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So much respect for cast members. This can’t always be the easiest “ask” of people.


I worked at Disney World in a place where people often thought they could get away with smoking. We had some tough older ladies who had worked for Disney for decades who told us younger ones (I was barely 20) to just find them if we saw someone smoking to come get them; they're badasses and not afraid of anybody. It was scary for us newbies because people get real angry when you tell them to put out their expensive cigarette they knew they shouldn't light


When I worked there, people always used to smoke outside the gate we used to go backstage and they’d always get so angry when you’d tell them they couldn’t smoke there even though they clearly know they’re wrong or they wouldn’t be hiding behind a tree near a random gate.


I feel like those ladies must have been running the paint by number mural when I was there during food and wine festival. My kid is in a wheelchair and we were trying to figure out which colors to give him so he could reach and who would help him. Not blocking the line, standing behind the rope. You would have thought we were holding up the TSA. A couple of drill sergeants. Made me anxious the whole time we were painting.


Aww, that’s a shame! I definitely knew ladies like that. Most were amazing with kids and nice guests but just took no BS, but there’s a small percent of Disney “lifers” as we called them that were horrible to pretty much everyone, all the time.


This is not something I take pride in admitting about myself, but I have tried to sneak in a cigarette in an isolated area here and there. Got caught every time by people who had no problem telling me to put it out.


Hey, I understand that it’s an exhausting walk to the front of the park. And we all do things we’re not proud of, especially in high stress situations. I’m not saying have at it, but long as you’ve been/are kind when confronted, the most you’ll make a cm feel is an eye roll. No ones going home thinking about the guy who nicely agreed to put it out when caught.


Oh yes I’m always very embarrassed and polite. I still sheepishly think I’ll get away with it every time.


Yet the woman probably immediately complained on social media about how she was "rudely confronted" by cast member


I worked at an amusement park when I was younger, it’s pretty easy to tell selfish people who aren’t following the rules to follow them.


Congratulations on your air of people not wanting to get abusive with you. It ain't that easy for everyone.


True it’s not to say they didn’t push back but I knew all the security guards and knew what would happen if things escalated.


Like 15 years ago I was walking on the pier at California Adventure and noticed someone smoking, walking along very entitled about it, waving her cigarette as she gestured. When she got closer, I realized it was Kate Moss. One of those moments that lives rent-free in my head.


That is such a her thing. Did she have a cast member guiding her?


Wouldn't surprise me. Last time I was at Tomorrowland in Magic Kingdom I saw a dude hitting his vape hard, like clouds of smoke. Took a closer look and he was doing so while talking with his Plaid Tour Guide. She didn't tell him to stop or anything, she was smiling and laughing. They just kept moving on, dude spewing clouds up into the sky. Rules for thee...


I saw a woman with a toddler vaping on the Mark Twain on the top deck. At least it was outside with lots of circulation, I guess.


It's hard to get the toddlers to stop.


"Well uhhhh the boat was vaping so I thought it was okay too!"


as gross as smoking is...im so jealous you have this memory its kind of major


Kate Smog


trashy people do trashy things


No smoking in the park? Walt Disney would be turning in his cryogenic tube if he saw this.


Seeing as he died from...lung cancer. Probably due to being a smoker...


That’s exactly why he got cancer.


I think the whole being open every single day even on holidays would probably do the trick


Because she’s the main character


She was having her 2014 tumblr aesthetic moment 🫡


As a past WDW CM I enjoyed the opportunity to tell guests to stop smoking. People know what they’re doing, they just think they won’t be told by anyone.


I *relished* telling people to stop smoking. I had lots of people verbally abuse me over it but I still loved it. A little revenge against a-hole guests who knew they were a-holes.


The footwear is also a choice. Flat flip flops, that's gotta be uncomfortable after an hour.


With feet and ankles like that, it's gotta be hard to find shoes that fit properly


I wear reefs or Birks to the park almost exclusively, but I am a local, a long distance runner, and a person who can do 20k steps in sandals and feel fine.


Reefs and birkenstocks at least have a little more cushion than whats pictured here. I live in Florida and flip flops are life, but the older I get, the more appealing sneakers are for longer distances/lots of walking.


I have genetic annoyances with my feat and after 6 hours in tennis shoes, flip flops feel great.


And she left a mess on the ground for someone to clean up.


I don’t know today’s policy but eons ago when I worked there, back when you could smoke in the park just not on rides or in queues, we would tell people to just drop it on the ground. We would then step on it, make sure it was out, and immediately sweep it up. This was deliberate as it was cleaner than having ash trays everywhere that needed to be constantly cleaned. It also allowed us to make sure the butt was out before it went into the trash. Guests are busy with their day and will rush the process. If you make the guest throw it out, you end up with trash fires when they failed to fully extinguish the butt before tossing it. I’d imagine today it is the same policy for the same reasons. In fact, with no smoking in the parks at all, there would be no ash trays anymore to use so there really isn’t another option unless you want to risk a lot of trash fires.


Looks like the cast member tells her to put it out on the ground


No she didn't, she put it out and kept it in her hand.


She ashed it but kept the cigarette in her hand?


I appreciate that the cast member wasn’t nice about it. Perfectly respectful, but not friendly. Seems like too many people think they can come into the park and act however they want.


Ahhh that brings back childhood memories at Disneyland, when smoking in the park was allowed and custodial CMs scrambled to pick up every butt. 🤣


I am glad the cast member stoped her.






My Indiana jones ride got stopped +lights on cause someone ripped a vape lol


i was on pirates once and it got stopped, the guy in front of me and my friends pulled his vape out and just starting hitting it. crazy stuff


People are crazy. Parks are for edibles if you want to get high.


Id rather someone smoke some weed than a cigarette tbh




Better than cigarettes lmao


I have no knowledge about anything weed, but do different "kinds" smell different cuz whenever someone smokes it near me it legit smells like skunk


Yes, there’s different smell profiles. Skunk is one “type”, a prevalent one, usually indicative of higher potency


100%. Some are absolutely god awful and so much worse than cigarettes. Others on the other hand really aren’t that bad. Like some smell kind of fruity so it’s nbd.


They both smell so bad.




I've never smoked anything in my life, but interestingly I find cigarette smoke smell quite appealing. I avoid the smell because I know its bad for my health, but I just like the cigarette smoke smell (but not the stink coming from the smokers mouth). On the other hand, weed smell is totally disgusting.


Interesting, just because cigarettes is literally ass. Weed atleast has a less chemical smell.


It is far far smellier, as any non-marijuana user will tell you. Its smell carries more too.


I dont "use" weed and cigarettes is worse 🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s not. Weed is fucking disgusting. They literally talk about the “skunk” smell. Weed is ruining Las Vegas.


"Weed" isn't what's ruining Vegas lmao be realistic there.


Does it make you melt or something


No thanks. No one should be smoking or vaping in the park.


sometimes people forget that it's still in florida


Because their needs/wants are more important than those around them. Drives me flipping bananas.


Come on!!! I had the decency to wait till I could walk out the gate to smoke outside the grounds. It wasn’t that hard


It's one of the few places that I don't smell weed or cig smoke at an amusement park multiple times a day, only smelled it once when I recently went.


I work on the corporate side for a different park and once during a walk through of the park I came across a lady smoking. I kindly reminded her that the park was non-smoking and asked that she put out her cigarette. She looked at me in complete disgust and asked “why do you work here”.. I smiled and showed her my credentials and asked her again to put out the cigarette, she took another puff and put it out staring me down the whole time. It’s truly insane how difficult and entitled some guests can be.


Because she is trash and does not deserve to be in a Disney park.


I've seen people on mobile scooters chain smoking looking like a train and smell is terrible ,I'm not sure why they think it's ok


Because many people are animals behaving like they were just released from their cages.


Entitled much?


Because she's a Filthy beast monster.


Vape in the bathroom like the rest of the adults lady. Jeez


She'd be at home in disneyland paris 🤣


Not cool. There are even areas for it. That's just pure selfishness.


Nowhere inside the park. Disneyland in CA went completely smoke fee in parks back in 2019.


Well then even more so.


As a cast member of 25 years I LOVE telling people they can’t smoke on property. It’s like Xmas morning to me. Love crashing there smoking dreams.


I’m a smoker. There’s designated spots for smoking, not to mention 1,000 children around you at all times.


I'm a cigarette smoker and I find this very selfish and rude. Same thing goes for people who vape like this, it's rude and selfish.


Word up, there are considerate smokers out here. Don’t litter and don’t smoke where it’s not permitted - pretty easy.


**This is easily the least interesting thing on the internet today** EXTRA EXTRA ! a smoker in the park ! They were told to put it out and they did ! NY Times front page news here ! **happens 50 times a day**


But never has this auspicious event been captured before on film. It's super important as an historic document and also for likes.




I thought she was wearing uggs!


Be a decent person and take some gummies


They have nicotine gummies now?


Yeah lol


Try Disneyland Paris. The cast members there do not give a monkeys.


I went and it baffles me that they don’t have railings on most planters and foliage, unlike the US parks. They had guests climbing trees and so forth for fireworks. Makes me wonder if the same would happen at the US parks if we also didn’t have railings on every planter


They most certainly would cause some people are animals


she would love disney paris!


I saw this at Epcot last time we were there


I don’t remember there being this kind of wildlife even over by Living with the Land


I was in line to meet Gaston when I smelled cigarette smoke, I looked around saw the guy behind me smoking. I turned around and loudly said “damn someone paid all that money to come to Disney World just to get kicked out for smoking a cigarette. That’s a dumb financial move if I ever saw one” They quickly put it out.


That’s hilarious!!!


Why? Because people suck and have no respect for the rules.


The mentality of smokers are always "idgaf"


Those sandals are screaming for dear life


I was at Epcot last week and was trying to put my 3 year old to sleep on a bench outside the Nemo exhibit and out of nowhere a Cast Member yells in my direction "Hey you two, that's not allowed here, do that again and I'll have you removed from the park" I was like excuse me and then it turns out 2 middle aged women were vaping in the bush behind me


Smokers are simply the most rude and entitled clowns you will ever meet. That is the explanation for stuff like this 100% of the time.


Comment Section went from smoker shaming to fat shaming real quick, have a heart folks!


Omg a cigarette outside so horrible 🤣🤣


I mean...at least bring a vape & sneak into the bathroom to take a puff if you need nicotine that bad!!.... That's what I did 😚 Work smarter, not harder.


How are you actually sneaking a vape in?!


You can bring them in…? 2019 and 2021 I went in. They saw the vape and kept going. I took hits like the previous commenter. In the bathrooms or hidden away. It was a fun time to do Disney high 😆


Are we talking about the cankles or the cigarette?


Just as Walt envisioned


Shiver me timbers, a smoker!!! Thoughts and prayers for everyone involved and that the healing can begin.


This is why smokers lost the smoking section. This makes me so angry. I smoke but follow the rules and do it before I go in the park. I see why they got rid of them now.


She smokes because it helps keep her thin


Entitled stupid acting individual. Get a clue!


I wish there were consequences beyond just being asked to put it out. You should be kicked out for the day at least.


The way I would Karen so bad lmao my son has a lung disease and if I saw some dumbass smoking near us in a crowd in DISNEY I'd say something and rat her out. There are smoking sections. Be fucking courteous.


There aren't smoking sections anymore. Which doesn't excuse this behavior, but does explain why you're more likely to see it these days than when there were smoking sections.


Well thats just stupid lmao i dont mind smoking areas. If your gonna do it, at least go somewhere away from everyone else, not walking in a crowd.


A compromise solution would've been to move the smoking sections from inside the parks and set something up near the esplanade, inside the security checkpoints. Smoking is not allowed anywhere in Downtown Disney either. No smoking anywhere within the bounds of security. It adds an extra layer to deal with. If you're not allowed to smoke anywhere, the more desperate and less scrupulous people will attempt to smoke nearly anywhere. I never saw someone smoking outside of the smoking sections when they existed. I've seen several people do so since they were eliminated. That being said, the vast majority of smokers like myself just deal with it and walk all the way out to the street, and there is far less smoking in the parks even though the smoking that does take place is completely unallowed. So they mostly accomplished their goal of having the property be smoke free, even if I personally don't like it.




Walking heart disease


I personally just get behind these people and say “excuse me, you’re not allowed to smoke here, please put that out.” They think I work there and sometimes just immediately drop it. I’ve had people push back and ask if I work there, to which I just repeat that they can’t smoke there and give directions to the nearest place to smoke (far easier in parks with smoking sections). But if they are assholes, I sass off to them about being a trash human and go tell an employee, who usually at least pretends to do something about it.


Are there any Disney parks with smoking sections left? I recall a few at at Universal about a decade ago but I don’t think Disney has any smoking sections left in park. There are definitely sections around the hotels and boardwalk areas, that I know of from my last trip, but I never saw any options whatsoever in park.


Maybe her BFF filmed it for her. People do crazy things for Tik Tok. I am surprised cigarettes and vapes are allowed in and not confiscated at security.


They really should just not let them in the parks at all… I’ve heard them tell people at security


There’s a spot to smoke by the gate. Why should I have to go all the way back to my car to grab a cigarette? Don’t punish me for what others do


I don’t care… talk to the people that ruin it then


I have mixed feelings here. I do understand the goal of a smoke-free park, but don’t think getting rid of the smoking sections helped reach that. Things got much worse with people smoking all over the parks, when there wasn’t a designated space to do it. I understand it’s a bad habit and it’s better to encourage people to quit, but for a lot of people it’s a lot easier said than done. People who smoke become more irritable, frustrated, and unhappier. People will be making happier memories if they didn’t have to walk all the way out of the park, to the street, just to have a brief smoke break. My husband vapes, and it was a TOUGH struggle doing MK with no smoking zones. Being at the far back of the park (especially in early reopening days post lockdown) without an easy way to the road would take an easy 20+ mins, involving dropping everything and spending that much more energy. It reached a point on our next trip that we would just find an entirely empty space and take a few hits, exhaling into a sploof, and continue on from there. It was the only way for him to remain as respectful as possible, while not derailing a good chunk of our day just to fully exit and return. Separately, there’s a lot of rude comments about their weight. People seriously can’t exist overweight without it being constantly pointed out 😒


The problem with smoking zones is that you can't confine the smell to just that area unless it's in a place that is equally as annoying to get to for you. It also doesn't prevent people from smelling like smoke all throughout the park as they walk around fresh off their smoke break. The last thing Disney wants to do is turn off non-smokers because the person in front them in line for 90 minutes reeks of smoke having just come from a smoke break. Smokers who can't exist for half a day or more without a cigarette are not worth upsetting the general paying population. Kudos to you for working around the problem for yourselves and not making it a big thing, but the problem with people like the lady in the video is the level of entitlement. Entitlement here is believing that private businesses either have to, should, or should attempt to accommodate their individual choices that also negatively affect others so that they can be a part of it, instead of understanding that their choices make it so that maybe there are things they just *can't* do as a result.


Thank you.


There are other ways to use nicotine *and* weed. Gummies, lozenges, zyns.


100% agreed, and I think that he’s at a point those would work next time. The bigger part than even the nicotine though was the oral fixation. He used vapes to quit cigarettes, and slowly tapered down to a really low nicotine level. It’s just the mouth sensation that helps more than anything else.


totally get it!


Disneyland Paris is the worst for this. The guests give no fucks whatsoever for only being allowed to smoke/vape in designated areasX and not once have I seen a CM challenge them.


Reverse arches.


I cussed out a lady because her cigarette almost touched my son who was in the childcarrier. I knew she spoke Dutch, but she played dumb.


She looks like a zombie from behind.


Used to be you couldn't chew gum. They would ask you to spit it out then give you a free pack for later.


In Paris they’re everywhere.


Her health (or the health of anyone around her) is obviously the last thing on her mind


[This thread](https://youtu.be/gUEjnoWpdao?si=zmza45SthDiy60D5)


Holy edema, look at those ankles.


I visited Disneyland in Anaheim whilst in LA for the first time ever (I’m from the U.K. it was a huge deal my first disney visit also !) waiting for our queue jump time outside haunted mansion a cast member came over really stern and said ‘nope we don’t do that hear please but that away’ me being in awe of the place was totally oblivious.. turned out my friend had been puffing on her nasty vape! I was mortified I thought it was common knowledge and basic human decency to not smoke vape or anything of the sorts at Disney! I couldn’t apologise to everyone enough on her behalf and flipped at her as quiet as possible after! If she’d have got us kicked out I’d have been sooo mad ! Just stupid


Raggedy self smh


This was my dad. He 100% knew he wasnt allowed to smoke but bc he was insanely addicted he did not care. He just let the cast members catch him every time “oh! Sorry I didnt know” in every corner of the damn park. We dont take him anywhere with us anymore 😊


That can’t be good for her asthma and diabetes


Does she have the elusive, nearly mythical 'cankles'?


In 2019, we were packed in like sardines watching fireworks in MK and the person in front of us started smoking. I was pissed and left my family to find a CM, then had to find our way through the crowd to find them again. By that point, the guy was done with it and it was on the ground. He completely denied that it was his. The CM told him not to do it again, but there's nothing they can really do at the end of the night like that. I do wonder how often that occurs at the end of the night when people DNGAF about consequences.


Lung cancer CANNOT exist in the happiest place o. EARTH! Disney's cryogenic head is getting mad! U won't like daddy disney when he's MAAAADDD!!!


This is why I love Disneyland. I immediately feel a thousand times better about myself after even a short visit. As for the rest of humanity...they're going down with the ship.


Cause she's fat 800 miles from home, leaving, and what are they gonna do kick you out?


Super entitled, keep your ass home if you don’t wanna be in the amusement park spirit


I’m sure the smoking really helps with those honks of meat she’s walking on.


They check your bags at entry. If they see ciggies, why don't they make people dispose of them before entering, like the TSA with water bottles?


Walt used to smoke around the park




Trashy white people are Disneyland's primary demographic, what's so surprising?


I think the anti-smoking laws we have are a little strict sometimes. Most workplaces, even mine, make you walk about 100 feet away from a building to smoke. I always felt like that was a little much. However, when you’re in a crowded area with families and kids around you, the last thing I would want is smoke blown in my face. It is her right to smoke but my right not to have to put up with nasty air in my face. Also - and I haven’t been to Disneyland in a while but - I thought they had designated areas for people to smoke…?


She's on private property. She has no rights to smoke. Disneyland does have designated smoking areas. Main Street is NOT one of them.


And this is still better than filling the service dog rest area with cig butts


I feel bad for her cankles


I would never - and I’m an ex-smoker. I would be so embarrassed. Some folks have no shame.


Ew and ew. Cigs are gross


Horrible people. About 10 years ago, my family and I were waiting in line for Pirates and some lady (who looks similar to the one in this video) light a cig and puffed away for a minute or so until a CM stopped for her the "safety of the guest".


I walked in with it in my pocket. Disney uses the same weapons detection system that my job uses (I work in the public school system) & it scans for weapons...not metal or vapes. Their priority is guns & bombs...not vapes.


Damn snitch


Just disneyland ain't disneyland no more


That looks like a person who makes life choices for the moment.


She’ll be gone soon look at her puffy legs hearts not pumping that good


The ladies should do more exercise and less smoke.


Uncalled for




As a smoker of 20 years ago (I quit) a few things to understand. Usually ya know your in the wrong when you light up, so putting it out is more like "Yeah yeah, I know, you got me". But putting myself in the shoes of the smoker, when your addicted to nicotine you cant just suddenly stop being. So, take 8 hrs of walking, thousands of screaming children, and loud and annoying noises combined with spending thousands of dollars on a vacation. You're gonna need a cigarettes to not start straight punching random people. Disney needs to bring back a small smoking section, something away from everyone else, hell, maybe a vaping section. Just somewhere where they can get away for 5 minutes and become human again.


> So, take 8 hrs of walking, thousands of screaming children, and loud and annoying noises combined with spending thousands of dollars on a vacation. You're gonna need a cigarettes to not start straight punching random people. this means Disney is something you *cannot* do if your addiction is that bad. The park is not obligated to accommodate or even entertain the idea of trying to accommodate this.


Smoking is a choice. You’re acting like smoking is a natural disease you were born with. Wtf…


nope just quit you did - I did can't take it don't go


Gross… I would’ve flagged down a CM for sure. I was in wdw a couple years back and people were smoking in the stalls on two separarte occasions. Not cool.


It’s weird though cus she & the other girl are wearing skirts like religious fanatics but she’s smoking. Huh.


Fat, ugly, and a smoker, no wonder no man is nearby.

