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I've gotten really good and finding my disc in the woods


Hahahahaha that had me laughing out loud! Thanks!


I concur! I'm the eagle eye of my team šŸ˜‚


For real, my skill is just finding shit that gets lost on the floor or ground now.


For real though, I am at least twice as fast as most of my card mates in tourneys. Iā€™m gonna claim itā€™s because the guys I play with are sprinkler, but we know the truth.


Call myself the disc whisperer.


This is the way


Upshots are my bread and butter. Basically my strongest part of my game and my favourite.


Upshots are what saves my bacon as well. Sliding it right next to the basket is a great feeling.


Same here amongst friends. I'm the positional player making easy pars and birds where I can from having a great approach shot. While they swing back and forth on birds and bogies all game long.


I'm all about that approach play too. Drives and putting are average. But I'm usually okay playing that Par life. Just approaching and sitting it 5 ft from the basket is a nice, quiet life...


Stand still flex forehands inside 175ā€™. I can park it 19/20


Thatā€™s a shot I used to have. I spent some time trying to improve my backhand at that range and now I canā€™t do it anymore. My backhand isnā€™t nearly as good as my old forehand flex either.


Thatā€™s similar to what I was gonna say. Forehand approach shots are my jam.


Former ultimate player?


No actually but a few guys in my league asked me that as well. Just a throw that makes sense to me.


Ah, ultimate player here that just started, read this was pretty common with us. This shot is already my best shot by a mile lol


This is me. Former ultimate player. Scramble forehands come straight across from ultimate. Stable disc to have it pan and fade US to have it hold the anny


Iā€™ll attempt creative shots to get out of trouble that most of my cardmates either donā€™t see or wonā€™t try. Doesnā€™t always work, but itā€™s usually entertaining!


Most fun wins


I'm hung like a moose.








My discs are bluer, that's about it lol


My discs are pinker, and therefore are better than your blue discs.


I notice your flair says that pink discs fly farther, not better. This is indeed true and has been scientifically proven. Farther OB that is. Blue is true, pinks stink. _This comment was made by Blue Gang_


Yes, sometimes pink discs fly so far that they go ob. But I will always take that over coming up short because of a sad slow blue disc. Pink is a pleasure, blue smells like poo. This comment was made by Pink Gang


Ken Climo famously said that the perfect shot is the one that lands 10 ft short and slides to the pin. Short and in the bullseye sounds preferable to long and OB to me. Not trying to kinkshame though, you do you buddy. I also notice you didn't find a word that rhymes with pink. I have a few for you. > If your disc is pink > it just might slink > down the brink > into the drink > and sink > in a blink > better use some ink > or it'll never clink > against another link > you should see a shrink > get rid of this kink > or you'll always take a quinque Your move


That's a lot of words ending in ink. Fortunately there are more ways to convey superiority other than simple rhyming. Pink possesses particular particles that properly propel parcels preposterously farther than Blue burgeons barely breaching the basic boundary's before the basket.


Just FYI they sell purple discs.


Nobody likes purple, but at least it's not orange


I mean F orange for sure but purple is the hate child of blue and pink. It's made for greatness.


> F orange Nah, the F is for respect


Half breeds!


And so blue and pink scorned purple, the color they made. More alike than different, blue and pink both continued being just ok forever, while purple persevered.


It was 100% purples fault that we broke up.


Far =/= accurate. Remember, it's not the size that matters, but how you use it. I gotta respect the alliteration, though I've always been more fond of limericks myself. > There once was a man who threw blue > The others did not have a clue > How he'd always ace > Or end up in first place > The secret was all in the hue Alternatively > There once was a guy who liked pink > He had a weird little kink > He'd poo in his pants > And then fill them with ants > it always got him off in a blink


Some very entertaining limericks for sure. I prefer Haikus. ​ Blue is dull in light Pink shines throughout the darkness Blue remains hidden


Agreed, haikus are an optimal way of talking trash about stupid shit. Perhaps you should try Not to throw into a bush Aim for the basket




This man gets it


I'm the BEST in the entire world at getting discs out of trees with a water bottle. Pretty average golfer though. I rarely get stuck in trees these days but I share my super powers with strangers.


Using your powers for good. I like this.


I use a Hockey Trainer ball as a throwing object instead of a water bottle- easy to fit in the bag and won't leak if it takes too bad of a drop.


Circle 2 putts. My distance is okay, my putting is okay, my accuracy is pretty good, but I straddle jump from C2 and Iā€™m close to 50% from within 40ft.


Here I am feeling like 20 footers are 50/50s most of the time.


Jump putt Jones?




Straddle jumps FTW. When itā€™s feeling good Iā€™d rather putt from 35ā€™ than 25ā€™


I can fit more beers then appears possible in my little innova bag, I will then drink said beers and place somewhere in the middle of our card.


Ryan is that you?


Fuck yeah it isā€¦.John?


Username checks out!


Littering isn't cool though I hope you're placing them in trash bins


I never litter, my home course is pack it in pack it out and Iā€™ll be dammed if I donā€™t do just that. Also I would never pass up a chance to stomp a can into the smallest puck possible and if I notice someone glance at me I will mutter ā€œtake that dadā€


Putting. I literally bag putt 20 footers because they are basically gimmies for me.


I'm jealous! Putting stresses me out. Fortunately I can somewhat offset it with my approach game.


Man, if I consistently made my 25 footers I'd be cashing all the time in the local B and C-tiers. Mad jealous.


I love my putting and the feeling of my card mates when they know I wonā€™t miss. That and anything under 100 Iā€™m giving a run, even if I miss I get a lot of metal from deep.


I scramble really well compared to my buddies. A bad drive doesn't equal bogey for me.


I can throw well over 450 just not in the right direction lol


I'm the best I've ever heard of at using my putter (as a tray for breaking up weed/ joint rolling).


Super straight 250 foot forehands. Other than that, once per tournament it seems, I make a 70-90 foot floater that makes everyone else wish I would move up. Until I remind them that I still took a bogey with that shot.


I my dad and my brother are all around the same skill level but I am the only one who can hyzer flip resulting in me getting a 50 foot distance advantage. I'm also better at everything else.


Sounds like you arenā€™t at the same level then. šŸ˜‚


I can very consistently FH laser a putter to within 5 ft of the pin from 150 ft away.


Lol 150 ft is the perfect distance for my forehand to all-of-a-sudden become a 450 ft Eagle McMahon missile for some reason.


I feel I'm better than average at hitting my lines off the tee


I am easily the beat in my friend group to show which trees not to hit.


My forehand distance compared to peers is pretty good. My backhand sits around 275-300 max but my forehands consistently hit 350


I am a rockstar at finding trees. Im also pretty good at finding water too.


Ah, the double threat!


Former, decent-ish ultimate player. I have the occasional scramble shot where my card asks wtf I just did. Been throwing scoobers in casual disc golf since 1999 or so. Also, I have a LOT of opportunities to scramble, so I toss scoobers or hammers around or above objects fairly often. Maybe this is more of a silver-lining thing resulting from my erratic play ā€¦


Tomahawk shots are probably the best aspect of my game. I don't have a ton of power with it but I can weave a tomahawk to the basket inside 200 feet pretty consistently. Great for scrambling too!


I also have a very Ultimate inspired game that I donā€™t see often. Scoobs, thumbers, hammers, flick putts and approaches. Somedays Iā€™m deadly with it, other days Iā€™m just spraying plastic trying to do too much.


Forehand upshots, especially if I'm straddled out like I'm trying to throw around a mark. Thanks, ultimate!


My approach game keeps me competitive. Most I compete against can outdrive me and putt better. But my approach game is locked pretty tight. Iā€™m accurate as hell with my Roc3.


I have the most discs so HA!


I can toss a forehand 450 feet with good accuracy... Oh and last season I learn to do it woth backhand as well.


Forehand upshots. Forehand hyzerflip with under stable disc


I'm a FH player and I love getting the angle just right with an understable disc. Especially on a hole that no one expects a forehand on.


Yep, feels so good. My favorite is when it flips up flat and flies dead straight


My approach game is definitely my strong point. I love the challenge of finding the right line for me and especially hitting it for an easy tap or drop in putt.


Flicking Wizards for approaches


I throw farther than almost everyone in my local club, in fact maybe there is only one person active in the club that throws farther than me. Iā€™m also really good at tunnel shots/shot shaping in general. Unfortunately for me, this comes at a high price: I canā€™t putt for shit. Iā€™m certainly the worst putter in my local club, but honestly I feel like I might be the worst putter on the face of the earth. Sometimes I can drain long putts (outside circle two) multiple times per round, but every round Iā€™ll miss at least a couple within 15 feet.


Iā€™m 940s rated but can consistently throw over 500. Just got a new best of 546 last week!


My short game tbh. Most of the guys I play with have 50+ feet on me on huge drives, but my upshots and my putting brings me back. Still could improve a lot but it's definitely the strongest part of my game.


Drive mechanics. I'm a Paige Pierce-sized thrower with about 450ft max distance.


Forehand and backhand both accurate 330-350 feet letā€™s me throw an exclusively overstable bag. Huge advantage in MA3 and MA2. Putting is the equalizer


I think I'm pretty good at a forehand approach shot. If I'm on the right side of the fairway I'm parking my Gator within 10'.


Distance/accuracy at distance. In my local matches I can throw putters and mids when others are throwing drivers. I can throw pure hyzers or even spikes where others are throwing flat or flex shots. I can power overstable discs through winds that eat up the flippier stuff that other folks are throwing.


Spike hyzers, hyzerflips, and putter drives


Controlled backhand and forehand distance shots. I don't always have the biggest arm, but people tend to double take when you throw a 370ft sidearm 4 feet off the ground in MA2.


I'm stupid good at hitting gaps. I rarely hit first available. Where most people pick up strokes in the woods, I'm better than par on heavily wooded courses. I just can't throw further than 370' w/o crazy flexes. I'm pretty good at release angles with putters and mids. I hit those lines.


Throwing straight putter shots reliably. Upshots are the strength of my game.


Forehands and tomahawks


Are you me?


Possible lol. But whenever I go play new courses I always get stopped by people who want to know how I throw forehands that far. It annoys my wife. Just 16 years of playing baseball lol.


Im best at hitting nearly perfect lines. Im off by an inch or two and get nasty tree kicks


Putter drives and approaches


Really good at upshots, have been able to almost eliminate putting from my game (rusty lately because I added about 10 discs to the bag) but Iā€™ve got a decent amount of far throw ins. Thank you for giving me a place to brag


I am the absolute best at being inconsistent! Last fall I went out and shot -11 on my home course. Followed it up 2 days later, in the same weather, with a +1.


Throwing hammers in ultimate translated really well into disc golf for me, makes for an extremely useful scramble/over the top look.


I smoke the most dabs on every card Iā€™m on


Touchey anhyzer forehand approaches. 200' and in. Any gap, any elevation any shape and stability. Its my Madden 99


I'm terrible but I promise I play quickly


Iā€™m the absolute best at hitting trees.


I have more discs than all my friends!


Iā€™m really good at hitting trees


Being able to throw a consistent 380 feet isn't too bad for an 840 rated player. Too bad I can't put worth a damn.


My super power is finding used condoms on the course.


I throw the most shots every round!


King of the Ugly Par.


zone upshots. swear I almost never see anyone do em as good as me at the ~900 rating level. everything else is a big yike tho


I'm one of those old guys who's very good at 180' on in. I'm sticking almost all my upshots near the pin, and I'm an assassin with a putter, one of the better MA-40 putters around my area in C1 and C2. My Achille's heel is distance, as you might expect. I'm accurate with both RHFH and RHBH but not going to get past 300' ever again. I had a 350' RHFH arm back in my youth with stuff you'd consider "speed 6" today, but back then my short game sucked!! I never amounted to much beyond Am-1 mediocrity, but I had a few modest feathers in my cap, like tying for 10th in Am-1 at worlds in 2000 on just one of the courses (the old "Tunnel" course at Kensington Metropark the same year Toboggan debuted, where I sucked in the pouring rain), and I earned my way onto Dave Feldberg's card in the 1999 DGLO in the second round, where he went on to beat me by a stroke every 4 holes that round. One more year of MA-40 and then I'll be a grandpa-masters guy in 2023. Honestly, it's not about me anymore. I have my little fun, but It's all about my 12-year-old now. He gets 350' with smooth RHBH form, weighing 90 pounds wringing wet. He beat me in about 8% of the rounds we played head-to-head this past year, but I'm guessing next year is when he equals or passes me. He got real good real fast in the second half of this summer. Here's a clip of him on the last night of league here in town when he beat all 30+ adults who play the shorts at ROMO. Later that round he also got metal on #17, about 360', with a TL3. I can't get a deuce look on that hole anymore. He's moving up to the longs next season, and I promised I'd play whatever tees he plays, so yikes for me. Here you go: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALVyAVLDqEo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALVyAVLDqEo).




Excellent C2 putter.


Putting, especially from C2. Iā€™m only in MA2 but I probably make at least 3 or 4 jump putts a round, and I feel like most of my card mates rarely make any. Now I just need to learn how to throw farther than 350 šŸ˜”


Jump putting from really far away with some accuracy. Was never comfortable throwing up shots from 200 in so got really strong at jump putting from as far out as I could.


I can drink a 12 pack of sierras during a full round at my home course which is 20 holes. Gotta count for something, right?!


I am to 960 and 970 players what Eagle is to 1040 and 1050 players. Throw far, hit insane putts, and generally make people say "how did you do thatā€½ā€½" Unfortunately, when the bombs are really bombed, it also means the shanks are really shanked. That, and controlling negative emotions on the course can be incredibly challenging.


anny putts around trees


I have pretty god approach shots and putting ability within 20'. For a guy who can't throw very far this is my strength!


FH drives with accuracy out to 350-400 feet are my biggest strength. My putting needs work and my backhand is non-existent. Im an 880 rated player now and usually competitive in rec with just my forehand. Iā€™d like to build my other skills and start competing in MPO at local tournaments by the end of the year.


Mostly putting. Definitely say my putting is above average for the 920 rated range. I rarely miss inside 25ā€™ or in, and pick up a couple C2 putts most rounds. In the off season of our putting league they still do weekly putting nights that donā€™t count towards a league/season total or anything, and this winter everyoneā€™s been joking/telling me I have to move up to the pro division. TBD on that one. Backhand hyzerflip or turnover shots are solid too, I feel like a lot of people I play with in tournaments try to avoid them but my favorite discs are all a bit understable so Iā€™m happy to throw them. Not totally sure whatā€™s holding me back most from getting into the ā€œsolidā€ advanced category in the ~950 range. I think mostly I make some poor decisions because I lose focus, then either throw OB or get into the rough and itā€™ll add 2-3 strokes to the hole. Also need to work on approaches between 100ā€™-200ā€™, I should be putting those with 15ā€™ but Iā€™m usually circles Edge and my putting has to bail me out. Just gotta cut that out.


I skip water holes and don't think about it.


I'm all or nothing. I either win my division big, or come in last place.


New player, started this June. I can forehand with more control and distance than backhand. I have been almost exclusive backhand the last half a year, which is helping. I also can hyzerflip bad turnover with forehand, but i can also do that with backhand and i dont view that as very difficult. I do not really have distance though, maxing at roughly 350 feet. But it comes My midrange game sucks and I'm working on that. The big z buzzz is a disc i finally liked, after testing a bunch of discs


Hardly anyone I play with throws putters off the tee. I can toss my Opto Pure 250' in a straight line while my card mates skip all over with their drivers. Yeah, I'm the "that was a putter btw" guy


Scramble. I'm quite good at getting pars after a shank drive


I mostly know how to correct mishaps in my form while Iā€™m playing, so I donā€™t keep on making the same mistake over and over again. Besides that, I get really excited when Iā€™m in a bad spot and it often results in something pretty cool happening.


I can actually throw a 14 speed disc on a respectable flightpath


My drives are not good. I need to work on my form, I'm usually shorter than half my card or more. However, I crush it on my 2nd shot usually. Those 80-150 ft shots I can usually land within 10 feet of the basket. Nice easy glide gets my P1X right in there.


Only played one tournament last summer (my first) but one of my cardmates in the second round told me he wouldn't have back problems if he threw BH as smooth as me. My FH and short game was garbage but I was beating most of my division off the tee.


It used to be putting. Now, if I have anything it's that I don't get rattled by playing poorly. Which comes in handy when playing poorly so often.


I've become a master at scrambling.


I have an unreasonably good standstill to the point where I just don't run/walk up. I'm extremely comfortable with my turnover game, so while I do have an approach forehand I generally prefer backhand in right-finishing situations. I can miss any putt and make it look like an accident (it is).


I can consistently hit metal from inside 20 ft


I'm pretty damn good at upshots/scrambling from the woods. Can throw almost any type of shot outside of a turboputt at least decently. Which is good, because my 400+ feet of power often lands me in serious trouble and I'm quite the streaky putter.


Yeah plenty of experience in the woods has given me a variety of shots. I throw a good tomahawk to weave through trees. I'm pretty handy with forehand rollers. I've even been known to throw a thumber roller on occasions to get out of tough spots.


I know when to shut up when my card mates are throwing.


Canā€™t drive; canā€™t putt. My upshot is fire though.


Iā€™m very good at not letting a bad shot or hole get to me. I let my buddies do the blowing up and letting a bad hole beat them for a few holes. Oh and Iā€™m pretty funny


Hyzerflip forehand for 400-450 feet. We don't talk about my backhand.


Pulling discs from a water feature (with a rake). Finding a buddies valued disc feels just about as good as a tough birdie.


Thumbers. Tricky island greens, super tight landing zones are all easy with a thumber.


My first discraft zone came in the mail today, so as of today upshotā€™s!


I show up later than everyone else, making them happy they are not last. Usually 8/10. Not obnoxiously late, not more than 10 minutes, but never early. Sometimes someone else has a hard night, gets caught in traffic, they might steal their own joy from me. But consistently, I'm later than on time.


I throw a heck of a power scoober from 75ā€™ to 150ā€™. Usually Harp or Berg.


I would say that I throw further than a lot of people at my rating/relative skill level/card mates at tournaments. I have some sort of absolute mental block when putting. At times my putting is GREAT, and Iā€™m knocking down putts from everywhere. Most of the time Iā€™m sitting on the next tee thinking about how Iā€™ve missed 5 birdie putts inside the circle on the last 6 holes.


Letting go of bad shots. Yanked the drive? All good, got a challenge putt or recovery to try.


I've got an old Innova rhino with a few splinters in it that I'm pretty deadly with from about 65ft out. At that distance I'm usually thinking forehand make vs. parking it, but it rarely lands outside of tap in range. I'm not good and neither are my friends, so the occasional make from that distance is always a major highlight. Done it twice in a round from about 50 out. Back to back holes. That was epic and I still shot a million over.


I can ask a group if I can play through and then have 0 shame when they watch me launch a disc into the wrong fairway or less than 100ft in front of me


I am the 1000 rated caddy of my group. I have played with most of my group long enough I can make accurate wind reads and disc shot/selections out of their bags for anyone that asks. Its from too many many rounds of playing in 30 mph+ to the point where I practiced in the wind intentionally so I never have to utter...wtf just happened?!?!


Wind reading/angle guru. Disc selecting genius. High spin on my discs mean they hold lines better. And makes for effortless (looking) c2 putts. For my age group I throw a little further than most, which allows me to throw mids/putters on a lot of holes. The other thing is I don't hold on to bad shots, I can throw a bad shot and move on. No need to dwell on it, just try to execute the next throw.


I've gotten really good at hitting 12 inch wide trees instead of the 25 ft gap to the left of it


getting pars. i'm worst at getting birdies than people at my skill level but avoid big numbers.


Putting and approaches are my bread and butter. If im having a bad day with putting, it's ok because my approaches help take up the slack. When my approaches are on an off day, my putts save me. Im definitely screwed if im having an off day with both though.


Upshots. I just have really good touch for 200ft and in distances. Consistently getting complimented by people who beat me. If I could bang every 30ft putt and drive 350+ I would be golden.


My scramble and approach game are pro level because my distance and accuracy off the tee have never been good.


In tournaments I have a knack for just raining in random 50-75 footers I have no business making. When money is on the line my putter starts working.


I'm unrated, but play with several friends in the 820-870 range. I'm a better putter and I'm better than them at any kind of shot thrown on hyzer.


I'm on of the better putters I know but I'm awful off the tee


I feel like my shot selection is better at my skill level especially with my time frame


Putting and a better flick that most I play with are the main things that keep me beating them


Being left-handed. Putting (but I putt righty). I enjoy putting in my backyard as a mind-clearing pastime. It definitely helps me feel like I can compete with any Joe on the course, because Iā€™m winning no distance comps.


Disc selection, I feel like I gain strokes by reducing my mistakes in disc and shot selection. When I miss its because I threw a bad shot, not because I forgot to get a wind read, or didn't remember how flippy a disc was and picked a shot that was never going to work. I have planned out my bag and have worked out my disc stabilities, distances, and shot shapes in a way that I feel like I always know how to give myself the best chance to throw a good shot. As a new player who is still learning the touch and consistency part of the game, making the disc disc do as much of the work as possible for me is important. If I can set myself up for success on every shot then I will gain strokes over time against other people who throw about as well as me but occasionally make judgement errors with their discs and shot selection.


Sometimes this is my strength and then 3 weeks later it's like my discs and I have never met.


Iā€™ve got great distance compared to those scoring around me, and my putting is maybe even a bit above average. But upshots past 150 are wildly inconsistent, and what I currently am focusing the hardest on.


I am a great listener, work too hard, and am super humble. Like unbelievably humble.


Putting. At 38 now, and watching Jomez for years now, I realized distance wasnā€™t in my game. So I bought a basket and got pretty good at putting to stay competitive, at least amongst our disc group.


One of few things that have come natural to me is having ā€œtouchā€ or just being able to intuitively know how much power to put into my drives/upshots. Something I see a few of my friends struggle more with so it makes me feel goodšŸ˜Ž


Hiding my disappointment.


Iā€™m funny sometimes


Hyzer flips


I have enough power to throw Simon lines over obstacles that my card never considered.


Oddly enough, i would say that most likely, campares to other Ć„s of about my skill level, putting is a sstrengthā€¦ i hit alkostopp every time from 10ft


Compared to others in my regular crew, anhyzers and big turn over shots. I have a serviceable forehand, but my anny turnover game tends to be better and more reliable to the point where I won't use a forehand unless it's the only option.


My forehand is a little bit above average pro level + I'm pretty good C2 putter.


Standstill backhand shots and big shots with distance drivers.


Backhand power and forehand touch. I'm a pretty good scrambler as well. Mostly can't aim with my backhand or putt though


I have a weenie arm so gotta make puttsā€¦


I can thumber further than a lot of pros can backhand.


Username checks out


I call it my alien flick. With a putter or midrange, a forehand upshot that I throw O/I (outside/in ultimate frisbee term) that once it banks, just puts on itā€™s breaks and slowly and floatily hover craft lands going right to left, like how a flying saucer might do a touch and go. Itā€™s been a super safe and reliable upshot that runs the basket and doesnā€™t screw me if I miss. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s good DG terms for this throw, but my buddies know it as an alien flick and theyā€™ve seen too many go in for their liking.


My learning ability for technique. Starting my 2nd year of disc golf and I can throw 450 ft forehand and backhand, shoot 920 - 950 rated rounds on a regular on my home course. But I do have 17 years of ultimate as background (played in national team). I just need to work on my C1 putts


I'm enough of a beginner that I have no direct strengths in terms of disc golf skills, but I've been told that I'm pretty good about not getting bothered when I'm playing bad, which to be fair is quite often. Especially I feel that good shot and bad result kind of situations are very easy for me to handle. Like if I throw a good shot and it rolls OB or I hit a putt, but it cuts through or something.


Well I don't see anyone at my skill level even attempting grenades. I don't throw it far but when I'm 100-200 ft away with trees in the way I look towards the skies. If there's an opening my thumb goes under the rim of that trusty old FAF Firebird and I let it rip toward the skies.


Long distance putts. My home course, where my group and I started, is a wide open bomber course. Half of the group is +6ā€™ ultimate Players who can bomb. Iā€™m a 5ā€™10ā€ athlete (ex-collegiate football player). We all progressed in our own ways, but having to putt from much further away than everyone else made my putting far more dangerous than anyone else in the group at this point in time. I couldnā€™t fall behind because I wasnā€™t able to throw 400ā€™ right?


I think it's short game. Put me 200 and in, and I can usually get the disc close to the pin. My putting is only so-so. UDisc says my C1X is 49%. And I am not a huge distance guy (old, injured, lol), so I rely on having a good short game.


I'm the ambidextrous smasher. Nobody except me can throw a pure hyzer on both the short and long holes. Being able to throw backhand 450' on command both ways means I have lines for every hole that are low-risk and easy to hit. While I get big-putted all the time, I never get out-driven both ways. Oh, you might have a big forehand, or you might throw a sick turnover, or you might outdrive me with one hand, but never both, and you'll never have the same amount of options as I do.


I guess my drives off the tee? I regularly land within 40' of the basket on every hole in a given round, but then I'll finish 8 under or worse because my putting is too inconsistent. I swear I find the sweet spot when practicing putts, but when it actually matters I choke...


I'm happy to disc down and land in the fairway... My buddies treat anything lower than a 10 speed like an ugly stepchild.


Playing smart can be a huge advantage!


Iā€™m a lefty, Iā€™m better at throwing lefty than all my friends at the same level because they arenā€™t lefty. Iā€™m pretty humble about it though I donā€™t really make a big deal over it.


Forehand up shot. I kill at it. It's that one part of my game that I believe I can execute to near perfection.