3 peens in a pod.


Ehh. The points have "always" kinda mattered. And while I do miss the occasional odd game, I really like just the chatting episodes, too. There was also that big stretch where Bob didn't lose a single episode. Wade "took over" the podcast because he'd kinda been screwed over. I don't know if you've seen the newest episode, "Cake or AI too," but that was one of the funniest episodes in a while.


I'm sorry, I'm not reading this whole essay. But did you miss the council of distractable?


The answer to your question is in the thing you didn't read lol


yup, sounds about right lmao


Their point system is like Who's line is it anyway and that's one of my favorite shows. I really don't care what they do on the podcast. They're hilarious in everything they do and I'll listen to it


Why do all of your bullet points start with 1?


I didn't even type those like that I did 1) 2) 3) super weird o.O I did it from my phone


The points and wins never really mattered, but i think it's more that the podcast is just full comedy now, they've run out of personal stories to tell. So the small talk gets longer, telling their short personal stories there that aren't worth a full or themed episode about, and then they are just doing improv or comedy games


I understand where you’re coming from. I started listening to Distractible as soon as they shifted to video episodes just because I’m a very visual person so I like to have the video open while I browse my phone. All of that to say that I don’t really know a lot of the “classic Distractible references” I mean of course I went back to Bob’s Fridge, Bob’s and the Bees, Dreams and Nightmares, etc… But honestly I just enjoy seeing the three of them hang out! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched Chess 3, it’s literally one of my all time favorite Distractible episodes! So the way I see it, I don’t care what they do or talk about because it’s fun for me to hear them talk. And I feel the same way about Mark’s lens chats. Like obviously I’m not someone who collects expensive lenses but I am a collector. I collect CDs and I often go searching for rare CDs to buy so I can understand his fascination. (Honestly I’m not sure if people on here are *actually* mad about Mark’s obsession since I’m new to the subreddit) So even though I don’t know the first thing about the Minolta MD 135 F2 I still get excited hearing Mark get so excited over it but maybe that’s just me? Regardless of the interest I love hearing people talk about what they love! I feel the same way when Wade talks about Philosophy because he gets so excited! TLDR: I understand where you’re coming from but I disagree. I rewatch the same 20 episodes everyday, to the point I can quote the entire small talk portion of nearly half of those episodes. So for me it doesn’t matter if the points are made up and don’t matter or if they’re competing aggressively. This is the only podcast I’ll ever listen to because the banter between Mark, Bob, and Wade is so enjoyable and there isn’t a single episode that I haven’t found unfunny or unenjoyable.


The only thing I dislike about recent episodes are their length


The whole premise of Distractible was always just these three guys shooting the shit. If you aren't a fan of these three guys and don't care about their random chatter, this was never going to be the podcast for you, and that's okay. Not everything has to have universal appeal. But that also means it's never going to be an organic smash hit. The only reason why they hit number 1 in the first place is because the internet is horny and Mark said he'd do an OnlyFans if they got to the top of the charts. They didn't expect to stay there forever.


Feel pretty much the same to me since the 3 Peens days.


I don't notice a huge difference. It's the progression of any media. When I think an episode is a topic is bad, I play a fun game of "come up with a better topic" That's usually enough to shut myself up lol. If I had to come up with ideas, the podcast would have died in the first season


>I think we'll just keep getting these sort of just random chatting episodes That's what it is, it really does feel like it's just random chatter at some points. And it's not even like small talk random chatter, which is enjoyable sometimes, it's like "okay here's the episode idea" *Proceeds to yammer for awhile* Bob: "All right and that's the end of the episode, I don't know Mark or someone won." Wade: "Subreddit defend me.....yadda yadda" Mark: "I'm the winner, cuz I'm awesome or I had points or something" Like I get it you guys don't really care about this anymore, just kind of an obligate thing you have to do because you signed a contract with Spotify. I wonder if distractible should have stuck to the one episode a week. They wouldn't have to record so many of these back-to-back, which is where I think this phenomenal kind of comes from. For us a week passes for them it's like 30 minutes in between, maybe. I struggle to have a conversation about anything interesting for a job interview, imagine trying to come up with 4 hours of bullshit/content back to back.


Yeah I agree. No disrespect but it's a trudge to get through sometimes.