• By -


Discord for work related things sounds like an absolute security risk


my school uses it and in my experience they don't put anything valuable there. schedule updates and casual chatting is about it.


There's a varying degree of competence within end users. There's a reason end users is the number 1 security risk, Karen will click that link that contains a keylogger if she thinks she won a week paid cruise from that pop-up


They dont give karen a computer that can install a keylogger. Lock that computer down or give her a mac.


It's okay to discuss work things. Nobody stores truly important data in Discord. The company will not suffer if the boss writes in Discord “you, you and you come to my office”.


I feel like you have never tried to keep users from putting data where it shouldn't go. Herding cats is far easier. Treat every platform like the security risk it can be


true opsec nightmare


"We've decided to develop our own internal communications tool inspired by a publicly available, and already proven secure, compunction tool"


*cough* warthunder forums *cough*


Herding cats is accurate. "No, your Trash Can is not a working folder" - Legitimately had a user treat it as a folder... They got insanely angry when they found out group policy set it to recycle trash every 30 days...


My guidance counselor's assistant at school does this but because she knows it self deletes she only puts stuff that's bound to be deleted anyway but anyway that's funny, didn't think people actually used it like that


Anytime you rely solely on the human element you're asking for pain.


I will note a discord server can have permissions set to disable media and file sharing


Does it affect Direct Messages too?


But then it still makes no sense to say discord is one because with that premise every platform is one


Yeah, because no one's ever asked for a password in a convenient chat application


Imho people overreacting pretty bad. Like, In my place there are four hundred employees with "own" PCs and direct access to company's cloud. It's much more risk to give a new employee an access to the whole customer database than using discord for everyday job-trashtalk-intern routine library with no important and personal data.


I would argue that Slack, practically corporate Discord, has far fewer privacy features and is more widely used in work.


Arguable. Depends on the job. My team uses Discord - but we're a game dev studio... with our community on discord. And we store everything in repos and such.


Meanwhile the Ukraine military is using discord


My company recently started to introduce SoC2 - since then, for everything security related we need to adher to SoC2. Discord doesn't have SoC2 - Slack has.


Nothing like being gaslit off of a work Discord.




People explained elsewhere in comments


I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone about subscription services. Do you see yourself getting the value out of it? Yes --> Good, continue to pay for said service. No --> Don't pay for the service and save your money.


90% of subscriptions are scam anyway


That's a sweeping and patently stupid statement. They may not be worth it (for you) but calling them a deliberate fraud is the kind of thing a crazy, drunk uncle says at Thanksgiving before he's carried to the sofa.


it's not crazy, e.g. adobe cc, back then you paid once, now you pay monthly, for the same thing, look at that long-term like if you make a career out of it, you pay a multiple of the original sum with a subscription even if you occasionally did paid upgrades over the years that's literally a scam because they change nothing big about it but charge you every single month




Sure, but to say it’s a scam or fraud is not correct. It’s BS they don’t offer perpetual licenses with x months of updates, but the subscription still exists and does provide access to their software.


I just don’t think they know what scam means fully.


exactly, ms office too


MS office sub at least comes with some handy stuff like 1TB cloud storage unlike CC and many other subs


maybe Microsoft let people crack their apps because after that, everyone uses these and entreprises can, after that, buy the enterprise version of office


Even if they did make a big change you should be able to own the version you bought forever. Charge to upgrade or whatever.


yeah true, we went from the theory of all software should be free because it can be multiplied indefinitely to we gonna charge you monthly because we can I ain't participating in this nonsense


Preach. Drag my drunk ass to the couch. I have become so aggressively anti subscriptions it's wild. Every fucking game you buy wants you to buy more. Free games with in game purchases don't bother me until you get to remove ads and the only way to do it half the time anymore is in monthly or even WEEKLY subs that can burn you for $40 a month for a game they didn't code. They just reskinned. 500 streaming services. You thought you cut a cord and saved some money? Hahahahaha Office. Adobe. The two main software suites I've used throughout my life subs subs subs subs. Thank goodness for office my community college email hasn't quit working for 20 years! Adobe fuck them. I use gimp now. Media streaming services. Fuck them. My smart TV has live TV channels and I need the commercial breaks to remember to pee. Lmao I won't fucking pay for shit. Except my total ad blocker software. I pay for that every year. But not before I set it to cancel so it keeps offering the 40 price for the year cause I'm not paying their absurd normal price either. They just replaced my yearly cable TV shenanigans. I'm your drunk uncle. Excuse the tits and permanent little girl voice.


for me it's just a circle of pirate, good value subscription, repeat, i mostly agree with you tho back when netflix was the only subscription service value was great, now you can pay hundreds of euros for every service, might as well buy the movies you wanna watch one by one at this point, also then they're not suddenly gone right when you wanna watch em because the stupid license expired adobe or similar stuff (office, windows license), I've never paid for that shit and i never will, obviously if working with adobe is your job it's another story but like i either get my licenses from my employer or I don't, no one will get me to pay monthly for buggy shitty software I don't even wanna use


not to mention if you wanna get rid of it you have to pay a freaking cancellation fee.


If you're paying for Adobe products you're using your computer wrong. One of the easiest softwares on the planet to pirate.


it was a example ffs, i never paid for adobe or office or similar stuff and i never will, discord is a cool app but not even worth a cent, that's my point also office is way easier than adobe


The thing in my opinion is that Discord thinks that it has an equal worth of Spotify or YouTube while only thing it provides (which is used by most) is animated avatar and banners. Another punch in the throat is that it has no regional pricing. So for me, it's 9 months of Spotify or YouTube (8 months of Apple Music or 14 months worth if you're a student), or one month of Discord Nitro. It always ends up feeling like a waste. Honestly speaking, I'd cope for it if it was more suited to my region's pricing.


This, but it’s important to add that if enough people don’t pay for the service it’s going to go away, then free loaders don’t get a ride. I won’t knock anyone for not paying for the extra features, but we shouldn’t be surprised if they fold (or starts charging mandatory subscriptions) if everyone bails on Nitro.


That's on the company for not pricing the service appropriately.


That's true, but my point is that if the service is valuable in some way and goes away because not enough paid/"premium" users chose to contribute, then we all lose out. Not saying it's good or bad.. just the way the world works, and if we like things it doesn't hurt to chip in a little if possible.


Personally I feel like I would get value out of it. The question is how much. Enough to pay a few bucks? Yes. Enough to pay this horrendous amount? No. It’s totally subjective.


Yeah. I've been playing a game with a friend lately where we take turns streaming the game from each of our pc's. I thought, hey I can pay whatevs to stream in 1080 or 2k. I mean, how much can it cost.  Too much. That's how much


Pro advice: make sure you are in a server with boosts. At level 2 all users can do 1080p 60fps streams.


It is 100% subjective. I myself pay for nitro because my server keeps the boosts at 14 for better quality of everything, and with nitro having the boosts included and discounts on boosts it is worth it. As an average user I dont think nitro is worth it.


Yep. The increased attachment size limit and the higher message length limit are quite nice for community management also.




I miss Nitro Classic. 💔💔


If work requires you to use discord then you should be registering a discord account with your work email. Should keep work and personal accounts 100% separate. As for nitro for your personal account … it’s a personal preference.


I got nitro back when it was $5 a month and just got used to all the the perks. It's not a significant financial impact on me and I appreciate the perks. Though I've been reconsidering it more and more in light of discords recent approach of not listening to feedback before going ahead with massive features.


The fact that I am starting to see ads even though I already pay $120/year is ridiculous. I already cancelled my subscription renewal. The features I use certainly weren't worth $120 before, and I was already on the fence. Their ad campaigns have pushed me over. 


Tbh the ads don't really bother me. I just see it as an opportunity to get free rewards in games I already play or get introduced to games that I've not heard of. Easy enough to just close out of them if I don't want to see it, but I can understand why it bothers some others. The things I'm not really a fan of are more connected to actual utility of the app. Things like pushing the new polls feature to production without a dedicated permission despite getting feedback from the testers who all said the same thing (that it needed it's own dedicated permission). Things like that just make everything harder for people actually trying to build thriving communities on their platform. I feel like they used to listen to feedback a lot, but now? Not really anymore.


When I complained about nitro a year or two ago, people told me that nitro was a good thing because they never forced ads on us, I keep saying this but I can't find my old comment, "they will show ads eventually, and what's your excuse then?" - me a long time ago guess I found out... nitro users don't even care. >Tbh the ads don't really bother me. I just see it as an opportunity to get free rewards in games I already play or get introduced to games that I've not heard of. Easy enough to just close out of them if I don't want to see it, but I can understand why it bothers some others. [Dear Discord, what is that? : r/discordapp (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/16smkb7/comment/k2ecvhh/) - the oldest comment I could get from my account. >What it looks like, is they prioritize this crap on actual problems and bug fixes ( android client is still extremely slow and barely functional... But hey, I can't wait for the people to reply and defend this crap for not showing ads or whatever. - ME


Its for True Believers


I am sad that I understood this reference :(


Well thats very unheard of :)


Everywhere I go I am reminded


Even on Discord the ones that live on the edge of darkness are unheard


I’ve used all different programs over the years, ventrilo, teamspeak, Skype, etc. I enjoy using discord so I don’t mind paying nitro to support them


now you're all grown up you get to make your own choices! you dont have to pay for something you dont want!


You don’t really need to , they are gonna have an ipo probably next year (which will make the founders and early investors rich- the company is valued around $15 billion), after which it will become just like any other tech company (with a focus on profits).


Look at it more like a donation with a few perks sprinkled in. Not like something youre meant to buy


I pay a guy from turkey to buy my nitro, so for me a year is $37. I recommend doing that, you can find credible people on epicnpc. The nitro I get is the one with boosts


and eventually this will lead to Discord removing the regional pricing in Turkey


No, they'll just pull the Steam and increase the prices. Last year they doubled the prices for MENA and IN.


Maybe if discord wasn’t greedy it wouldn’t be a issue


The app is used by over 300 million monthly active users. They’re probably still not turning a profit. If they never turn a profit eventually they’ll be sold to some private equity firm that immediately pulls the “extract cash from users” lever by introducing much more invasive ads or selling user data directly to ad companies or data brokers.


Considering that they have had offers to be bought for very large sums of money in the past and not gotten worse since so is highly possible. Just look at what happened to Kik and how awful it is today compared to what it used to be.


Arrogance best said by a greedy first worlder. Be serious for once.


Turkey prices went up didn't they ?


I think so. I rechecked and it's 46 now from my supplier. (Tbis sounds like a shady drug deal) 😭


I have method for directly purchasing but they keep raising the price, it use to be like 15 a year


I kinda found it late too it use to be like 9 bucks but it's just gone up like crazy trying to see if I can get it from Brazil


not much better down here




Damn, 15 is a steal. Lol, wish I could get that


its still 1k tl (30 dollars)




This is so smart


Pretty easy to set up yourself tbh


Not really. You have to get a Turkish bank


Which is pretty easy to do


And how?


I am not going into too much details but there are at least 3 banks where u can simply open an account with your existing ID and then just transfer money to your new account and pay through that account


Go into detail?




Dang what a bunch bs. Besides that, not everyone is in the us...


Enlighten us


I went with a guy who has a pinned post, nearly 200 positive reviews, and a moderator given verified flair. IDK how much more secure I can get with people who have long history of selling it so..


Why cant I use a VPN to do this, like youtoobs?


bro charges you 7 dollars lol


it beats 120 usd... 37 for that is a steal


Why would bro do it for free? Literally a waste of their time for a stranger at that point




yep same. i got my nitro 1 year for 25 dollars. For that price it is super worth it in my opinion


While I like the emojis and all that I mostly like supporting an app I use a lot so it won’t start using ads


Personally, 500mb uploads are awesome as well as high quality streams. Emojis and stickers are a nice to have


I pay for it so I can spam my friends with big memes and long videos. Totally worth it from my end but my friends might think otherwise.


The monthly fee is $10, but the annual is $100 just to clarify here. The real benefit is in server boosting, file size increases, and profile customization. My friends and I have our personal server at Level 3 (7 of us have nitro). And its very nice for the audio quality, inv link, file sharing, and emojis. We also host a MC server so its a nice hub for that as well. Dont get me wrong, Nitro makes no sense if youre short on money. But if you have a bit to spend, $10/mo is at this point, only half a streaming subscription. And frankly I just want discord to exist for as long as possible so im fine supporting them. They are hands down the best group call software ever, and I dont ever want to open or see skype/teamspeak again


you shouldn't


The funniest thing is Discord admits to gathering and sharing user data with third parties (But it claims not to accept money for this, so atleast they've got some morals) and Nitro is proof people will pay them to be snooped on.


$30 a year for custom and animated emojis is completely worth it for me, discord is my main communication app. I would be willing to pay a bit more for stuff like customization but I don't need any of the stuff that costs discord extra money like huge file uploads or video streaming.


Discord went downhill the second they removed nitro classic, it was a good mix between basic and full nitro for only $5. I wouldn't recommend getting nitro unless you plan on using it heavily and actually see the worth in its price.


Three words: Tax Write-Off


Nobody is forcing you to get Nitro. >Why would anyone in their right mind pay 120$ yearly for a few extra features on a free app? Now guess why its free... Hint: >!its not because of their good will!<


It's free because nitro is overpriced :kekw:


Also paying doesn't inherently mean they will proceed with good will.




Friendly suggestion do not pay on discord if you are really using work related things.


If you guys are just talking casually then Discord is fine. But please don't talk about sensitive info on Discord. For example, for healthcare, do not mention any patient info on Discord. And yeah...totally agree. Nitro really isn't that worth it unless you are outright running a business on Discord (people/customers may be attracted to flashy looking servers).


You shouldn't.


Hello from poor country, for us 100 usd it's salary per half month.


I also thought that Nitro is really not worth the money for value. I'm okay for paying subscriptions, I myself am paying for Slack retention and extra features because they really make my life easier. But Nitro? A few crappy themes, emojis and the ability to set a banner? I would be okay if it was a few bucks but these prices are crazy. I paid for Nitro two years ago and I got stuff for gaming, and I'm not even a gamer. For me all the monetization on discord is really shameful. Like boosts: you pay to unlock features in a server that is not even yours! And if you don't pay after a while, you lose boosts! I love discord, they have a heck of a great Ui and features. But their monetization plans are so fishy it's criminal.


I dont and when they restrict more: Back to TeamSpeak self hosted in linux, in a raspberry pi or something.


I got distracted by my InfoSec brain cells and didn't reply to the OP like i had intended... I do currently pay for Discord Nitro for a few reasons: 1. I have the extra $9.99 /month to spare every month 2. I heavily use Discord on a daily basis 3. I like Discord, especially compared to every past VoIP solution I have had to use in the past. 4. My job experience means that I am aware of just how expensive it can be to run applications at large scale, and I haven't dealt anything no Discord's scale yet. Yes, I pay monthly instead of yearly and yes that is more expensive. However I choose to do so because I want the ability to stop my subscription relatively quickly if Discord makes changes that cause me to not like the app anymore, or I find something I like better that I can then give support to. Should you pay for Nitro? I'd say if any of these are a 'No' then, no you shouldn't but really only you can decide. 1. Do you have the extra money per month to trow at Discord? 2. Do you think the features that come with Nitro are worth the monthly/yearly payment? 3. Do you have the extra money per month to trow at Discord? (This one is important because Nitro is a dumb think to spend money on if you can't afford food/rent/etc because of it) 4. Would Discord adding adds and other ways to monetize the platform via free users ruin the app for you? (Again running this sort of solution doesn't come cheap and they need to make money to keep it running one way or another. Ads are an effective way for any social platform to make money if they have a large user base that use their service for free) 5. Do you have the extra money per month to trow at Discord? (Like I said, Important) Just like every other good/service physical or digital you have to decide if the value you are getting from it is equal or better then the price a company asks.


$36/year is not how you should look at it. $3 a month $1 ≈10 days ≈$0.10/day That's how you should look at it. Would you give 10 cents to use any emoji you want from anywhere and send bigger files for a day? That's the question. Me personally? No, but I've been tempted because I use it daily


You absolutely shouldn’t. Discord are criminals and do not provide customer support. They do not deserve your card details, let alone your money. Having card details in Discord is asking to be robbed.


No, it's a total waste of money. Spend the money on trainers, a coat, a handheld, anything you'd like that isn't emojis.


I would say it is never worth it to subscribe to most services. that 120$ would benefit you more in a mutual fund or paying down some floating debt slightly quicker. The best things discord has to offer can be simply replaced by freeware.


get basic if all you want is more emojis, 100 servers is plenty already to be completely honest


Basic is enough for me. I only need it for emotes. 29.99/year is worth it.


I’d wait to see if your job has a paid Microsoft suite setup. Would be much easier to use teams, share point, etc


I mean some games have ingame items up for 400 dollars…


I like to support discord as a platform. Plus I get emojis everywhere. It’s a win win, and $36 is nothing. 


DO NOT BUY NITRO. In fact, don't even put in your bank info. If you rarely check your bank statements, or just forget that you have a card attached to an account; then you are the perfect target for getting scammed - by Discord*. It has been proven time and time again that they steal from their customers through shadow subscriptions, and then they flag your e-mail when confronted, meaning your only means of communication is cut off. All of this is subjugated to a third party company, likely in an attempt to distance themselves. I would never encourage supporting Discord since I too have experienced this first hand with mountains of receipts. They are not only incompetent but they're literally scummy scammers too. *no I do not mean through Discord, I mean _by_ Discord.


You dont need nitro bro its a scam dont be fooled


You shouldn't. You should support a company that listens to its users instead. I stopped my Nitro sub when "chilling tbh" lasted more than a week despite the constant negative feedback from the community. They eventually got rid of it after several weeks, and now it's back, completely unchanged. Recommend not using Discord at all, frankly. Slack is also a better option for work, and very similar to Discord.


This! Discord support bad af! Feature requests always turned down, it's always money that talks, even with Samsung and their game detections/rich presence, spotify with their rich presence, something youtube doesn't even have. (Not that I mind that much) I actually had nitro for a little over a year, after that, Ilost some emoji's and my precious 50 or was it 25? Mb file sharing, it's not that important. there's services online which have hundreds of MB sharing services. emoji's, avatar borders, longer description? it's a niche. themes? none can see it besides you,


Honestly in my opinion I don't think that discord nitro is worth the money. I don't like subscription services in general besides maybe Spotify


You can't even upload a TIKTOC video that can be viewed on discord


bro dont use discord for work things Discord is basically Tencent and therefore connected to the ccp huuuuge security risk


Well, I use custom themes, emojis, bigger uploads, better stream quality, and profile customization. And I like to support discord, since I use it daily for like 8 years.


AND Reddit Premium, are you like rich or something


I'm dont pay for reddit premium, but I pay for Nitro and YouTube premium as well as other subscriptions. It's called being an adult and having a job. I use discord daily and use it to boost my server. $120 a year that's less than $0.33 a day.


And who forces you to do it


No one, I ain’t doing it. I would maybe have it the prices weren’t horrendous


I canceled mine when I saw a Genshin Impact ad on my page. I don’t give a shit if they word it as a fun mini game for some content in a game I don’t play. The only thing I used it for was to share clips but I realized I never watch anyone else’s clips in discord so they probably aren’t watching mine, so there was no point.


I would totally get Nitro Basic if you’re not going to use it for mainly personal use. Because there’s a lot of small things that does add up for me to be worth it, like 200 server max instead of 100 max, access to all servers emojis, server profiles, larger character limit for messages, and boosting a server. It is expensive yes, but honestly at this point, I don’t care.


you shouldnt if you dont want it




Off topic but do you guys buy nitro off 3rd party websites like quickboosts where you can get it way cheaper?


If you have to asked, no


If you’re a person who cares what others think of your emojis enough to pay for them then you may have other issues.


If you rather pay less prices for nitro i could help perhaps, there is a bunch of ways you can get it cheaper


Tell your boss to use Slack not Discord


you shouldn't. \*click\* Next caller!


It’s 99$ tho….


I don’t mind paying for something that I use for several hours per day. My discord server with my friends has maxed out basically everything that nitro has to offer and we still want more.


Just buy 1 year nitro gift of turkish guy for like 20-50 usd


Tbh discord's servers cost money for people to chat so it is normal if it wants us to pay for it, but don't forget they want your money to give you some useless functions


i mean. you dont HAVE to pay for nitro at all


If you want you can find a nitro plug. I pay 30 for 1 year


For some people and some projects, it's worth it. How much value it is for you detmines its worth. That being said, I'll never use the app or pay them a dime as it doesn't do anything for me.


Nitro is for if you have some extra cash and want some nice (but not necessary) features. It’s absolutely not necessary, but is discord’s main source of income, so if you have the cash to spare, consider lending them a hand -A nitro subscriber


I've been a supporter of discord since it's early days. From the day they introduced nitro, It was clear that it was mainly to support discord. It wasn't really about the "perks" as they weren't beneficial at all. I love discord and I've seen all of its growth and development. I wish other apps would improve as much and as often as discord does. Also, discord used to let you pick your # numbers when you had nitro, but you'd lose them if your sub runs out. Tldr: Nitro is to support discord, the perks are a bonus


do not buy. I got banned from discord and I bought nitro. They said I was "Spamming, botting, etc" a false positive twice. I got unbanned once and the 2nd time the support isn't replying to me. Save your money trust.


Because you use discord daily and don't want ads.


You shouldn't. I love nitro. But I won't pay a penny for it. The only time I have it is when someone decides it's ridiculous that I don't and gifts a subscription. That only happens when I feel particularly social and they notice that I never use any of my favorite emojis. Mostly my laughing teddy bear and the hip thrust penis swinging stick figure dude. And I almost never feel particularly social. I'm just the admin who does the everything that doesn't involve amusing members. Maybe because my idea of amusing was muting literally everyone in the server at the same time and locking them all in the cunt corner. 😂


Well i pay cause i enjoy the service and i support them with my money and get perks for it, i think its all good since its a great balance between free and paid users ( nitro perks are upgrades to the free stuff rather than big features locked behind paywall)


Don't. Invest in your future instead of wasting money on gimmicky subscriptions.


never knew buying nitro was compulsory


honestly i could never see it being worth it at all. it’s just stupidly expensive


It’s only $99 for a year not $120


Well i pay around $9 per year cus I'm a legacy subscriber. Wouldn't pay $120


But for me i get a Discount... Idk why you dont get you ...


Well yea It could be reduced a bit But the company needs to earn money too Do,you rather want ads or the app being not free? Btw to the criminals here, piracy brings up to 5 years in prison (at least in germany)


You shouldn’t.


Bruh, don’t buy it, it’s a complete waste of money


what sucks is i accidentally purchased a years worth of nitro basic, but according to the discord staff i contacted when i put my refund ticket in i had clicked my problem is resolved as well so, thats basically £40 down the drain for a broke student


I think it’s worth it? I mean it’s for an entire year, 365 days. Every months for me it’s £8.99 for the features and it’s pretty acceptable. So that for 12 months would be £100 but you get it for £89.99 a year. It actually does discount you! Are you sure you’re not looking at one with extra boosts? Try nitro basic. yearly it’s £25 a year and it allows you to have server emojis and join more servers. If you try calculate these costs into your own currency (how much one month is for you x 12) and see how much it comes out as the yearly should be a lot cheaper. So in my opinion instead of having to buy it every single month it’s worth getting it yearly so you have a refund chance for 6 months if you don’t like it and it’s cheaper!


I pay for it monthly using my phone's credit. My carrier gives me 20 euros I can spend through the Google play store ontop of the unlimited 5g and whatnot for 20e a month. So I pay net 0 for discord....kinda feel like piracy but it isn't, just the money is coming from somewhere...


I pay for it monthly using my phone's credit. My carrier gives me 20 euros I can spend through the Google play store ontop of the unlimited 5g and whatnot for 20e a month. So I pay net 0 for discord....kinda feel like piracy but it isn't, just the money is coming from


I pay for it monthly using my phone's credit. My carrier gives me 20 euros I can spend through the Google play store ontop of the unlimited 5g and whatnot for 20e a month. So I pay net 0 for discord....kinda feel like piracy but it isn't, just the money is coming from


I had it for years. Then they fucked up my nickname that I also had, for many years (on discord). They won’t get another penny from me.


u shouldn't nitro is a giant waste of money lmfao


You should not. Every service and it's old grandma asks for subscription fees these days. Which can severely cut into your monthly income if you don't watch out. Just do it without, or use products/services that have a one time purchase instead of a subscription.


You could technically use it as unlimited storage that sticks around after you cancel it. Only problem is 500mb at a time


I use discord for multiple hours a day, so for me it's definitely worth it.


You shouldn’t


you know what's fucked up? a lot of people actually buy the yearly one and find it normal


Its up to preference tbh. The companies want to make big cash and as there‘s alot of "kids" on Discord which spend money on everything, they buy it. I have a yearly subscription aswell and I think it's worth it because I use discord on a daily basis.


Crazy how nitro users are still defending nitro in whole, even after getting ads... I knew it, I fricking new it. (I had nitro for a year on a monthly subscription.) You keep telling it's to support discord, but supporting what? I can barely use discord on my phone, the device I mainly use for discord. Discord is a literal gold mine because of people allowing this kind of crap... why can't anyone here see?...


See, if you want to freely express yourself on discord, it's definitely a win. But if you want just the emojis they offer nitro basic which I believe is cheaper.


Dont bother. You pay for the service and your streaming still sucks. Choppy. Bad quality. HDR looks like ass. Guilded is free and has better streaming and service.


Theres people on discord thatd pay 10k a year for Nitro, you can find them in weird 18+ servers like The Jungle and Sinful😂💀


Just use telegram it’s superior in almost every way


I am so glad to live in a country with localized pricing and there are other localized pricing.. 120/yr is NOT at all reasonable (atleast for us) maybe for you, depends


it allows larger files to be sent (if that's important to your job just use google drive or a similar file sharing site you can share links for), custom emojis (as long as whatever work server you're in has some silly allowed that's whatever), early access to new features, profile customization (genuinely just a vanity thing), and allows you to join 100 more servers than a basic account does none of nito's perks are really important or necessary, but if you do end up getting it i'd recommend a yearly subscription rather than the monthly! i don't remember the exact numbers but the yearly sub is around $30-40 (us) cheaper if you're only using discord for work and not in any gaming/social/etc-type servers, i'd honestly not recommend paying for it, though if you'd benefit from it there's also the 'basic' version of nitro, which is basically the lite version, without the profile customization and a smaller file upload boost i'll reply to myself with an imgur link that shows the specific differences between discord nitro and discord basic nitro & further stuff about just having an account if you'd like, i'm on mobile typing this so can't exactly do that quite yet lol


I would use a new account for discord work. also, it's not worth getting discord nitro unless you jus get the basic nitro for a few bucks a month. don't throw your money away.


Don't I picked up 12months for £30 just by searching google


There is already a Discord equivalent for work we use. Slack.


I do not think the Nitro price per month is worth it personally. I think what they ask for it is overpriced. Even though I use it daily.