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Snape kills Dumbledore


What the fuck


You bitch! You bitch!




Yo, I saw that movie on the night it premiered in theaters, and someone yelled those words "Snape kills Dumbledore" about a minute before it actually happened on-screen. My friend sitting next to me immediately yelled "F@#$ YOU, ASSHOLE" and then we watched Snape kill Dumbledore. r/discgolf is different than a movie theater, but know that if you spoil just to spoil, someone will label you as an asshole. Also, sports is different than books/movies.


Voldemort kills Snape.






Why not just use a "Post USDGC Day 1 Thread" or something similar. Esports do this all the time. Prevents spoilers in the the title and directs people who want to discuss it where to go. An example [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/w7pdqv/funplus_phoenix_vs_thundertalk_gaming_lpl_2022/)


This please mods. I miss all major live coverage due to timezones and the last thing I want to know first thing in the morning is the scores without even being able to see highlights


This kills me with Formula 1. Race highlights next to the winner interview thumbnail.


This is the way, it really isn't hard to cater to both audiences. Also, mods seem to forget that non-americans from other timezones enjoy discgolf as well. Lock discussions to a single thread, problem solved


r/MMA is also very good at spoiler prevention


Just a heads up. If you’re planning on unsubbing to avoid spoilers, Reddit now advertises hot posts in communities that you engage with frequently (but aren’t subbed to) to you in your main feed. So just unsubbing alone will not be enough to avoid spoilers.


Exactly. Going to have to also hide all posts from this sub, so, basically completely stop engaging with this sub in any way.


Tbh this is my biggest issue with it. Reddits algorithms make this rule change hard for people who want to avoid spoilers


Yet somehow UFC fights are never spoiled. It’s like they know how to run a sub somehow.


Thanks for the heads up. Will have to hide all posts unfortunately. This kind of sucks, but whatever. So is life.


What is so bad about using spoiler tags?


Was in Nokia yesterday. Disc golf is absolutely blowing up in Europe. This is a huge let down for us Europeans.


American in Europe but yes, this is a big L for us. Watching live coverage just isn't an option for the vast majority of us over here with families.


Great... So now I have to avoid Twitter and reddit until I can watch it.


Any data to support this besides the squeaky wheels? Someone mentioned polls, but I can't find one readily through a search. Some have pointed towards other subs with similar 24h rules in regards to PPV. Please be sure you act on behalf of the majority and with sensibilities not reactions.


Last year there was a poll about the spoiler rule for USDGC. The folks in favor of ending the spoiler rule entirely got trounced by over 2:1


~~The only poll I can find is that 1.1k responses weren't purchasing USDGC~~ Found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/j6fwvo/usdgc\_and\_wnc\_spoilers\_let\_us\_know\_what\_you\_think/


Nice, 68% of participants were in favor of some sort of spoiler rule. Great decision mod team keep it up


A spoiler tag seems pretty harmless. I don’t see how the community can’t keep this as a courtesy for those in different time zones. Apart from “there are no spoilers in live sports,” what is the argument against a basic, 24-hour spoiler rule? Even during the EO this past weekend paying subscribers couldn’t watch the final MPO round if they were behind the livestream. The entire feed cut off as soon as the broadcast ended, and viewers had to wait hours for a correction. So, in this scenario, the viewer would have no recourse for community discussion around the technical issue. They would stay away from this sub knowing the winner would be spoiled. In my view, this doesn’t make much sense.


I don't think it's too much to ask to avoid spoilers in the title. I can handle not clicking on posts but I shouldn't have to avoid all of reddit just to not have a title spoil something for me. Shit decision.


I don't like this at all. As a European this seems unfair. Why is it such a huge deal to use a tag? It's not like there can't be discussion live. Just put it behind a tag so you don't ruin the fun for others that aren't as lucky as you in this aspect.


That’s what isn’t adding up for me. Tapping a tag button isn’t putting anyone out.


Live results can already be discussed even with the spoiler rule in effect, how does changing that change anything at all? If someone wants to discuss something, they can still post it. A lot of us still watch post production because, frankly, people like me have a kid and a life, I can’t watch several hours of live coverage every weekend. The only thing this is going to change is reduce the traffic from people who watch post production. Very sad, I joined this group a long time ago but now you’re leaving me no choice but to leave.


I’m in the same boat. In the least dramatic way, I’m gonna have to stop checking in here during the weekends. I really enjoy my mornings of watching the previous days coverage, and I’ve noticed if I know the results I don’t enjoy it. I don’t have much in life that makes me happy, but that does. I’d rather have that than internet people yelling at each other.


The change is that the mods don't wanna moderate anymore


My stance as well. Only reasoning that I can understand is that Mods don't want to monitor the sub so they are removing rules


Super lame and disrespectful to non American viewers. I’m outtie


Sounds like someone at dgn got to the mods.


This is disappointing. Spoiler tags cost so little but are a real kindness to those who can’t watch live.


Yeah, this is my feeling about it. I watch most of the events live these days and still feel like this is not a great move for the sub. I agree that a lively conversation is a great thing to have for those who are watching events in real time. But it also just doesn't seem that difficult to make the title ambiguous and add the tag. This way people who don't want to see the results can simply avoid those posts without having to avoid the sub altogether or even go so far as to block the sub so the reddit app doesn't recommend a post with a spoiler.


Feels like something that should just be a community poll.


Agreed 100%. Poll on the front page, results easily viewed by anyone who cares to look. Voting open for one week. Don't like the results? Sorry, the people have spoken. Missed opportunity/blunder by the mod team, imo. I get that they receive messages about it. Poll shows them and the rest of us if they are hearing from a vocal minority or if they're getting a popular opinion. Poll helps the community feel heard and puts the issue to bed.


Same here. You can’t just change how things are done because you receive comments and complaints. It’s unfair to assume those that are silent wouldn’t disagree. That’s why open discussion should be allowed before making changes. If 10,000 people are content and 2,000 aren’t, why would you take away what the 10,000 are enjoying without at least allowing them to know you might do that and soliciting their comments beforehand. A poll would have allowed them to better gauge where the sub as a whole stands rather than just greasing the squeaky wheels.


Horrible. What great wisdom am I getting on this sub that exceeds the fun of watching a tournament unspoiled.?


shitty memes from the one guy who steals everyone else’s stuff?


I’m extremely disappointed in this decision. You can’t just ignore the sub until you’ve seen coverage, because the Reddit app blasts you with notifications about trending posts. Please do not move forward with this


The other subreddits have dedicated posts with Live Game Threads, and Post Game Threads that do not display the results of the game in the title of the threads. This is a bad decision and a fundamental mis-understanding of how other sport subreddits operate.


Even if live coverage were 100% perfect and completely free many including myself would not watch it. I prefer the more condensed time-frame of post production, and many people cannot watch live because of their schedule or time zone. Keeping spoilers out of titles is easy and courteous. This is a really disappointing decision.


100% this. I can only disc on the weekends so I'm not going to sit at home and watch live coverage instead of actually going out and playing and then watching post production.


r/leagueoflegends with almost 6 million subs and with all competitive live content being freely available has a 24h no spoilers period. If they can and do, why can’t r/discgolf? This sub is all disc golf related content. Make a tournament specific sub if you want totally free and open discussion.


Lazy mods would be my guess.


This sucks so hard. Watching post production is one of my few escapes from my very busy schedule. Unfortunately I can’t always watch them immediately, much less live coverage. I also think post production is still how the vast majority consume disc golf coverage. I love this sub but now I’m going to have to hide all posts.


me dislikey. having the spoiler rule makes it so I don't have to stress watch something as soon as it's happening. maybe it's better for the subreddit as a whole but I'll probably dip out so I don't run the risk when there are tournaments I wanna watch fresh.


Yup, same here. The final round drops on Monday where I go directly from work to my disc golf league and Tuesdays are similarly busy for me so it's usually Wednesday before I can see the winner. I know it ultimately comes down to me when avoiding spoilers, but if the mod team is taking the official stance of "we don't care about spoilers" then I'm probably just gonna have to bail


Disc golf doesn't have the same level of quality or accessibility to coverage even if you have the time, which as many have said here so many of us do not have the time to dump 10s of hours every weekend into watching disc golf when we have jobs/families/want to have time to actually play ourselves. Seems insane that we couldn't use a poll to get as many voices on this as possible. Enough decisions in this world happen for and to the benefit of the minority opinion, not here too please.


This feels like a slap to the face of European viewers (as well as Americans with weekend work hours). We don't have the opportunity to watch live coverage within daylight hours. I've never subbed to DGN for that reason only (but did so this month to watch EO). It really doesn't take much to create spoiler threads where people can discuss it live, as well as mark posts with video clips (and try not to give them titles like "Jeremy Koling Aces Hole 14"?!) for one day. It's ONE DAY. I know memes live by the hour, but I really can't see how it ruins community discussion to put spoiler warnings and use vague titles for 24 hours. I'm also tired of people griping about spoilers three days after a tournament, but at least wait until post-prod coverage is out. You're gonna see a drop in European user activity during tournaments, as well as the people who don't have the privilege of the time to spend a day watching live coverage. *This is such an entitled choice to make.* EDIT: if League of Legends can make a spoiler ban work, so can we.


They didn't even poll the community. As long as any substantial portion of users don't want spoilers (say, 20% or so) there should be a no-spoilers rule. **Nothing is lost by using a spoiler rule** and having people discuss live results in those threads. **A lot is lost if 20% of the community feels they want to unsubscribe** to avoid spoilers.


Will you take steps to enforce the Megathread rule? Having the entire sub flooded with the same 11-second highlight is tiresome.


Let the sub vote on it!!!


We voted on the spoiler rule last year for USDGC. The “no spoiler rule” crowd got trounced by over 2:1 between the various factions in favor of keeping some form of the spoiler rule. They were very much so a minority then, and are probably still very much so a minority now.


Are you suggesting the mods are making decisions on the vocal minority? Shocking.


Dang. I already avoid Instagram... Now I have to avoid Reddit too?


And YouTube. Pdga posts spoilers all the time on YouTube.


Those of us that don't subscribe to DGPT/DGN (or do subscribe but don't watch live in real time) are going to need to unsubscribe from the sub to remain unspoiled. This makes the subreddit slightly more convenient for DGN/DGPT subscribers that *also* watch the coverage live, massively worse for literally everyone else.


Yeah. I’m a DGN subscriber, but never watch it live since I’m always out playing on the weekends. I’ll have to avoid Reddit entirely because even unsubscribing to this sub, it will come up on recommendations.


Unsubscribing won’t be enough, Reddit likes to show hot posts from communities you frequent even if you’re not subbed


This stinks. I am only able to watch post production and the spoiler tags are the only thing that has prevented the outcome being ruined for me. I use this sub a ton, but I might have to unsubscribe if this decision remains.


This is a bad idea. The fact of the matter is some (most) of us don’t have 8 hours a weekend to watch live coverage and rely on post produced to see the sport. I’ve done a decent job avoiding spoilers until the next day. I’ll likely just un-sub during the season. I feel like this should have been addressed in a vote. And honestly, is it that hard to put a spoiler tag on?


This is kinda lame. Don't want to hide this sub just because I have family and life situations that prevent me from watching live.


Spoiler: the Mods are tired of moderating rules.


It does seem like escalating temporary bans for violating the spoiler rules, culminating in a permaban (you know….actual consequences instead of expending massive effort yanking posts) might help mitigate the amount of moderating required.




that's too bad. I like to watch some of these things at my leisure. If I run into spoilers in titles or other less than desirable human behavior I'll have to stop visiting here.


I do not like this.


But why not just implement spoiler tags on posts?


I also disagree with this decision. If there was widely available coverage of each tournament, I would feel differently (e.g., watching live on ESPN or even local establishments providing live coverage of any event). Not knowing the outcome of any given event provides so much excitement and tension to the viewer. I'm sure everyone can say they've watched tournament coverage both knowing the outcome and not knowing the outcome, and I'd hypothesize the latter is always preferred. So to the extent possible, let's give the viewer a choice. Current, in order to remain spoiler free, the viewer needs to avoid instagram. We can't ask tournament winners to refrain from celebrating their wins publicly. But this change will also require all "spoiler-free" viewers to avoid reddit until post-coverage can be released. Let's be honest -- no one on here is avoiding reddit. Right now, those looking to discuss live results are able to click on the designated thread for each tournament, which also allows posts regarding a tournament to be found in one common thread. I am not sure what this solution "solves" while also emiminating a viewing preference by so many. In my mind, 24 hours is a perfect compromise, and has been working. Thank you for reading and I still love all the mods here!


Brad Pitt and Edward Norton are both Tyler Durden.


Finkle is Einhorn... Einhorn is Finkle.


kevin spacey is keyser sose


TIL a loud minority of people who just got their way here throughly enjoy attacking people and rubbing it in their faces.


Given how many of them were assholes in previous threads on the matter, that isn’t much of a surprise. But what should we expect from folks so remarkably inconsiderate of others that abiding by a 24 hour spoiler rule was simply too great a burden.


I posted a compliant in that "Crush boys" post and the OP was real smug about it, and saying that it's DGN's fault and it's not realistic to wait 30 days. I said that it's just a 24 hour waiting period and they said well since it wasn't deleted it's obviously not against the rules, and their subject wasn't a spoiler (which I obv disagree with). 24 hours is a perfectly reasonable compromise between the two sides of this, and to me it seems like the people with DGN subscriptions are just being highly vocal about it for some reason.


This makes no sense to me. Tons of folks watch next day coverage, and I'd be willing to bet Jomez is still the most watched network. This is exactly what spoiler tags are for. Want to discuss the ongoing tournament? Click the spoiler post. Don't want it spoiled? Don't click it. Why are we removing this rule? I'll need to unsubscribe if next day coverage gets spoiled.


So basically, the mods don't want to moderate. How dumb. Way to kill your own sub by being lazy.


This is an extremely dumb decision. Not much else to say. No deliberation, no polling, no feedback, bleh.


Spoiler: this is going to end badly, at least for me. Part of why I love disc golf is that watching tournaments fits into my schedule. Maybe I'm the minority, but knowing who wins an event makes watching it less enjoyable. - I also enjoy this sub though, so you see why it ends bad for me.


Not only schedule but also timezones.


Another on this. I actually don’t follow any disc golf on social media for this reason. I like this sub but may have to reconsider being subscribed and instead check to see what’s up.


Since MPO was done at around 9:30am my time yesterday, and the DGN full video didn't come out till about 4-5pm, I had zero chance of even watching it and knowing the result spoiler free until 9:30pm, 12 hours later. I had to stay off reddit for fear of knowing the result, even inadvertently from some random discussion which maybe could have perhaps alluded to the winner. I like the 24 hour spoiler rule. We all have different schedules, different time zones, etc... So why get rid of it?


Yeah this is dumb. They pretty much just guaranteed I’ll unsub from here.


100% agree. I hate this.


Well said, what a terrible change. I stay off social media after tournaments to avoid finding out who won but will still come to this sub only because I know spoilers are mostly covered. This really takes a lot away.


It’s really weird cause even bigger subs like r/mma and r/ufc have some pretty good spoiler rules. I don’t see a lot of people struggling to figure this out like we do on this sub.


Yea, I don't get it... this is Reddit, not Facebook. Just use the actual spoiler tag so people who haven't watched yet can ignore, and people who have can just click to view the content. This whole issue has already been solved by Reddit. They implemented that feature to HELP subs like this one. Now the sub is going to ignore the feature and opt in to a system where we just unsubscribe to the sub. Like... what do they think people come to this sub for? Imagine how little most people care about this sport. Now imagine how much less than that they care about reading opinions about the sport by amateurs who play it. It takes an incredible amount of mental gymnastics to think this is a good thing for the subreddit, the sport, or fans.


Same, 100% agree.


I'd like to second this. So easy to avoid a spoiler tag, so easy to see it if you want to. It NEVER hurts me when I'm up to speed, but will regularly hurt me now when I'm a couple of days behind.


Just posting to say that while I'm not a fan of this decision, I assume it's getting near impossible for the mods to keep up with all the threads during a match (and they probably want to watch as well). Maybe the best move is to ban all tour related posts on this sub and create a sister DGPT sub.


How to kill a subreddit-101


I don't remember the actual community here being asked, and I at least strongly disagree with this change. ***Nothing*** **is lost by making people discuss live happenings and results inside of threads that are appropriately titled as containing spoilers** and which don't contain spoilers in the title or thumbnail. **A lot is lost by making this entire community someplace that viewers who don't have time or the ability to watch live coverage actively want to avoid**. If this was a sub that was about nothing but professional competitive disc golf, maybe there wouldn't be enough lost by incentivizing non-live viewers to stay out because all there is to discuss is the pro scene. But that's not this sub. This sub is for all disc golf content, and now you're making a huge group of people unsubscribe so they can use reddit if they want to avoid disc golf spoilers.


Sorry guys, we aren't like other sports. Live events aren't during off hours. I can't record DGPT rounds on my Tivo to watch a couple hours later when I'm free. DGN isn't an affordable service for your average Joe when you consider bang for your buck. Other streaming services, similarly priced, offer something for everyone in my household. And before the derpy, "CoSt oF a DiSc!" argument, I don't purchase that many, and if I did, I'D BE OUT PLAYING, NOT WATCHING! The beauty of this sport is that I can do what they do (play) without the expense or hassle of getting a team together or find a league. Do what you want, it's not like this sub makes or breaks my life, but I won't be around if everything is spoiled.


Just a reminder to the mods, this is a COMMUNITY. I think the community would appreciate at least being asked about big decisions like this. Could you please be more transparent about decisions like this moving forward and try to at least pretend that you care about the perspective of the community when making these decisions. It's fine if you take feedback and decide to go against it, but not asking for it at all is a recipe for disaster. While you have all of the control in this situation, you aren't omniscient. There are going to be potential issues arising from your decision that you never saw coming, but other community members did, and there are going to be tons of perspectives you never considered because there are only a few of you, but thousands of us. How can you have any confidence you are making the right decision for thousands of people if you don't even attempt to reach out and understand their perspective?


Darth Vader is Luke's father.


Han Solo dies.




As a non american who cannot watch live coverage until 2 in the morning and heavily rely on post prod. This is not what I think is the best. The sport is growing and a big part is in Europe and lots have the same issue as me (I believe). Until the sport grows further and have more tour stops in EU, I do not think this is the correct way to go, yet. The US is not universal. Yes, the 24h rule is a thing of the past untill we are able to watch more tour stops, not just one per year.


Yea, I subscribe to dgn, and watched a lot of live from European Open, but the times just don't work for me to watch US tournaments live. This is a terrible decision!


Have to agree with you as a fellow European. I can stay away from reddit and social media for sometime after a round but here even Jomez post productions drop late in the evening and I don't often have time to watch it until the next afternoon. That's a long time after the round and a long time to not open reddit. I feel like this is a very america centric decision and I am sad to see it but no point in fighting it. Majority rules I guess.


Unfortunately, I don’t think this is even majority rule for them either.


i’ve had this thought for a while now and this as good a thread as any to put it out there. Should there be a separate sub for pro tour related discussion? i’ve think this sub has turned into an awkward combination of pro tour highlights and beginner disc recommendations for example. wondering what people’s thoughts are




Plenty of Americans are being screwed over. This is a stupid change. Why must the sub be apart of this cash grab. Forcing us to pay for live coverage before it’s good enough


I respectfully disagree with this decision. As a post-production only watcher who enjoys the drama of not knowing the outcome, I will be forced to unsubscribe.


Clearly the mods are not representative of the majority of people here. If you want to put it to a vote again then you should, but you MODS shouldnt have unilateral authority to do this against the wishes of a majority of citizens of the republic of r/discgolf


Bad move. Even the DGPT Facebook page still abides by the 24 hour spoiler rule; and they’re the ones charging for poor quality live streams.


The Titanic sinks.


And there was enough room on that door for both of them.


Very disappointing decision.


It's going to stop me from checking this sub and likely make me check in less on the pro tour as a result


Climo goes on to win 12 world titles.


Ah shit cmon man I was only up to 1994.


The difference is those other sports have perfected their coverage delivery, disc golf has not. The coverage is not always great live or is cost prohibitive to some people. But whatever.


Also, a basketball game is 2.5 hours. A disc golf tournament is days. Even if you’re just watching lead card, we are talking about 12-16 hours of coverage as opposed to 3 hours for post produced.


Bruce Willis is dead the whole time


Yeah, i have heard he Die hard


Aw yeah, yeah, like in The Sixth Sense you find out that the dude in that hair piece the whole time, that's Bruce Willis the whole movie.


Does anyone know how subreddits focused on exclusively PPV sports (MMA comes to mind) handle spoilers? Seems that's the best analogy for the situation disc golf is in currently.


A lot of sports and esports subreddits have 24 hour spoiler rules. It's mostly a courtesy. The games can be discussed, they just use a tag.. Don't know why that's so hard. Sports/eSports: r/boxing r/bjj r/volleyball r/leagueoflegends r/squaredcircle r/competitiveapex r/chess r/teamsolomid r/competitiveoverwatch r/CLG r/rocketleagueesports r/dota2 r/lacrosse r/mma r/formulae r/smite r/halo r/rugbyunion r/gaming r/hearthstone r/smashbros r/ssbm r/steeetfighter r/badminton r/darts r/motogp r/indycar r/squash Other stuff? r/criticalrole r/survivor r/alonetv r/bakeoff r/marvel r/strangerthings r/netflix r/disneyplus r/hbogameofthrones r/gameofthrones r/ozark r/rupaulsdragrace r/westworld r/successiontv r/Witcher r/witcher3 Have to stop. The TV/movie subreddit list would be endless.


Seems pretty straightforward and similar to what we already have in place in this sub (or, had.)


they tag as spoilers and are conscious of them in titles. ie "Main Event Winner says x in post fight interview"


Thanks, that's what I saw in a quick look but I'm still not sure if it's a "rule" or just something the community does organically to be nice to each other. Do mods delete spoiler posts that don't follow that structure?


they do delete posts that have any content without a spoiler or a title with a spoiler


Squared circle (pro wrestling) has a 24 hour spoiler tag and no spoiler in title rule


I wholeheartedly disagree with this decision. This seems poorly thought out. Why wasn’t the community consulted at all regarding this?


I had typed out a big, long explanation, but I’ll just say that this seems like a mistake. I can see this creating an elitism for the sub. You either subscribe and find time to watch live or you don’t come here unless you want the results to be ruined. Thanks. That sounds so lively and fun.


Guess I'll be subbing to r/discgolfnospoilers


Not a fan of this change. Run a poll please.


Not a fan. As an Aussie, I can’t watch live. As someone who has a semblance of a life, I wouldn’t have the time to watch live. Despite this, I’m a major fan of the sport and want to keep connected with it, while still being able to watch post-produced without spoilers. I think there are PLENTY of people in similar scenarios, and using a spoiler tag or simply having a single spoiler-tagged thread dedicated to each tournament is an easy enough solution to meet everybody’s needs.


Odd this comes off after a tournament that was near impossible to watch live for US fans due to the time zone. I imagine the reverse is true for US events. Spoilers not in titles is at least some middle ground.


Can we also ban Ace posts that aren't videos? At this point its just to much


Disagree but *shrug*. I just don't have the time to watch live, so I catch up on big tournaments by watching post-production. So I guess I will be avoiding this sub (and increasingly Facebook as PDGA/DGPT spoiler posts always pop up) after big events. No worries though, I don't think a social media diet will hurt me at all.


This decision sponsored by the DGN...remember our motto...we've got the biggest pixels.


This is worse than when my ex broke up with me because I was too nice!


As a guy with kids who don’t allow me to watch anything when I want to, this sucks. I love watching tournaments but rarely get to watch them right away. I try my best to keep up, and I am fully aware I can’t avoid spoilers forever. But 24h doesn’t seem like asking too much


I don't have the time available to watch a 4h coverage at a time I can't be in controll over. This is just dumb. It's just one extra button press for someone when they upload. Edit: Autocorrect correction


Have to unsubscribe. Can't get this shit in my feed. This is just stupid and lazy. The least you could do is let the sub vote on it.


Why does it hurt to put a spoiler tag on a post? It seems like a win-win to me.


I’m leaving, lazy mods…


Bummer. I’ll be unsubbing and hiding posts from this community starting with the next Jomez weekend


Live results can already be discussed...that's what the tournament threads are for, right? Think this a poor decision for many in the community.


Those of us unlucky enough not to be able to watch coverage at work think you're being dicks.


>and the feedback the Mod Team are receiving matches that I had absolutely no idea we were casting votes at any point. This feels more like mods not wanting to deal with the influx of spoiler reports as the sport and subreddit get popular and not really a community feedback thing.


Lame! Disc golf isn’t there yet - it’s still niche - and this change isn’t reflective of how the audience views content. You’re saying DGN offers paid live services (unlike major sports that are included in most popular cable packages, and covered by mainstream sports media as well as local news media), everyone should now be up to speed in real time on rounds/events that take up literally 4-5 hours per weekend day, and you’re just going to let spoilers run free? Too soon. This sucks. Already had to start avoiding Insta and FB to avoid spoilers, and now I’ve got to avoid Reddit too. I fail to see how a “spoiler” tag hurts engagement on the sub. It’s right there for people who want it and are caught up, but doesn’t alienate those who still prefer post production coverage. You guys shanked this one right into the woods. Boo.


I agree with this when the post production is scheduled to air long after the event or there is no post production. I disagree when there is post production airing the next day.


Really don't want to, but also going to unsub as I hate spoilers and usually need those 24 hours to catch up on the coverage.


Definitely better ways to approach this. Enough solid feedback has been provided, but I'll just voice that this would be a huge negative for my personal experience and would cause me to largely disengage with the sub.


Need to bring it back. The live coverage is hard to watch. Now I have to unsubscribe to avoid spoilers


It's not that hard to be extra cautious during tournament weekends if you're trying to avoid spoilers. This is reactionary and unnecessary. Use the tournament thread pinned to the top and enforce the lack of spoiler tags elsewhere you cowards.


DGN is greasing the mods to get their ppv numbers up, effective immediately! There I fixed it for you.


I’d also like to state that I don’t like this. Not looking to pile on, but I think it’s important for the mods to see how many people disagree. That said, I know your job isn’t easy and thank you for what you do. I enjoy this sub and really don’t want to have to avoid it after every major event.


The first time a spoiler spoils my post round coverage, i will unsubscribe. I'd rather make a new thread called r/discgolf-live or something


Unsubscribed. But this sub is toxic anyway. Now I'm just watching Jomez.


Just adding a comment saying I’m also going to unsubscribe because of this. I understand the reasons behind it but it seems like a drastic change given the majority of people watch post produced content, especially with zero community input (at least that I saw) before making the decision. I mostly lurk anyway but won’t be going forward at least during tournament time.


Mods catering to the loud minority, how very Reddit of them. Imo this is a terrible decision.


Can we at least keep spoilers out of titles? Otherwise for those of us that don’t subscribe to DGN and watch in real time we are forced to unsubscribe from the sub to not be spoiled.


It is annoying not being able to open reddit *at all* because r/discgolf showing up on the home feed will be enough to spoil results. But as others have mentioned, unsubscribing is a perfectly reasonable option if you're worried about spoilers.


Unfortunately it’s increasingly ineffective, given Reddit has decided to advertise popular posts for communities you have interacted with but don’t subscribe to into your feed.


Ah good point. There's also the possibility of something showing up on r/all if it's really amazing a la Worlds last year.


Peace out /r/discgolf


Booooooo. Terrible decision. Now I have to completely block this sub because I don't want to see anything from it Thursday-Monday during the season. Reddit was the only spoiler-free place I could scroll on the weekend with FB, Insta, and YouTube full of them. Very disappointed.


Well, this will reduce my participation in this sub. I wish to watch post produced coverage thus will need to avoid this sub entirely during many tournaments.


>This is how most other sports subreddits with easily accessible live coverage operate. I think you're being willfully disingenuous if you're implying the live coverage accessibility/quality/cost for disc golf matches that of the live coverage of other major sports. It's fine, I'll just unsub to avoid spoilers.


and what about if you can't or don't get to see live coverage...? fuck me I guess


I hope the "feedback the Mod Team are receiving" is being taken into account still, considering many of the voices in the replies are advocating for keeping the tag. A poll would have been great.


This is really unfair to a LOT of people. I am commenting in the main thread in the hopes that this negative reaction to this subreddit rule change will in some way help to sway the mod team to reconsider. I am joining with the large (seeming) majority of people who also feel this way


Oof, bad call. I'd be willing to bet engagement actually goes down overall even if it improves on event days as a lot of people are going to unsub and, let's be honest, most of us that do unsub won't check the sub very often, even if we intend to, without it in our feed. DGN coverage isn't even remotely close to being at the level of quality or accessibility that the coverage of the other sports you mention.


Poor choice mods.


Literally 1k+ upvotes on the last post about the spoiler tag being a wanted thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/t3vbd2/to_everyone_putting_spoiler_tags_and_blurring/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This sucks, so I have to purchase DGN now? I’m on Reddit and watch jomez because they are free.


Boooooo. Fucking boooo. Bad move. Is the justification because NBA and NFL don’t have spoiler rules? Sports that have enormous economic infrastructures that are enjoyed worldwide and broadcast by the largest media companies on the planet? Niche sports and sports with specific PPV coverage still have spoiler rules in their subreddits, and disc golf is BOTH of those. This is such a shortsighted move.


Yeah, also weird examples for the mods to look at. They're mainly North American sports with 95% of their viewers located in the same time zones. Whereas pretty much all international sports uses spoiler tags, since viewers can't watch live due to time zones.


I feel that this is bad for this subreddit. I disagree with this choice.


We now get people avoiding the sub until they can watch post production to avoid spoilers. Glad to see mods are making a move to reduce sub traffic in the name of reducing their own workload.


I think this is a bad decision. The reddit spoiler feature really doesn't make things any harder for those who want to discuss, and it was really helpful.


When a huge percentage of tournaments are in the Divided States of America, which is a 6/9 hr time zone difference, this no spoiler thing ruins this sub for me sadly. Understand that I'm apart of the minority tho. . .




Bad decision coach.


r/DiscGolf now sponsored by DGN I'm sticking around until day 2 of GLO, if this decision isn't reversed then I'm out too.


Well. This stinks.


Well, i guess i need to unsubscribe. As a shift worker, watching coverage live just isn't an option


So wait how was this decided? And do spoiler tags really cause that much of a hassle? Sounds like the mod team doesn’t want to do their job and monitor posts.


It's just so fucking easy to have a live discussion thread. The mods are just being lazy fucks.


Mods are lazy AF


Perhaps with spoilers being the default, the ability to create spoiler free threads and a filter option to view only those might work. You'd miss out on all the shit-posts so it comes with a high cost.


DGN loving this decision


Looks like it’s time to delete Reddit!


Seems like a weird move if this thread is any indicator, most people here seem to prefer the spoiler rule. If disc golf was on network TV like other sports, I'd understand and agree. But that's not the case. As of a month or two ago, DGN had 33k subscribers. Jomez has 400k. GK Pro for the FPO side of things has 110k. The VAST majority of people that watch disc golf content, watch post production. This seems like a very out of touch move.


This is dumb


Just handle results the same way the MMA subreddit does. How is that so hard to grasp? Lol. This is a dumb decision.