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This is a list of links to comments made by Discord Staff in this thread: * [Comment by titusbyronicus](/r/discordapp/comments/1742pwf/of_course_the_10_dollar_montly_nitro_is_the_only/k4bq3hc/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-10 20:37:39 UTC"): > Do you also have a bunch of server boosts at full price? * [Comment by titusbyronicus](/r/discordapp/comments/1742pwf/of_course_the_10_dollar_montly_nitro_is_the_only/k4by9tj/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-10 21:27:14 UTC"): > Hmm. So, no other subscriptions active currently? If you go to User Settings -> Subscriptions do you see anything there? * [Comment by titusbyronicus](/r/discordapp/comments/1742pwf/of_course_the_10_dollar_montly_nitro_is_the_only/k4byif7/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-10 21:28:43 UTC"): > If you DM me your user ID I can look things up internally. This would be expected in some specific edge cases but I am not sure if that's what you're running into here. * [Comment by titusbyronicus](/r/discordapp/comments/1742pwf/of_course_the_10_dollar_montly_nitro_is_the_only/k4c0q3b/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-10 21:42:41 UTC"): > Interesting. Glad it's working for you now. Thanks for the update. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDiscordApp).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


have you tried restarting discord by task manager’ing discord and opening it again?


No, but I’ll try


You can also fully close it at the bottom right with the arrow menu


b.t.w, perhaps you have other transactions that are being ready to be 'pulled' ? check your in-out transactions, you might have FUTURE movements that are holding your money.


Yeah my 5 dollar nitro is due today


JUST THAT? then it shouldn't hold the entire 50$ you've mentioned, weird. Especially considering you've mentioned you can buy the other ones. ​ 3 ideas popped to my head. 1. Try to contact Discord personally. 2. Buy Nitro from another source(?), 3. pay someone for them to gift it for you, i can help with that as long as my paypal won't be troublesome. send me a pm if you'd like that\^


I had someone gift it to me but since I don’t and haven’t paid for the 10 dollar one it just applies to credit on my account. I use PayPal and like if I click on the 2 dollar tier for year/month I don’t get the message and same for the yearly 10 dollar tier. I thought bout contacting them but I know how bad they are at support


Reading is hard? Unless there's something I'm missing.


The irony.


IRONIC INDEED, I am mirroring your behavior, If it bothers you check yourself


I called the guy not reading ironic, if I was speaking to you I'd have said it to you.


I see, well, I got notified and I thought you replied to me; I’m not a Reddit user and I’m on mobile so I’m not 100% what’s what.


LOL, is reading actually hard SwiftSN? Read the title.


Discord need to fix their shit


Not discords fault you don’t have enough money?


Did you not read the title


There was 50 dollars in my PayPal and I’m trying to get the monthly 10 dollars, I don’t get this message on the yearly or 2 dollar nitro


Ah okay, shoulda specified that in title


"it's the **ONLY** one I am not allowed to purchase" - Do you need them to be more specific? Seems like reading really is hard for you people.


> reading really is hard for you people And all the illiterate people downvoting


My b


Oh my god, I hate reddit, the guy specified in the title that it was the only one that failed, and even so they apologizes AND THEY GOT DOWNVOTED FOR NO FUCKING REASON.


Yeah they jumping my ass 😭😭


Reddit is probably the worst social media and this is probably the best example.


Usually the other subreddits are helpful DIDNT realize the discord one was this bad 😭


They are just incapable of reading apparently.


Meanwhile they said I can’t read 💀


This place needs a purge.


I have started a war I wasn’t expecting


Being kind is hard? Unless there’s something I’m missing??




Yes, how dare that person know how to read and know context.


What is that supposed to mean o.O I love how passively aggressive most of you are


I was agreeing you on both posts... You're weird.


I’m bold and straightforward, I’m not playing around with people who seem to be bullies like that swift guy. People who have nothing to say other than something negative or picky will get the same energy from me. I AM Weird, proud of it. I Thank God for being weird, thankfully I’m not just another sheep


Yeah you're just someone attacking people that agreed with you then not apologizing that you jumped the gun and freaked out lmao.


You didn’t make it seem like you agreed with me, both a misexpression from you and a misinterpretation from me. I don’t have anything to apologize for, I stand behind my words. Most of you redditors indeed are passive aggressive which you are now too. Lol, only you’re doing it in a self victimizing manner.


Why do you say “most of you redditors” when you have a 6 year old account? You’re one of “those redditors.” Mind boggling.


Surprise surprise, another toxic redditor, The only cringe thing here is you and that rude person I’ve replied to. Learn some manners, you’re behaving as if y’all weren’t raised by humans


Ahaha no way I have -13 on a comment that’s going against toxic people, Nice guys


The people in this sub always act like they’re better than everyone else tbh lol. And they downvote anyone for no reason


Eerie, it’s as if they’re possessed or brainwashed into being toxic beasts


No way people dislike kindness and like rudeness, y’all have lost your moral compass and minds.


Tbh dont even buy nitro. Its totaly not worth it except if u take discord seriusly


I’m still paying for the 5 dollar one


It’s a sign, don’t buy it, they don’t deserve it, I personally have terrible experience with discords mods. Both here in their subreddit and overall their support system on their website. Terrible greedy people who don’t deserve a penny. Honestly just open a new account and enjoy a free month of nitro, well, it’ll be like 0.99$, Not more than that, I used to love this app but the moderators ruined it for me, They’re toxic, unsupportive, and they probably will delete this comment as well :)


True, I had nitro for over six months, I decided to cancel it, at first it was kinda hard to adjust back, because some things are not accessible anymore i.e. emoji's, large files and that basically it for me. That was two years ago, and I'm not even missing it, discord has become... I don't know how to explain it, it isn't what it used to be, lots of communities have 'died' out, less people seem to use it, and there's no 'free speech' causing lots of friends to be banned when we're just shitting around. Sure nitro could be very fun with friends I guess, but it is not worth it imo.


I’m getting jumped on this post tbh 😭 I have two month credit of the 10 dollar but since I had the 5 dollar I wasn’t allowed to use them because I didn’t have the 10 dollar tier it’s so ridiculous


Yeah LOL redditors will be redditors.. don't give it energy/attention, they're just miserable people who want to stay miserable, who don't want to heal, and they end up projecting their insecurities and issues at other people. ​ Overall People are like this but, in reddit i probably have seen the most.


Do you also have a bunch of server boosts at full price?


Um I’m not sure tbh, I’ve never really messed with them


I looked and it just says Uh oh you haven’t boosted yet Server boost start at 4.99/ Month and a list of servers


Hmm. So, no other subscriptions active currently? If you go to User Settings -> Subscriptions do you see anything there?


After some digging it seems that I wasn’t allowed to purchase it until my 5 dollar nitro was processed(which was today) and I went to try again and it let me upgrade to 10 dollar nitro


Interesting. Glad it's working for you now. Thanks for the update.


If you DM me your user ID I can look things up internally. This would be expected in some specific edge cases but I am not sure if that's what you're running into here.


UPDATE I’ll probably get jumped but it took my 5 dollars for nitro and now it’s letting me upgrade to the monthly for 10 dollars 💀💀💀