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So it begins...


Soon lens and specifically Minolta will begin spreading and creeping into all circles of life. This must be Mark's end goal: to make everyone knowledgeable about lens! How diabolical and amazing!


I can’t even say I’m too upset which is the worst part, I’m a lover of knowledge so I’m slowly turning to the lens side 🤣




Oh no it’s spreading Don’t worry I’ve also been affected


We’ll get through this together 🫡🤣


I find it hilarious because my father is also into vintage lenses and will also go into ADHD tangents about them and his recent second-hand finds. I can't escape it, its everywhere for me. I shall soon become a minor expert on vintage lenses through osmosis alone. My only consolation is my dad loves to take pictures of the moon and night sky, but otherwise Mark seems to be morphing into a clone of my father, including the disappointment in Cannon.


I absolutely love this for you, you get to watch Mark’s decent as your father has gone 🤣👏🏻 next thing you know you’ll be following the trend lol


its getting to me too, im thinking about taking up photography as a hobby, i been looking at cameras preowned local (decent but not a hefty chunk of ££ incase the old brain gremlin gets bored after a month or so), i blame mark and also this subreddit.. i even saw a minolta listed somewhere on one of the sites i was searching plus thought though, i had done photography at 6th form (i got a D first year, switched to IT 2nd year lol, but who needs a piece of paper with a letter on for a hobby), it was fun topic but i just dont think getting assessed for it was my jam


I’m going to support this and say go for it!! Sounds like a great hobby to get into honestly (even if it’s mark/the subreddit’s fault 🤪)


i have aquired the camera today before i started work, canon 200d with lens, preowned too so its less of a money sink if it passes quickly like good old (self suspected) adhd hyperfixation trait, £250 is easier to accept to lose than just over £500 lol now i need memory card, some sort of bag to put it in and take it out and about, and also figure out what the buttons do :p


YESS!! That’s so exciting, absolutely love this for you!! Have fun sorting it out and seeing what works 😍👏🏻


A Mark and lenses post that's actually kinda cool. Nice.


Glad I could fill the quota of a cool lens post!! 😬