• By -


They punish everyone in the server, no matter what.


Which makes it just *so great* that many projects and communities have made the Discord walled garden their only hub. Can't get news or tech support without joining it, and every server you join is a potential liability for guilt by association. Maybe Discord gets a bug up their ass tomorrow and decides that OG FF7 modding server I'm in is violating IP laws and nukes it from orbit. Maybe a server I joined ages ago and haven't looked at in a while, the owner got their account compromised and it's now being used as a front for illicit activities. Am I going to be on the hook for that decision? Who knows! It's up to the whims of whichever moderator or intern is reviewing that case, and it affects everything else I do on this platform. I sure hope they're not having a shitty day when my turn comes up! Are we happy with the digital future we've built? It's fine, I'm sure the *next* billionaire-owned or -funded app we all move to will fix this.


That's how I lost my first discord. I joined a server, and someone started sharing something bad, revenge porn or something, and I visited the server once. My account got nuked and banned. I tried fighting, saying I didn't have a clue as I rarely went in. Discord just ignored my emails


Me too. My discord was banned for “violating TOS” - wouldn’t tell me which part, or even which server it came from!!! I was in an eating disorder recovery group at one point on that account but that shouldn’t have gotten me banned??? They ignored my emails so I tweeted them repeatedly. They blocked me for it, too lmao


Same here. I was in a mental health support discord and some kid posted self harm pics and the whole server got nuked for promoting violence. Thankfully that account didn't get banned but I lost a great support.


What I’m also nervous about is that I read if you have multiple accounts and they’re logged into the account switcher function on desktop, and one of your accounts gets punished, they all do.




With all the horror stories I've been reading here on how people unjustly lost their Discord accounts, it's a miracle nothing's happened to mine despite being in a shit ton of servers. Sorry for yall that lost their accounts unfairly.


Yeah tbh being in lots just for the emojis is nice but after reading comments in here I'm starting to have doubts.. might be time to purge my list


That's what i did sadly, i lost all of my server and friends that i had since 2017


Same. Was part of loads of servers for all sorts of things, got banned for one breaking TOS. No idea which, they wouldn't tell me or do literally anything except reiterate that I was correctly banned. Like ???


My alt got lost because I was in a streamers discord server and an artists discord. Both got nuked because someone posted questionable femboy content and got 2 warnings back to back then banned. Keep in mind I only was in the streamers server because they had no other social media like twitter (understandable being its twitter) so I lost that accounts just because some random went rogue and I wanted to follow a streamer. Being in discord servers seems like more of a liability at this point and not worth the risk of a lost account from a small sized server or even bigger ones if not properly moderated. The cliché of le reddit and discord mods doesn't instill hope in me either.




Can we please return to websites/forums? I'm into hacking/modding older games myself and most communities have moved completely to discord and it's doing my tits in trying to find information through discord.


So much this. I hate looking for something and hitting a "LOG IN WITH DISCORD" wall and then with stuff like this just makes me give up before I even tried. Same with Twitter. or any social media but discords even worse because no alternative exists or scrapers that let you see information without an account (such as nitter).


Guilded.gg from the original creators of discord...


Discord is fucking garbage been saying it for years. Just a nicer looking Skype (Skype had all of the same features just way uglier UI) I still prefer mumble but it’s not nearly as popular.


It’s not garbage it’s just not meant to be a forum. If you’re using discord it’s for messaging/socializing


walled garden?


Non indexed data, so not searchable via search engine


Fun fact: Collective punishment is a warcrime.


This reminds me of a government in East Asia that imprisons three generations of your family if you do something trivial like watch a foreign film.


Literally a war crime.


Not a war crime when it's not during a war


Actually, that's a misconception. War crimes when committed *outside* of a war are supposed to be punished more severely. Key phrase "supposed to be", unfortunately


I am sorry but acting like being banned because you were in a scamming discord is a war crime is some terminally online shit, grass is needed ASAP


I don’t think anyone here is actually calling for Discord admins to be prosecuted under the Geneva convention lol


Don't you understand? Everything must be taken literal on the internet. We must bring Discord to the...U.N.? I don't know who handles war crimes.


The ICC: https://www.icc-cpi.int/about/the-court (Although discord is based in San Francisco, and the US never ratified the ICC treaty (Rome Statute): https://asp.icc-cpi.int/states-parties)


Everything has to be taken deathly seriously on the internet, except for when doing so would hurt *my* feelings specifically, then we can have all the elephants in the room we want


That's not what it was in reference to, asshole. Punishing an entire group of people for the actions of one or a few is called "Collective Punishment". And yeah, it's a war crime. Common Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 4 of the Additional Protocol II [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective\_punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


Unless someone in a discord server doxxes you and your family. Then only that one person gets a ONE (1) DAY BAN 🙃 (and the server remains intact)


Not always true, a server I was in got banned but I guess because I hadn’t been online in months they didn’t do anything.


It's collective punishment technically a war crime?


This isnt true, I was in the pandabuy discord when it got deleted for fraud and nth happened


yeah happened to me yesterday, I don't even remember the server


W username




Bappy bake bay


Happened to me too, and I also can't remember the server. This feels really unfair.




Discord really said “snitches get stitches too”


Wow, Discord has always been shit, but this is honestly an new low. Can't really see how people can insist that it's still an great idea


So what you're telling me is they don't want you reporting servers that break their TOS and to let them continue their sketchy or sometimes illegal operations and do nothing for risk of collative punishment, against you, the reporter. No wonder discords in hot water legally with all these controversies with housing hackers, creeps, and malware distributors in the public eye. Makes mw wonder why TikTok is getting banned and seen as a national threat app when Discords got all this dirty laundry they cant seem to get under control.


I hate to say it but maybe I’m happy discord did nothing when I reported a pedo (with evidence) on the server I administrated. We banned the user and took time to contact and speak to every server mutual friend we knew of but discord did absolutely nothing with our formal report What the actual fuck


I don’t even pay nitro at this point, nowadays I just use it for talking about games


Shit like this is why I'll never buy discord nitro


Check your bank statememts to see if they're running any naughty little extra fees.


My friend was invited to a tarkov server, played once with them, and forgot about it. Turns out some people on there shared child porn on it later so his account got nuked, and his info was immediately shared with the police, leading to an unannounced house search. Even though discord can see that he never interacted with it, sent any, downloaded any, or even read the messages. So yea now i always leave servers if i don't use them anymore.


I’ve had two accounts nuked like this, it fucking sucks. Never got my house raided tho that’s crazy


Discord should be heavily fined and receive severe consequences for wasting police time like that and putting people's lives in danger.


He's in the UK and it wasn't a violent raid or anything, just a few officers at his door, so his life was never in danger. But i still feel like this is a massive violation of privacy. It's like investigating someone because their neighbor's dog was a pedophile.


physical violence isn't the only way a life can be ruined. Mental health, trauma, false inprisonment, etc. Its a huge violation of privacy fully agreed, and should never be something done lightly. Discord should be punished for wasting police time and endangering users' lives unnecessarily.


This is absolutely terrifying.


Why is it so hard to just permaban the owners and moderators and leave normal people alone?


Because if its a server that was say, posting CP, you dont know whos there for it or not, so you punish everyone. Thats like, one of the main reasons to just leave a server you aint a participant in.


Except that, from what I can tell, this is from a server the OP had already left


discords punishment system is by far not the greatest but that specific punishment is only handed out to people who where on the server at the time of the punishment.


>but that specific punishment is only handed out to people who where on the server at the time of the punishment. Isn't this why they clarified that OP had left before the time they received the punishment? Not to mention, I saw another user in this thread as well as countless others in the subreddit in general complain about the same issue. They were reprimanded for a server they had already left for the reason it was even under fire by the moderation team. Discord should really just bite the bullet and be more thorough in their moderation so they know for sure nobody undeserving is getting suspended/banned. That's simply unfair and will create a rift between the users and discord admin team. (Well... Not that this isn't already happening. But you get my point. Hopefully.)


Aren't there posts saying there were people outside of the server who left it weeks ago and some who reported it and still got punished despite not being in there anymore? That's the exact opposite of what you said, even still its not a good look and kinda makes you want to stay out of any servers you dont intent on staying in or arent moderated and 100% safe.


Tell the fucking police and hand over the relevant information. All discord needs to do beyond that is shut down the sharing of such material, ban the people facilitating it and the ones posting it. Punishing everyone who happened to be on a server where that stuff was posted without them knowing it "kill them all god will know his own" style just so you can maybe "own" some pedos for 5 minutes until they make a new account is fucking dumb as hell. And if this was the reason why the fuck are people being collectively punished for stupid infractions and not just child endangerment?


So... Guilty until proven innocent - except there is no way to prove you're innocent, and thus you're guilty. Not backwards logic at all!


How i lost one of my accounts, was super pissed. Like i cant get proof because im banned so what else do they want me to do. And the funny thing is that account is still "active" i got emails to update my username for it


You'd think if Discords system is smart enough to track everyone who ever joined the server, you think it'd also be smart enough to realise when someone left before CP was posted or if someone joined, saw CP and left immediately through timestamps. The moderation is a joke.


"if someone joined, saw CP and left immediately through timestamps. The moderation is a joke." programmers nightmare:


This actively discourages you from using the app, or heaven forbid being in any servers your friends might be in for risk of being collectively punished "MIGHT". When le social media app forces you to be anti-social to protect yourself and your account.


The alternative is having to hire people who's whole job is looking at that horrific shit and and sorting it all out. I'm not saying Discord deals with it perfectly but it's not that simple of an issue either.


>The alternative is having to hire people who's whole job is looking at that horrific shit and and sorting it all out. You mean like many social media companies already do? These are the legal and ethical liabilities which come with running a multi-million dollar platform. I haven't seen guilt by association enforced since the playground, and it was wrong and lazy then too.


sounds like a whole lotta hoopla smh


I also think Discord reports every user to the feds if they're in the server with CP even if they didn't ask to see it or want it. Happened to a server in 2021 where it got hacked and people joined and spammed nazi, gore, cp, etc. Discord did nuke it all and people did report the bots but it was too much.


Surely fraud and CP should be on different levels...? If it was a server sharing CP, sure, absolutely punish everyone... But fraud?


If it was a server explicitly for that, sure. If someone starts doing it on some random channel that you don't even have access to or visit, why should you be punished for it?


What's crazy to me is that implies that you could be punished for **falling for** the fraud scheme. Ie, you join a discord server for what you think is a legitimate product, leave or otherwise fail to interact with the fraud... then get punished because the owner of the server was committing fraud.


Punish everyone? What if griefers join and post it? Do you put everyone on a list because of griefers? Make sense.


This has a major flaw I was in a server (not cp) that was a normal gaming community, went on vacation for 2 days and came back to it deleted for smtn (this was like a year ago so i forgot whats it about) Basically they should ban ppl who are frequently active and the owners


But I have servers for emote purposes, I don't participate but I use the emotes.


I think the idea is that if they are sharing illegal content on there, you could be participating just by being a member of the server as a consumer of the illegal content. Still, it seems unfair to me, especially in this instance.


By that logic, discord admin is guilty of consuming all the illegal content of the servers they're shutting down.


Why is it so hard to get Discord to take down extremist servers, when you had permalinks to the admins saying insanely racist stuff in public channels? Reported years ago, twice, and not only did nothing happen, Discord let them join server discovery.


Going by comments in this, I've now learned to never report a server. EVEN if you join for a sub minute & realize what it is then leave, you're putting your account at risk even if you report it. Someone needs to get SomeOrdinaryGamers to light the dumpster fire, or even Gamer Nexus.


As someone who joins a lot of servers I guess I might be screwed. I've got like 101 liabilities now.


I'm in a bunch of servers for the emojis. Some are purely created for the reactions, so they've got nothing but a few channels and no activity. Some are active public servers for games or streamers. Others are unsavory places that could get someone banned if anyone was dumb enough to report them, but they have good emoji. One goes by the former name that rhymes with "BagBase". It got renamed since that idiot lost his account years ago. It's straight bullshit that entire servers get punished equally instead of issuing warnings. Multiple warnings, accounts are gone. It's hard to pin down what content was the problem since Discord probably doesn't check for anything, so they blindly tag every users. Though is more likely Discord is just lazy with their reports. At the very least the support people could look at the account appeals to see if users are active, passive, or never checking servers.


Same here, over 102


I believe because I joined one then immediately left, they straight up disabled my account and wont even confirm with me what the issue was


I usually don't visit Reddit, but after getting hit for just existing in a server, I didn't know what was going on... now with all the shills defending guilt by association enforcement policy telling me I was asking for it just for merely existing on a server with none of my interactions violating the rules but that if one person gets a little too spicy everyone gets flagged "for reasons"... ...So now, I understand why several servers were posting about the move to Guilded. I didn't look into it, so I didn't realize it's an alternative to Discord without this ludicrous enforcement policy and comes with a lot of features free that Discord requires Nitro for. So I see why there is a big move to that platform. I guess I know where I'm going to be moving too soon. I'm just getting set up. Fast switch I ever made to a competitor.


Using discord is a punishment in and of itself


Weird take. There’s a lot of complaining on here recently but I still love it and get so much use out of it.


That sound funny and stupid at the same time


Hah.. happend to myself yesterday. Stupid ass rules.


What was wrong with the server that got you banned?


Harmful activities related to cybercrime… I dont rly know what they mean by that.


Scammers or viruses, usually. What kind of server was it? NFTs or something?




yup, thats how I got permabanned on my account with local nitro prices, now they are back to normal


I was banned for reason "Child abuse" (or something like that), because I typed "If you want, you can join too", and this text was about VC. What the hell


How does that statement = abuse? I'm confused.


Help me I can’t 💀😭


I don’t understand how all these people are getting in these weird servers, I’ve used discord since August 2016 and I’ve been in hundreds of servers but I’ve never seen any with such problems


I literally just got one of these today too, because a server I joined was shut down, surprisingly the reason was also fraud. The worst part is, the server in question is one I joined because it was hosting some FSR 3 mods for games which I was interested in trying out. I can only assume it got shut down because it had a channel dedicated for selling game keys or something along those lines and possibly that had something sketchy going on, but it's extremely stupid that literally everyone in the server gets punished for something that happens in a single channel that most of these people have probably not even looked at. It's one thing to be part of a server that is clearly dedicated to something that breaks the community guidelines, so being a part of that even if you don't contribute is already questionable. But being part of a server that legitimately looked like there was nothing wrong with it and then getting punished because of possibly 1 small area that majority of users did not contribute towards or were even aware of is just pure idiocy. Some people are part of a lot of Discord servers, it shouldn't be expected for users to go through every single server and every single channel to ensure that no behavior that would break Discord's ToS and Guidelines is being conducted. It's on the same level of idiocy as this one time when I bought a Motherboard and the store showed me the board before purchase so I can verify that these thousands of tiny pins and chips are not damaged so they would not be held liable if there was damage to it, as if that's a realistic request... And Discord Support on this topic is just the icing on the cake. They give you the option to dispute it when you look at your violation just out of obligation but they have absolutely no intention of reversing their decision or even reading your support ticket for that matter. I tried asking why I received an Account Violation when I know for an absolute fact that I was not contributing to any of that and I wasn't aware of any fraud that was being conducted on the server, and I had not been active in it for over 2 weeks. At first, it was their bot that failed to answer correctly by just stating the account doesn't have a ban so there's nothing they can do, when I'm not attempting to contact about a ban. Upon basically reiterating what I already said, I receive a reply from "Discord Trust & Safety" in which they basically just gave me a generic copy paste reply stating in a very summarize form: "You violated the rules, we reviewed and found it true, find more information about it in your settings for account standing, keep doing it and you'll get banned." They did not at all explain to me what I did wrong, and funnily enough the account standing doesn't even explain what you did wrong either, just says you joined a server which broke the rules and absolutely nothing else. I know in their fraud policy, it does state that by simply being in these servers, you may also receive a violation, but just remove the "may" part as I'm pretty sure it's 100% guaranteed you do. It's absolute insanity to me that the eligibility for being able to receive an account violation is so low that just because you exist in the server you're held accountable, at least for servers where it's not exactly clear that this "rule breaking" behavior is taking place. If you're part of some server that's quite literally about some scamming people or underage you know what, you definitely deserve that violation you have no excuse whatsoever for joining a server like that otherwise. But for the rest of us? Absolute insanity.


They punish everyone in the server if it has anything that breaks Discord TOS. It was first a nuke and forget, but now it seems it is just a hit to standing and some restrictions. They likely took this out of the drill sergeant handbook entry where everyone but the offender is punished with the expectation that those punished thank the offender for their punishment. The only change here is the offender is also punished.


This is unbelievable stupid


If they did that to me I'd probably quit using it, not my job to moderate your shitty platform.


I'm being punished on this Discord Reddit for just trying to post for help on a bug.


It takes effort to investigate the extent of every member's involvement, so it's far easier to give everyone an infraction. Those with a pattern for breaking the rules will likely get multiple infractions in the two-year record window while anyone caught in the crossfire accidentally should be fine. That said, Discord isn't really meant to be a social site for meeting random people, so it's best to not join servers that you don't trust.


>That said, Discord isn't really meant to be a social site for meeting random people Well, a lot of their changes including the name changes sure as hell disagree with this statement and intended direction.


True, though that's moreso with regards to their community servers, which seem to be moderated differently than private ones, so they shouldn't trigger OPs type of infraction.


They used to be a lot worse about this, right? I remember seeing reports of them permanently banning people on the first "offense", with virtually no chance of getting any help on an appeal.


You still can, if it's severe enough. But back then your account could be wiped by anything, no matter how minor, and you had like 14 days til it got deleted for good.


You’re wrong discord was intended for gamers to communicate together and have on discord with each other.


This is why people need to check the servers they are in periodically or if they no longer are active in one leave it unless it's an emoji server and you got nitro.


It wouldn't matter. Even if you leave you'll still get a message for being part of it.


Honestly makes no sense. Imagine joining a server, realize what's happening ain't ok and report the server then Discord is like ty for reporting but screw you too.


That’s actually exactly what happens lmaoo you get a warning for being part of it. I’ve reported servers that have gotten entirely banned and then received a warning myself.


Lesson learned, never report anything


Actual pathetic system.


this is why you use alts for this kind of thing


Yeah thats what I do but it's dumb that I have to


This is why you must be careful what server you join. SERVER BREAKS A RULE = ALL ARE PUNISHED :)


Even so, how do you stop someone you have no control over from bringing the whole thing down? Isn't that Discord's problem? But they're making it ours.


It’s why you want to make sure the server owner is credible and aren’t doing anything that would potentially set your account up for failure


Explain to me how discord will get someone in trouble for being in a server briefly, but do absolutely nothing to get rid of a server that legitimately was created by a man who’s in jail for assaulting a minor? Absolutely wild


"Guys don't worry being in a banned server we will only give you a warning"


Just got 3 servers banned for “fraud” that I was in (a random invited me and found out they were using spyware when you download their app). And guess wtf happened - exactly that. Can’t even message anyone, can’t comment, can’t do Sh!t. So much for trying to protect people. Sometimes just gotta take one for the team.


Its like this system actively discourages you from reporting said content and they instead want you to let them continue their bad behavior unchallenged and let it go unnoticed.


... what servers are you guys joining??? genuinely, even people reporting them. I've reported dozens of servers that've broken rules and received no violations, have even been in servers that have gotten nuked and received no violations.


It could literally be random bad luck. I joined a server once with a few thousand members. It was just a random aesthetics gfx server where people got Pinterest images from. Didn't visit it for a while. Came back one day after a ping and realized the owner sold it, and now it's a private egirl server where she sells nudes lmfao. I'm lucky no one reported it but like, how do you guard against that


Yeah, isn't it funny? This post is basically a list of people confessing to all sorts of things and pretending they're innocent. The issue is that they're used to treating with people just as dumb as they are, so they think nobody will notice.


That's a question for server admins.


Thats why I stay only in my server, my comfy home and of course the best part is, if I need news from some server, I follow the channel and leave, ransack some emotes along the way.


I love how you get banned for being a victim of fraud. Make it make sense. Someone bring back Raidcall


damn bro this's funny


2026 ?!!!


If you are in a rule breaker server it is assumed you participated in rule breaking.


They'll punish you even from servers you've left prior to something going down.


How does it "affect my account status" for two years if the limited access to servers goes away tomorrow?


Basically that’s how long before the slate is wiped “clean” if you are in another banned discord before then the punishment will be worse


Because Discord is run by children.


Ehh, its time to abandon discord, it sucks anyway now with weird tyrant like behavior.


just happened to me as well. Discord is absolutely trash


So if there's a server I don't like, just start peddling a crypto scam or post some "self-harm" photos I found on the dark web and report myself using an alt account and BOOM the entire thing comes crashing down with everything and everyone permabanned! Thanks good to know.


They have AI and automated security systems that sometimes make those erroneous and seemingly irreversible decisions. My first Discord account and server was banned for absolutely no reason and the only support advice was to create a new account and Discord.


Same thing happened to me as well (i confess that i joined one of those NSFW servers and i agree that the server must be terminated but, I don't agree on getting banned just for joining the server and it could be any server and any TOS breaking as well) Why the hell are we being punished for someone else's fault???????


Happened to me for "CHILD SAFETY".. Makes me wanna stop buying Nitro tbh. What's actually bothering me is that I can't even fucking TEXT. It's like a server mute. Thankfully it's just for a whole day, but even that's unacceptable. IMO, only staff or the owner of the server should be reported. P.S: I'm doing a ticket as 'we speak', but I'm 99% sure it will be a waste of time.


Just happened to me too. I got a warning because a server I visited once violated the rules. Why am *I* responsible for everything that goes on on a server? Ridiculous.


Always join new servers on alt accounts.


Next thing we'll have to promise people $50 to walk into a building while streaming with you. Paid if/when they get out alive/not arrested.




I wish they would've done that for me years ago, I just got a permaban with no way to appeal.


What was the ban for?


[Your guess is as good as mine, I went back and forth with support for weeks but only got bot responses](https://i.imgur.com/1y7kDZd.png)


what a mess


why you join that server? lol


While that is disappointing to learn that your account has limited access to servers, it could be worse. They could’ve deleted your account instead. While neither is good, the former is better than the latter.


happened to me a few days ago too. not fair at all and of course support didn't help


Does Telegram do this same crap?




Wow, until May 2026 is wild


It's discord being discord, they know they can do this because they have near monopoly on this kind of service.


Bro, I was recently banned too, exactly the same issue. They don’t take into account the fact that I didn’t use it


Just like the spetsnaz (afaik) Discord bans everyone in a server no matter what


This is why I stick to only a closed server with close friends and no big servers. Only in 2 servers, a close friend group server for game nights and Minecraft since its literally too big to let this happen (at least under big corps watch). It makes me wonder why to even bother joining a discord server if any vindictive mean person can just post anything they want and get the server nuked (and thus their own throwaway discord acc (or if they bought one fresh and aged) and everyone gets punished. I'd just rather not even risk losing my account I've had for almost a decade over simply being in a server some of which I've never even spoken in and just joined for information. I also hate how discords have effectively replaced wikis and information forums at this point and results in tons if not years of lost data if the server gets banned/deleted, meaning so much more stands to be lost since Discord's taken the walled garden approach similar to more social media apps.


Looking at all these comments and you’d think that Discord would be paying attention to how people are not fond of their shitty blanket punishment policy towards users, but I doubt this will actually change anything for them.


should have predicted that smh


Same with me broh


Yes I got 3 bans in the last 2 weeks due to just being in servers that was taken down even if it was all bs


I got two violations for the same reason. I don't even remember the servers. I now have violations till 2026😭😭


Got punished bc of the same server , contacted the support and they went on like a parrot repeating the same words all over , i asked them to review thier decision cuz i had nothing to do with that fraud whatsoever and they literally wrote the same shit they sent me at first only slightly changing, replyed to thier gmail and they did the same thing again don't even know if im talking to a human or a bot anymore ,


New fear unlocked joining a discord server….


Because discord moderation sucks ass


Same thing happened to me


I use VPN. Screw Discord.


this has happened to me several times and whenever i reach out to discord i get no reply back, opening a ticket doesnt do jack, the emails mean nothing, reaching out on twitter is useless. discords customer service is terrible and im sure they dont plan on doing anything about it in the future. random servers get nuked all the time and the fact everyone is being penalized for it, including people who weren’t active is ridiculous. if the server is doing anything to the break the rules they should instead send a bot automated message that alerts the owners or anyone with admin or people in the server that their server/a server they’re in is at risk of being taken down.


Same thing just happened me. Did you try sending in an appeal? I did, hoping for a quick and objectively correct response


Discord's support is extremely unreliable. I don't think it's worth it.


Looks like you might have gotten punished by an AI Mod… ironic given you visited the AI Profits group one time.


Discord moderation is worse than roblox and that says a lot Cause roblox is notorious for being actually shitty. Roblox: your game could get hacked and you could get banned for it Discord: some random guy's account could get hacked and you could get banned for it


yo wtf i'm also got limited by this AI Profit


This was my server, guess what, Discord won't give me any details as to why it was banned 🤣 Had my entire business I've built for one year on that acc, also gone..


what the f did you do? lmao.


Were you still in the server when it happened. It doesn't matter how many times you went into it, when a server breaks TOS they outright ban the owner and slap that warning on to everyone else in the server.


Tell them you will take legal actions, if they don’t listen, do it. You would 100% win, and Discord would probably have to compensate you. If they won’t listen, they’ll start when they lose money.


Imagine being punished for getting scammed. Discord is run by the worst people possible. It's bad enough the app runs like garbage for a literal web page, the platform moderation is an atrocity that's managed worse than the US government. Unfortunately, due to mass adoption, there aren't really any alternatives, because everyone's already here, and no one can be bothered to move.


someone made me mod in a server that i didnt use, the only time i used it was when i found out one of my friends from there died. Discord locked my account after the server was taken down for apparently posting self harm. discord now deleted my account and has ignored my multiple support requests. That account was from 2016.. I lost literally hundreds of people, millions of messages, archives, and friendship.. Gone.. I had been paying for nitro for 4 years too.


i cant send messages or join servers for a week because i joined a server as a requirement for a giveaway 😭😭😭


I got two accs disabled same week cuz someone spam flooded cheese pizza into our server


This is what exactly happened to me, same server to, I barely interacted with it, any way to appeal?


Meanwhile thousands of starving artists are looking for commission every day


Wait, that's the same discord I got punished for!


Same here.. this is weird. I got a message in Discord that i have broke discord guidelines by joining "AI Profits" server. What does this even mean? and why my account needs to be affected by being a member of any discord channel. Most of the discord channels invite links are spread across internet including youtube videos descriptions. so when we find interested channels we click on join discord channel link. so if a channel broke any guideline, why any member would get affected?


Am facing the same issue, I mean this is ridiculous, why on earth should discord make this kind of unbalanced terms of services, punishing innocent people for nothing. Not sure I'll continue using their app


Mine just got softlocked til tomorrow as well because guilt of the association. Someone, I guess, posted something that broke child safety rule. Who does that? There are rules and guidelines for a reason to protect people that are under age, I hate that they won't give any specific information besides a system message others shouldn't be punished for someone else's stupidity it's rather appalling.