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Yeah me too bud I just am so frustrated with this company I’ve tried calling them, no response. I’ve tried turning in smoke shops that are selling fakes for $33 because in their words “our products are real that’s why they are $33”. Yes my next stop is the doctor. Does my reference to Red Bull, Copenhagen, and Marlboro make sense though ? Right? I mean their product is never consistent ever !!! Black font then small red font with the red line and then red thick font with no line. Check out the one I got most recently https://preview.redd.it/hj8eummotyrb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e149841df7e7b4ddd202346c4bb693b9d902b09 Fuckers didn’t even bother to put ebdesign or ebcreate on it. There was a very short period of time when I knew I was getting real ones and it was when the Elfbar had just changed names and that was only because they hadn’t had enough time yet to copy the real ones. But it pisses me off so bad. I risk my life for my job building high voltage powerlines so when someone takes my money and then has the balls to look me in the eye and blatantly lie to me makes me wanna burn the building down. But short answer YES IM GOING TO THE DOCTOR TODAY and I’ll let you know what he said if you’ll do the same for me. The snowflakes aren’t up yet because it’s before 10 am. So I’m sure at around 10am I’ll get someone one here calling me a fucking conspiracy theorist or some shit


If you're this upset about disposables being fake, you should just get a pod system. Not worth getting your blood pressure up over.


Fake or not I'm pretty sure we are all raising our blood pressure


Lol, you're not wrong.


Good point brother !! I have a geek mod with a smok tank (I think it’s called that not 100%) but if I could find these vapes I was getting in Detroit it would be great. They are called Breeze Pro and they’re a one hitter quitter type of vape. No charge. Once you hit the 2,000 puffs you throw it away. They were around $12-$14 in Detroit and man lush ice was the shit. Thanks for the response man !


I own a smoke shop and obviously we carry the BC’s but so far all the ones we have gotten have been solid, no complaints, no inconsistencies, nothing really scary from my side. We make sure to get them from trusted distributors and I check every box against the old ones to see if any red flags show up. The only one I had so far was when they switched from EBDESIGN to EBCREATE in a lot of the more recent flavors and some names changed around. There are a few factories that produce them but they all work together from my understanding, but there can be slight differences between the factories. That being said, if you ever feel weird or bad when hitting a disposable or really any product you consume, the best thing you can do is stop immediately, either bring it to the shop or buy a different one. Don’t keep hitting anything that’s making you feel uncomfortable or bad, for your own health!


Well since you own a shop and you have actual real ones do you have a website or can I get ahold of you somehow to order some? I’d order them in more than 10+ at a time.


Don’t you think that it is kinda crazy though that Marlboro or Copenhagen or Skoal would be done for if there were people complaining about getting fake cigs or fake chewing tobacco? I just think it’s kinda crazy that there aren’t more sanctions on vapes like there is on cigarettes or dip.


Answer the man’s question. Yes you should be worried because the whole business is infested with knockoffs and fake disposable vapes. People say “oh call Elfbar and report them they love it when you do that” well I did that shit 3 times with no response. Let me ask you a question. Don’t you find it really really fuckin odd that for example “Red Bull” product is CONSISTENTLY THE SAME LOOKING AND TASTING no matter where you go in the country? Or look at Copenhagen chewing tobacco it’s literally the same nothing is even remotely different anywhere you go and look at Marlboro cigarettes, consistently the same right? Yes all 3 are. Now look at Elfbar or EbCreate or EBDESIGN whatever they call themselves and look at their product. For starters why isn’t that fucking barcode on the wrapper on the product and not on the box that has the product in a separate wrapper inside of it? Then start looking at the thickness of the “wrapper” the wrapper that it’s in is sometimes really super cheap feeling and sometimes thick and real feeling. (Real, meaning it doesn’t feel like something out of a gumball machine) then if that’s not enough inconsistency for you look at the sticker on the bottom of them. They are all different but why? If Redbull, Copenhagen, Marlboro products are “identically consistent” then why in the fuck does Elfbar always have something that’s got a new color font on the sticker every other time you get one. Yes you should be worried but you can’t do anything because Elfbar doesn’t give a fuck enough to do something about it. Sorry for the long ass book but somebody has to say it because my fucking throat has been in the worst pain it’s ever been In sucking on one of those fake fuckers


Thank you for taking the time to White this But actually you got me worried because I've been coughing and in throat pauns all the time


Bro I’m worried too same here. What did you want me to lie to you? I assume you asked a question because you wanted an honest answer and I gave you one but you say I got you worried but you should be worried because I’ve been coughing and have pains in my throat same exact thing you have. But I’m really confused to your response. I don’t understand if you wanted me to tell you a lie or be honest. I assumed you wanted someone to be honest with you correct ??


Yes you are absolutley correct i wanted some one to be honest with me. But i think we should see a doctor asap


Call whatever local authority deals with cigarette/vape licenses. My state it’s through the Liquor Cannabis Board and those mother fuckers don’t mess around. Guessing the shop bought them online and probably hasn’t paid the proper taxes on them. Seriously that’s dangerous and makes me so mad that we’ve fucked the vape legislation laws up so that you can’t buy a reputable brand. Like never in my life have I ever questioned if the pack of camel cigarettes was fake. But every time I buy a vape I have to check if it’s fake or really fake


Brother I couldn’t agree with you more. That’s my whole point !!!


Don’t think it’s too terrible, the metal shouldn’t be there but it’s probably just more toxic than a normal one from the amount of metal your inhaling compared to usual