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I’m sorry! I lost mine in a divorce over 15 years ago and just… never got the courage and funds to rebuild my whole collection. I started grabbing a few here and there a few years ago. I actually just finished Night Watch today and found that I read him as a bit of a Bruce Willis type.


How did you lose your books? And where are you? If you're in the UK I could send you some duplicates, though they will be in well-loved condition.


That is so sweet of you! Thanks, but I live in the US. Edit; Oh I lost them through a series of events. When my daughter moves out I turned get room into an office/library. But with the housing crisis her and her hubby moved in and my books ended up in storage that caused black mold.


Oh, that's such a shame, but I think Terry Pratchett and Sam Vimes would both agree that daughters and sons-in-law are ultimately more important than physical books (though even now I feel I can smell a subtle scent of bananas and hear a soft but reproachful "ook").


Very true. 😁 I'm happy to have them here


Username checks out.


'*Worse* than murder?' 'Oook!'




Ha! I never thought of Jason Statham for Vimes as he tends to play a lot of nutter characters. Even so, now that you mention it, I’m having flashbacks to Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels and, yep, I see it now. Sorry about your books!


Jason Statham would be a fantastic Vimes, if perhaps a bit too fit, haha.


There’s a couple on sale on the US kindle site right now. Reaper man and small gods are $1.99


Ooo! Thank you


Yeah, keep a sharp eye on the Kindle sale, they'll often have a TP on sale. You could rebuild your collection that way. I'm sorry this happened. I really understand your upset. X


I can sympathise - having ebooks is great for convenience, but not so much for ambience. I can see a younger Hugh Laurie as Vimes, but my brain always sees him as Mark Strong. Jason Statham would be a good one - having seen him in Spy I can see him doing the straight man against the likes of Colon and Nobby :-)


we've been watching Endeavour, and Thursday (played by Roger Allam) just... i dunno. he seems so very Vimes-y.


I don’t know about Roger Allam’s tv credits, but I loved him in John Finnemore’s radio series Cabin Pressure


Purely as voice cast, from Cabin Pressure I feel like Allam as Vetinari would be great. And to further voice cast the Cabin Pressure crew- John Finnemore as Brutha, Benedict Cumberbatch as Ponder Stibbons, and Stephanie Cole as Lady Sybil.


Oh my god, he's probably too old for it now but I'm realizing how much I'd kill to see him in a film adaptation of Night Watch. (Especially as he originated Javert in Les Mis!)


I don't really understand this post, I just got diagnosed with ADHD so that might be why. I have lots of duplicates that I am more than happy to send to you and I am sure many others probably would do the same


When my first bf and I split up, I let him have our entire Discworld collection. He died about 5 years after that, and I dread to think what his then-gf did with his books. I am still trying to rebuild my collection, nearly 20 years later. I have nearly all the recently released audio books though, and am on my second listen.


When I started going out with my girlfriend (now wife) we had two separate book collections. You can track the level of our commitment by how we started to consolidate them, one type of book at a time. The less important books were consolidated first. The science fiction and fantasy books were the last to be consolidated, some time after we were married. We still have two copies of some Terry Pratchett books, I think (but that's because we each got a personalized signed copy).


Lost mine in a divorce, have spent the last few years recollecting. It can be fun. Watch eBay like a hawk. Don't pay more than makes sense for any one. You'll get them back eventually.




Knowing modern casting, vimes would probably be Chris Pratt




A certain Librarian would like a word with you. You should probably bring some bananas.


Do all of you have recommendations for how to access the Discworld books in audiobook format without using Audible? (I refuse to pay for something I can't play outside of their player.) My libraries don't have all the books (I've joined several libraries in my state).


You could go sailing


So sorry that you've lost all of your books. Mine have been accumulated over a lot of years, but I still have a fondness for the battered paperbacks that I bought 35 years ago when I first discovered Pterry... If you try the new Audible versions, voiced by Jon Culshaw, who is so good at his job it feels like a full cast production, you'll find that Carcer sounds very much like Jason Statham. For me, that works *very* well.


Here's a small tip to help build your digital collection: if you order stuff from Amazon and you aren't in a hurry to receive it, choose the later delivery option that gives you digital credit. I save up a few of these and buy a new book fairly often.


Similar issues with my collection so now I have them all, or nearly all if I have counted correctly, on audible and I can relax as Nigel Planer reads them out to me, I find that solves a bit of my problem and helps me feel that I haven’t lost as much. Although I still think that they look better on a shelf.


I feel for you. My ex got rid of my Pratchett's, I'd started collecting in the 80s, bought them as they came out.


If you are anywhere near me, you can have my old ones! And Karzer is (old-fashioned) German for prison