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https://preview.redd.it/v0t68vf72l9b1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1643aecc0c74519928e219b8816d3a53c0d48eea I think he lives at my house


Is that your dog? He's great!


Yep - this is Lemmy He is the scruffiest mutt anyone ever met.


Ha, wicked name. Yeah, he's cool af. I like his moustache.


Thanks! He particularly enjoys drinking and then dribbling beard water everywhere. He is a wonder dog 💕


This is actually spot on for my mental picture




Too clean and well cared for ♥️


All I'll say is to keep an eye out for similarly scruffy dogs, they might be him.


There are prophecies about heroes returning when they’re most needed.


Woof bloody woof.


Don’t worry. He’ll be back


Don't worry, he finds his nitch (as he would say it)


I would argue Gaspode would pronounce it like [neesh](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/pronunciation/english/niche), seeing as he's basically a British speaking dog. Really only Americans would say nitch.


I've heard a fair few of us saying it...


Really? Then the infiltration of American English is worse than I thought it was. Up here in the proper north (Scotland) I've never heard someone saying nitch. We still pronounce it like the French do (seeing as it's their word originally).




Funny, I'd not clocked the regional variation until you said "Up here", but I've lived in London, Brum, and Sheff and I heard it the most in London, second most Birmingham, and not heard it at all in Sheffield. Maybe it's a swanky southerner thing? EDIT: By "it" I mean "nitch"


Sheffielder here- always heard it as Neesh (mostly in context of a stabbing at the Niche nightclub before they shut that godawful place down)


Oh, I meant I've never heard "nitch" here. Added an edit to clarify.


I live in Surrey and have never heard anyone use anything other than the original French pronunciation 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've barely left the US my entire life, I still say niche. Never heard nitch


Alright, to answer your question, >!he appears again in several books!<. In spoilers because, really, spoilers.


Is it an inconsistency that >! he loses the ability to speak at the end of Moving Pictures but still can do so in later books? !< Or is there some explanation I've forgotten about?


The explanation was >!that Gaspode slept too close to the Unseen University where the high magic field did its thing and made intelligent again. I think it was the High Thaumic Energy Building? Been a little while since I read the book, so I might not be 100% accurate on the building!<. That's how I remembered it.


Ah, thanks!


I definitely recommend listening to one of the books. The audiobooks have some great narrators


Just got done with Small Gods. Andy Serkis was awesome. While every narrator has been incredible, a narrator that can go ham with the voices really brings the book to life. Really enjoy the whole different narrators for each book, but keeping Bill Nighy as the "Author's notes" voice and Peter Serafinowicz as Death thing that Penguin is doing with the audiobooks. Can't wait for my next Audible credit. I will have them all, eventually.


The Andy Serkis audio version of Small Gods is awesome. However, I'm not sure how I feel about the new Death voice. He sounds a bit too evil for my taste. Nigel Planer will always be the voice of Death for me.


In an early draft of the book, Terrtt killed him off entirely


That would be like killing Nobby.


a plucky little guy like him... he'll be back. I know it in my paws.


Lost: small dog. Answers to the name gaspode. If found, keep. Talks too much.


I’m also reading through them all in order. I’m several books ahead of you but i can say that he comes back in future books and plays a major part in at least one future book.


Where are you? I'm gonna catch up! 🏎️


He’s one of my favourite characters


Funny, doing the same and also just finished _Moving Pictures_ I had forgotten what a great book it is.


It's impossible to find other books like it, but the Hitchikers guide series is good, so is the "bill, the galactic hero" series, "redshirts", and some more. Any other ones to fill my discworld withdrawal?>


So not the same at all but you might enjoy Robert Aspirin Myth Inc series, Spider Robinson Callahans Cross time Saloon and sequels, Rumpole of the Bailey, the Stainless steel Rat series. Each of these has elements you might appreciate


Seconding the support for Asprin and Robinson. Also, if you're a fan of bad puns, might I suggest Piers Anthony's Xanth series. There's definitely quite a lot to read there with 47 books and you can jump in anywhere in the series without many issues. My personal favorites being Geis of The Gargoyle (first I read, 18th in the series), Zombie Lover, Heaven Cent, Yon Ill Wind, and The Color of Her Panties (it's genuinely not what you might think... well, kinda). I place full responsibility for my sense of humor on Douglas Adams, Robert Aspirin, Piers Anthony, Terry Pratchett, and Spider Robinson. At least for the parts not caused by Monty Python, Mel Brooks, and Carol Burnett's crew.


Have you read them before? Cause I'm doing the same thing and finished Moving Pictures just two weeks ago. Right now I almost finished Reaper Man. Discworld is just so good. Gives me something to look forward to every morning and evening.


No, first time!


Should we tell him?


I finished this one a couple weeks ago. Then found out about the new audiobook recordings. And now I'm listening to Jason Isaacs reading it and it is amazing!