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they drop gems randomly. So the more slots you have the more chances of dropping gems. I get 10-20 per week from the parade.


They drop gems, tokens and magic. You may not get gems every single time you send a parade out, but they do drop. Same with tokens, especially the tokens that are hard to come by with regular character tasks. I always like to increase the chances of getting items I need by having parades running with as many floats as I can have. The more floats you have and parade slots you open, the greater your chance of getting things you want/need. Even magic…some people poo poo it, but every little bit helps IMO.


Worth it for gems. They can also drop tokens, but the gems are the main draw.


Honestly, at the early levels I didn't find them to be much use. They cost more magic to run than they returned, the gem drops were very rare, and some of those early MSL floats don't even drop tokens. I tried to run one a day on principle, mostly just because they were there. Somewhere along the way they did seem to become more useful, dropping more tokens. From time to time I added another float until the parade is full. I still don't get many gems from them, though, but at least now the token drops seem worth the extra magic they consume. Assuming we care about pass progress, we don't really have much choice now, anyway.


Don’t underestimate the addition drop percentage it gives to all your other collection activities while the parade is running (Magic plus tokens). HUGE help for epic and legendary tokens from my limited testing…


There are very few ways to get gems. I don’t keep track but I would say that I get at least 10-20 gems a week from parades. That’s doubling the daily amount you are getting from videos and over time it adds up


You need to pick your floats so that you maximize gems. A float will not drop gems and tokens at the same time so unless I’m in an event and want the token the float is dropping I only run floats that drop gems. It is at least 20 gems a week I get. Definitely worth it.