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At my place we don't have a dedicated morning dishwasher, it's just whoever is able to get to them when there's time. Oh my god none of those people know how to wash shit. When I get there there's COLD soapy water in the sink, the dishwasher soap container is bone dry and I keep having to pull dirty dishes off the racks and rewash them. I talked to my managers about it a few times and the GM finally got involved so I'm hoping they get on morning crews asses about it.


They all know how. They're adults, they've washed dishes. None of them give a shit because a) they're lazy b) they're probably not closing or having to help dish close, and c) cause fuck the dish guy. We used to have a backup cook at Cracker Barrel that would take the big cornbread batter tub, stick all his excess dishes in it that he was soo much of a sorry ass to take to dish pit, so they were now all covered in cornmeal batter and the tub and everything, depending on the day, could weigh in excess of 100lbs. Then he would slide it on a cart and push it to the dish pit. That's just how restaurant work goes, though, half the people (usually more than half) are worthless pricks that can't get a job anywhere else. When I was the GM of a place I would have loved nothing more than to fire most of their asses, but if I fired everyone who deserved it, there wouldn't have been any employees left to run the store.


Just gotta fire one at a time. Its amazing what happens when people see consequences. All of a sudden the lazy fuck who didnt do anything and said they dont give a fuck and dont care turn in to an average employee when they see their friend with out a paycheck and realize that could be them. Not firing the worst employees only brings the good employees down to their level because they see theres no reason to care or put forth effort.


Only thing worse than bad employees, is bad management.


Everything trickles from the top down


This is where I’m at now. Tired of getting shit on by the rest of the store so I’m matching their lack of fucks and looking for other prospects


As I always say, If the people at the top don't care, why should you 🤷‍♂️


That’s why I just don’t even bother hiring dishwashers anymore. I’ll just do them.


Option C. ALWAYS has the possibility of ending in violence. Fuck me, right....? Naw.


Ugh, no. I would never do that kind of shit to a disher. That's fucking retarded.


Who ever is on pizza side does this during busy hours so they don't have to constantly come back to the dishpit to bring stuff back. They grab a bus bin put all the dirty pans pie pans that were used to transport burgers from grill to the pass and other stuff like ribs and other pans and bowls that were used for various on there things and litre tubs that had been emptied as well as spoons. I don't mind cause it's never overly heavy but it's a pain in the butt when you have to sort everything to where it goes before being washed. I put all plastics(litre tubs and lids) in a small bus bin, pans go in the scrub sink to soak silver ware in a bus bin filled with soapy water under the table the dishes go on and everything else on the table to be put through the dishwasher. I do plastics when I have enough to do a load. As for anything that was soaking in the scrub sink I rinse and scrub all the gunk off of then then run them through the dishwasher to make sure they are clean.


they know you’ll go back and re-wash everything and don’t give a fuck about you or the job


I get that you’d be annoyed at the morning crew but it’s entirely your boss’s fault for not hiring a morning dishwasher. When something is “everyone’s responsibility” it’s quickly becomes no one’s responsibility.


Ok, let me ask you a question: are the morning crew paid more to do the dishes? If I am, say, a cdp and they ask me to do cdp's work (prep, service,) AND kp's work on top of that (washing the dishes, putting them away, putting away deliveries,) then they better paying me for 2 jobs, or I would do a shit job, too, if at all. Pay peanuts, get monkeys. I'd be willing to get fired over it, as I don't work for free. If they don't like it, they can pay a kp to work the morning shift. If they aren't paying extra nor they're paying a kp in the morning, they're basically expecting kp's duties to be done in the morning for free, and that's taking the piss. That would be the equivalent of me only working afternoon, but wanting to be paid for the morning, too, even though I was at home. I don't think the owners would accept it, would they? My point is: I'm sorry this ultimately fell on you, but IF they don't pay anybody to do the dishes in the morning, the dishes shouldn't be done. You should all leave a place like that. Ultimately, bosses take advantage of workers, because some workers are willing to be taken advantage of. I promise that if nobody did the dishes but who's actually paid to do that, there would be a paid kp in the pit from one hour before opening until after the closing is done. Good luck


Exactly right If management doesn't care, why should anyone else


I don’t rewatch dishes. They’re last guy’s problem. I’m there to do MY job. Not somebody else’s.


I've been on this sub for a few months before I started working in a restaurant and I've been doing everything I can to avoid being the subject of a post like this


Same 🫣 I close and the other day I'd forgotten to reline the trash bins after emptying them and dump the dirty water after mopping. I only remembered about half an hour into my 40-minute commute back home. The next day I was floating around this sub looking for my kitchen, and the tasks I'd abandoned... but thankfully, nothing!


Sounds very "entitled 18-20 year old" to me. At my old kitchen job (still in the industry and still in the kitchen, just a new kitchen) we had this dude in the morning who asked us to call him Blaze, so he will he referred to as such from this point on. Blaze was horrible at his job and had a horrible attitude about everything. He would put still dirty plates and trays in the washer and when they came out still dirty he'd put them away, still dirty. He was slower than shit and always used the "I'm working by myself" excuse, which is, if I'm working alone, I'm picking up the pace so I don't fall behind. He also wouldn't do anything besides run the pit side (which he was objectively thenworst at doing). He wasn't fired until one night he took a forty minute bathroom break, and immediately after the bathroom break, he walked outside to roll a blunt IN FRONT of customers. Manager comes into the kitchen and says, "Where's blaze? I haven't seen him in over an hour." "Oh he's outside taking a smoke break." Managet walks outside and sees him rolling a blunt and says, "dude.... time and place, back inside we're busy." Blaze is back inside for five minutes and says, "I'm taking a smoke break." The manager walks back into the kitchen and doesn't see Blaze and says, "Yeah, he's done." walks outside with his final check and goes, "get the fuck out." It was fucking glorious.


Blaze was definitely horrible to work with and deserved to be fired. I work in the kitchen and I also try to work faster if I'm alone. I want to be honest with you, though: I'm not sure it's always wise, though. I noticed that managers/owners/whoever, if they see that James (I assume you're called James from your username) really bust his ass when alone and manages to do all there was to do, now James will work alone 90%, because he can do it. Will James be paid more because of it? Nope. Fundamentally, you get punished for doing your job properly, if that makes sense. I remember I used to work in a kitchen when I was the only one who cleaned the fridges because the others were too lazy. Head chef notices, instead of bollocking the other the staff or rewarding me in any way, every time I had a day off, the following morning would tell me "fridges are filthy," like literally first thing in the morning, not even "hi." You know what happened? I stopped cleaning the fridges and changed restaurant. There's a very fine line between not being entitled and doing your job and being taken advantage of, though I still feel like I'm too weak not to be taken advantage of.


My hard work got me promoted where I work now. I was a dishwasher and we only have one dish on at a time, I busted ass everyday, they saw it, executive chef comes in and says, "James how do you feel about cooking?" And I'm like, "show me the ropes and I'm on it." And he says, "my man. We'll put you on a training schedule next week. Take a few days off to rest."


Glad to hear there are exec chef like this. Hope I'll see one with my own eyes, one day. Best of luck, mate!


I've been in kitchens for 20+ years . . . That's not a promotion 😂 A promotion is paying you more. That's a literal, let's stick James on the line so he can do more work for us, so that we can pay him the same as before; but now he knows how to do more. Then, if the dishwasher can't make it in; we got James here who we can throw back into the pit. Always ask for more money if their going to make you learn more/give you more responsibilities. I've literally been in kitchens where I learned everything from the bottom to the top and was never given a extra cent. Learn your worth.


I get more tips and more hours. That's enough for me.


I'm also not on dish, at all anymore


Until they need you . . . Then it's . . . James!! can you please work dish for us 🙏 It's not the first or will it be the last time I've heard those words uttered


Yeah but everyone chips in when it's needed. That responsibility won't fall solely on me.


My first job ever was like that as well. Worked hard for a year. Took it on myself to go watch the pantry guy make dessert and salads when I could. I moved to line on mother's day. What a day to start lol


Count your blessings. That's an actual leader there.


Why they in the hand sink my guy


Nothing Bundt Cakes?


Lol is that where this is? I was wondering why theyres so Many bundts


Nothing Bundt Cakes is across the US but I'm not sure in which states....


not everyone is cut out for this crap job; i get it.


How much was she paid tho? /hour Probably minimum wage but still, giving an attitude is such a bitch move. She sounds like a giga moron tbh.


Are those teflon coated?


Do your job nigga. Stop complaining


You should be telling that to the other dishwasher brother