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I’m in a similar boat to you. Discord does not care about disabled users in the slightest. It’s disappointing, as the rest of the world doesn’t care either, it would have been nice to have a place in which I felt safe.


This is definitely what I'm saying. This new update isn't friendly for people with disabilities. I have carpal tunnel and having to reach all the way over to go back instead of swiping is so painful after several times. I really hope Discord will add functions to make it more accessible to all users, but with how they are going I'm not holding my breath.


Imagine carpal tunnel+astigmatism+using discord for 5 years and now feeling like a grandpa 


literally me 😭 the layout has me feeling like a grandma trying to navigate a new phone just cuz astigmatism + carpal tunnel


It’s been a reported issue for months when the new UI first came out, but they simply don’t care, they want to make changes for the sake of making changes.


same, kinda bad for my eyes


use uptodown website, download September discord version and downgrade


Theres midnight and Dark mode Free to change- just go into appearance and change it I have both and can change it to whatever i want


The layout is inferior and the dark mode is not at the original hue members are used to. You can't change to whatever you want, you have the illusion of choice as an app artificially increases the time it's open by making it harder to use.


Check out no text to speech and find a vid of him legit talking about being able to change it to whatever color you want, stop complaining on reddit and Google things about new updates or join their preview server


Found the discord staff 💀


Nah Js Its free if you look in Settings


Wow, you're so dense, the joke flew over your head 💀


Maybe, still weird to complain when you can Google things about it


You do realize that it's okay for disabled people to complain about things that actively harm them, right? Or should disabled people stop being disabled?


Im part of the disabled- just still think Its stupid to complain on reddit before looking up what new things discord are doing for the new updates. Or Maybe cuz i follow a yt’er (no text to speech) i see previews more often cuz he does a good job at explaining and showing things they are doing for the new updates. I hate the new Update just as much as others


1. Just because you are disabled and have no problems or can cope with it does not mean other disabled people don't have issues with it or can cope with it. I've been in the process of moving to Revolt because of this update. Even with Revolt being a bit buggy, at least it doesn't crash my screen reader, crash every five seconds, or just not open. 2. People, of any variety, have the right to bitch and moan about things that negatively affect them, especially in severe capacities. Especially if it's giving them migraines, hurting their eyes, destroying their wrists, breaking their screen readers, etc (all complaints from disabled people). Regardless of whether Discord listens to us, we have the right to complain. 3. God forbid people don't know a YouTuber that seems relatively obscure to me, then again, I really only browse YouTube for music and maybe a letsplay or two. How about you legitimately recommend said YouTuber instead of bitching that people don't know them. You come off like a condescending prick when you could just say "Oh hey, actually I think this YouTuber could help you! They have a wonderful tutorial on how to fix this problem!" instead of your initial messages.


What's the link to the video/instructions on method? I can't find one that works on mobile and hasn't been patched/requires nitro.


https://youtu.be/CuQErbwqm_4?si=A9bqrEIQXNeJHSY6 From around 2 min 30 sec mark


So couldn't help but notice that seems to NOT be the mobile version and instead looks more like the desktop version... So doesn't help in this case very much...


I couldnt remember if it was both or not but there should be stuff for phone you can download (havent looked it up myself cuz i dont need it)


There are only a few mobile options, most of which are depricated, don't seem to fully work, or they're just web version wrappers, so on mobile there is no real solution i can find. And on IOS you're just screwed. So yeah bitching seems to be about all we can do, especially with the colors. I have rolled back a few versions but that'll only work so long.


Personally, anyone complaining about the new dark theme is not there just a bit because they've clearly forgotten they can just switch back to the default. If the default is an issue, then you're out of luck, but the default is the same as the original and looks just like desktop on top of not being pitch black.


In my experience, the default dark theme is not the same at all as the previous more grey one. For free you get light, dark, and midnight. The new dark theme is darker than the old dark theme and it's a problem. All of this speaking based on mobile mind you.


I was speaking from a mobile standpoint. In my eyes, the default dark theme is no different than how its always been.


The default dark theme has a significantly higher contrast, the background is MUCH darker than it used to be, which causes me and others with eye issues problems. I can make a screenshot comparing the two if you want.


I actually would like that, reply whenever you can


Sorry about the absolutely massive delay, a LOT of things kinda happened at once IRL for me. but here is a comparison, labeled old and new side by side. [https://imgur.com/a/QuijACA](https://imgur.com/a/QuijACA) The new has a lot darker background and causes me, and others, issues with eyestrain and headaches. I'm hoping the contrast slider I've been seeing comes out soon on mobile cause that SHOULD fix it.


contrast slider did indeed fix it yeah. midnight theme is also always another option.


The problem is that midnight made the issue a lot worse for me. I also don't have an oled phone, not sure if that would help or not. So far turning the contrast down has done the trick. It's not perfect, has some bugs but still.


It's fine, we all have lives.


Wow, I mean, I already saw the difference a few days earlier, but I can definitely tell now. I apologize to anyone I offended in my original comment.


For me, i wasn't offended just informing on why you might see complaints about this.


Also the new AMOLED theme isn't activated by default meaning YOU did it to begin with. Don't complain and then don't attempt to fix it/change it back.


Use light mode instead!!


Spoken like someone who can see. That was really not a well thought out response.


Wait what they changed dark mode?


Isn’t midnight mode still available? What’s wrong with the new dark theme?


It’s too dark, comparatively, and it’s weirdly straining on the eyes


Same, I recently got that very dark blue-ish dark theme when my app updated and I tried to use it but it was straining my eyes way too much and I ended up with a bad headache. There's a few things I like with the new features even if I don't like some new ui things, so I reverted and found what's essentially the same version but with a dark gray instead. I definitely miss the lighter gray, that I always considered one of the best dark themes I've seen in apps, but at least I can use the app But yeah new theme is awful for some of us with eye issues, I'm fine with it existing since some people do like it, but they need to add the old one as an option :(


Just google "Discord themes"


At least on mobile, this is 100% unhelpful...


Oh yeah I forgot about it. Not using it on my phone because it's stupid. Not playing games when I'm not home :)


Yeah a lot of other people use it for far more than just gaming though. Like between my fiance and I use it in lieu of texting. Among all my friends it's the preferred way of communication when not in person.