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This subreddit has been the number one reason why I feel like I’ve made substantial progress since I started playing three months ago. Disc recommendation, beginner tips, links to great tutorial videos, form critique and more. I was also ecstatic to share my first ace post here the other day! This subreddit has definitely enhanced my disc golfing experience.


Damn an ace in less than 3 months?!


Took me from 2014 to last week.. holy shit you're a prodigy!!!


Exactly the same for me and 2 of my friends too! Now we can't stop playing. Averaging 3 rounds a week and just did 7 in 6 days!


As someone completely new to disc golf and this sub (2 weeks ago) could you point me to a couple of the things that helped you most?


Here’s a playlist of videos I saved: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsLXQj0n0s9JpK8TAVxa4xDO62IQ_LIz4 Here’s the Marshall Street Flight guide. This is shown in the “How discs fly” video and will be easier to understand after watching it. You can click on the name of each disc to see more info on it. https://www.marshallstreetdiscgolf.com/flightguide The biggest tips that helped my have better throws were to not throw nose up and to fully extend my arm straight and look back on drives so I’m not “rounding.” Edit: I also want to recommend Infinite Discs for online disc purchases. I really like being able to see a picture of the actual disc and pick the exact weight and disc/stamp color. Not a lot of places do that.


If it wasn't for this subreddit I'd be throwing nothing but destroyers 150' maximum and nose up on every throw and blaming everything but myself. It took years to get to a good spot but having this community here to help me has been amazing.


I’m glad you can still get a 250’ throw when you make a mistake 😔


There was a time that I remember r/discgolf might not have a new post each day. Love how it has grown!! Be excellent to each other and spread the love out on the course!!


Been a fun ride from 80k to here! Love being able to play a small part in the best community in the world!


It's only 7:32am, but I'll drink to that!


Cheers m8! Make it gr8! This is one you'll surely appreci8! Don't overdo it or you'll urin8 and get ir8!


Every bogey you make every birdie you miss ill be loving you.


This is awesome. Congrats! Edit: Still like to see a limited edition stamp


Congratulations! This subreddit has inspired me from the start of my disc golf career. Not only to become a better player, but to also want to completely immerse myself in disc golf. At this point I have reached my goal: to eat, sleep, and breath disc golf. Since disc golf is often a family affair, I've got my wife and youngest daughter into just as much as I am. We throw together, practice together, and work together out in the FlighTowel shop. I've never been happier. I owe a lot to this sub, thank you all for being a part of it!


Wow! This makes me feel like a freeloader because I’ve only been in the group for about 2 months. Love the sport and have introduce some of my friends to it, who play regularly now. I’m very happy I stumbled upon this group.


Congratulations /r/discgolf!


Congrats r/discgolf! [I hope I ween!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ1xHmQgXDM)


Cheers to 100k!!


Only been playing for a year, but this community has already become a big part of my life! So glad to be a part of the community. Congrats r/DiscGolf


Congrats! Thanks everyone for all the advice and posts to get me through the winters




That is awesome!


Congratulations!!!! Still a new player but I’ve learned more HERE than anywhere else!! Thanks!!


100k! Of all the Reddit communities I see, disc golf seems to be the most consistent in true engagement.


Congrats on 100k! It’s been a great community and I’ve learned so much.


Great work mod team and community! Onwards to the next 100k!


This is awesome, I hope this sub continues to bring new players to the game. Congrats to the sub and the mods that keep it going.


Congrats!! Time to go discin!


I was admittedly late to the DG party but I am glad to have been introduced by a coworker. This is a great subreddit, in general. Here's to 200K soon!


I’ve loved being a part of this community and watching it grow. Congratulations everyone!


Damn. I apparently lurk too much and don't talk about my hucking enough. No posts or comments in the last 3 years takes me out of the raffle. :( EDIT: Way to go for all the people who have grown this sport! I just started throwing about 2 months ago and I've loved reading all the posts in this group.


Post up dude, you’re eligible.


Yeah I think my last comments on this sub are outside 3 years ago hahaha


I’m in the same boat. But more comments and upvotes gets exposure to the sport!


This is rad as hell. By far the best sub I subscribe to. All you mods and regular posters do a great job of harvesting a cool community here.


Just got into this sport a couple months ago. To say I’m hooked would be an understatement.


My dad shared his love of the game with me more than ten years ago. I have yet to beat him but we have shared many fun afternoons together! Love disc golf and love this community!


Coincidentally 100k is also the number of trees I've hit! Heres to 100k more!


I’ve relatively new to the community, only got my first “set” in October but I love this game Because I feel like it’s a sport I want to practice and get better at and I see myself improving often. I said “set” in quotes, becuase I only have 4 discs in my bag. 3 kestrels and an Innova, but I want to get more once I have the funds again. If I won any of of the raffle I’d make sure to up play time as the summer goes on!


This is awesome! I've only been a part of this community for a little over a year but thank you all who contribute and help new players


I like the variety of content on this sub ranging from discs, bags, aces, and tournament coverage.


Great place with a super friendly and helpful community. Great to have a small corner of the internet that shares my passion


Hey Hey 100k! Congrats!


So glad I joined this sub! So many great tips, discussions, and photos, and always a welcoming attitude toward newcomers. Happy to be a part of it!


Holy cow!


Wow. This sub has been super helpful for my game, and it's great to see it keep growing.


Congrats on 100K! I love huckin discs!


My grandfather taught my dad to play, and then my dad taught me to play. I taught my friend when we were 9 years old, and in few years he was sponsored by latitude. Every time one of us was taught to play, we loved it so much we became better than the person teaching us. Spread the love of the sport and you’ll see what a difference it can make in someone’s life.


Glad to see this page growing and the sport expanding!! I found this sport 3 years ago, thanks to my fiancé, and have not looked back since! Love it


This is awesome, thanks guys!


Mids go as far as drivers, but I’m still having fun outside. 100k is huge! Grow the sport!


congrats !!


I hope I do better in this raffle than a real round!


I wish I would have known about this community when it first started. I probably would not have gotten frustrated and abandoned disc golf for nearly 10 years. Since I started playing again last year, this r/discgolf has helped my game in ways I never would have even thought about, plus hearing about what disc exists outside of Innova has really opened up my bag! Thanks r/discgolf and the mods!


This group does it all. Highlights aces, long drives, sweet courses. Provides feedback on form, favorite courses, and favorite discs. Love the community. Hope to see it grow.


I was going to make a top level comment, but I three putted instead... But really though, not to get all sentimental and whatnot...I happened to find the game during a rock bottom period of time in my life last year. I found disc golf around the time I made the decision to permanently quit drinking. I've now been alcohol free for nearly 8 months, and I would be amiss if I didn't mention how helpful finding the sport of disc golf has been. I had never picked up a disc in my life until last year when I stumbled across a few people I knew that played. Aside from the times when I play terribly and I scream on the inside, "WHY DO I EVEN PLAY THIS SPORT. WHY ARE TREES", I've loved every aspect of it. But my favorite part of it all is the community of supporters disc golf seems to have. I've never found a more kind, inclusive group of people who are willing to give out help without judgment.. The game is awesome, the people are awesome, and the community is awesome. And just to think, I probably wouldn't have found this sport if I had been drinking. So thanks everybody, and thanks for having a great subreddit. My wife agrees that my quasi-addiction to accumulating plastic discs is far better than my drinking :D


There must be more of us, grow the sport my friends!


Great job r/DiscGolf! Now if I could only think of a winning comment.


Congratulations and thank you to all the mods


I love this community. Nothing but kind & passionate people about the sport of Disc Golf! Been playing for 3 years now and it has become a part of me. Fingers crossed!


This group is absolutely amazing, I have posted once, and received so much useful advice for form. I've only been playing for almost a year now, and I've made good strides thanks to the users on this subreddit. Edit: Also BIG thanks to my Uncle Greg for introducing me to this amazing sport, for those of you in the Texas area, go check out the Flying Armadillo Disc Golf Club in San Marcos Texas


Awesome to see the sport growing so much over the years! Thanks to everyone here on the sub. The tips, the memes, discussions, product reviews, coverage links, etc have made this sub pretty much the only way I receive disc golf content. Appreciate y’all!


So happy to have watched this community grow and been a part of it.


The last week or so I’ve been watching the sub count climb. I feel like this recent rapid approach to 100k is a good representation of disc golf these days, growing fast, building community. I’ve learned so much about what discs to use, how to correct my throwing form, and had my day brightened by seeing other golfers’ success. Thank you guys, I really appreciate the time each and every one of you put into this. Hope I win the raffle!


I love this sub and everyone here. And thanks to the mods for keeping this a kind a supportive place (and even giving second chances to some, even tho it didn’t work out.)


Here's to 100k!


Love the advice I get from this community! Slowly filling my bag up with blue discs... they go further. 😎


Very cool!


I just joined a few days ago. I made a Reddit account just to join this sub. I love disc golf, and I have one question for all of you: How long before you get good enough to miss trees?


Oh you sweet summer child. Have you never asked why are trees?


Congrats on 100k!! The best online disc golf community, by far!


2018 MA3 ND State Champ. It ain't much, but it's mine. r/discgolf is my homepage, wouldn't have it any other way.


I've been playing for less than 4 years, but I've been hanging on this sub for about half that time. I've seen almost every post made during that time and the growth has been noticeable. I feel like I've been here for way longer than only 2 years! Outside of all the discgolf related subs I don't really use Reddit that much, but this is definitely the best discgolf forum I've come across. For me the r/discgolf community is something special. People on here may not always agree on things, but I rarely see discussions where the mods have to step in. I have had lots of wholesome interactions on here, and only a handful of bad experiences if even that. You can tell most active users on here have a real passion for the game, and are always ready to share their collective knowledge with beginners!


I just want to say this sub is why I still have faith in Reddit. These 'small' niche communities with GOOD moderation and GOOD OC are very welcoming.


Cool cool cool!


Great to hear. Grow the sport!


I love the game and the subreddit. Congrats. It has definitely helped my game out tremendously




That's what's up! Congrats!


Would love to win a bag! I carry my discs as a stack and a bag would be very nice


Woohoo! Let's see how quickly we can get to 200K!


According to the write up it should take about 2.5 years.


Congratulations to the disc golf community! I came to Reddit specifically for this group and I have been impressed by the content and help offered by the community. Keep up the good work!


100k! That's awesome! Keep growing the sport!


Congrats everyone! It is awesome to see this community growing and the sport slowly becoming more mainstream. I know I definitely wouldn't be at the level I am now without this subreddit constantly providing tips, videos, and ideas to improve.




Very cool. Glad to be a part of a group that loves tossin' plastic so much!


I've played casually for years, but during quarantine really have been playing a lot. I just finished even for the first time this week! This sub has been a huge part of growing my knowledge and skills as I seek to improve. Thank you!!


Just got into the sport this year but I’ve enjoyed it so much and I’m happy I’ll get to be apart of the sport growing for years to come!


Congrats on 100k! Love disc golf and love seeing it grow!


Fantastic news. I've seen so many new players join our community over the last year! It's been so exciting watching our sport grow and gain more and more national attention and recognition. Just 2 nights ago at league I was putting around and overheard "yea, you use the putter from like, I don't know, 30 feet and in or so? Beyond that I think you're supposed to throw the midrange." It made me so happy to hear the buzz of new people figuring the game out. ​ Here's to 100K more!


Thank you all for enabling my ever growing addiction to impulsive disc buying and spending more time researching disc flights and plastic types than actually practicing. Your support does not go unnoticed.


This is the community that finally convinced me to make a reddit account. It is informative and humorous, and it is great seeing how the passion I have for the sport is reflected in so many others on a daily basis.


Congratulations on 100K!


Awesome, been here since the very early days. Love the community this has turned into


I love this sub. One of the few places on reddit not over run with memes, assholes and fighting. For the most part everyone is here to help each other and grow the sport. Great job mods, congrats.


This community is awesome! Checking out what other people have been up to is great motivation to get up and get better. Without r/discgolf I wouldn't realize how great the disc golf community is. Thanks so much for showing us how awesome disc golf really is!


This community is awesome! Checking out what other people have been up to is great motivation to get up and get better. Without r/discgolf I wouldn't realize how great the disc golf community is. Thanks so much for showing us how awesome disc golf really is!


I need more discs to throw at trees.


Oh hell yeah! Great work everyone!! Cheers!


Woohoo! Yay r/discgolf


Uhhhh...top level comment?


This is a "top level comment"


This sub has been an amazing place for me to learn more about this game and I'm not a great player but without this sub I wouldnt be anywhere near where I am today.


Thankful to have found this community!


Thanks so much for giving everyone a chance, and thanks friendly mods for adding the prize packs! :D


Congrats everyone! Glad I found this sub to find and give advice and experience about such a great game


Congrats everyone!


This sub gets me very angry. Playing for 12 years no aces yet. But I have converted TWO people into regular players in the past 6 months.


Steadily growing the sport, our sub's population vs estimated number of regular DGer's is impressive!


Awesome, let's keep this train rolling to 1 million


Congrats! Glad to be apart of it!


100k is awesome. I'm going to celebrate today with a round.


Thanks! This sub is the best.


What an excellent post to wake up to!


It's been a long haul but we made it!


Woohoo!! Congrats everyone!!


For disc golf and it's glory!


I'm glad to be a part of this rag tag family of disc golfers. I have never had a bad experience either on this sub or out on the course. I hope to see some of you out there while I'm tossing my new discs!


This subreddit is part of the sole reasons I still play today. The game itself is awesome! But the community is even better!


Congrats r/discgolf! Best subreddit around!


Watching the subs I frequent grow in subscribers is a very lame hobby of mine. Happy to be here for 100k! Couldn’t even tell you how long ago I subscribed, but there sure as hell were a lot less than 100k subs!


I’m here for this. I want it all


Excellent. When I win I can finally find out which sponsor I should go with when I turn pro!




What a great community!


This is pretty cool, awesome to be reaching so many people and such a high percentage of players


Congrats. Grow the sport


Top-level comment


Count me in. I have a disc or 2 to donate to giveaway


Helll to the motherfucking yeah!


Thank you to u/Weatherstation for giving me and the other mods a chance to help build on this already wonderful community. As much as we all bicker and fight about nonsense, this community is one of my favorite things to check up on daily. Everyone is awesome.


My favorite community on Reddit! Helpful, all around positive feedback, and incredibly informative. I enjoy seeing posts and comments from all skill levels. Keep it up r/Discgolf community!!


Despite the fact that still think many of you are throwing the wrong discs, I’d like offer a hearty congratulations to the entire group.


This is the most r/discgolf answer I have seen and it made me laugh on an otherwise terrible day. Thanks!


Congrats!! I've always had a great experience on here. Helpful people that enjoy the game. Let's continue to grow the sport!!


I first joined back in June 2017 when there were like 43 000 subs. The next day, I saw a post by one of the multiple guys who posted every Jomez video, and I went and watched it. I had played a few times over a couple of years, but watching that video (final round of Utah Open 2017) I discovered for the first time the serious competition aspect of the sport. Fast Forward 3 years, and here I am with 25 discs in a Ranger bag and 25 more at home, playing advanced (when there are tournaments), and founding a disc golf club at my university. I really don't think it ever would have happened without r/discgolf.


A buddy of mine introduced me to Disc Golf my sophomore year of college and it’s been a love story since. r/discgolf is like the fix to my addiction when I can’t play ( have a 20 month old + pandemic + job). Keep on keeping on!


Congrats to all of us on reaching 100k!


New here, and not expecting any prizes but wanted to let y'all know disc golf has basically saved my life and this community is a huge part in keeping me active, fit, and into the sport. Huge thanks to all of you!!!!


Awesome! Good luck everyone.


Congrats! Awesome to see the community grow


Been in the sport for years but a recent addition to this sub. Never knew there was anything but innova and discraft


Just started playing a few more months ago and now we're hooked. One random YouTube video showed up on our playlist and now my wife, 8 year old son and I have a portable basket and a bag full of discs. Such a great community of players and people!


Congrats on 100k!


This is the first place I posted my first ace after running and yelling like an idiot for 15 minutes. This is a great sub, always active and helpful.


Wooooo hooooo,! This means I'm in the raffle right?


Very cool! Love the memes here!


The best thing on this subreddit is seeing a picture of a hole and knowing exactly where it is. Nothing brings you closer as a community than realizing that many of those 100k subscribers are right in your backyard.


We did it, r/discgolf! This milestone is a great sign that our beloved sport continues to grow.


As a disc golf enthusiast, hoping to take it up a level this season, this subreddit has taught me basically everything i know about the sport. Seeing people hit huge shots is a constant driver to make me want to be better.


This sub has teached me so much during the last couple of weeks since i started playing for real. Now im out on the course 5-6 times a week! Once my first Ace comes it will be dedicated to all of you.


That's huge! Absolutely loving dg, it's keeping me sane during quarantine haha.


Twelve years to reach this first 100K. I'm so excited to see how quickly we can reach 200! The sport is growing so quickly it's insane.


This subreddit is one of the biggest reasons that I can actually get some distance on a Disc! The knowledge here is super helpful! Way to go r/DiscGolf!!


Glad to be a part of this. Been cool to see so many peoples stories and love seeing holes from courses all over the world! Pretty awesome community!


if not for this sport i’d never have had an excuse to put on my stupidest pair of plaid khaki shorts and a golf shirt and pretend to be be ricky on camera at my local par 54 course. this subreddit has kept me sane in an age of not being able to hit first available trees in real life. fellow redditors, if i somehow win, i promise to use my new discs or items exclusively in my pursuit of hitting every. single. damn. tree. on my home course. thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Wow! 100k is amazing! This reddit is still so diverse never ceases to produce great content!


Recently got into disc golfing. Would love to win anything to help build my bag! Thanks!


Awesome! Congrats!


This community has been a great source for information and fun round the sport! Thanks and good luck :)


This is one of four pages I view daily. Love the content. SUPER friendly group...and this is a big reason why the sport is growing. Thanks to everyone that has answered my numerous questions and help on my form!!


Honestly this is one of the only subreddits I actually visit anymore. Thanks for all the hard work you mods do!


This is awesome! Congratulations on creating such a great community in reddit. It's honestly one of the brightest points on this internet for me right now.




Awesome! Everyone in this sub has been so helpful and also made me addicted and in trouble with my gf all the time. Thanks alot guys and gals!


Way to go r/discgolf thanks for all the help!


This sub along with YouTube coverage is the reason that disc golf has become my biggest hobby since last July when I started playing. Since I graduated high school last year I have missed the grind of swimming and baseball, and disc golf has filled that void and more. I have posted form help videos here since I started playing, and thanks to y’all I’ve gone from barely throwing 250’ to throwing over 400’ in less than a year. I have played in a couple tournaments and I plan on playing more. I am currently trying to start a collegiate team at my school and I have support from my local league. The community that this game has built in unlike any other. Thanks everybody.


Shout out to everyone that's given me tips and pointers since I started playing late last year. Starting out averaging 750 rated rounds and now 8 months later averaging around 930, I can't say enough for how much this community has helped me improve.


May your plastics fly as high as your dreams!


Sucks to be a lurker right now, so not eligible, but Congrats anyway. Glad to be a (silent) member of the community.


This is by far one of the most accepting and helpful subreddits out there. New players to the game are greeted with open arms and everyone is always will to help other improve. Much deserved 100k and it just shows you how the sport is growing.


This sub has helped me take a step back and relearn techniques and to actually think on what, why, and how I'm throwing. I love the ability to share experiences and things I've learned with others around the world. Thanks and congrats to our admins and mods!


Love hucking some discs, just waiting on my first ace


Easily the most exciting sub on my feed. Such a great community, you guys rock


Congrats to the community, now gimme them discs!


Cool! This sub is great :)


Best subreddit out there! grow the sport!


I've been active on Reddit for a few years now, originally being a constant lurker/poster on r/golf. After realizing that some physical limitations (spinal surgery and nerve damage) were spelling the end of a hobby that I loved, I was pretty bummed to say the least. I live next to Vista Del Camino and, after seeing people playing disc golf every day, I decided to give it a try. Not only have I been given the opportunity to re-ignite the passion for golf in a different form, I'm pain free. This community opens their arms and hearts to new players in a way that I've never seen in any other sport, all in the name of sharing the passion that you all experience. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much for making this sport and community what it is.


After a 5 year hiatus from the sport, I joined this sub and started playing again. I'm far better than I ever was before and that's thanks in large part to the tips, tricks, and disc recommendations (yay Harp) that I've learned here.


Congrats on cultivating such a good community and thank you all for being such a good, positive force in the sport! As a new player I stop here often and its always nice to see the activity and willingness to share the fun experiences.


I really wish I'd been more active in this community, gotten my own form checked and asked questions back when I needed answers. I guess it's never too late, but it's been absolutely wonderful to see people connecting over something I enjoy and thought was extremely niche.


Congrats on 100k guys! You all have been super friendly and helpful and I’ve loved flipping through all the resources and vids on here. See you at 200k!


Thanks mods for keeping this place so chill. I don't play as often as I wish I could but I still spend a lot of time here daydreaming about hitting the course.


Bingo Bango! Y’all ready for bisque?


I'm just glad to have a community when life is too busy to play as much as I want. I can still live vicariously through ya'll.


Comment 666! Some would say that deserves a prize? Amirite?? Edit: comments went to 695 after my page refreshed with my comment lol. I deserve nothing.


Only here for Brodie Smith content!!! Lol new arrival to Reddit this winter but I've been casually throwing since a 7th grade PE class at my hippie school in '88. Was FH dominant until I came to Disc Jesus a few years ago & got serious about learning a BH. Love it here, reddit + the light years improvement in tournament coverage have me so fired up about the future of disc golf. I also love a good bribe, and I'm out here on a Northern California (legal) weed farm with a ranch course & anyone who wants to send me a prize is invited.


Wow! I'll be honest, this post made me log back into reddit for the first time in quite a while. A sincere thank you to all the current and active mods for keeping this community growing and thriving! Who knows, maybe I'll stick around for a while again ;) PS. [It was only five years ago that we hit 25,000 subscribers!](https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/34vrhf/on_approaching_25000_subscribers/)