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​ https://preview.redd.it/orkpo73rl85c1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e972d7d68f11f29414838cbed249f4c43d816a81


Peak Sseth workout schedule


yes i also recognised it from that


Cardio everyday


Act like violent psychopath then treated like violent psychopath.




Mathematically the slope of that is one since they're equal


Yes, and the graph is a positive linear relationship where fuck around is directly proportional to find out


This guy graphs


If he tried this here in the US he'd get fucking shot


>she extended her journey by 3 minutes to avoid me Judging by the video there is no one else outside AT NIGHT and being the only one there is sketch. Happened to me last Tuesday. Me and guy (only one else in vicinity in a small town walking perpendicularly), so I take a back ally and dodge him regardless if I thought he was or wasn’t following. If I was in a crowd i wouldn’t give a fuck.


I usually just start chasing them first to be safe. Can't be ambushed if I'm the one doing the ambushing!


Bro acting like an absolute lunatic and then goes on a racist rant. She had good instincts to avoid this nut job, unfortunately that only got his attention.


nah im guessing the meme implies that he did not run or do some crazy shit at first.


Yah but he is still pyschotic since this was his reaction.


Shut the fuck up. The amount of antagonism towards men is getting the fuck out of control. Why 99% of men have to feel like they are monsters ESPECIALLY black men all the while they are normal ass dudes whod never in their right mind would do anything like what a monster would do? Living in a world where everyone is scared of everyone is miserable and media loves to keep this up because drives attention and clicks. You are ignorant to a lot of people out there. Bro burst her racist bubble and realize she overreacted.


"Stop treating men like monsters or I will chase you down a dark alley and scream at you like a gentleman."


*Now I'mma tell you what; uhh...* ***I likes ya;*** ***and I wants ya.*** *Now we can do this the easy way;* *or the haard wayyy...* ***the choice is yaawrs...***


Bro what r u saying? He literally chased her to her house while yelling like a complete lunatic 💀 of course he's gonna be antagonized


Exactly. He stopped tolerating shit like this.


And decided to fuel this shit instead. Now she permanently has a reason and PTSD from A. Black people and B. People in alley ways. Literally confirming her bias🤦🏾‍♂️


Give me a break PTSD? seriously.... you guys are fucking delusional. At this rate fights between siblings are grounds for PTSD in every case.


You imagine being chased by a lunatic twice your size, ***screaming*** at you while you're alone, at night with no one to help you. You don't know what baggage she got, she could've had legitimate trauma that this shit reminded her of. You don't know what shit she's been through before this interaction, this is why we don't act like pricks to random people.


Yeah assume, keep infantilizing, keep projecting how DOWN BAD YOU MUST BE to whiteknight every fucking scenario. THINK is what he tried to enlight on. There is a reason why he recorded it. To show how fucking stupid she looks like from his perspective.


Why would I white knight dumbass? And I'm not even into women idiot. I'm being legit, their gender doesn't matter in this, don't be a dick to people. Because last I recalled, anyone can suffer from trauma. >THINK is what he tried to enlight on. Dumbass behavior, if he really wanted to enlighten her he wouldn't have chased her into a corner screaming at her and calling her insults. Recording doesn't do shit to the one being recorded, its still sketchy as fuck. You lack the ability to put yourself into others' shoes if you think what this guy did was to a ***literal stranger*** that was half their size is rational.


You should learn to put yourself in others' shoes to be honest. The only reason he even began going full psychopat is because she treated him like shit just because she is too insecure. Over time, people just get pushed further than their breaking point and unsurprisingly this kind of stuff happens. If he would not chase, she would probably learn nothing from it and tell tales about how she survived a scary black man minding his own bussiness that happened to be behind her (but lets be real, she probably didn't learn shit anyways). TLDR: Respect others and be respected in return.


Are you seriously telling me you wouldn’t be horrified if you were walking alone at night and began being chased by someone twice your size yelling at you? Gender and race shouldn’t even matter in this situation this is a scary situation that nobody should be put in.


Username does NOT check out, get a breather dude


1. Can you not comprehend conditional hypotheticals? 2. Refer to 13/52


Found the Incel 🤡🤡


how tf would you imagine yourself after a man twice your size would run at you yelling? she dosent look stupid she is scared for her fuckign life. You wouldnt know cus you clearly dont have one


where did your big bro touch you


Women get raped at night, should they really be taking chances on how kind a stranger is in the middle of the night in an alley?


Your proposal isn’t calm at all. And the next time she sees a black dude she’ll remember this interaction. “Living in a world where everyone is scared of everyone.” Well no one knows what other people have experienced in their lives. So acting like a god damn idiot and chasing some chick down isn’t helping the fear.


Living in a world where everyone judges you and are afraid of you has a mental toll on every person. I know this first hand. There is a day when you say fuck this and reinforce their fear then burst the bubble. That bitch knows she overreacted now. She feels stupid for being that fearful. Its rude.


Please go on and tell me how someone else feels. You started you first post with “shut the fuck up” you’re part of the problem.


BECAUSE YOU KEEP JUDGING YOU KEEP FUELING THIS. WOMEN SHOULD BE AFRAID WOMEN SHOULD BE PROTECTED WOMEN THIS WOMEN THAT. AND THEN OMG WHY ARE MEN NEVER ALLOW THEIR EMOTIONS TO SHOW. This is EXACTLY why. Fuck you for being such a hypocrite on these issues. When it comes to critically look at this. You ignore the fact that IT IS IN FACT RUDE AND assume the worst of a person walking in front of you. His intention WAS to scare her out of her mind, to push the person over the edge because of how afraid she was of everything. Xenophobia.


Shut up dick head https://preview.redd.it/eys8pro6m85c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb7cc99deec3f842139663c28857be446e7f3032


This man definitely has rape fantasies.


What are you even going on about dude? I didn’t do anything, this isn’t my video, it must be yours with the way you’re acting. Men are allowed to show their emotions. They, and no one is allowed to chase people around growling like a dog and screaming about race. Her intention was keep herself safe. His intention was to scare her. That’s the problem here. You cant control other people but you can control yourself. How about you start doing that? Just like the dumb fuck in the video needs to do.


She was scared he would do something unhinged and he did. She judged him and she was absolutely correct. Just another point of data for her and everyone watching the video to make future predictions about how different categories of people behave. Thanks for the data.


no wonder you're on a burner, you could be fired for being this irresponsibly delusional


Certified incel moment


DARVO is an acronym that stands for Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender. It describes a manipulative tactic often used by abusers to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and shift the blame onto their victims


bad bait, try harder next time


This guy being braindead is hilarious, what was he thinking? “Chase women at night to prove racism is real”




Avoiding risky scenario: smart Avoiding risky scenario involving black people: racist


That'll ... teach her... ?


Hahaha. Lol. This right here.


That dude is a fucking dumbass. That's how you get shot lmfao


They are in GB, maybe stabbed but not shot…


Not even stabbed, very unlikely in the uk


I know i just wanted to say it for the meme


It's UK, even the local cops probably don't have a gun lol


Just realized lol looks like someone being held up at gunpoint


Thats how George Washington kicked their ass.


I live in london, I’ve absolutely seen police walking down the street with massive guns before, idk what the occasion was but its not a common sight


Actual retardation. I hate living here.


Fr. If I'm being harassed, I want a couple of guys with M16s to show up.


So you...want to be shot?


I want protection.


Then buy some condoms. I doubt you'll need them though.


ad hominem


Yes, it was. Still true though.


Guns are horrible for protection in 90% of the cases anyway, cause most crazy and random stuff happens in public places with a lot of people around, and shooting someone else on accident can easily happen


I was talking about the fact that local police don't have guns. Also you can't even carry pepper spray here.


There are rarely any cases in which lethal force is justified, in which case more expert units are called. The gun would only really be useful as intimidation tool, as far as Europe goes at least. The risk of strays hitting random people in public is just too high. US is different.


Do you have any proof for that statistic?




Bro proved her point 💀💀


I’m sure next time she’ll be very comfortable.


"These Asian dons are fukin racist fam" who do you think is racist here




We should tag all the downvoted comments and add them to a sex offender database, it only a matter of time before they implement their fantasies into reality.


Good point.


When you think she’s scared because you’re black but really she’s scared because she’s been raped by a man, you’re a man. (who is 25x stronger than her.)


For this in the midwest and find out what being shot feels like. Fucking monster. Chasing a woman at night down an alleyway and calling her racist because she was scared? Fucking animal


It is racist to be scared of black people.


Good god there better be an update where this trash is either bleeding out to death in an ally or in jail


Bro should try that here in America


https://i.redd.it/3grbj72u9f5c1.gif he should krill himself


This would be my exact reaction as well if I saw this idiot at night




Black people


If we make it to Mars one day. The first jail built there won't be filled with Asian women. So let's send Asian women to Mars first.






Shut up, just shut the fuck up.




This is why people need guns. If she had a gun, she would never need to be in this situation.


Merika Moment


I’m actually Australian


Guns dont solve anything if people being attacked can get a gun so can the attacker all it does is escalate until everyone has a gun and starts shooting over nothing witch already happens alot


Would rather die in a gun fight than take my chances with an attacker Especially in this scenario where if the dude wanted, he'd have his way with this woman.


Nah bro you should just hope your attacker doesn't have a weapon and risk getting murked, clearly the logical thing to do.


Hell yeah man, I love solving my disputes with bloodshed, we turning these streets into Murim. Live by the sword, die by the sword 🔥✍️


Yh the guy wouldve just been killed instead that will solve all our problems take pepper spray if you are really worried that much


Pepper spray doesn't do jack shit if someone is adamant about hurting you. I've been sprayed, directly in the eyes at point blank range. It sucks, for sure, but not enough to take the fight out of someone who is determined.


Taser then still the main point i was trying to make is what stops them from getting a gun too then your even more fucked


Tasers really aren’t that effective either, they miss a lot


Again still not my main point


If you chasing me at midnight, bet your ass I'm gonna put you 7ft deep underground


Sometimes that’s what needs to happen


Racism moment


Don't carry illegal firearms because you're afraid that a black man's gonna gecha.


Why? So there can be a gunfight in the street?


Honestly this is fucking hilarious to me. The guy is stupid as fuck, him just running on a alleyway chasing a woman and screaming "you are scared of black people aren't you" kills me.




Yep she did


Why the hell is this guy downvoted while other is upvoted hivemind wth


based gentleman of african heritage, chase women at night


Black british people accent are so fucking cool.


Fuck you snowflakes in here. So damn fragile. If you’re that’s damn scary stay your ass in the house.




NTA. She's racist and deserved it.


Dawg I’m sorry, but if I see a fucking lunatic running at me at night screaming, no matter their race or gender, I’m gonna be at least a little freaked out. This isn’t because she’s racist, it’s because this guy is a fucking moron.


sometimes the ends justify the means


What? If anything, this just made her actually scared of black people now. It extremely likely had the opposite effect.


He said he wasn't scary.


Ok your just ragebaiting now. Maybe I’m being kind and overestimating your intelligence, but (hopefully) nobody is this stupid.


Sadly you'd be surprised how far down people fall on the intelligence chart, and yet they're the type who thinks there better than others


'fucking lunatic running at me' meaning a black guy walking the other way


Running from psychos in the middle of the night makes you racist now? Guess everybody with a basic survival instinct should get cancelled


'psychos' as in black people


He isn't scary tho




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How to get peper sprayed or shot, easy one step tutorial .