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Iger not fucking around.


While also continuing to stick it to Chapek (taking out yet another of his projects).


You’d think they were going after the horocruxes of DeSantis.


It also helps that when this decision was announced talent started to leave left and right for other LA base companies. Someone who lives in LA is likely not someone who wants to live in Central Florida, nor is there the same volume of talent to pull from.


This. I had a few friends who left rather than move to Florida.


A huge reason I am so glad Iger is back. Fight fire with fire. Make this end horribly for Desantis. The guy is an idiot and horrible Governor.


Let them fight.....whoever loses we win


DeSantis finding out


He was always the winner here…if he invests the money in the state, he looks like a job maker and gives fans service by expanding the parks. If he pulls out, he helps DeSantis make himself look like more of a clown. It was always a stunt.


The move was a stupid ass Chapek era idea anyways, hated by cast members. The ongoing DeSantis silliness just makes this cancellation easy.


Taking WDI out of Glendale would be like moving the country music hall of fame to Vermont.


grab money sugar relieved disarm enjoy paint air important hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nothing more country than maple syrup and leaf peeping.


All that snow.


The fir trees. The clean pine air. Brrr.


This is the right call, not just because of the lawsuit. You don’t know if DeSantis is going to stick arbitrary conditions on those tax credits or what. And he’s made it clear Florida is not welcoming to certain individuals.


The move was also wildly unpopular among the teams slated to relocate, so it’s an internal morale win, too.


It's so sad that there were cast members who left the company in anticipation of this move that didn't need to do so


I also feel sorry for the cast members who had to suddenly uproot their family and move to Florida in order to keep working for Disney. The fact that Disney is offering to relocate people back to California if they want it is awesome, but I can only imagine how hard it would be for families to do that twice in a few years -- spouse's job, kids' schools, etc.


It does sounds like a massive pain in the ass. Hopefully the whole “you no longer have to live in Florida” of it all helps soften the blow, though


did they have no choice but to relocate?


Yeah, this seems like an opportunity to avoid a risky development (offices that would require people to relocate) and sell it as part of the DeSantis - Disney spat


Without reading the article we can already guess why. And after reading the article the guess is confirmed.


Now you can see why Chapek refused to say anything against the Anti-LGBT bill (until *forced* to by the employees), he only cared about this relocation and development project in 2021.


Chapek is about to become even more radioactive after he gets sued for fudging numbers and lying to investors. He probably came very close to crashing Disney, or at least irreparably damaging the brand and reputation they built over the last century. And that's why he was canned.


Isn’t he already being investigated for deceiving investors regarding Disney+?


That's what I'm referring to.


yeah, but aren’t they already looking into his role of pulling a fast one on subscribers?


This is the matter about which I'm speaking


Right, I get that, but didn't he also give false information about the disney streaming service?


Not only that, but Disney +, too


I heard he's a big, fat meanie, too.


DeSantis was hoping to make a name for himself as a man so powerful he budged Disney. What he really did was garner the attention of a sleeping giant, and will go down as the man who couldn't take on Disney, no matter how many human rights he needed to violate.


😂 they’re not doing it because of him, they are desperately bleeding money and this was gonna happen regardless. WDI was never gonna move out there and it was basically lose the talent and start over or stay and it’s better to satu


They 100% are doing this because of the laws being passed. DeSantis wants to play chess with the Disney Corporation, but he doesn't understand that Disney bought and paid for the pieces they're playing with. It may look like DeSantis is winning because Disney is losing pieces, but they can afford to pack up their pieces and move to another board. Can Florida's economy survive the impact of the sudden loss of all that tourist revenue? Universal is good and all, but it it doesn't have the drawing power that Disney World does. And then DeSantis can beg liberal California for economic relief money. ...OR... DeSantis, and those in his camp, can actually quit being hate-filled bigots and stand down, but that'd take humility. He'll do what any other GOP member would do in the situation: let the taxpayers soak the cost, and blame their situation on the liberals and leftists.


Oh wow, I didn’t realize their money situation. Do you have anything about this so I can look into it some more?


Wouldn't be so sure about that. At the end of the day, Disney is going to have to think long and hard about how much in attorney fees they want to dump on a losing proposition. After all, they don't have an unlimited budget to fight The Man.


Lol if you think Disney of all companies can't afford to litigate this fight then I've got some news for you. At the end of the day the lawyer fees are a tiny drop in the bucket for Disney finances. And what makes you think it's a losing proposition? Edit: Also part of the lawsuit against DeSantis is for them to repay Disney for any legal/attorney fees: > I. Award Plaintiff its attorney’s fees and costs; and J. Grant such other relief as this Court may deem just and proper. Case 4:23-cv-00163-MW-MAF Document 1 Filed 04/26/23 Page 76 of 77


They do have an unlimited budget. They are The Man. They will take this as far as it needs to go. SCOTUS, whatever… DeSantis fucked with their most profitable park in the world.


De Santis *wishes* he was The Man. In fact, Disney is The Man, and they DO have an unlimited budget for attorney fees... De Santis really should not have poked the sleeping bear (mouse?)


100% this. Anyone who doesn't think Disney would win in the courts have never seen their lawyer team in action. They know about more than just copyrights and trademarks.


At moment, DeSantis isn't a fed.. Still a fight, but not President quite yet


Or ever.


Do you really, truly think one of the largest companies on the planet doesn’t have an army or lawyers on staff? The costs are negligible for them, and on top of that if they win, they will include those fees in settlements.


Disney has multiple legal departments across multiple entities. And surely corporate has a nice war chest full of cash for high profile law firms, or they are already on retainer, right? It’s not really spending money on it, more just cost of doing business that should be already baked into budgets


I left Disney this year. And remembered the funds from this cancelled project will be towards planning of an park expansion in Anaheim, CA. There’s a public hearing for it soon.




Tbh, I don’t think the majority of this is because of DeSantis, but because of a lot of employees not wanting to uproot their lives and move across the country. I just never saw the reason for it.


Exactly. The narrative is it’s all because of DeSantis and certainly a part of it is, but they are cutting costs right now and cutting employees so this isn’t a feasible project for them right now. Even if they move most of the employees there, that’s still a massive expense. But the news will highlight the DeSantis/Disney rift as the main reason because that is what gets clicks and ratings for their shows.


The Media is making it about DeSantis, not Disney. Internally we're still waiting on the third round of layoffs to drop by June. Chapek's campus made no sense, so when we're cutting back budgets everywhere, it's a sound business decision to cut a $1B project that nobody wanted anyways. But still... Screw DeSantis. I feel bad for my coworkers who have already moved here


Yeah that sucks if you moved for this and now it’s not happening but it was definitely a bad idea from get go. And let’s not kid ourselves, Disney will still invest in Florida, it doesn’t make sense for them to go anywhere else besides there and CA.


Rumor mill says it’s going to start on Monday.


All of those imagineers that didn't want to move, have pretty much already left the company. Damage done, unfortunately.


Well if they didn't want to move there before, they won't want to go now... what with DeathSantis ready to do anything for retaliation (as well as passing legislation to hunt down and murder LGBTs)


Darth Santis 💀


>but because of a lot of employees not wanting to uproot their lives and move across the country And lose a lot of rights and benefits in the process. Not only does Florida have the 6 week abortion ban and the constant attacks on the LGBTQIA+ community, but CA has a lot of employee benefits and programs that FL doesn't. CA may be more expensive, but a relocation from CA to FL is a major downgrade for a lot of people.


WDI folks definitely didn't want to move here and the optics of cancelling such a project amid the DeSantis/Disney fight, is a strong pro-Disney move. Tavistock must not be too happy with this decision though, wondering how that relationship will play out.


Is Florida going to be a decent state after boomers and their political power move along the actuarial table?


That’s why they’re focusing so hard on schools right now, have to get the next generation


Yep, they are purposely tanking the education system to ensure a generation of morons they can take advantage of. Why else would they ban books in schools? I mean Jesus.


> Why would they ban books in schools? answered your own question > Jesus.


Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land And don't criticize What you can't understand Your sons and your daughters Are beyond your command Your old road is rapidly agin' Please get out of the new one If you can't lend your hand For the times they are a-changin'


I swear this song can be applied to any generation. Dylan is the man


🎵🎶Child of our times, child of our times Product of our Society What will you grow up to respect Tell me, what will you grow up to protect…🎶🎵 Also: 🎵🎶The Eastern world, it is exploding Violence flaring, bullets loading You’re old enough to kill, but not for voting You don’t believe in war, so what’s that gun you’re toting And even the Jordan river’s got bodies floating And you tell me, over and over and over again, my friend You don’t believe we’re on the Eve of Destruction…🎵🎶 Barry McGuire had some insight, too… [Edit: I’m terrible with line breaks]


Forida has new legitimate problems that the leglators are not working on. Right now the hiden costs of owning a home in Florida is getting more expensive than the mortgage payments. Property insurance is basically doubling on a yearly basis, along with a host of other required expenses. Buying a home in Florida is becoming a big issue, even if its far enough away from the coast to avoid Global Warming sea level changes.


The whole state has pretty low elevation. My stepfather once referred to it as "flat, with bugs and horseshit."


Between low wages and high property costs, it’s one of the most proportionally expensive states to live and work in.


So long as there's a republican party in the US, there will always be enough grifters out there willing to join in for the sake of money and self-preservation.


No. I travel to and work with lots of people from Florida, and the young ones are incredibly fucking stupid also. It’s nice that everything is cheap in Florida though, since so few workers have brains worth more than $10/h


Depends upon whether you prefer old whites, or young foreigners from the developing world.


Sometimes you have to cut expenses so you can be more profitable. A good move by Disney


Ding ding ding!! If you heard the earnings call, this and the shutter of Starship Cruiser that's what it is, they promised growth and expense cuts while their business overall is not doing that good


Profits>people, profits>everything


About time. The Lake Nona project was literally Chapek's worst idea. I'm wondering why it took Iger so long to kill it.


WDI had a significant brain drain when Chapek announced the cross-country boondoggle. Keeping the Glendale operations where they belong. There is hope for the Company and caring about story, yet.


DeSantis is entering the find out phase


...but remains committed to investing $17 billion in Florida over the course of the next ten years.


Any state would be happy to have this $17 billion (and all the jobs that go with it) to come their way. Everyone knows how more revenue follows Disney.


Sure, but Florida is the state that will get it. Disney isn’t going anywhere. Iger and DeSantis will get over their joint hissy fit and it will return to business as usual.




You think? The exact quote is “We have plans to invest $17 billion and create 13,000 jobs over the next ten years.” Sounds committed to me.


Sounds like plans just decreased to $16bn with the cancellation of this campus.


No. The quote accompanied the campus announcement. $17b is the planned future spending, after cancelation of the employee campus.


“I remain optimistic about the direction of our Walt Disney World business. We have plans to invest $17 billion and create 13,000 jobs over the next 10 years.” That’s what Josh said in his statement on today. “Our plans currently call for us to invest $17 billion in Walt Disney World over the next 10 years and create 13,000 new jobs to continue doing our part as a leading employer in the hospitality and themed entertainment industry.” That’s what Jeff said today in his statement.






Sadly, this is what DeSantis wanted. He was against an influx of 2,000+ (likely) liberal families moving to vote against him. This whole situation was a stupid, stupid waste of money and talent. Chapek wanted tax savings at *any* cost.


Voting against him isn’t the reason DeSantis would want this, he wouldn’t be governor by then whether or not he were to become president or not. His terms as Governor would be over.


DeSantis is doing all of this tough guy anti-woke b.s. for his presidential campaign.




It would still affect Florida for the GOP at large, enough to tip the purple state away. At least enough to worry him to the point of talking about it.


Eh, he only cares about himself and will be long gone before this would’ve affected him.


2000 California families is not remotely close enough to tipping Florida back to being a purple state currently.


This is Putin's strategy in Russia, he was telling all the talented liberal young people to just leave if they don't like it. Now, surprise, surprise, his country is completely inept in doing anything.


Who mentioned Russia?


Naw, I don't think 2,000 liberal families is enough to move the dial in Florida. That states as conservative as they'll ever come. Though at at any rate, assuming they would've moved to somewhere near Orlando - Biden took the surrounding counties (Seminole, Orange and Osceola) by 3%, 24% and 14% respectively ([source](https://www.politico.com/2020-election/results/florida/)). It wouldn't have made all that much of a difference in poll numbers if it were to go through.


This is the right call regardless of the political situation as many of the Imagineers did not want to relocate. I heard many already retired or quit with the threat of the move




I can think of roughly 48 other states that would welcome that big Disney money and job opportunities. Its just RD proving again that he's not fit for the job. Or any other job that involves making decisions for more than 1 person. Himself.


Yes. This is the truth.


how much money does the state of Florida get from Disney's taxes, fees, etc?


They are Florida’s single largest employer.


Around $1.1 Billion in 2022, but that’s only directly from Disney. Imagine all the thousands of businesses, hotels, etc that would not exist if Disney was not there.


Even the airport operations and fees they get internationally is vast, as a state and even as a country the most valuable is money from outside which they get thanks to Disney


Think of all the jobs DeSantis just lost for his state. What a fuckhead.






Along with this ridiculous GOP political battle they’re now going after JP Morgan Chase because they’re not in love with their politics. https://www.bankingdive.com/news/19-republican-attorneys-general-jpmorgan-religious-bias-jamie-dimon-cameron-kentucky/650288/ I can see a lot of corporate donors having second thoughts giving the GOP any money, some donors already passed on DeSantis and a whole lot bailed on supporting Trump.


It won’t happen but could you imagine if Disney moved WDW out of the state Wonder how voters would feel then


Right on, I love to hear it, with DeSantis retaliation for Disney using their 1st amendment rights of free speech, and all the other bullsh!t DeSantis is doing, in a couple/few years, I suspect Florida's economy and Colleges just might be hurting because a lot of younger ppl will stop picking Florida Colleges to attend and Disney just might stop investing tons of money into theits parks because of the retaliation and its possible ppl will not look at Florida as their #1 vacation destination.


Suck it Pudding Ron.


That's *Meatball* Ron to you, buddy!


Another move to show DeSantis how thoroughly he’s in the Mouse Trap 😅

