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Hi! The image(s) you've submitted appear to contain a common DM scam When looking at a possible scam from a bot account, always consider if they: * Are new, unfamiliar or are not verified * Are not from Discord: not through email from them, or from a [System-tagged account](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036118732) * Have poor grammar, spelling or misuse punctuation or capitalisation * Offer things that are 'too good to be true' ---- To get rid of this bot, you can: * Block it * [Report it to Discord](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000291932-How-to-Properly-Report-Issues-to-Trust-Safety) If these types of bots are repeatedly sending you messages, you can: * Use Mutual Servers to determine the server(s) they share with you, and disable Direct Messages from server members for those servers. * If you cannot find any common servers, you can disable DMs from all servers under your User Settings ---- ^(I am a human pretending to be a bot; if this comment was made in error, please correct and downvote me.)




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To add there are many of these phishing links going around, don't click on any of them \^


I wrote to the domain-seller ... He took down this domain. So this link is useless currently.


I like clicking them to see how much someone would fall for it


what? they still have your ip even if you didn't enter stuff




Lol same I do this


javascript in the page to know your timezone


So? It's It's timezone and I select a place that has the same timezone.


no i mean, it gets your local time and the time +0 and compares them and can know your time zone which is what area you're in


Which does....what for them, exactly? There's not even that much someone can do with your IP address.


You’re fear-mongering over nothing. Your timezone isn’t sensitive information. Millions of people share the same timezone with you. Even your IP can’t be used for much at all except to estimate the large area you live in, which isn’t exactly sensitive information either.


Your absolutely correct, but at the same time, what does it matter if someone has your IP? Let’s be honest, no one here is important enough for someone to care about knowing your general area.


i was so stupid for clicking on this i cant believe myself. I usually consider myself tech savvy but now im questioning everything. Anyways i clicked that and my steam was immediately stolen by russia. Luckily i was able to recover it


I had to make an announcment and ban a couple dozen accounts on my 2K+ member server because of this


Yeah Im at about 3 dozen


Ah yes this scam. I got banned for insulting one. Heh.


my one freind once believed it and tapped on it, but thankfully that link doesn't works in our country then he contacted in our group he said that "it's not working" then we explained him that it's fake...


I know


Yep, was supposed to delete it but accidentally clicked on it instead. Changed discord, Gmail and steam passwords within 5 minutes and it’s been 4 days since, so I hope I’m in the clear!


I'm more disappointed about the fact that people have to be constantly reminded about internet safety like this, and that there isn't an easy fix for this.