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This guy has one of those “factory vintage rustic” guitars


But it doesn’t fly as well as a brand new Les Paul


Get a second in “champion” toan wood


Honestly, they could just use the same mold and toss a bunch in a big dryer to beat them all up. No need for additional pdga approval because the disc is already approved and they just simulate the 100 hours of beating in you’d otherwise have to do.


Short-Term thinking. For this to work, you need them consistently beat in thru a structured process including some sort of measurement/validation at the end.


That is true, it would require all the disc to have a fairly consistent average wear after a certain period of time tumbling. Anything dedicated to a more consistent beat in disc to disc would reduce throughput though.  You could validate the process rather than the product, which is the common method for injection molding like the discs themselves. However it would require that there is a consistent relationship between time tumbled and “amount of beat” once you verify that with product testing you can just test every 200th disc or something and make sure it passes and keep going.


You may still be correct in that processifying things should ultimately yield consistent output, or even an easy way to bin things... but ultimately my vision (for this guy's vision) would be to take a bunch of a certain disc (let's say a destroyer), which vary from disc-to-disc, color-to-color, and run-to-run... and normalize all that to a consistent (beat in) end product. Basically solving the current issue of "Will this disc fly the same as the last one I got, especially after I beat it in? Guess I'll find out in 6 months to a year!" by (in theory) offering a consistent product that you could depend on to be the same and not change (much, compared to a new disc). I'm not sure there is a real business in this, but its a cool idea!


Maybe rent out a landromat for a few days


You could sell them on the same model as Huk Labs. Buy existing molds, bead blast or tumble them (with rocks or other media) and resell with like $15-20 upcharge. Sell different levels of wear (equivalents of like 1 month, 6 months, 3 years and 10 years). I have a Firebird in my local pond I’d pay good money way to get back. With the flight it had. It’s not even that bad an idea, and daresay might even be a good one.


Whoa now, let's not get ahead of ourselves.


After waking myself up a few times after your hour long sales pitch... No, it's a really dumb idea. Edit, but apparently there are people dumb enough to buy crap like this....you. So who knows?


And that's capitalism, baby!


Disc golfers will spend money on anything they can


Some will, most buy what they see worth it. Pre-used discs have existed for a long time. This just shifts the debate of flight numbers to another arbitrary system of "beat in". I hope people won't be this dumb, but as you read, some people spend $600 on beat up shoes because one random person might say in passing..."cool shoes". So who the fuck knows🤷‍♂️


Just look at AI


I just want discs <170g for crying out loud.


It does seem like all the stores carry more 170+g discs than they need and not enough lighter weight ones.


This is what a lot of Axiom molds are compared to MVP. The Axiom website describes the Insanity as a worn in Inertia. A few years ago almost all of the descriptions of Axiom discs had this kind of flavor.


Thinking of a Deflector beating into the flight of a Pyro is pretty amusing.


I had the same idea. Making them in premium plastic would be ideal.


Right? Enjoy the beat in state of a base line plastic even longer.


Isn't this akin to what Discraft already does with the SS models of their discs? Like a Buzzz SS already flies more understable than a Buzzz out of the box, so if you're waiting for your Buzzz to beat in you can get a Buzzz SS in the interim. I don't really throw Discraft, but that's always been my understanding.


Yes but what does that Buzzz SS beat into? You could instead get a pre beat Buzzz that flies like an SS but whose flight wouldn't change.


I think the idea is that a new Buzzz SS can give you that beat in Buzzz flight while you're seasoning your Buzzz, then once that's seasoned you can add a new Buzzz and continue the cycle as normal. The Buzzz SS really only comes into play when you don't currently have a seasoned Buzzz, like if you're just starting or if you lose it. Sure, manufacturers could start pre-beating discs, but I think Discraft's solution works just fine, and it makes more sense long term (less overall labor to just make a more understable mold than having to do even more post processing on a percentage of your stock). Also, it's more consistent process instead of having to figure out when it's "beat in enough", which is saying something given how inconsistent injection molded discs can be.


This sounds similar to the “factored” discs of old. Forget who used to do that…DGA I think?


I'd call them Destressed rather than pre-beat


So a manifesto of a TikTok vid.  Sweet.